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Fill in the blanks using ‘many’, ‘little’, ‘few’, ‘lot(of) or’ plenty (of)

a. You’d better hurry up. I’ve got very …………………………….time.

b. The mouse is happy as it has ………………………….of cheese.
c. Alan is not comfortable because he has …………………….space on the plane.
d. Frank can’t work as the baby is making too …………………….noise.
e. Bob has a …………………….time to relax before he goes to the meeting.
f. Dave can’t buy a ticket to go to Madrid since he has got very
g. The captain said a …………………..words to the passengers before the plane
took off.
h. There were very ……………………people waiting outside the bank, only three.
i. If you go to the supermarket, don’t buy any apples. We’ve got ………………….
j. There are only a …………………books on the shelf.
k. Ted is carrying too …………………things in the paper bag
l. Dan needn’t hurry. He’s got ……………………time
m. The little baby has got a ……………………, not many
n. Lisa has bought …………………….food. she won’t have to go to the
supermarket till next week.
o. In case you are hungry, there is a …………………pizza in the fridge.

2. Complete with TOO – TOO MUCH – TOO MANY – ENOUGH

a. Brian eats ……………………hamburgers but not ………………………

b. Helen is very busy , she hasn’t got ……………………time for leisure
c. I can’t work here, it is …………………noisy
d. People mustn’t eat ……………………….fattening food, it is not good for the
e. Claire doesn’t like her hair, she thinks it is not long …………………….
f. Children are sometimes tiring when they ask ………………………questions.
g. Jane gave bob ………………………pocket money for the month, she is
…………….. generous
h. The exam was ………………………..difficult that’s why Kim failed it
i. John is …………………….proud to ask anybody to help him with his homework.
j. I can’t bear living in big cities because there is ……………………..noise and
k. Don’t worry, we’ve got ………………………food to cook dinner for 10 people.
l. We don’t like our math teacher because he gives us ……………………
m. There isn’t ………………..water left for me to have a bath
n. I have had ………………….of your rude behavior
o. The students think their teacher didn’t give …………………..explanations
p. You know you have to drive so you shouldn’t drink …………………..whisky
q. Her house is quite small so she mustn’t invite …………………….people
r. Kevin doesn’t eat …………………….fruit and vegetables.

3. Complete the sentences using A FE W – FEW – A LITTLE – LITTLE

a. The have a small cheap car because they have …………………money

b. Let’s go by taxi. I’ve got ………………….money
c. I have to see my boss. I’ve got …………………….questions to ask him
d. I have ……………………money left. So I can’t go to the restaurant
e. Could we have ………………………wine, please?
f. ………………………children like spinach. It’s a pity because it’s good for you
g. I must admit I was …………………….surprised at my results
h. John is very unpleasant. That’s why he has ……………………..friends
i. He’s already been to France …………………times
j. The children haven’t drunk all the orange juice. There’s …………………….left
k. These plants require ………………………..water which is fine for us because
we are often away on business.
l. At the party I was pleased to see that I knew quite ………………………people
m. There are …………………….flowers in a vase on the table
n. My house is almost empty. I have ……………………
o. My mother is better this week, we are relaxed.
p. I need ………………………help with my homework. Can you help me?
q. I’ve noticed that ……………………..people speak several foreign languages.
r. …………………………people were at the match last night
s. Sarah isn’t very popular t school. She has very ………………….friends
t. There’s still ……………………..distance to go so be patient please.



a. …………………………………..(you/ever/go) to Scotlnad?
Yes, I ……………………………(go) there last summer.

b. How long ……………………………….(she/work)for this company? For more

than 10years
c. They …………………………..(meet) at a New Year party three years ago and
they ………………………(be) together ever since
d. Look at your clothes! …………………………………….(you/fight) again?
e. Is Jane there? – No, she …………………………(leave) just now.
f. Mother ……………………………(not/finish) mopping the floor yet so stay wait
g. Michael ………………………….(study) for his Maths test since last night
h. When …………………………………(she/last/have) a holiday? She
………………………… (not/ have) a holiday for two years. That’s why she feels
so exhausted.

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