Thompson Elder Davis Iii, PH.D

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Curriculum Vitae


Office: Louisiana State University Phone: (225) 578-1500
Department of Psychology Fax: (225) 578-4125
207 Audubon Hall Email:
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 Website:

8/2011 – present Associate Professor, Department of Psychology – Clinical Area
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
8/2005 – 8/2011 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology – Clinical Area
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

2005 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine / The Kennedy Krieger Institute
Clinical Internship Behavioral Psychology
2005 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Degree: Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Child Emphasis
Dissertation: Quality of Life in Young Adults with Specific Phobia
Chair: Thomas H. Ollendick, Ph.D.
2000 East Carolina University
Degree: M.S. Child Development & Family Relations
Thesis: Cognition and Bias in Children: A Socio-Cognitive Developmental Model
Chair: Robert E. Nida, Ph.D.
1998 Hampden-Sydney College (Summa Cum Laude)
Degree: B.A. Psychology, Departmental Honors
Honors Thesis: The Development of Racial, Gender, and Age Prejudice in 6-9 Year Olds
Chair: Daniel G. Mossler, Ph.D.

• Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Specialty: Clinical Psychology

(Note: * indicates a current or former student)

1. Jarrett, M., Wolff, J., Davis III, T. E., Cowart, M., & Ollendick, T. H. (in press). Characteristics of
children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and comorbid anxiety. Journal of
Attention Disorders. doi: 10.1177/1087054712452914
2. Ollendick, T. H., & Davis III, T. E. (in press). One-Session Treatment for specific phobias: A
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 2

review of Öst’s single-session exposure with children and adolescents. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
3. *Reuther, E., Davis III, T. E., *Rudy, B., *Jenkins, W., *Whiting, S., & *May, A. (in press).
Intolerance of uncertainty as a mediator of the relationship between perfectionism and obsessive-
compulsive symptom severity. Depression and Anxiety.
4. *Rieske, R., Matson, J., & Davis III, T. E. (in press). The moderating effect of autism
symptomatology on anxiety symptoms. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. doi:
5. *Tureck, K., Matson, J. L., *May, A., Davis III, T. E., & *Whiting, S. E. (in press). Investigation of
the rates of comorbid symptoms in children with ADHD compared to children with ASD. Journal of
Developmental and Physical Disabilities. doi: 10.1007/s10882-012-9320-2
6. *Tureck, K., Matson, J. L., *May, A., *Whiting, S., & Davis III, T. E. (2012). Comorbid symptoms
in children with anxiety disorders compared to children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of
Developmental and Physical Disabilities.
7. *May, A., *Rudy, B., Davis III, T. E., & Matson, J. (2013). Evidence-based behavioral treatment of
dog phobia with young children: Case examples. Behavior Modification, 37, 143-160. doi:
8. *Rieske, R., Matson, J., Davis III, T. E., *Konst, M., *Williams, L., & *Whiting, S. (2013).
Examination and validation of a measure of anxiety specific to children with autism spectrum
disorders. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 16, 9-16. doi: 10.3109/17518423.2012.705909
9. *Rudy, B., *May, A., Matthews, R., & Davis III, T. E. (2013). Children’s negative self-statements
as a predictor of social self-efficacy among differing relationships. Journal of Psychopathology and
Behavioral Assessment, 35, 106-112. doi: 10.1007/s10862-012-9319-0
10. Davis III, T. E. (2012). Where to from here for ASD and anxiety? Lessons learned from child
anxiety and the issue of DSM-5. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 19, 358-363. doi:
11. Davis III, T. E., *Moree, B. N., *Dempsey, T., *Hess, J. A., *Jenkins, W. S., *Fodstad, J. C., &
Matson, J. L. (2012). The effects of communication deficits on anxiety symptoms in infants and
toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Behavior Therapy, 43, 142-152. doi:
10.1016/j.beth.2011.05.003 ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest/Most Read
12. Ollendick, T. H., Lewis, K., Cowart, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2012). Prediction of child performance
on a parent-child behavioral approach test with animal phobic children. Behavior Modification, 36,
509-524. doi: 10.1177/0145445512448191
13. *Rudy, B., Davis III, T. E., & Matthews, R. (2012). The relationship among self-efficacy, negative
self-referent cognitions, and social anxiety in children: A multiple mediator model. Behavior
Therapy, 43, 619-628. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2011.11.003
14. Davis III, T. E., *Hess, J. A., Matthews, R., *Fodstad, J. C., *Dempsey, T., *Jenkins, W., *Moree, B.
N., & Matson, J. L. (2011). The moderating effect of anxiety on development in atypically
developing toddlers. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 33, 171-177. doi:
15. Davis III, T. E., *Hess, J. A., *Moree, B. N., *Fodstad, J. C., *Dempsey, T., *Jenkins, W., &
Matson, J. L. (2011). Anxiety symptoms across the lifespan in people with autistic disorder.
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 3

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5, 112-118. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2010.02.006

ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest/Most Read
16. Davis III, T. E., *May, A. C., & *Whiting, S. E. (2011). Evidence-based treatment of anxiety and
phobia in children and adolescents: Current status and effects on the emotional response. Clinical
Psychology Review, 31, 592-602. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2011.01.001
17. Davis III, T. E., *Moree, B. N., *Dempsey, T., *Reuther, E. T., *Fodstad, J. C., *Hess, J. A.,
*Jenkins, W., & Matson, J. L. (2011). The relationship between autism spectrum disorders and
anxiety: The moderating effect of communication. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5, 324-
329. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2010.04.015 ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest/Most Read January 2011-
18. *Nebel-Schwalm, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2011). Preliminary factor and psychometric analysis of
the Motivation for Fear (MOTIF) Survey. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 731-740. doi:
19. *Reuther, E., Davis III, T. E., Grills-Taquechel, A., & *Zlomke, K. (2011). Fear of anxiety in
fearful adults: An analysis of heterogeneity among phobia types. Current Psychology, 30, 268-274.
doi: 10.1007/s12144-011-9112-3
20. *Reuther, E., Davis III, T. E., *Moree, B., & Matson, J. L. (2011). Treating selective mutism using
modular CBT for anxiety: A case study. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 40,
156-163. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2011.533415
21. Davis III, T. E., *Fodstad, J. C., *Jenkins, W., *Hess, J. A., *Moree, B. N., *Dempsey, T., &
Matson, J. L. (2010). Anxiety and avoidance in infants and toddlers with autism spectrum disorders:
Evidence for differing symptom severity and presentation. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders,
4, 305-313. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2009.10.002
22. Davis III, T. E., Grills-Taquechel, A. E., & Ollendick, T. H. (2010). The psychological impact from
Hurricane Katrina: Effects of displacement and trauma exposure on university students. Behavior
Therapy, 41, 340-349. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2009.09.004 ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest/Most Read
23. *Moree, B., & Davis III, T. E. (2010). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety in children
diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Modification trends. Research in Autism Spectrum
Disorders, 4, 346-354. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2009.10.015 ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest/Most Read
24. *Munson, M., Davis III, T. E., Grills-Taquechel, A., & *Zlomke, K. (2010). The effects of
Hurricane Katrina on females with a preexisting fear of storms. Current Psychology, 29, 307-319.
doi: 10.1007/s12144-010-9093-7
25. Ollendick, T. H., Raishevich, N., Davis III, T. E., Sirbu, C. V., & Öst, L. G. (2010). Specific phobia
in youth: Phenomenology and psychological characteristics. Behavior Therapy, 41, 133-141. doi:
10.1016/j.beth.2009.02.002 ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest/Most Read
26. *Reuther, E., Davis III, T. E., Matthews, R., *Munson, M., & Grills-Taquechel, A. E. (2010). Fear
of anxiety as a partial mediator of the relation between trauma severity and PTSD symptoms. Journal
of Traumatic Stress, 23, 519-522. doi: 10.1002/jts.20549
27. Cohen, A. S., & Davis III, T. E. (2009). Quality of life across the schizotypy spectrum: Findings
from a large nonclinical adult sample. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 50, 408-414. doi:
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 4

28. Davis III, T. E., Nida, R. E., *Zlomke, K., & *Nebel-Schwalm, M. (2009). Health-related quality of
life in college undergraduates with learning disabilities: The mediational roles of anxiety and sadness.
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 31, 228-234. doi: 10.1007/s10862-008-
29. Davis III, T. E., Ollendick, T. H., & Öst, L. G. (2009). Intensive treatment of specific phobias in
children and adolescents. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 16, 294-303. doi:
10.1016/j.cbpra.2008.12.008 ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest/Most Read
30. Ollendick, T. H., Öst, L. G., Reuterskiöld, L., Costa, N., Cederlund, R., Sirbu, C., Davis III, T. E., &
Jarrett, M. (2009). One-session treatment of specific phobias in youth: A randomized clinical trial in
the USA and Sweden. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77, 504-516. doi:
31. Davis III, T. E., Ollendick, T. H., & *Nebel-Schwalm, M. (2008). Intellectual ability and
achievement in anxiety-disordered children: A clarification and extension of the literature. Journal of
Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 30, 43-51. doi: 10.1007/s10862-007-9072-y
32. *Zlomke, K., & Davis III, T. E. (2008). One-session treatment of specific phobias: A detailed
description and review of treatment efficacy. Behavior Therapy, 39, 207-223. doi:
10.1016/j.beth.2007.07.003 ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest/Most Read 2008-2011
33. Davis III, T. E., Kurtz, P., Gardner, A., & Carman, N. (2007). Cognitive-behavioral treatment for
specific phobias with a child demonstrating severe problem behavior and developmental delays.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 28, 546-558. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2006.07.003
ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest/Most Read
34. Davis III, T. E., & Ollendick, T. H. (2005). Empirically supported treatments for specific phobia in
children: Do efficacious treatments address the components of a phobic response? Clinical
Psychology: Science and Practice, 12, 144-160. doi: 10.1093/clipsy/bpi018
35. Ollendick, T. H., & Davis III, T. E. (2004). Empirically supported treatments for children and
adolescents: Where to from here? Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 11, 289-294. doi:
36. Viramontez Anguiano, R. P., Johnson, C., & Davis III, T. E. (2004). The education of rural Latino
children: Rural Latino families and schools in Eastern North Carolina. Journal of Early Education
and Family Review, 11, 33-48.

