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Whirlpool Product Quality System

Global Part Approval Process

PPAP Overview
O er ie Training
Modeled after AIAG PPAP Manual – 4th Edition

Created - January 5, 2010

Whirlpool Product Quality System

Global Part Approval Process

PPAP Overview Training

Table of Contents

• Introduction to PPAP ……………………………………………………. 3

• Scope …………………………………………………………………….. 4
• Purpose …………………………………………………………………… 5
• Application ……………………………………………………………….. 6
• Methodologygy …………………………………………………………….. 7 – 8
• PPAP Key Requirements……………………………………………….. 9
• Hi-level Description of each of the PPAP Requirements …………… 10-16
• Rendering Individual Requirement Dispositions …………………….. 17
• GPAP Final Item Status ………………………………………………… 18
• Summary …………………………………………………………………. 19
• Reference Documents ………………………………………………….. 20
• AIAG Contact Information ………………………………………………. 21

Whirlpool Product Quality System


• Whirlpool has embraced the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP – 4th Edition) to validate and
approve all items for use in production

• Production parts (items1) are manufactured at the production site using

production tooling, gaging, operators, equipment, etc.

• Items from the production run are sampled and analyzed

• Test results and records from APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) are
submitted as required with a Part Submission Warrant (PSW)

1 – at Whirlpool the term “items” refers to parts, assemblies, and finished product and will
be hereafter used to expand the definition of parts.
Whirlpool Product Quality System

• Applies equally to all organizations supplying both MAKE and BUY:
9 production items,
9 production materials,
9 service items 2,
9 raw and bulk materials,
9 finished purchased product
9 etc.

• Applies to all items used in Whirlpool’s manufacturing of appliances.

• Whirlpool authorized personnel may formally relinquish GPAP requirements

in totality or in part for an item or a material. This action shall be formally
documented with the item number to which it applies.

2 – service item inclusion will be a regional decision until further notice. 4

Whirlpool Product Quality System

For the item manufacturer to demonstrate:

• All design records and specification requirements are properly understood

9 print specifications,
9 test
t t specifications,
ifi ti
9 material specifications,
9 quality requirements,
9 etc.

• The process has the capability to produce items that meet the requirements

• PPAP evidences are taken from an actual production run at the quoted rate

Whirlpool Product Quality System

• The AIAG PPAP Manual defines when PPAP Submissions are required:
9 a new item 3,
9 a design or process change 4,
9 a new tool 5 or machine,
9 Inactive tooling (> 12 months) 6,
9 change in source of subcontracted materials or services,
9 transfer or re-arrangement
re arrangement of tooling or equipment 7,
9 correction to discrepancy of a previous submission,
9 etc 8.

3 – if a new item is similar (family item) generated from like tooling of a previously approved item, only the revised portion and related characteristics
need to be validated
4 – if revision is to a previously approved part, only the revised portion and related characteristics need be checked

5 - applies to permanent tools such as dies, molds, patterns, etc., but does not apply to perishable tools such as cutting tools, drill bits,grinders, etc.
6 – inactive due to production volume or following a “suspension of shipments” due to a quality issue
7 – relates to a method or process re-arrangement including such items as a plant re-location
8 – refer to the AIAG PPAP Manual (4th edition) for more specifics 6
Whirlpool Product Quality System

gy ((levels))
• Five (5) Criticality Levels for the Quality Engineer to choose from:
9 Level 1-- Warrant only (and color approval report as specified) submitted to Whpl.
9 Level 2 – Warrant with product samples and limited supporting data submitted to Whpl.
9 Level 3 – Warrant with product samples & complete supporting data submitted to Whpl
9 Level 4 – Warrant and other requirements submitted as defined by Whirlpool
9 Level 5 – Warrant with product samples & complete supporting data reviewed by Whpl.
at the organization’s manufacturing location.

NOTE #1: even though the item manufacturer may only be required to submit select
PPAP requirement evidences to Whirlpool for review, they are obligated to complete all
aspects of PPAP requirements in their facility and make them available to Whirlpool
upon request.

NOTE #2: the default level for items is Level #3; for raw materials is Level #4

Whirlpool Product Quality System

Other – duplicate tools, duplicate suppliers, tool or process change, etc. Hi-Level Process Flow
Other Other (Illustrative Only – see S.T. GPAP
“Make” “Buy” Procedure for official flow)
input input Ref. only – Not part of GPAP
Item Establish
Risk Producibility PPAP
Issued / PPAP
Analysis Reviews Submittal
Released Submittal level
Via E.N. – new or (Levels 1- 5) (w/planning)
revised item
Select rqmts.
Item Manufact’r. Item
Communicate Select PPAP
f t’
PPAP Info Rqm’t.
Rqmts & completes all
to Manufact’r. Reviewers
Completes PSW PPAP Rqmts.
(official signs) (in their facility) (level & dates) (internal Whpl.)

