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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Computer Graphics
Course Code: CSE-4704
Final Practical Examination

Group A

1. Draw a Line using Polynomial Line Algorithm.

2. Draw a Line using DDA Line Algorithm.
3. Draw a Line using Bresenham’s Line Algorithm.
4. Draw a Line using Midpoint Line Algorithm.
5. Draw a Circle using Polynomial circle algorithm.
6. Draw a Circle using Trigonometric circle algorithm.
7. Draw a Circle using Bresenham’s circle algorithm.
8. Draw an Ellipse using Polynomial algorithm.
9. Draw an Ellipse using Trigonometric algorithm.
10. Draw an Arc.
11. Draw a Sector.
12. Scan converting a character ‘A’ using Bitmap method.
13. Scan converting a character ‘A’ using Outline method.
14. Scan convert a character “P” using outline method.
15. Scan convert a character “Q” using bitmap method.
16. Scan converting a character bangla ka using Bitmap method.
17. Scan converting a character bangla ka using Outline method.
18. Scan convert Shohid Minar.
19. Scan convert Sriti Shoudo.
20. Scan converting a flower.

Group B
1. Scan convert a clock by rotating three line (minutes, second, hour).
2. Magnifying a circle about a point.
3. Magnifying a triangle about a point.
4. Magnifying a rectangle about a point.
5. Create a flower with rotating an object.
6. Scan convert a three-dimensional cube.
7. Scan convert a three dimensional “F”.
8. Clipping a Line segment with a rectangle window using Cohen-Shuterland algorithm.
9. Scan convert a three-dimensional cube and then rotate the object about x-axis.
10. Rotate a Line about a point.
11. Rotate a Triangle about a point.
12 Rotate a Rectangle about a point.

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