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Assignment 10 - Evaluation Criteria

If you chose option A (A Lesson Plan for a Subject Area other than Literacy), give yourself 1
point for each feature in the list below that you have in your integrated lesson plan:

1. The Introduction links the current lesson to the literary selection.

2. My plan included a portion where I will model the writing skill to my students
as needed.

2. The Presentation and Modeling portion includes questions to ask the students to
help them come up with a generalization.

3. Bonus point: The Presentation and Modeling portion introduces a new material
(e.g. short text or poem, video, song, etc.) that enhances students’
understanding of the chosen topic/lesson.

4. The Guided Practice portion describes an engaging activity where students can
practice and apply what they have learned (with the teacher’s guidance and

5. The Independent Practice portion reinforces students’ understanding of the

chosen topic/lesson.

6. The Independent Practice portion of the lesson provides opportunities for the
students to apply what they have learned. They can accomplish assigned tasks
independently, or with minimal assistance from teacher.

7. The Evaluation portion of the lesson checks students’ understanding of the

topic/lesson via performance-based task or paper-and-pen activity.


If you chose Option B (Integrated Lesson Plan within the Literacy Subject), give yourself 1
point  for each feature in the list below that you have in your integrated lesson plan:

1. There are expressive and instructional objectives for at least three related content
area subjects (e.g. Araling Panlipunan, Mathematics, Science, Edukasyong
Pangkalusugan, Edukasyong Pampalakasan) or for at least three branches of
the arts (e.g., performing arts, music, visual arts).

2. The objectives are logically drawn from the theme of the literary selection.

3. The objectives tap into different content area topics/insights/competencies or


4. The engagement or enrichment activities help achieve the stated objectives.

5. The activities are engaging and address different learning styles.

6. The activities deepen students’ understanding of the literary selection, and

encourages them to respond to the literature creatively.


6 points and above: Excellent work!
4-5 points: Not bad for a first try. Keep it up!
3 points and below: Review relevant parts of the lesson and/or ask a colleague to work with
you to improve your plan.


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