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1. Define OB?
2. Explain the need &importance of OB?
3. Explain the nature &scope of OB?
4. Explain the framework of OB?
5. Explain OB models?
1. What is personality?
2. Explain the types of personality?
3. Discuss about the factors influencing personality?
4. Explain the personality theories?
5. Types of learners?
6. Explain the process of learning?
7. What are the different learning theories?
8. What is misbehavior?
9. Explain the types of misbehavior? & how would you manage misbehavior in the
10. What is emotion?
11. What is emotional intelligence?
12. What are the theories of EI?
13. What is attitude?
14. Explain the characteristic & components of attitude?
15. Measurement of attitude?
16. What is values?
17. What is perception?
18. Explain the importants of perception?
19. What are the factor influencing perception?
20. What is interpersonal perception?
21. What is motivation?
22. Explain the importants of motivation?
23. What are the types of motivation theories?
24. Explain the effects on motivation on work behavior?
1. What IS organizational structure?
2. Explain the different types of OS?
3. What is groups in organization?
4. Explain the factors influencing the group behavior?
5. What is group dynamics?
6. Explain the emergence of important leaders?
7. What are the group decision making techniques?
8. What is team building?
9. What you mean by interpersonal relationship?
10. Explain the communication process in the organization?
11. Explain the control process in the organization?
1. Meaning & importance of leadership?
2. What are the different leadership types?
3. Explain different theories of leadership?
4. Differentiate Leader Vs Manager?
5. Explain the sources of power?
6. Discribe about power&politics?
7. Dynamics of organizational behavior?
1. What is organizational culture?
2. What is organizational climate?
3. Explain the factors influencing organization climate?
4. Explain the importance of organization climate?
5. What is job satisfaction?
6. Explain the determinant of job satisfaction?
7. What are the different methods of measuring job satisfaction?
8. How do job satisfaction influencing behavior?
9. Explain the organizational change & importants?
10. Differentiate between stability & change?
11. Differentiate Proactive & reactive change?
12. Explain the process of change?
13. What is resistance to change how do you manage change?
14. What is stress?
15. What are work stressors?
16. What are the methods adopted to prevent & manage stress?
17. How do you balance work & life?
18. What is OD?
19. What are the characteristic & objectives of OD?
20. What are the organization effectiveness?

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