37. Davis III, T. E., White, S. W., & Ollendick, T. H. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of Autism and Anxiety.
New York: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. Under Contract.
38. Davis III, T. E., Ollendick, T. H., & Öst, L. G. (Eds.). (2012). Intensive One-Session Treatment of
specific phobias. New York: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-

39. *Nebel-Schwalm, M., & Davis III, T. E. (in press). Nature and etiological models of anxiety
disorders. In E. Storch & D. McKay (Eds.), Handbook of treating variants and complications in
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 5

anxiety disorders. New York: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC.
40. Davis III, T. E., *Jenkins, W., & *Rudy, B. (2012). Empirical status of One-Session Treatment. In
T. E. Davis III, T. H. Ollendick, & L-G. Öst (Eds.), Intensive One-Session Treatment of specific
phobias (pp. 209-226). New York: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. doi: 10.1007/978-1-
41. Davis III, T. E., Ollendick, T. H., *Reuther, E. T., & *Munson, M. (2012). One-Session Treatment:
Principles and procedures with children and adolescents. In T. E. Davis III, T. H. Ollendick, & L-G.
Öst (Eds.), Intensive One-Session Treatment of specific phobias (pp. 97-125). New York: Springer
Science and Business Media, LLC. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3253-1_5
42. Davis III, T. E., *Whiting, S., & *May, A. (2012). Exposure therapy for anxiety disorders in
children. In H.-U. Wittchen & P. Neudeck (Eds.), Exposure therapy: Rethinking the model-refining
the method (pp. 111-125). New York: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. doi:
43. Ollendick, T. H., & Davis III, T. E. (2012). Evidence-based assessment and treatment of specific
phobias in children and adolescents. In T. E. Davis III, T. H. Ollendick, & L-G. Öst (Eds.), Intensive
One-Session Treatment of specific phobias (pp. 43-56). New York: Springer Science and Business
Media, LLC. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3253-1_3
44. *Rudy, B., & Davis III, T. E. (2012). Interventions for specific phobia in special populations. In T.
E. Davis III, T. H. Ollendick, & L-G. Öst (Eds.), Intensive One-Session Treatment of specific phobias
(pp. 177-193). New York: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-
45. Davis III, T. E., & Ollendick, T. H. (2011). Specific phobias. In D. McKay & E. Storch (Eds.),
Handbook of child and adolescent anxiety disorders (pp. 231-244). New York: Springer Science and
Business Media, LLC. New York: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. doi: 10.1007/978-1-
46. Ollendick, T. H., Davis III, T. E., & *Reuther, E. T. (2010). Fobias específicas [Specific phobias].
In M. Gomar, J. Mandil, & E. Bunge (Eds.), Manual de terapia cognitiva comportamental con niños
y adolescentes [Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapy with children and adolescents] (pp. 241-
265). Argentina: Editorial Polemos.
47. Davis III, T. E. (2009). PTSD, anxiety, and phobias. In J. Matson, F. Andrasik, & M. Matson
(Eds.), Treating childhood psychopathology and developmental disorders (pp. 183-220). New York:
Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-09530-1_7
48. Davis III, T. E., *Munson, M., & *Tarcza, E. (2009). Anxiety disorders and phobias. In J. Matson
(Ed.), Social behavior and social skills in children (pp. 219-244). New York: Springer Science and
Business Media, LLC. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-0234-4_11
49. Davis III, T. E., *Tarcza, E., & *Munson, M. (2009). The psychological impact of hurricanes and
storms on adults. In K. Cherry (Ed.), Lifespan perspectives on natural disasters: Coping with
Katrina, Rita, and other storms (pp. 97-112). New York: Springer Science and Business Media,
LLC. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-0393-8_5
50. Ollendick, T. H., Davis III, T. E., & Sirbu, C. V. (2009). Specific phobias. In D. McKay & E.
Storch (Eds.), Cognitive behavior therapy for children: Treating complex and refractory cases (pp.
171-199). New York: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC.
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 6

51. Ollendick, T. H., Davis III, T. E., & Muris, P. (2004). Treatment of specific phobia in children and
adolescents. In P. Barrett & T. H. Ollendick (Eds.), The handbook of interventions that work with
children and adolescents—From prevention to treatment (pp. 273-299). West Sussex, England: John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd. doi: 10.1002/9780470753385.ch12

1. Davis III, T. E., *Reuther, E., *May, A., *Rudy, B., *Munson, M., *Jenkins, W., & *Whiting, S.
(2013). The Behavioral Avoidance Task using Imaginal Exposure (BATIE): A paper-and-pencil
version of traditional in vivo behavioral avoidance tasks. Manuscript revised and resubmitted for
2. Davis III, T. E., *Reuther, E., & *Rudy, B. (2013). One-Session Treatment of a specific phobia of
swallowing pills: A case study. Manuscript submitted for publication.
3. *Jenkins, W. S., Davis III, T. E., Hicks, J., & Gouvier, W. D. (2013). Assessing attentional bias and
cerebral laterality in specific phobia using a dichotic listening paradigm. Manuscript submitted for
4. *Jenkins, W. S., *Whiting, S., *May, A., Davis III, T. E., *Reuther, E., & *Rudy, B. (2013).
Differential examination of disgust and general fear among those with spider fear and obsessive-
compulsive symptomatology in a non-clinical sample. Manuscript submitted for publication.
5. *May, A., *Rudy, B., Davis III, T. E., *Jenkins, W., *Reuther, E., & *Whiting, S. (2013). Somatic
symptoms in those with performance and interaction anxiety. Manuscript being revised for
resubmission for publication.
6. *Rudy, B., & Davis III, T. E. (2013). Negative cognition in youth: The development and
validation of the Socially Oriented Negative Anxious Statement (SONAS) Scale. Manuscript revised
and resubmitted for publication.
7. *Rudy, B., & Davis III, T. E., & Matthews, R. (2013). Cognitive indicators of social anxiety in
youth: A structural equation analysis. Manuscript being revised for resubmission for publication.
8. *Rudy, B., *May, A., *Whiting, S., Davis III, T. E., *Jenkins, W., & *Reuther, E. (2013).
Differentiating among singular and comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Social Phobia
Symptomatology. Manuscript submitted for publication.
9. *Whiting, S., *Jenkins, W., *May, A., *Rudy, B., Davis III, T. E., & *Reuther, E. (2013). The role
of intolerance of uncertainty in social anxiety subtypes. Manuscript revised and resubmitted for
10. *Whiting, S., *May, A., *Rudy, B., & Davis III, T. E. (2012). Strategies for the control of
unwanted thoughts in adolescents: The Adolescent Thought Control Questionnaire (TCQ-A).
Manuscript being revised for resubmission for publication.


Davis III, T. E., Ollendick, T. H., & Öst, L-G. (2012). Preface. In T. E. Davis III, T. H. Ollendick, &
L-G. Öst (Eds.), Intensive One-Session Treatment of specific phobias (pp. v-vii). New York: Springer
Science and Business Media, LLC.
Davis III, T. E. (2010). My fear workbook: A psychoeducational enhancement to One-Session
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 7

Treatment for specific phobias. Unpublished manuscript, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
Davis III, T. E., & *Munson, M. (2007, May). Is your child anxious about the pool this summer? How
to make a splash without going off the deep end. Baton Rouge Parents Magazine, 17, 38-39.
Davis III, T. E. (2005). Behavioral Avoidance Task using Imaginal Exposure (BATIE). Unpublished
manuscript, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Davis III, T. E. (2006a). Functional assessment worksheet for One-Session Treatment. Unpublished
manuscript, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Davis III, T. E. (2006b). Motivation for Fear (MOTIF). Unpublished manuscript, Louisiana State
University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Davis III, T. E., Hurley, J. D., & Ollendick, T. H. (2004). Predictors of outcome on behavioral
avoidance tasks with phobic children. The Child and Adolescent Anxiety SIG Newsletter, 3, 3-4.
Sirbu, C., Ollendick, T. H., & Davis III, T. E. (2004). How active are fear structures during exposure in
virtual environments? A test of emotional processing theory in acrophobia. Cyberpsychology &
Behavior, 7, 307-308.
Davis III, T. E., & Mossler, D. G. (1998). The development of racial, gender, and age prejudice in 6-9
year-olds. The Virginia Journal of Science, 49, 204-205.