Sel. Reviewers Q.E Q.E

Item Manufact’r Whpl. Reviews Approver GPAP
submits PSW / dispositions determines Status
& Requested PPAP Overall Item Communicated
Evidence Evidence(s) PPAP Status (int & Ext
(int. Ext.))
Note: Whpl encourages evidence to (level 5 at mfg facility) (Approved,
be submitted early
Resubmittal Rqmts. Interim Approved)
Whirlpool Product Quality System

• Print / Design Record

• Engineering Change Documents (if any) PPAP ((18)) Key
• Whpl. Engineering Approval (if req’d.)
• Design FMEA Requirements
• Process Flow Diagram
• P
Process FMEA
• Control Plan
• Measurement System Analysis
• Dimensional Results
• Material, Performance Test Results
• Initial Process Studies (capability studies)
• Lab Qualification Documentation
• Appearance Approval Report (if req’d. ’d )
• Sample Items
• Master Samples Note: Refer to the Whirlpool S.T. GPAP
• Checking g Fixtures / Aids Standard and AIAG PPAP Manual (4th edition)
f specifics.
for ifi
• Whpl Specific Rqmts – Compliance Report
• Submittal Warrant
Whirlpool Product Quality System

Design FMEA
Ref. Slide #33 AIAG FMEA mat’l.
• Assess design feasibility,
feasibility risk
risk, design intent issues

• Confirm manufacturing process capability is considered FMEA

• Degree to which high RPN / SOD 9 numbers are addressed

ith preventative
pre entati e strategies
• Focus on critical characteristics; incorporate lessons learned

Process FMEA Ref. Slide #XX AIAG FMEA mat’l.

• Has linkage with DFMEA, Process Flow, Process

Control Plan,, Operator
p Instructions,, etc.
• Degree to which high RPN / SOD 9 numbers
are addressed with preventative strategies
• Action plans assigned
assigned, implemented
implemented, effectiveness assessed,
assessed and RPN /
SOD numbers re-calculated
9 – Whirlpool prefers the use of SOD (Severity, Occurrence, Detection) as a risk assessment alternative. See Appendix “C” in the recent edition of the 10
Whirlpool Product Quality System

Process Flow Diagrams

• Clearlyy defines p
production p
process steps
p in sequence.
• Linkage of product characteristics from Design FMEA to
operational steps; consistent with Process FMEA, control
plan, operator instructions
• Ensures identification of inspection and rework

Measurement System Studies

• Required on all measurement devices / systems used to measure
control (special) characteristics or characteristics on the control plan.
• Verify acceptance guidelines based upon study performed.
Ref. Slide #33
AIAG MSA mat’l.
t’l • Realize measurement uncertainty – R & R, stability, bias, linearity.

Whirlpool Product Quality System

Control Plan
• Ensure control plan is aligned to, and correlates with the Ref. Slide #33 AIAG APQP mat’l.

DFMEA, Process Flow, and PFMEA.

• Ensures that all critical characteristics (both design & process) are
listed with a suitable control method identified, including a
reasonable form of statistical control for long-term control.
• Incorporate lessons learned and use of statistical data
• Evaluate control methods to ensure they are appropriate to variation types.

Dimensional Results
• To ensure that design record dimensions (≠ ref.), characteristics,
specifications, etc. indicate compliance with requirements.

• To
T be
b completed
l t d ffor each
h independent
i d d t production
d ti stream
t (station,
t ti cavity, t ).
it etc. )

Whirlpool Product Quality System

Initial Process Capability Study

• Initial Process Capability
p y Study y to be p performed on each Ref Slide #33 AIAG SPC mat
Ref. mat’ll.
Special (Critical) Characteristic and on each independent
production stream (cavities, stations, etc.)
• Requires Measurement System Analysis performed on
each studied dimension.

• Requires ‘stable’ processes (via control charts – prefer X-bar / R).

Unstable processes to be evaluated
evaluated, analyzed
analyzed, and
special variation causes eliminated before submission.

• Acceptance criteria for stable, initial process studies:

Index Result Interpretation Conclusion
Index > 1.67 Process currently meets rqmts. Current control plan sufficient

1.33 ≤ Index ≤ 1.67 Process may or may not meet Additional controls needed until
equ e e s; Whplp Q
QE too assess Index
de > 1.67
6 iss ac
e ed

Process does not meet Action plan required until Index >
Index < 1.33 requirements; Whpl QE to review 1.33 is achieved; generally
alternatives increased inspection req’d. 13
Whirlpool Product Quality System

Qualified Laboratory Documentation

• Ensure that item inspection / testing is done by qualified
labs that correlate to the type of measurement or testing
being conducted. Supporting documentation required.
• Applies
pp es to
o bo
both internal
e a a and
e a laboratories.
abo a o es

Material and Performance Test Results

• Ensure material specification conformance when chemical
physical, or metallurgical requirements are specified.

