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Computer organization and architecture group assignment (15% pt)

1. Given the Boolean Function

F=x ý z + x́ ý z+ x ý z + xyz ❑
a. Draw the truth table for the function
b. Draw logic diagram using original Boolean expression
c. Simplify algebraic expression using Boolean algebra.
d. Draw the truth table for the simplified expression and compare the answers
with the first table.
e. Draw the logic diagram for the simplified expression and compare the number
of gate with the original logic diagram
f. Simplify the expression using the sum of product and product of sum.
2. Group the 1s in each of the Karnaugh maps in Figure below and determine the possible
minimized group. represent in SOP form.

3. What is the base(index) for the following Quadratic equation

x 2−¿10x+ 31=0
4. convertthefollowingnumberstodecimal
a. (12121)3
b. ( 4310)5
5. Perform the subtraction with the following unsigned binary numbers by taking 2’s
complement of the subtrahend
a. 11010-10000
b. 100-110000
c. 11010-1101
d. 10101100-10101100
6. Write short note and provide some examples on
a. Arithmetic shift right
b. Arithmetic shift left
c. Logical shift right
d. Logical shift left
7. Represent the number (+ 46.5)10 as floating-point binary number with twenty-four bits
(24 bits). The normalized fraction mantissa has 16 bits and the exponent has 8 bits
8. What is the use of complements in computer write short note
9. What is the main difference between combinational circuits and sequential circuits

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