1. Davis, A., Shaheen, G., Hindman, M., Demanuelle, R., Ducoing, E., & Davis III, T. E. (2013,
November). Impairment from fear: The differential impact of height and snake fear on quality of life.
Poster submitted for presentation at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, Tennessee.
2. Davis III, T. E., Whiting, S., Rudy, B., May, A., & Jenkins, W. (2013, November). Expanding our
understanding of family functioning and anxiety: Results from a new functional assessment
instrument. Poster submitted for presentation at the annual meetings of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, Tennessee.
3. May, A., Kirkpatrick, M., Noack, F., Whiting, S., & Davis III, T. E. (2013, November). Anxiety
sensitivity in the prediction of performance on behavioral avoidance tasks (BAT). Poster submitted
for presentation at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
Nashville, Tennessee.
4. Noack, F., Whiting, S., Kirkpatrick, M., May, A. & Davis III, T. E. (2013, November). The role of
maintaining factors on One-Session Treatment for specific phobia: An initial pilot study applying
functional assessment to children’s treatment. Poster submitted for presentation at the annual
meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, Tennessee.
5. Rudy, B., Matthews, R., & Davis III, T. E. (2013, November). Cognitive indicators of social
anxiety in youth: A structural equation analysis. Poster submitted for presentation at the annual
meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, Tennessee.
6. Rudy, B., May, A., Whiting, S., Jenkins, W., Reuther, E., & Davis III, T. E. (2013, November). The
overlap of OCD and Social Phobia symptomology: An Examination of Differential Variables. Poster
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 8

submitted for presentation at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Nashville, Tennessee.
7. Jenkins, W., Whiting, S., May, A., Davis III, T. E., Reuther, E., & Rudy, B. (2012, November).
Differential examination of disgust and general fear among those with spider fear and obsessive-
compulsive symptomatology in a non-clinical sample. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, Maryland.
8. May, A., Rudy, B., Davis III, T. E., Shaheen, G., Jenkins, W., Reuther, E., & Whiting, S. (2012,
November). Differences between somatic symptoms in those with performance and interaction
anxiety versus performance or interaction anxiety alone. Poster presented at the annual meetings of
the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, Maryland.
9. Rudy, B., Pruitt, C., Cleary, S., Shaheen, G., Whiting, S., Matthews, R., & Davis III, T. E. (2012,
November). Socially oriented negative self-referent cognition: The development and validation of a
measure. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, National Harbor, Maryland.
10. Rudy, B., May, A., Davis III, T. E., & Grills-Taquechel, A. (2012, November). Coping self-efficacy
in young adults following Hurricane Katrina: Relationships to internalizing factors. In Amie Grills-
Taquechel (Chair), The importance of coping approaches utilized in the aftermath of traumatic
events. Symposium presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, National Harbor, Maryland.
11. Whiting, S., Lockett, S., Cleary, S., Winkler, S., Rudy, B., & Davis III, T. E. (2012, November).
Development, reliability, and validity of the Adolescent Thought Control Questionnaire (TCQ-A).
Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
National Harbor, Maryland.
12. Jenkins, W., Hoffmann, J., Davis III, T. E., Hicks, J., Gouvier, W. D., & Ericson, J. (2011,
November). Assessing attentional bias and cerebral laterality in specific phobia using dichotic
listening. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
13. Rudy, B., May, A., Simon, M., Matthews, R., & Davis III, T. E. (2011, November). Negative self-
referent cognition as a differential predictor of social self-efficacy with same aged peers, strangers,
and adults in children. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
14. Munson, M., Whiting, S., Winkler, S., Lockett, S., Reuther, E., & Davis III, T. E. (2011,
November). Perfectionism predicts different anxiety symptoms. Poster presented at the annual
meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
15. Reuther, E., Whiting, S., Munson, M., Rudy, B., Jenkins, W., May, A., & Davis III, T. E. (2011,
November). Intolerance of uncertainty as a mediator of the relationship between perfectionism and
obsessive-compulsive symptom severity. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
16. Whiting, S., Rudy, B., Cleary, S., Graham, R., & Davis III, T. E. (2011, November). The role of
intolerance of uncertainty in social phobia. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
17. Whiting, S., Rudy, B., Reuther, E., Foreman, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2011, November). Self-efficacy
as a predictor of thought suppression techniques in the anxiety disorders. Poster presented at the
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 9

annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
18. Bastidas, S., Reuther, E., Davis III, T. E., Grills-Taquechel, A., & Ollendick, T. H. (2010,
November). Professional help-seeking by individuals exposed to Hurricane Katrina. Poster
presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San
Francisco, California.
19. May, A., Jenkins, W., Reuther, E., Munson, M., Moree, B., Whiting, S., & Davis III, T. E. (2010,
November). Somatic complaints in people with specific phobia: An analysis of the Body Sensitivity
Index and the Phobia Interference Rating Scale. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, California.
20. Moree, B., & Davis III, T. E. (2010, November). The relationship among self-efficacy negative self-
statements, and social anxiety in children: A mediation model. Poster presented at the annual
meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, California.
21. Munson, M., Reuther, E., Wagner, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2010, November). Examination of the
pathways to fear in phobic, anxious, and no-diagnosis college students. Poster presented at the
annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco,
22. Reuther, E., Jenkins, W., May, A., & Davis III, T. E. (2010, November). Differences in anxiety
sensitivity between individuals with and without specific phobia. Poster presented at the annual
meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, California.
23. Reuther, E., May, A., Jenkins, W., & Davis III, T. E. (2010, November). Stability of physiological
variables during a behavioral avoidance task across a 2-week interval. Poster presented at the
annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco,
24. Jenkins, W., Reuther, E., Davis III, T. E., Hicks, J. L., May, A., Moree, B., Munson, M., & Whiting.,
S. (2010, June). An examination of false memories in individuals with specific phobia. Poster
presented to the 6th triennial meetings of the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
Boston, Massachusetts.
25. May, A., Reuther, E., Munson, M., Jenkins, W., Moree, B., Whiting, S., Zlomke, K., & Davis III, T.
E. (2010, June). Determinants of treatment seeking in those with Specific Phobia: Predictors and
associated findings. Poster presented at the 6th triennial meetings of the World Congress of
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, Massachusetts.
26. Moree, B., Dempsey, T., Reuther, E., Davis III, T. E., & Matson, J. L. (2010, June). The
relationship between Autism Spectrum Disorders and anxiety: The moderating effect of
communication. Poster presented at the 6th triennial meetings of the World Congress of Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, Massachusetts.
27. Moree, B., Hess, J., Davis III, T. E., & Matson, J. L. (2010, June). Anxiety symptoms across the
lifespan in people diagnosed with Autistic Disorder. Poster presented at the 6th triennial meetings of
the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, Massachusetts.
28. Munson, M., Davis III, T. E., Ollendick, T. H., Reuther, E., & Whiting, S. (2010, June). Effects of
anxiety on intellectual functioning: A dimensional examination. Poster presented at the 6th triennial
meetings of the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, Massachusetts.
29. Reuther, E., Davis III, T. E., Moree, B., & Matson, J. L. (2010, June). Treatment of selective
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 10

mutism using modular CBT for child anxiety: A case study. Poster presented at the 6th triennial
meetings of the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, Massachusetts.
30. Reuther, E., Lajaunie, S., Gremillion, C., Munson, M., Jenkins, W., & Davis III, T. E. (2010, June).
Predictors of anxiety sensitivity in children. Poster presented at the 6th triennial meetings of the
World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, Massachusetts.
31. Reuther, E., Moree, B., Munson, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2010, June). Treatment of a specific phobia
of swallowing pills/choking using One-Session Treatment: A case study. Poster presented at the 6th
triennial meetings of the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston,
32. Davis III, T. E., Tarcza, E., Zlomke, K., Munson, M., Moree, B., & Jenkins, W. (2009, November).
One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias: A comparison of massed and spaced formats. Poster
presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New
York, New York.
33. Ecker, A., Tarcza, E., Davis III, T. E., Grills-Taquechel, A., Ollendick, T. H., Crawford, H., &
Hebert, L. (2009, November). Predictors of PTSD from exposure to Hurricane Katrina: The effects
on young adults. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, New York, New York.
34. Jenkins, W., May, A., Moree, B., Tarcza, E., Munson, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2009, November).
Predicting GAD symptomatology: The role of thought suppression, stress, and anxiety sensitivity.
Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
New York, New York.
35. Jenkins, W., May, A., Moree, B., Tarcza, E., Munson, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2009, November).
Self-efficacy in individuals with specific phobia: The role of anxiety sensitivity, thought suppression,
and stress. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, New York, New York.
36. Moree, B., Jenkins, W., Tarcza, E., Munson, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2009, November). Stress,
thought suppression, and anxiety in people with social phobia: A mediation analysis. Poster
presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New
York, New York.
37. Munson, M., Tarcza, E., Crawford, H., & Davis III, T. E. (2009, November). Intellectual Ability in
Children with Anxiety: A replication and exploration of the differences. Poster presented at the
annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, New York.
38. Munson, M., Tarcza, E., Jenkins, W., Moree, B., & Davis III, T. E. (2009, November). The
MOTIF: Assessing the function of fear. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, New York.
39. Reuther, E., Barnfather, N., Munson, M., Jenkins, W., Moree, B., & Davis III, T. E. (2009,
November). The behavioral inhibition system as a moderator of performance on a behavioral
avoidance task. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, New York, New York.
40. Jenkins, W., Moree, B., Tarcza, E., Munson, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2009, March). The use of
thought control in specific phobia. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Anxiety Disorders
Association of America, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico.
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 11