• Ensure performance / functional specifications are met as

li t d on th
listed the d
i record
d or control
t l plan.

Appearance Approval Report (AAR)

• Ensures item conformance for aesthetic specifications such as color, grain,
texture, surface finish, etc. Evaluation typically completed by Whpl. Color Lab.
Whirlpool Product Quality System

Other PPAP Requirements

• DESIGN RECORD – The Th engineering
i i d
i Th
There iis only
l ONE design
d i
record. May reference other documents drawing them into the design record.

OCU S–e engineering
g ee g
approvals for changes not yet added to design record, but incorporated into item.

• WHIRLPOOL ENGINEERING APPROVAL – Where specified by Whirlpool, the

f t shall
h ll h
have evidence
id off approval.

• SAMPLE PRODUCTION PARTS – Sample production product for a variety of

“hands-on” uses (validate dimensions, assembly tests (3F), handling, other?).

• MASTER SAMPLE – generally retained by manufacturer, but made available

to Whirlpool upon request.

• CHECKING AIDS – Specific to item being submitted; required if requested by

Whirlpool. Organization must certify that any checking aid (templates, mylars,
gages, fixtures, models, etc.) agrees w/ item dimensional requirements. 15
Whirlpool Product Quality System

Other PPAP Requirements

• CUSTOMER SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS – specific, unique, requirements by

a Whirlpool authorized representative to be included in PPAP request to


Part Number: Part Name: Date:

Revision Level: EN: Tooling PO #:

Drawing Number: Final Checking Aid(s) #: Purchase Order #:

• WARRANT – e.g. the item manufacturer “warrants”

Number of Cavities / Independent Feeds:

Supplier Manufacturing Information Whirlpool Contact Information

Supplier Name: Whirlpool Supplier Code:

Street Address/City/State/Zip: Whirlpool Sourcing Specialist:

Supplier Part Number: Quality Engineer:

the PPAP. It is a document specific to each individual

Reason For Submission (Select All That Apply)
Initial Submission (New Part) Change of Optional Construction or Material New or Modified Tools, Dies, Molds, Etc.
Engineering Change(s) Sub-Supplier or Material Source Change Refurbishment - Existing Tooling
Correction of Discrepancy Change in Part Processing Tooling / Equipment Transfer
Tooling Inactive > Than 1 Year Parts Produced at Additional Location Other - (Please Specify)

item being submitted. Signed by a responsible official on

Requested Elements (Check All That Apply - Should Compare To Producibility Review)
Warrant Design FMEA Qualified Laboratory Documentation
Design Record (Drawing, Spec's)
Measurement System Analysis
Change Documents / Deviations Appearance Approval Report
Dimensional Results / Layout (# Cavities____)
Control Plan Material, Mechanical, Perf., Rel. Test Results
Sample Parts #__________

behalf of the item manufacturer certifying that all PPAP

Process Flow Diagram
Restricted Material Compliance (RML)
Process FMEA Process Capability Results
Other - (Customer Specific Requirements)
Checking Aids
Submission Results
Part submission meets all dimensional, material/mechanical/performance/reliability testing, appearance, and statistical requirements for each part feature /
characteristic as defined on the design record: Yes No

documents are complete

complete, truthful
truthful, production
If no, explanation required:

I affirm that the samples represented by this warrant are representative of our parts and have been made to the applicable customer drawings and
specifications, and in the case of production samples, are made from specified materials on production intent tooling and equipment while being
manufactured in production intent process flow. Yes No

representatives, and that all evidences will be made Print Name:

Declarations ("No" response only):

Vendor E-mail Address(es) to Receive Electronic Notice:____________________________________________________________________________

Title: Date: Phone #:

available to Whirlpool upon request, even if they are not

Signature: Email: Fax #:

(Must scan in actual signature if document is sent electronically)

Whirlpool Use Only Disposition

Approve Reject Approve Interim

required for PPAP submission.

Signatures of Approval
Quality Engineer: Date:

Engineering: Date:


Whirlpool Product Quality System

Render Individual Requirement Dispositions

Each submitted evidence (or bundle of evidences – S.T.
S T ) to receive one of the
following dispositions:

• APPROVED (Green – O.K.)

O K ) – Fully meets Whirlpool expectations
based upon the submitted evidence provided.


submitted evidence is not acceptable to Whirlpool but
circumstances deem it appropriate to allow consideration (reviewed by
Whirlpool PPAP assessor) of an action plan to eliminate the non-
compliance issue on a temporary basis basis. If action plan is approved
requirement disposition is as stated, if not requirement is rejected.

