RIzal Poem Analysis

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Explanation of Rizal's poems per stanza

The first stanza of Rizal's poem: Education Gives Luster to Motherland talks about
an introduction of how education can weave the strings of a country and allow it to
rise up above its current status and bring her to a state of endless glory and of
dazzling glow, glow that shines upon the advancement and economic growth of the
country, with its constituents living at its peak. Rizal expresses education as the
bridge that exalts the human band from its ignorance for humans, whom are us, to
move forward, for education removes ignorance and adds knowledge, which will then
be applied, making men wise enough to create decision that can benefit the country,
his fellow countrymen, and to his own.

As he introduces the importance of education in the first stanza, he continues to

emphasize how education is a pre-requisite to man's innovation and discovery. No
man knows everything for he is a flawed existence, which is why life is a constant
stream of engagement in the aspect of learning and of discovery. In this single
life that men have been privileged to have, in between is a journey of innovation
and discovery, wherein it has been described as a pure rivulet flowing and
undulating, in a smooth up and down motion, in a way that discoveries and
advancements may hint to a catastrophe or may hint to a nurturing and flourishing
environment. Lastly, he takes into emphasis that education gives the country
tranquility, an essence of peace, considering education gives knowledge that will
help the nation defend itself and how the citizens can fulfill their purpose
through the endless flow of learning.

Wise education raises a throne and with noble ideas being exalted expressly means
that knowledge and wisdom is power, and at the same time, a defensive stance that
gives strength and helps mold the young generation to become wise and virtuous
individuals. Reason being is that through education, they will be able to identify
what is right and what is wrong and how to correct such errors. This, in turn, will
make individuals strong, not in a physical manner, but in a wiser aspect. For
nations who wish nothing more than to divide and conquer fell silent when wisdom
comes into play and promotes welfare to the people, and even savages, becomes wiser
individuals when they are provided with good education. After all, empty minds yell
a lot for ignorance gets the better of them, while those who is knowledgeable knows
when and where to speak, to express, and to uphold the truth of what is right and
wrong, for provocation is not the way of the wise individuals. Education is likened
to a spring that nourishes everything until it reaches its maximum possible
evolution, it resembles how education nourishes those who're willing to enter such
journey filled with knowledge and virtues that they will apply in their journey
throughout their life, for knowledge is everlasting, even if we leave this world,
knowledge will live on, for the next generation to ponder upon.

In the next stanza, Rizal wanted to emphasize that education outpowers and removes
the dictates of ignorance, which will then enlighten our souls as to what is good
and what is evil. With this in mind, man is able to overcome the powers of evil,
just as the whitish waves of goodness lashes upon the shoreline of ignorance, which
evil will take its targets on. Furthermore, Rizal iterates that when man opens
himself to divine revelations and acquires knowledge through it, as what is being
described previously, man is able to overcome and defeat the temptation of evil and
become righteous in all the things that he is going to do throughout his life,
which will then create a domino effect into the world itself, our home.

Through education, our very nature of being evil is removed, as the living flame of
good is being brightened and shone which fills our hearts with delights,
fulfillments that we seek and can only be achieved if we opened our eyes to wisdom
and knowledge. Additionally, Rizal wanted to provide emphasis on how education
cures our curse of being evil-natured, providing us with knowledge and wisdom, so,
as we move forward, we will now know where we should stand, how we should be
righteous, and how we should fulfill our purpose, not in the bask of evilness, but
in the dawn of righteousness, and education is a cure for our curse.

Rizal expressly states in the next stanza that an education man, like a rock that
can never be swayed in the middle of turbulent waves nor when hurricane and other
calamities come, will never be distorted when trials come for education provides
knowledge that will guide men on how to combat and defend himself in this harsh
reality. Regardless of the trials that will come, they will not waver in fear and
perseveres in times of utmost despair. Nothing can frighten them for they know the
solution to such dilemmas and difficulties, of which education has provided to
them. And through this, a country reins unconquered as it is composed of
constituents who are strong, wise, and will always be ready to fight for her honor
until the end of time. This is why Rizal uttered that, "Education was a lighthouse
that will guide men to enjoy freedom and prosperity." Furthermore, every
achievement of an educated individual shall not be forgotten, just as how famous
scientists and philosophers are not forgotten because through their works and
contributions, they have shaped and influence the world and its inhabitants as to
what and where they are now today, and thus, it is engraved into the archives of
history as they have set an example of how every individual should be, to be
determined, keen, passionate, and most of all, be kindful to everyone, which is why
at the end of the last stanza, Rizal wanted to stress out that Christian education
should be sought out because this is one of the way where men can learn to enjoy
freedom and prosperity for it does not only nurture our well-being, but it nurtures
that foundation of our selves, our very souls.

The poem ends with a stanza which Rizal's conveyance that a good education can be
compared to the sun early in the morning. As it shines, it hits everyone it sees,
young or old, healthy or impaired, it hits everything and spreads throughout the
rest of the world. This is how education spreads wisdom, it favors no one. Those
who sought education will benefit from its fruits and delight in its joys. This is
true education, open to many and that enlightens everyone, which opens the
motherland to growth and prosperity as education offers endless glow and luster,
providing wisdom and knowledge to every inhabitants of a nation, which initiates
advancement and opulence, which then makes a joyful and comforting civilization.

2. The poem's overall message is the fact that education is of vital imporyance to
our overall growth and improvement. Education, as what Rizal conveyed to every
Filipino, is a lighthouse that will guide men to enjoy freedom and endless
prosperity. Furthermore, it stresses that education should not be taken for
granted, and should be taken by every individual within a nation, or even in the
entire world. Education is vital as it becomes a bridge from our ignorance to
activating our maximum potential into becoming wiser individuals, which will then
incur a great deal of efficacious outcomes that will benefit the individual, the
nation, and eventually, the entire Earth.

This message is significant to us, as students, since we have seen the importance
of education firsthand. This is of importance because education is a prerequisite
as to how we should move forward in a way that is in accordance with moral and
ethical standards. Moreover, this is significant as this poem will constantly
remind us how education is a commodity and essential of our future and should
always be taken with perseverance and sheer determination. Life is in a constant
flow of learning and, through education, we shall be taught on how to properly
apply our learnings and utilize it for the benefit of the many. Lastly, education
shall be the torch that will light our future bright and will bring us into a
prosperous future, applying the knowledge that we have acquired and the concepts
that we have learned that will aid us in achieving our dreams and living the life
the way that we have dreamed from the very first day that we decided to trek on
this journey.

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