41. Jenkins, W., Tarcza, E., Moree, B., Munson, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2009, March). Behavioral
inhibition and anxiety sensitivity in social anxiety disorder. Poster presented at the annual meetings
of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico.
42. Moree, B., Jenkins, W., Tarcza, E., Munson, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2009, March). Examining fear
of anxiety and its relationship with self-efficacy in those with social phobia. Poster presented at the
annual meetings of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico.
43. Tarcza, E., Munson, M., Jenkins, W., & Davis III, T. E. (2009, March). Similarities between
anxiety sensitivity and fear of anxiety: Comparisons of the ASI, ACQ, and BSQ. Poster presented at
the annual meetings of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Santa Ana Pueblo, New
44. Munson, M., Hatcher, J., Tarcza, E., & Davis III, T. E. (2008, November). A child measure of
parental bonding. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, Florida.
45. Munson, M., Tarcza, E., Davis III, T. E., & Grills-Taquechel, A. (2008, November). Predicting
symptoms of anxiety and depression with four simple screener questions. Poster presented at the
annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, Florida.
46. Parrott, C., Grills-Taquechel, A., Davis III, T. E., Schart, L., & Ollendick, T. H. (2008, November).
Quality of life and anxiety in college students following a natural disaster. Poster presented at the
annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, Florida.
47. Tarcza, E., Davis III, T. E. & Munson, M. (2008, November). The Behavioral Avoidance Task with
Imaginal Exposure (BATIE): Correlates and comparisons with in vivo behavioral avoidance tasks.
Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
Orlando, Florida.
48. Tarcza, E., Munson, M., Crawford, H., Ecker, T., Davis III, T. E., & Grills-Taquechel, A. (2008,
November). Fear of anxiety as a mediator and moderator of the relationship between trauma and
hyperarousal symptoms. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, Florida.
49. Munson, M., Auzenne, D., Tarcza, E., Davis III, T. E., & Grills-Taquechel, A. (2008, March).
Religious practices and trauma: The effects of prayer on college students impacted by Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Anxiety Disorders Association of
America, Savannah, Georgia.
50. Davis III, T. E., Zlomke, K., Tarcza, E., Munson, M., & Nebel-Schwalm, M. (2007, November).
Behavioral avoidance tasks: Properties and two-week test-retest results. Poster presented at the
annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia,
51. Moore, R., Bergeron, B., Munson, M., Tarcza, E., Davis III, T. E., & Grills-Taquechel, A. (2007,
November). Coping and distress after Hurricane Katrina: The effects of being in a romantic
relationship. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
52. Tarcza, E., & Davis III, T. E. (2007, November). The Phobia Interference Rating Scale: Assessment
of validity and reliability. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 12

53. Tarcza, E., Zlomke, K., Munson, M., Davis III, T. E., & Grills-Taquechel, A. (2007, November).
The influence of fear of anxiety on symptoms of hyperarousal in adults following Hurricanes Katrina
and Rita. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
54. Vinci, C., Davis III, T. E., Copeland, A., Grills-Taquechel, A., Ollendick, T. H., & Zlomke, K.
(2007, November). Coping in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: The effects of pre-trauma
psychopathology and medication in young adults. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
55. Zlomke, K., Munson, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2007, November). Consistency of a cognitive-
behavioral model of worry across worry levels. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
56. Davis III, T. E., Grills-Taquechel, A., & Ollendick, T. H. (2007, February). Hurricane Katrina: The
psychological impact on young adults. In Katie E. Cherry (Chair), Hurricane Katrina: Psychological
impact and mental health issues across the lifespan. Invited symposium presented at the annual
meetings of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
57. Davis III, T. E., Grills-Taquechel, A., & Ollendick, T. H. (2006, November). Displacement by
Hurricane Katrina: Students’ reaction to trauma. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, Illinois.
58. Nayak, N., Grills-Taquechel, A., & Davis III, T. E. (2006, November). Does level of trauma
exposure affect the factor structure of anxiety following a major disaster? Poster presented at the
annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, Illinois.
59. Nebel-Schwalm, M., Davis III, T. E., & Ollendick, T. H. (2006, November). Mediators of
differences in cognitive ability between anxious and non-anxious youth. Poster presented at the Child
and Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group at the annual meetings of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, Illinois.
60. Peter, M., Grills-Taquechel, A. E., Davis III, T. E., & Ollendick, T. H. (2006, November).
Predictors of depression following a natural disaster: Findings from Hurricane Katrina. Poster
presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago,
61. Torres, W., Zlomke, K., Davis, L., Montero, M., & Davis III, T. E. (2006, November). Mediators of
Functional Impairment in those with Social Phobia. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, Illinois.
62. Zlomke, K., & Davis III, T. E. (2006, November). Equivalency of internet-administered screen for
specific phobias and the clinician-administered ADIS-IV. Poster presented at the annual meetings of
the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, Illinois.
63. Zlomke, K., Munson, M., Nebel-Schwalm, M., Davis III, T. E., & Grills-Taquechel, A. E. (2006,
November). The effects of Hurricane Katrina on those with and without significant storm fear: How
those who feared storms handled THE STORM. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, Illinois.
64. Zlomke, K., Tarcza, E., Nebel-Schwalm, M., Munson, M., Davis III, T. E., & Grills-Taquechel, A.
E. (2006, November). Catastrophic cognitions, body sensations, and fear: Examining “Fear of
Anxiety” in fearful adults. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, Illinois.
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 13

65. Zlomke, K.., Davis, L., Davis III, T. E., Torres, W., & Montero, M. (2006, August). Interpersonal
Satisfaction and Functioning in Social Phobia. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the
American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
66. Hauer, L., Davis III, T. E., Kurtz, P., Gardner, A., & Carman, N. (2006, May). Cognitive-
behavioral treatment for phobias in a child with severe behavior problems and developmental delay.
Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, Georgia.
67. Davis III, T. E. (2005, November). Quality of life in college undergraduates with learning
disabilities. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Washington D.C.
68. Davis III, T. E., Friedman, B., Ollendick, T. H., Sirbu, C., Chelf, M., & Öst, L. G. (2005,
November). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for specific phobia in children: Physiological outcomes
and mediators. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Washington D.C.
69. Davis III, T. E., & Ollendick, T. H. (2005, November). Quality of life in young adults with specific
phobia. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Washington D.C.
70. Huete, J., Kahng, S., Kuhn, S., Kurtz, P., Teichman, H., Ruffin, G., Davis III, T. E., & Hauer, L.
(2005, May). Restraint fading as a treatment for SIB: Determination of the least restrictive starting
point. In Joel E. Ringdahl (Chair), Recent advances in the treatment of severe behavior disorders
maintained by automatic reinforcement. Symposium presented at the annual meetings of the
Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, Illinois.
71. Ollendick, T. H., Sirbu, C., Chelf, M., Davis III, T. E., & Öst, L. G. (2005, March). Moderators and
mediators of cognitive-behavioral treatment for specific phobias in children. Poster presented at the
annual meetings of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Seattle, Washington.
72. Ollendick, T. H., Sirbu, C., Chelf, M., Davis III, T. E., & Öst, L. G. (2005, March). Cognitive-
behavioral treatment for specific phobias in children: The influence of comorbidity. Poster presented
at the annual meetings of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Seattle, Washington.
73. Davis III, T. E., Best, C., & Ollendick, T. H. (2004, November). Quality of life in children with
specific phobia. Poster presented to the Child and Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group at the
annual meetings of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, Louisiana.
74. Davis III, T. E., & Ollendick, T. H. (2004, November). Intellectual, achievement, and
neurocognitive assessment in anxiety-disordered children. Poster presented to the annual meetings of
the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, Louisiana.
75. Hannesdottir, D., Whitmore, M., Davis III, T. E., & Ollendick, T. H. (2004, November). Behavioral
inhibition and performance on a behavioral avoidance task among children with specific phobias.
Poster presented to the Child and Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group at the annual meetings
of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, Louisiana.
76. Ollendick, T. H., Davis III, T. E., & Öst, L.G. (2004, November). CBT treatments of specific
phobias in children: The pursuit of mediators and moderators of treatment outcome. In Kimberli
Treadwell (Chair), Moderators and mediator of treatment for child anxiety disorders. Symposium
presented to the annual meetings of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New
Orleans, Louisiana.
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 14