• REJECTED (Red – Not O.K.) – Does not meet Whirlpool

expectations based upon the submitted evidence provided.

10 – does not apply to short-term GPAP; see S.T. GPAP procedure 17

Whirlpool Product Quality System

GPAP Final Item Status

THE APPROACH – The official GPAP Status of each item will be established
according to the following three (3) steps:
1. Render Individual Requirement Dispositions for each piece of
submitted evidence
2. Collectively evaluate all Individual Requirement Dispositions
3. Establish the Item’s Final GPAP Status from the individual inputs

Individual PPAP Final Whirlpool Meaning

PPAP Requirement Dispositions GPAP Status
All Green Approved Manuf. can ship product to
Machine Whirlpool

At least (1) Red Rejected Manuf. must re-submit; no

shipment to Whpl.
Whpl w/ this disp.

At least (1) Yellow, but NO Interim Manuf. may ship product to

Red (assumes approved Approval Whpl. providing they adhere to
action plan) the Action Plans set forth and
approved by Whirlpool.

Whirlpool Product Quality System

• The AIAG PPAP Manual (4th Edition) defines the requirements.

• Whirlpool’s GPAP Standard compliments the manual (e.g. references

the Restricted Materials List ((RML), ), clarifies ‘stylemasters’
y in the appearance
pp report,
p ,
clarifies Tier II considerations, etc.)

• Whirlpool Quality Engineering selects the most appropriate item PPAP level
and defines particulars for the submittal (e.g. e g evidence reviewers
reviewers, submittal requirement
dates, sample size requirements and submittal locations, process study constraints, etc.).

• Item manufacturer develops process and quality system, draws samples

from trial
t i l production
d ti run, ensures compliance
li tto allll Whi
l l requirements,
i t
and submits requested evidence to Whirlpool for review.

• Whirlpool reviews / evaluates the PPAP package and dispositions.

• Whirlpool communicates PPAP final status.

Whirlpool Product Quality System

Reference Documents
• AIAG – Associated Publications:
¾ Production Part Approval Manual (PPAP – 4th Edition)
¾ APQP – Advanced Product Quality Planning
¾ FMEA – Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
¾ SPC – Statistical Process Control (incl.
incl Capability Study information)
¾ MSA – Measurement System Analysis
Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)
26200 Lahser Road,
Road Suite 200
Southfield, Michigan 48034
(248) 358 – 3570

• Whirlpool Documents:
¾ WPQS Global Part Approval Process (GPAP) - Standard
¾ WPQS PPAP Review Process Guide
¾ WPQS S.T. GPAP Procedure
¾ WPQS F.M.E.A. Process (Procedure WQPR-00001, Form WQFM-00003)
Whirlpool Product Quality System

Thank You!

Any Questions ???

Document Information
Document Number: WQXX-XXXXX Revision Number: 01

Document Name: GPAP – PPAP Overview Training (Basic Level) Date Revised: 02 Feb. 2010

Process: All Communications X Consumer Care / Service X Design (GCD) X Engineering & Technology

Finance Human Resources X Legal X Logistics / Supply Chain X Management / Support

X Manufacturing Marketing X Procurement X Project Management X Quality

Region: X Global Asia / PAC LAR NAR WER

Country: X All All Asia / PAC All LAR All NAR All WER

If specific, list (per SAP DMS):

Facility All All Communications X All Customer Care / Service X All Design (GCD) X All Engineering & Technology
All Finance All Human Resources X All Legal X All Logistics / Supply Chain X All Management Support

X All Manufacturing All Marketing X All Procurement X All Project Management X All Quality

Product X All Brands If specific, list (per SAP DMS):


Product X All Air Treatment Cooking Cleaning Fabric Care

Kitchen Aid Portables Microwave Oven Other Refrigeration Water Products

Supplier None All Consumer Care / Service X Direct Indirect Indirect-Logistics


F #:
# WQFM 00013
WQFM-00013 R i i N
Revision Number:
b 02

Form Name: Blank PowerPoint Form Date Revised: 09 Sep 2009

Document Information
Document Number: WQXX-XXXXX Revision Number: 01

Document Name: GPAP – PPAP Overview Training (Basic Level) Date Revised: 02 Feb. 2010

Rev. Revision Date: Effective Date: Description of Change Created by / Changed by

No. (dd mmm yyyy) (dd mmm yyyy)

01 Original release of this document in WPQS. J. Bluschke

For GPAP Trials only – Not Officially Released

WPQS Form #: WQFM-00013 Revision Number: 02

Form Name: Blank PowerPoint Form Date Revised: 09 Sep 2009


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