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Ecommerce Final Exam (40%) February 2020 Time allowed 80 minutes

Part I Multiple Choice: Each question has four suggested answers; choose
the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the space provided
1. Which of the following is false about ecommerce?
a. Available anywhere, anytime c. Is not interactive
b. Operates according to universal standards d. Offers global reach
2. Which of the following is not one of the benefits of e-commerce to sellers?
a. E-commerce is a powerful tool for customer relationship building.
b. E-commerce can help to reduce costs.
c. E-commerce increases the net cost per contact.
d. E-commerce offers greater flexibility in meeting customer needs.
3. In the e-commerce sector, a physical store or building is called a:
a. brick facility. c. brick-and-steel facility
b. brick storefront. d. brick-and-mortar facility.
4. Which of these is an example of a B2C transaction?
a. A consumer buys a computer from his brother.
b. buys computers from Lenovo.
c. A consumer buys a computer from
d. buys computers an individual made himself.
5. What type of commerce occurs when a business sells its products over the Internet to other
a. B2B b. B2C c. C2B d. Enterprise commerce
6.  What is an arrangement made between e-commerce sites that direct users from one site to the
a. Spam c. affiliate program
b. viral marketing d. none
7. The set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target
market is called
a. Customer mix c. marketing mix
b. competitor mix d. all
8. Digital products are best suited for B2C ecommerce because they:
a. Are commodity like products
b. can be mass-customized and personalized
c. Can be delivered at the time of purchase d. all of the above
9. The best products to sell in B2C ecommerce are:
a. Small products c. specialty products
b. digital products d. fresh products
10. Which of the following forces are fueling e-commerce?
a. Economic forces c. Market forces
b. Technology forces d. all of the above
11. Which segment ecommerce focuses on consumers dealing with each other?
a. B2B b. B2C c. C2B d. C2C
12. Which segment of ecommerce do eBay and belong?
a. B2Bs b, B2Cs c. C2Bs d. C2Cs

13. When a transaction is processed online, how can the merchant verify the customer’s identity?
a. Use secure socket layers
b. use secure electronic transactions
c. Use electronic data interchange
d. use financial electronic data interchange
14. Secure socket layers does which of the following?
a. Creates a secure, private connection to a web server
b. Sends information over the internet
c. Encrypts information d. All of the above
15. By encryption of a text we mean
a. compressing it c. scrambling it to preserve its security
b. expanding it d. hashing it
16. E-commerce has the following advantages:
a. geographic reach c. information sharing
b. 24/7 coverage d. all of the above
17. What type of web technology creates a secure and private connection between two computers?
a. secure socket layers c. internet-locked connection
b. encryption d. sheltered web sites
18. E-commerce includes:-
a. Electronic trading of goods b. Electronic trading of services
c. Electronic Financial transaction d. All of these
19. Which of the following describes e-commerce?
a. Buying products from each other b. Buying services from each other
c. Selling services from each other d. All of the above
20. Which products are people most likely to be more uncomfortable buying on the Internet?
a. Books B. Furniture C. Movies D. All of the above
21. What is the name of the card which can be used by the buyers during the time of purchase and
in which the amount will be immediately debited from the buyers account?
a. E-Distributor b. Debit Card c. Credit Card d. Power Card
22. A firewall is a
a. wall built to prevent fires from damaging a corporate intranet
b. security device deployed at the boundary of a company to prevent unauthorized
physical access
c. security device deployed at the boundary of a corporate intranet to protect it from
unauthorized access
d. device to prevent all accesses from the internet to the corporate intranet
23. By symmetric key encryption we mean

a. one private key is used for both encryption and decryption
b. private and public key used are symmetric
c. only public keys are used for encryption
d. only symmetric key is used for encryption
24. Public key encryption method is a system
a. which uses a set of public keys one for each participant in e-Commerce
b. in which each person who wants to communicate has two keys; a private key known to him
only and a public key which is publicized to enable others to send message to him.
c. which uses the RSA coding system.
d. which is a standard for use in e-Commerce.
25. Secure Sockets Layers does which of the following?
a. creates a secure, private connection to a web server
b. encrypts information
c. sends information over the internet
d. all of the above
26. When a transaction is processed online, how can the merchant verify the customer's identity?
a. use secure sockets layers
b. use secure electronic transactions
c. use electronic data interchange
d. use financial electronic data interchange

Part II Matching: Match each item in column A with an item in column B

which is closest in meaning

Column A Column B

___ 1.Secret Key Cryptography A. protection against the customer’s unjustified denial of
placing an order or merchants’ unjustified denial of
___ 2.Credit cards payments
B. Uses a single key for both encryption and decryption
___ 3.protocol
C. The process of transforming encrypted information so that
___ 4.Cryptography it is intelligible again.
D. Charges will be taken from the customer's checking
___ 5. Authentication account
E. The process of transforming information so it is
___ 6.Non-repudiation unintelligible to anyone but the intended recipient.
F. The mechanism of verifying the identity of the entity (the
___ 7.Encryption
actor) that is attempting to access the system
___ 8.Public Key Cryptography G. A device (e.g., a computer) placed between an
organization's network and the Internet to monitor and
___ 9.Debit cards control all traffic between the Internet and the intranet
H. Issued based on the customer's income level, credit history,
___ 10. Firewall and total wealth
I. A set of rules and procedures that governs the transfer of
information on the Internet
J. The science of writing in secret code
K. Assuring the receiver that the received message has not
been altered in any way from the original
L. Uses one key for encryption and another for decryption

Part III Write Short answer for each of the following questions

1. What is the difference between electronic debit card and credit card?

2. What are the advantages of ecommerce?

3. Describe authentication and authorization in short.

4. What forces are fueling e-commerce?

5. List some disadvantages of ecommerce

6. Write some well known ecommerce sites on the Internet

7. What are the two major payment protocols used in ecommerce?

8. Describe the B2C ecommerce business model in short.

9. What are the three electronic commerce frameworks?

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