77. Hurley, J., Davis III, T. E., Friedman, B., Scarpa, A., Ollendick, T. H., & Öst, L. G. (2004, July).
Psychophysiologic assessment in One-Session Treatment of specific phobia in children. Poster
presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.
78. Sirbu, C., Ollendick, T. H., & Davis III, T. E. (2004, January). How active are fear structures
during exposure in virtual environments? A test of emotional processing theory in acrophobia.
Paper presented to the annual meetings of CyberTherapy, San Diego, California.
79. Davis III, T. E., Hurley, J., & Ollendick, T. H. (2003, November). Predictors of outcome on
behavioral avoidance tasks with phobic children. Poster presented to the Child and Adolescent
Anxiety Special Interest Group at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of
Behavior Therapy, Boston, Massachusetts.
80. Rouse, M., Davis III, T. E., & Ollendick, T. H. (2003, July). Parenting, behavior inhibition, and
anxiety in children. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Minority Academic Opportunities
Program’s Summer Research Internship Presentation Day, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, Virginia.
81. Davis III, T. E., Hurley, J., Stuard, K., & Scarpa, A. (2003, May). Psychological adjustment to
childhood sexual abuse in a sample of college males. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychological Society, Atlanta, Georgia.
82. Ollendick, T. H., & Davis III, T. E. (2003, March). Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and
Anxiety Disorder in children: Associations with IQ and academic achievement. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Toronto, Canada.
83. Davis III, T. E., Hurley, J., Ollendick, T. H., & Öst, L. G. (2002, November). A single case study of
one-session treatment of specific phobias: Fear of being alone. Poster presented at the Child and
Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement
of Behavior Therapy, Reno, Nevada.
84. Davis III, T. E., Hurley, J., Shortt, A., Sander, J., & Ollendick, T. H. (2002, June). The
generalization of one-session phobia treatment in children. Poster presented at the biennial meeting
of the Third International Conference on Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Brisbane, Australia.
85. Hurley, J., Davis III, T. E., Sander, J., Shortt, A., & Ollendick, T. H. (2002, June). Efficacy of one-
session treatment of animal and situational specific phobia in children. Poster presented at the
biennial meeting of the Third International Conference on Child & Adolescent Mental Health,
Brisbane, Australia.
86. Davis III, T. E., Nida, R., & Mossler, D. (2001, April). Domain specific class inclusion tasks as
predictors of bias and prejudice. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological
Association, Washington, D.C.
87. Davis III, T. E., & Nida, R. (2001, April). A racial class inclusion task as a predictor of children’s
like and dislike in their peers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia Psychological
Association, Roanoke, Virginia.
88. Anguiano, R., & Davis III, T. E. (2000, November). College aspirations: The importance of family
and school factors (II). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Conference on Family
Relations, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
89. Mossler, D., Ellwanger, T., & Davis III, T. E. (2000, March). Cognitive, personality, and social
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 15

factors associated with a decline of prejudice in school aged children. Poster presented at the annual
meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, Maryland.
90. Anguiano, R., & Davis III, T. E. (2000, February). College aspirations: The importance of family
and school factors (I). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Council on Family
Relations, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
91. Davis III, T. E., & Mossler, D. (1999, April). The decline of prejudice in young children: Is there a
logical explanation? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological
Association, Providence, Rhode Island.
92. Mossler, D., Davis III, T. E., Mackey, B., & Wright, C. (1998, May). Attitudes about learning
disabilities held by faculty and students at small colleges. Poster presented at the annual meeting of
the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
93. Davis III, T. E., & Mossler, D. (1998, April). The development of racial, gender, and age prejudice
in 6-9 year-olds. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia Psychological Association,
Wintergreen, Virginia.
94. Mossler, D., Davis III, T. E., & Britner, P. (1998, February). Professionals’ decision making about
out-of-home placements. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological
Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
95. Mossler, D., Mackey, B., Wright, C., & Davis III, T. E. (1998, February). Comparisons of college
students’ and faculty members’ knowledge of and attitudes about learning disabilities. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts.

Title Author Source Amount Date
“Development of the MOTIF (The PI Summer Research Fellowship $5,000 2013
Motivation for Fear): Applying College of Humanities & submitted
Autism Research to Phobia and Social Sciences,
Anxiety Assessment” Louisiana State University
“Development and Evaluation of the PI Assistant Professor Summer $5,000 2011
BATIE: An Innovative Specific Research Grant funded
Phobia Assessment Tool” College of Humanities &
Social Sciences,
Louisiana State University
Association for Behavioral and PI Competitive Faculty Travel $750 2010
Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia Grant Program, Louisiana funded
State University
“Memory and Cognition in Children PI Louisiana Board of Regents $10,000 1-9/2010
with Specific Phobia” Pilot Funding for New funded
Research (Pfund);
National Science Foundation
Association for Behavioral and PI Competitive Faculty Travel $750 2008
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 16

Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia Grant Program, Louisiana funded

State University
Anxiety and Phobia Research PI Competitive Research Leave $17,000 2008-2009
for Non-Tenured Faculty, funded
College of Arts & Sciences,
Louisiana State University
Association for Behavioral and PI Competitive Faculty Travel $750 11/2007
Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia Grant Program, Louisiana funded
State University
Request for 5 Desktop IBM- PI Competitive Student Tech $1,500 (approx) 2007
Compatible PC’s for Psychology Fee Program, Student Tech All 5 desktops funded
Clinic and Research Fee Oversight Committee, awarded
Louisiana State University
“Deconstructing One-Session PI Faculty Summer Research $5,000 2007
Treatment for Specific Phobias: The Fellowship, College of Arts funded
Effects of Massed Exposure” & Sciences, Louisiana State
Association for Behavioral and PI Competitive Junior Faculty $500 11/2006
Cognitive Therapies, Chicago Travel Program Louisiana funded
State University
“Massed Exposure vs. Spaced PI Council on Research $10,000 2006-2007
Exposure in the Treatment of Faculty Research Grant funded
Specific Phobias” Louisiana State University
“Quality of Life in Children with PI Clinical Child Research Award $500 2004
Specific Phobia” Department of Psychology funded
Virginia Tech
“Quality of Life in Young Adults with PI Graduate Dissertation Award $375 2004
Specific Phobia” Graduate Student Assembly funded
Virginia Tech
Association for the Advancement PI Student Travel Award $200 2003
of Behavior Therapy, Boston Graduate Student Assembly funded
Virginia Tech
“Predictors of Behavioral Avoidance PI Galper Research Award $300 2003
Task Performance” Department of Psychology funded
Virginia Tech
“The Generalization of One-Session PI Galper Research Award $300 2002
Treatment for Specific Phobia” Department of Psychology funded
Virginia Tech
Third International Conference on PI Student Travel Award $300 2002
Child and Adolescent Mental Graduate Student Assembly funded
Health, Sydney Virginia Tech
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 17

“Efficacy of One-Session PI Clinical Child Research Award $300 2002

Treatment for Specific Phobias” Department of Psychology funded
Virginia Tech
“The Development of Biased PI Summer Research Grant $200 1997
Attitudes in Children” Honors Council funded
Hampden-Sydney College

Founder / Director: August 2005 – present
Laboratory for Anxiety, Phobia, & Internalizing Disorder Studies (LAPIS)
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
-A psychology laboratory primarily dedicated to studying the etiology, phenomenology, assessment, and
treatment of anxiety disorders and phobias in children and adults. Duties included supervising,
mentoring, and training graduate and undergraduate students; planning, preparing, and conducting
research studies; seeking external funding; and providing assessment and treatment services to the Baton
Rouge community.
Project Coordinator: May 2002 – July 2004
One-Session Treatment of Phobias in Children
Department of Psychology
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060
-$1.6 million NIMH grant-funded research project examining the efficacy of One-Session Exposure
Treatment for childhood Specific Phobia. Supervisors: Thomas Ollendick, Ph.D.; Lars-Göran Öst, Ph.D.
(co-supervision of treatment cases)
Project Consultant and Assessor: May 2002 – July 2004
Acrophobia in Young Adults
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060
-Internally funded research project (ASPIRES, $38,500) examining the efficacy of virtual reality
technologies and the assessment and treatment of acrophobia. Collaborators: Thomas Ollendick, Ph.D.;
Cristian Sirbu, Ph.D.
Research Assistant: One-Session Treatment of Phobias in Children May 2001 – May 2002
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060
-NIMH grant-funded research project investigating the efficacy of One-Session Exposure Treatment for
childhood Specific Phobia. Supervisor: Thomas Ollendick, Ph.D.
Research Assistant May 2001 – July 2001
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
-Coded and summarized articles for a meta-analysis project on self-help therapy for eating disorders.
Supervisor: George Clum, Ph.D.
Research Assistant: The Pediatric Psychology Research Group Aug. 2000 – Sept. 2001
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 18

-Collaborated with a research team designing studies to investigate pediatric health issues and asthma.
Supervisor: Jack Finney, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Aug. 1998 – May 2000
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
-Coordinated and designed research investigating Hispanic families and acculturation. Supervisor: Ruben
Viramontez Anguiano, Ph.D.
Research Assistant May 1997 – May 1998
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampden-Sydney, Virginia 23943
-Collaborated on projects designed to investigate teacher/faculty attitudes about learning disabilities.
Supervisor: Daniel Mossler, Ph.D.
Grant-Funded Independent Researcher May. 1997 – Aug. 1997
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampden-Sydney, Virginia 23943
-Designed a study to investigate the development of prejudice. Supervisor: Daniel Mossler, Ph.D.

*16 Departmental Commendations for Outstanding Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching Since 2005*
Undergraduate Level Graduate Level
•PSYC 2004: Introductory Psych (Va Tech) •PSYC 7171: Dev. Disorders & Child Psychopathology
•PSYC 2076: Child Psychology •PSYC 7688/7689: Practicum in Clinical Psychology
•PSYC 2999: Undergraduate Practicum •PSYC 7982: Advanced (Adult) Psychopathology
•PSYC 3082: Abnormal Psychology •PSYC 8000: Thesis Research
•PSYC 4176: Advanced Child Psychology •PSYC 8939/89: Independent Research in Clinical Psyc.
•PSYC 4234: Develop. Psych Lab (Va Tech) •PSYC 9000: Dissertation Research
•PSYC 4999: Independent Research
Note: All courses were taught at LSU unless otherwise indicated.


Athletic Tutor: Office of Student Development, Athletics Nov. 1999 – May 2000
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
Teaching Assistant: Marriage and Family Relations (CDFR 1103) Aug. 1998 – May 1999
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
Teaching Assistant: Family and Cultural Diversity (CDFR 4303) Aug. 1998 – May 1999
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 19

Founder / Director January 2006 – present
Psychological Services for Youth Clinic (PSYC; previously The Anxiety Disorders Clinic)
The Psychological Services Center
33 Johnston Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
Practicum Supervisor January 2013 – present
The Child & Adolescent Practicum Team
The Psychological Services Center
33 Johnston Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
Practicum Co-Supervisor August 2005 – December 2012
The Child & Adolescent Practicum Team
The Psychological Services Center
33 Johnston Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
Supervisor: Johnny Matson, Ph.D., LA Licensed Psychologist #517
Post-Doctoral Supervision August 15, 2005 – October 1, 2007
The Psychological Services Center
33 Johnston Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
Supervisor: Johnny Matson, Ph.D., LA Licensed Psychologist #517
Approved: Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (2500 hours completed)
Pre-Doctoral Intern, Behavioral Psychology/Applied Behavior Analysis July 2004 – July 2005
The Kennedy Krieger Institute / Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Neurobehavioral Unit Outpatient Clinic
Baltimore, Maryland 21205
Supervisors: Patricia Kurtz, Ph.D.; Julia O’Connor, Ph.D.; Theodosia Paclawskyj, Ph.D.; John Huete,
Graduate Supervisor, Child-Specialty Practicum Team Aug. 2003 – May 2004
Psychological Services Center, Department of Psychology
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Supervisor: Angela Scarpa-Friedman, Ph.D.
Graduate Clinician/Intern May 2002 – Sept. 2002
Southwestern Virginia Mental Health Institute, Adolescent Unit
Marion, Virginia 24354
Supervisor: Richard Mears, Ph.D.
Graduate Clinician: Child Psychometrician Aug. 2001 – June 2002
Child Study Center, Department of Psychology
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 20

Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Supervisor: Thomas Ollendick, Ph.D.
Graduate Clinician: Therapist Aug. 2000 – Sept. 2002
Psychological Services Center, Department of Psychology
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Supervisors: George Clum, Ph.D.; Lee Cooper, Ph.D.; Thomas Ollendick, Ph.D.; Angela Scarpa-
Friedman, Ph.D.
Prevention Specialist: Program Coordinator, Summer Programs June 2000 – Aug. 2000
Crossroads Mental Health Community Services Board
Farmville, Virginia 23901
Supervisor: Will Rogers, Executive Director of Crossroads Services Board
Prevention Specialist: Program Coordinator, Summer Programs June 1999 – Aug. 1999
Crossroads Mental Health Community Services Board
Farmville, Virginia 23901
Supervisor: Will Rogers, Executive Director of Crossroads Services Board
Prevention Specialist: Assistant Coordinator, Summer Programs May 1998 – Aug. 1998
Crossroads Mental Health Community Services Board
Farmville, Virginia 23901
Supervisor: Jennifer Kelman, Ph.D.
Prevention Specialist: Group Co-Leader, ADHD After-School Program Sept. 1997 – April 1998
Crossroads Mental Health Community Services Board
Farmville, Virginia 23901
Supervisor: Jennifer Kelman, Ph.D.
Prevention Specialist: On-Site Coordinator, Summer Programs May 1997 – Aug. 1997
Crossroads Mental Health Community Services Board
Farmville, Virginia 23901
Supervisor: Jennifer Kelman, Ph.D.
Prevention Specialist: Group Co-Leader, At-Risk After-School Program Sept. 1996 – April 1997
Crossroads Mental Health Community Services Board
Farmville, Virginia 23901
Supervisor: Jennifer Kelman, Ph.D.
Prevention Specialist: Counselor, Summer Programs June 1996 – Aug. 1996
Crossroads Mental Health Community Services Board
Farmville, Virginia 23901
Supervisor: Jennifer Kelman, Ph.D.
Prevention Specialist: Group Co-Leader, At-Risk After-School Program May 1996 – June 1996
Crossroads Mental Health Community Services Board
Farmville, Virginia 23901
Supervisor: Jennifer Kelman, Ph.D.


•American Psychological Association (APA), 2005—present
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 21

-Member of Division 53: Society of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 2011—present
•Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT; formerly AABT), 2002—present
-ABCT Ambassador, 2009 – present
-Member of the Child & Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group (CAASIG), 2002—present
-Member of the Anxiety Disorders Special Interest Group, 2012—present
•Association for Psychological Science (APS), 1998—present

•Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Associate Editor (2010-present).
•Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Editorial Board (2011-present).

•Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. Guest Associate Editor (2010).

•Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Guest Associate Editor (2006).
•Research in Developmental Disabilities. Guest Associate Editor (2006-present).

Ad hoc Reviews
•Annals of General Psychiatry.
•Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.
•Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.
•Behavior Modification.
•Behavior Therapy.
•Biological Psychology.
•Child & Family Behavior Therapy.
•Clinical Case Studies.
•Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.
•Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.
•Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy.
•Clinical Psychology Review.
•European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
•International Journal for Quality in Health Care.
•International Journal of Testing.
•Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
•Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
•Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.
•Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
•Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
•Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities.
•Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability.
•Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.
•Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
•Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology.
•Natural Hazards.
•Psychiatric Services.
•Psychological Assessment.

Book/Chapter Reviews
•W. W. Norton & Company
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 22

•The Israel Science Foundation (ISF; 2008). External reviewer.
•The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at the Children’s Hospital of
Eastern Ontario (CHEO; 2008). External Reviewer.


Davis III, T. E. (2012, March). One-Session Treatment: An intensive CBT for specific phobias. Invited
colloquium. Department of Psychology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2012, March). Finding a path to clinical psychology. Invited Psi Chi Address.
Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2009, March). A crash course in the treatment of specific phobias in children.
Presentation given to the advanced assessment practicum. Department of Psychology, Louisiana State
University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2009, March). Issues in child maltreatment / suicide. Presentation given to the
advanced assessment practicum. Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
Davis III, T. E. (2009, March). Assessment of child anxiety disorders. Presentation given to the
advanced assessment practicum, Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
Davis III, T. E., Tarcza, E., & Munson, M. (2007, November). Research and case study: The effects of
anxiety on IQ, fear of anxiety in those with specific phobia, and One-Session Treatment of lizards.
Presentation given at the monthly clinical grand rounds, Department of Psychology, Louisiana State
University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2007, November). Clinical Psychology. Presentation given to the advanced
undergraduate honors psychology students, Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2006, November). Child Clinical Psychology. Presentation given to the advanced
undergraduate honors psychology students, Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2006, November). Clinical Psychology and the treatment of anxiety disorders.
Presentation given to the undergraduate honors students in Introductory Psychology, Department of
Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2006, June). Treating phobias: Techniques and challenges. Invited workshop
conducted at the annual LSU Continuing Education Workshops, Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2006, June). The psychological impact of Hurricane Katrina on African American
students. Presentation given during the special intersession class “African Americans and Hurricane
Katrina,” Department of African American Studies, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2006, April). Clinical Psychology and the treatment of anxiety disorders. Presentation
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 23

given to the undergraduate honors psychology students, Department of Psychology, Louisiana State
University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2006, March). The psychological impact of Hurricane Katrina. Invited colloquium
presented to the combined meeting of the Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, Alpha Epsilon Delta
Pre-Med Honor Society, and the Student Christian Medical Association, Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2006, February). Case study and research: Adapting One-Session Treatment to a child
with developmental delays, and the LSU-UH Hurricane Katrina survey. Presentation given at the
monthly clinical grand rounds, Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2005, December). An introduction to Clinical Psychology: Practice and research.
Presentation given to the undergraduate honors psychology students, Department of Psychology,
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2005, June). Adapting One-Session Treatment for specific phobias to a child with
special needs. Presentation given to the combined peer review meeting of the Feeding, Consultation, and
Neurobehavioral Outpatient Clinics, Department of Behavioral Psychology, The Kennedy Krieger
Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Davis III, T. E. (2005, January). One-session treatment and specific phobias in children. Invited
colloquium presented to the Department of Psychology, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.
Davis III, T. E. (2004, December). One-session treatment of specific phobias in children. Invited
colloquium presented to the Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Davis III, T. E. (2004, November). Arm restraints for severe self-injurious behavior: Restraint analysis
and treatment. Presentation given to the combined peer review meeting of the Feeding, Consultation, and
Neurobehavioral Outpatient Clinics, Department of Behavioral Psychology, The Kennedy Krieger
Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Davis III, T. E. (2004, April). Exposure therapies for specific phobia in children: One-session treatment
and virtual reality exposure. Invited keynote address presented at the annual Psi Chi induction ceremony,
Hampden-Sydney College chapter, Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, VA.
Davis, T. E. (2002, May). Success and expectations in graduate school. Invited keynote address
presented at the annual Psi Chi induction ceremony, Hampden-Sydney College chapter, Hampden-
Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, VA.


CBS (aired on CBS, WAFB 9). (2011, October). Fears…What’s normal, what’s not, and cutting edge
treatment. Special Edition-Medical Minute, WAFB 9 News 10PM. Baton Rouge, LA.
CBS (aired on CBS, WAFB 9). (2011, October). Fear. Healthline, WAFB 9 News 5PM. Baton Rouge,
NBC (aired on NBC, WVLA 33). (2007, March). A phobia treatment study for adults. NBC 33 News at
5:00pm. Baton Rouge, LA.
Cox Channel 4 (COX4). (2006, December). Making and keeping New Year’s resolutions. The Around
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 24

Town Weekend Show. Baton Rouge, LA.

NBC (originally aired on NBC, WVLA 33; rebroadcast on WB, WBBR 10). (2006, August). Anxiety as
students head back to school. Baton Rouge Lagniappe. Baton Rouge, LA.
Cox Channel 4 (COX4). (2006, July). The LSU Anxiety Clinic. The Around Town Weekend Show.
Baton Rouge, LA.
NBC (originally aired on NBC, WVLA 33; rebroadcast on WB, WBBR 10). (2006, July). The new
Anxiety Disorders Clinic at LSU. Baton Rouge Lagniappe. Baton Rouge, LA.
NBC (originally aired on NBC, WVLA 33; rebroadcast on WB, WBBR 10). (2006, March). Emotional
adjustment following Hurricane Katrina. Baton Rouge Lagniappe. Baton Rouge, LA.

The News Block (KLSU). (2006, July). LSU opens new Anxiety Disorders Clinic. Louisiana State
University, Baton Rouge, LA.
National Public Radio (NPR; WVTF). (2002, July). The treatment and assessment of specific phobia in
children and the child and adolescent phobia project. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, VA.

Print Media
The Greater Baton Rouge Business Report. (2011, February 23rd ed). Who’s afraid of a little winter
weather. Baton Rouge, LA.
225 Magazine. (2010, October 1st ed.; “Scared?” special edition). Fear factors. Baton Rouge, LA.
225 Magazine. (2010, October 1st ed.; “Scared?” special edition). Offering hope. Baton Rouge, LA.
The Advocate. (2010, May 20th ed.; People section feature). Facing phobias: LSU study offers free
treatment for children. Baton Rouge, LA.
The Daily Reveille. (2009, October 29th ed.). Complex internal processes define how humans react to
horror. Baton Rouge, LA.
The Daily Reveille. (2009, October 15th ed.). “Paranormal Activity” expands through viral marketing.
Baton Rouge, LA.
The Daily Reveille. (2009, April 29th ed.). Traumatic times: Many soldiers suffer from posttraumatic
stress disorder after serving overseas. Baton Rouge, LA.
The Daily Reveille. (2009, March 13th ed.). 2009 to see Friday the 13th three times: Day, number combo
considered unlucky. Baton Rouge, LA.
The Daily Reveille. (2009, March 3rd ed.). Recent plane crashes cause travel anxiety. Baton Rouge, LA.
JayPlay: The University Daily Kansan. (2008, April 24th ed.). What gives you the willies? Are phobias
controlling your life? Lawrence, KS.
The Natchez Democrat. (2008, January 16th ed.). Home invasions instilling fear in area residents.
Natchez, MS.
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 25

The Daily Reveille. (2007, March 23rd ed.). Stress affects scores in “high stakes” tests. Baton Rouge,
The Daily Reveille. (2007, February 9th ed.). Fighting the urge: 2.2 million Americans fighting
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Baton Rouge, LA.
The Daily Reveille. (2007, January 23rd ed.). Under the weather: Rain, Saints’ defeat, cold temperatures
contribute to gloomiest day of the year. Baton Rouge, LA.
A & S Kaleidoscope: The magazine of the LSU College of Arts & Sciences. (2006, Fall). Psychology
professor studies the effects of Katrina on students. Baton Rouge, LA.
Parents. (2006, December). Behavior Q & A. My 3-year-old is terrified of Santa Claus and anything
related to him. Is this normal? New York: Meredith Publishing Group.
The Daily Reveille. (2006, September 27th ed.). Research examines people’s fears: Study to include
students, faculty. Baton Rouge, LA.
The Daily Reveille. (2006, August 29th ed.). Students still feeling post-Katrina stress. Baton Rouge, LA.
The Signal. (2006, August 22nd ed.). Hurricane Katrina, one year later: Mental health impacts still
remain. Atlanta, GA.
Baton Rouge Parents Magazine. (2006, August). A year later: Helping children cope with future
evacuations. Baton Rouge, LA.
Baton Rouge Parents Magazine. (2006, August). Seriously stressed out: The epidemic of childhood
anxiety. Baton Rouge, LA.
The Daily Reveille. (also appearing on APA Online:; 2006, July 18th ed.). Study
examines post-storm depression: Project surveys more than 1,000 students. Baton Rouge, LA.
The Daily Reveille. (2006, July 11th ed.). Clinic offers treatment for anxiety disorders: Facility geared
toward affordable care. Baton Rouge, LA.
Neuropsychiatry Reviews. (2006, April). Gulf coast researchers assess the psychological impact of
Hurricane Katrina. Bloomfield, NJ.
The Dermatology Times. (2006, April). Katrina’s aftermath: One doctor’s despair. Cleveland, OH.
The Advocate. (2006, February 24th ed.). LSU study tracks post-Katrina student depression, stress.
Baton Rouge, LA.
The Houston Chronicle. (2006, February 21st ed.). Katrina leaving some students feeling blue: Study of
1,000 in college finds storm caused depression, but most “resilient” and “coping” well. Houston, TX.
The Daily Reveille. (2006, February 3rd ed.). Millennial mindset: New technology, political backdrop
cause today’s students to live differently. Baton Rouge, LA.
Baton Rouge Parents Magazine. (2006, January). Help for the children: Stress and Depression. Baton
Rouge, LA.
The Advocate. (2005, October 28th ed.). I scream, you scream…What is it about horror movies that
keeps the crowds coming? Baton Rouge, LA.
Monitor on Psychology. (2005, July/August). Fighting phobias: Fighting children’s fears fast. American
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 26

Psychological Association.
Alumni News. (2003, Summer). The child and adolescent phobia and the virtual reality projects at
Virginia Tech. Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, VA.


2013 Nominated, LSU Distinguished Faculty Award Louisiana State University
2009 ABCT Ambassador ABCT (
2008 First Featured Researcher & Article-“ABCT Headlines” ABCT (
2006 Flagship Faculty Member (LSU Today) Louisiana State University
2005 S.T.A.R. Recognition for Clinical Services Kennedy Krieger Institute
2003 Child & Adolescent Anxiety SIG Award AABT; Boston, Massachusetts
2002 Phi Kappa Phi Virginia Polytechnic Institute
2002 National Scholars Honor Society Virginia Polytechnic Institute
1999 Omicron Delta Kappa East Carolina University
1998 President, CDFR and MFT Graduate Student Assoc. East Carolina University
1998 Summa Cum Laude Hampden-Sydney College
1998 Phi Beta Kappa Hampden-Sydney College
1998 Psychology Department Award for Excellence Hampden-Sydney College
1997 Honors Council Summer Research Participant Hampden-Sydney College
1997 James & Patricia Dennis Psychology Scholarship Hampden-Sydney College
1996 James & Patricia Dennis Psychology Scholarship Hampden-Sydney College
1995 Psi Chi, Chapter President 1997 &1998 Hampden-Sydney College
1994-98 Dean’s List 8 out of 8 semesters Hampden-Sydney College
1994-98 Venable Merit Scholarship Hampden-Sydney College

Graduate Committees
Dissertation Committees in Psychology
Sara Whiting (proposed October, 2012) Committee Chair
Title: Trait affective, behavioral, and cognitive factors of anxiety and depressive
symptoms in children and adolescents: A hierarchical model.
Melissa Munson (proposed September, 2012) Committee Chair
Title: Recalled bullying in childhood: The relationship between being a bully and
anxiety, depression, loneliness, and behavior problems in adulthood.
Anna May (proposed July, 2012) Committee Chair
Title: The effects of parent factors on children’s separation anxiety.
Whitney Jenkins (proposed June, 2012) Committee Chair
Title: Differential examination of disgust in spider, blood-injection-injury, and
contamination fear: Self-reported and attention-based assessment of differences
Brittany (Moree) Rudy (defended April, 2012) Committee Chair
Title: Socially oriented negative self-referent cognition: The development and validation
of a measure and the examination of predictive theoretical models.
Erin (Tarcza) Reuther (defended June, 2011) Committee Chair
Title: Relationships among the behavioral inhibition system, response inhibition, heart
rate variability, and anxiety sensitivity in older adolescents with and without significant
Marie Nebel-Schwalm (defended March, 2010) Committee Chair
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 27

Title: Reliability and validity study of the Motivation for Fear Survey (MOTIF).
Kimberly Zlomke (defended November, 2007) Committee Chair
Title: Developmental continuity of a cognitive-behavioral model of worry.
Tai Collins (defended 2013) Committee Member
Evan Dart (defended 2013) Committee Member
Max Horovitz (defended 2013) Committee Member
Mindy Scheithauer (proposed 2012) Committee Member
Megan Sipes (proposed 2012) Committee Member
Lisa Libster Minor (proposed 2011/2012) Committee Member
Sara Mahan (defended 2012) Committee Member
Daniene Neal (defended 2012) Committee Member
Tim Dempsey (defended 2011) Committee Member
Jill Fodstad (defended 2011) Committee Member
Julie (Hess) Worley (defended 2011) Committee Member
Emily Boudreaux (defended 2010) Committee Member
Jonathan Wilkins (defended 2010) Committee Member
Martin Ancona (defended 2009) Committee Member
Kimberly Smith (defended 2009) Committee Member
Aaron Clendenin (defended 2007) Committee Member
Melissa Gonzalez (defended 2007) Committee Member
Noha Minshawi (defended 2007) Committee Member
Ashvind Singh (defended 2007) Committee Member
General Exam Committees in Clinical Psychology
Sara Whiting (defended 2012) Committee Chair
Whitney Jenkins (defended 2011) Committee Chair
Anna May (defended 2011) Committee Chair
Brittany Moree (defended 2010) Committee Chair
Melissa Munson (defended 2010) Committee Chair
Erin Tarcza (defended 2009) Committee Chair
Marie Nebel-Schwalm (defended 2006) Committee Chair
Kimberly Zlomke (defended 2006) Committee Chair
Brian Belva (defended 2012) Committee Member
Megan Hattier (defended 2012) Committee Member
Mindy Scheithauer (defended 2012) Committee Member
Kimberly Tureck (defended 2012) Committee Member
Tai Collins (defended 2011) Committee Member
Evan Dart (defended 2011) Committee Member
Max Horovitz (defended 2011) Committee Member
Ali Kozlowski (defended 2011) Committee Member
Megan Sipes (defended 2011) Committee Member
Julie Hess (defended 2010) Committee Member
Sara Mahan (defended 2010) Committee Member
Daniene Neal (defended 2010) Committee Member
Mary Shoemaker (defended 2010) Committee Member
Emily Boudreaux (defended 2009) Committee Member
Tim Dempsey (defended 2009) Committee Member
Jill Fodstad (defended 2009) Committee Member
Santino LoVullo (defended 2009) Committee Member
Jonathan Wilkins (defended 2008) Committee Member
Kimberly Smith (defended 2007) Committee Member
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 28

Ryan Thorson (defended 2007) Committee Member

Melissa Gonzalez (defended 2006) Committee Member
Karen Laslie (defended 2006) Committee Member
Kara Meyer (defended 2006) Committee Member
Jennette Palcic (defended 2006) Committee Member
Russell Pella (defended 2006) Committee Member
Katie Kendra (defended 2005) Committee Member
Angie Pellegrin (defended 2005) Committee Member
Ashvind Singh (defended 2005) Committee Member
Dori Whitehead (defended 2005) Committee Member
Annie Wingate (defended 2005) Committee Member
Thesis Committees in Psychology
Megan Kirkpatrick (in preparation) Committee Chair
Title: To be determined
Franziska Noack (in preparation) Committee Chair
Title: To be determined
Sara Whiting (defended December, 2011) Committee Chair
Title: Development and validation of the Adolescent Thought Control Questionnaire
Whitney Jenkins (defended January, 2011) Committee Chair
Title: Assessing attentional bias in specific phobia using a dichotic listening paradigm
Brittany Moree (defended May, 2010) Committee Chair
Title: Relationship among self-efficacy, negative self-statements, and social anxiety in
children: A mediation model
Melissa Munson (defended December, 2008) Committee Chair
Title: Intellectual ability in children with anxiety: A replication and exploration of the
Morgan Ashwill (proposed 2013) Committee Member
Katherine Macmillan (in preparation) Committee Member
Hilary Adams (proposed 2012) Committee Member
Matthew Konst (proposed 2012) Committee Member
Lindsey Williams (proposed 2012) Committee Member
Anthony Ecker (defended 2012) Committee Member
Robert Rieske (defended 2012) Committee Member
Erica Truelson (proposal 2011) Committee Member
Aaron Fischer (defended 2011) Committee Member
Stephanie Grant (defended 2011) Committee Member
Jose Silgado (defended 2011) Committee Member
Marie Nebel-Schwalm (defended 2006) Committee Member
Ryan Thorson (defended 2006) Committee Member

Undergraduate Service
Thesis Committees in Psychology
Michelle Wagner (defended 2011) Committee Chair
Title: The relationship between family structure and social anxiety in young adults.

Research Mentorship
Autumn Autrey (2010) DeAnna Auzenne (2007-08) Nikki Barnfather (2009)
Stephanie Bastidas (2009-11) Jessica Beeson (2013-pre) Brittany Bergeron (2006-07)
Claire Bergeron (2012) Chelsi Bourgeois (2011) Erin Brooks (2006)
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 29

Jacob Bursavich (2010) Sean Cleary (2011-2012) Hannah Crawford (2007-09)

Lauren Davis (2005) Rachel Demanuelle (2012-pre) Erica Ducoing (2012-pre)
Emily Eck (2009-2010) Tony Ecker (2008-09) Paula Finley (2010-11)
Caroline Foley (2006) Morgan Foreman (2011-12) Keisha Gobrick (2009-11)
Rebecca Graham (2010-11) Chad Gremillion (2008-11) Brittany Harville (2006)
Jessica Hatcher (2008-09) Lance Hebert (2008-2009) Margaret Hindman (2012-pre)
Jessica Hoffmann (2011-12) Angelle Kerek (2013-pre) Keri Kytola (2012)
Sean Lajaunie (2009-2010) Scott Lepley (2010-11) Sarah Lockett (2011-12)
Andrew Lowe (2008) Blaine Masinter (2013-pre) Miranda Mathews (2005)
Jennifer Menville (2007) Renee Moore (2006-07) Jessica Pearson (2007)
Megan Penzato (2008-09) Cady Pruitt (2010-pre) Jessica Riddle (2007-08)
Rituparna Roy (2010-11) Georgia Shaheen (2012-pre) Megan Simon (2010-2012)
Trevor Simon (2012) Alyssa Stewart (2008) Kelsey Thompson (2010-11)
Leah Toney (2007) Whitney Torres (2005-06) Alicia Veneziano (2008)
Allana Victorian (2008) Christine Vinci (2006-07) Michelle Wagner (2009-11)
Robin Wagner (2006) Elizabeth Wilson (2011) Sara Winkler (2010-11)
Katie Woodruff (2010)

Department, College, and University Service

2013 (January) Transfer Student Orientation Undergraduate Advisor for Psychology. Louisiana
State University.
2012 - present Committee Member – School Psychology Search Committee, Department of
Psychology. Louisiana State University.
2012 (August) Transfer Student Orientation Undergraduate Advisor for Psychology. Louisiana
State University.
2012 – present Undergraduate Advisor, Department of Psychology. Louisiana State University.
2011 – present Liaison/Representative –Undergraduate Athletic Recruitment, Department of
Psychology. Louisiana State University.
2011 - present Faculty Senator – College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Senate.
Psychology Department representative. Louisiana State University.
2011 - present Committee Member - Academic Freedom and Scholarship Committee, College
of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Senate. Louisiana State University.
2011 - 2012 Committee Member – Clinical/School Psychology Search Committee,
Department of Psychology. Louisiana State University.
2010 - present Committee Member – Undergraduate Assessment Committee, Department of
Psychology. Louisiana State University.
2010 (Spring) Psychology Department Representative for Commencement Ceremonies.
Louisiana State University.
2009 – 2011 Committee Member – LSU Day Planning and Presentation Committee, Clinical
Area Representative. Louisiana State University.
2009 (February) Dean’s Representative, Dissertation Proposal for Tao Zhang—College of
Education, Department of Kinesiology. Louisiana State University.
Curriculum Vitae: Davis 30

2008 - 2011 Mentor – Chancellor’s Future Leaders in Research program for undergraduate
students. Louisiana State University
2008 - present Web designer for Psychological Services for Youth Clinic
( website
2008 - 2011 Web designer for Psychological Services Center (
and Developmental Disabilities Clinic (
2008 (October) Dean’s Representative, General Exam for Tao Zhang—College of Education,
Department of Kinesiology. Louisiana State University.
2008 (Summer) Psychology Department Representative for Commencement Ceremonies.
Louisiana State University.
2007 Committee Member – College of Arts & Sciences Children’s Clinic Architecture
Design Committee
2007 - 2008 Committee Member – Clinical Psychology Search Committee, Department of
Psychology. Louisiana State University.
2007 (July) Dean’s Representative, Dissertation Defense for Rhonda Norwood—College of
Arts & Sciences. Department of Social Work. Louisiana State University.
2007 (Spring) Psychology Department Representative for Commencement Ceremonies.
Louisiana State University.
2007 (Spring) Teaching / Research Mentor – to visiting international fellow, Asst. Professor
Lence Miloseva of the University of Skopje, Macedonia (Junior Faculty
Development Program).
2006 (March) Dean’s Representative, General Exam for Rhonda Norwood– College of Arts &
Sciences. Department of Social Work. Louisiana State University.
2005 - 2008 Faculty Senator – College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Senate. Psychology
Department representative. Louisiana State University.
2005 - 2008 Committee Member - Academic Freedom and Scholarship Committee, College
of Arts & Sciences Faculty Senate. Louisiana State University.

References available upon request.

Last updated: March 2013

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