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Native Birth Details:-

Date of Birth 13-09-85, Time 11.45 Hrs, Place - Madhugiri

Introduction to Horoscope:-

This is a female horoscope. The native is born in Vrischika lagna and Chandra is in Makha
nakshatra, Simha rashi. The planetary position is no planet is posited in lagna, Kuja is
aspeccting the Lagna through 4th bhava and is conjoined with Ravi, Budha and Chandra. At the
time of birth, Ketu dasa was running with the balance 3 years and 10 months.

Lagna Analysis:-

The Lagna point falls in Anuradha nakshatra ruled by Saturn, posited in 12 th bhava. Lagna is
aspected by Kuja from 4th bhava. Lagnadhipathi Kuja is posited in 10th bhava with Makha
nakshatra whose lord is Ketu and is aspected by Rahu. Lagna karaka Ravi is afflicted by Rahu
through 5th aspect. From Chandra lagna we can find Chandra is afflicted due to the conjunction
with Kuja and aspect by Rahu. In this chart the Janma Lagna is not afflicted, but Chandra Lagna
is heavily afflicted. Here the Lagna is quite strong but Lagnadhipathi and Lagna karaka are
weak which indicates the native is prone to illness.

Tatwa prabhutwa and Graha Prabhutwa:-

The weakness and affliction to lagnadhipathi and lagna karaka is an indication of health issues.
From this angle, when we analyse the tatwas, we find that the high level of Agni tatwa shows
sustaining capacity of the native during health issues. As Jala tatwa rasis are afflicted the health
is bound to be sensitive. The low level of Prithvi tatwa indicates lack of withstanding ability.
Affliction to Agni tatwa grahas Ravi and Kuja confirms this negative situation. In Graha
dominance, the dominating Kuja and Ravi bestow their natural qualities. Further, their affliction
by Rahu through 5th aspect indicate sufferings also. The Planet Sani which is relatively malefic
to Lagna indicates delay in recovery process.
Application of Hypothesis:-

a) When jala tatwa rashis gets afflicted the native is bound to have blood disorders.

Kataka rashi is afflicted by Shani through 10th aspect. Vrishchika rashi gets afflicted by Kuja
through 4th aspect. Meena rashi is afflicted through 8th aspect from Kuja. Hence this clearly
indicates that the native will suffer from blood related diseases. Such an affliction to all jala rasis
is an indication of blood disorder.

b) Whenever the Karakas for blood are afflicted, they indicate blood disorders

The karaka for blood Chandra gets afflicted in this chart with the conjunction with Kuja and Ravi
with the aspect of Rahu. Kuja karaka for blood disease is afflicted by Rahu. Hence it can be
seen that the native will suffer from blood related diseases.

c) Affliction by Bhavas

The second bhava in this chart is afflicted by Sani and Rahu through 3rd and 9th aspect
respectively, indicates that the native was not having proper food habits. As the food is the
source for formation of blood dhatu, the improper food also becomes a cause to multiply the
existing health problem.

d) Whenever Aridra, Punarvasu, Ashlesha, Makha, P.Phalguni and Pushya nakshatras are
afflicted, they contribute to blood disorders.

In the chart it can be observed that Chandra and Kuja are in Makha nakshatra. Chandra and
Kuja is afflicted by Rahu which indicates that the native may suffer from blood disorders. Budha
who is in Purvaphalguni nakshatra is functionally malefic to native hence indicates problems
related to health. Shukra is in Ashlesha nakshatra posited in afflicted jala rashi indicating the
blood disorder in the native.

Dasha, Bhukti and Gochara

At the time of birth the native was running Ketu mahadasha with 3 years 10 months remaining.
In the anthar dasha of Rahu who is being aspected by Shani through 7th aspect, no symptoms
may surface out. In Guru dasha the native may not get proper identification of the problem even
though it may persist because Guru is retro. In Venus dasha, the planet Venus is afflicted by
retro Guru and Saturn which runs upto july 2009. In Rahu bhkthi which operated during 1996 to
1999 the native was identified with blood cancer.

Shani and Ketu who are heavily afflicted in this chart are in Tula rashi. Kuja was transiting in
Tula rashi from Jan 1999. Kuja becomes retro during March 1999 and Tula rashi is being
posited by Shani and Venus through 7th aspect at the same time.

Ultimately during Venus dasha, Rahu bhukti, Kuja anthara, Rahu sookshma and Venus prana,
the native ended the life due to blood cancer.

Remedies :- In this chart we can observe 2,5,6,9,10 bhavas are afflicted. We can observe that
5, 6 bhavas are beeja swaroopa doshas, 2nd bhava is uthpatti swaroopa doshas and 9, 10 is
ulbana swaroopa doshas. This indicates there is a mixture of Beeja swaroopa, Uthpatthi
swaroopa and Ulbana swaroopa doshas. Even though remedies are made for Beeja and
Uthpatthi swaroopa doshas, it is impossible to give remedy for Ulbana swaroopa dosha i.e 10th
bhava. Even though if the remedies are suggested, it can be a temporary measure only. Shani
who is the karaka for death is in Rajasika guna and the remedy is usually difficult.

Conclusion:- Hence in the above Case study-1, we can see that almost all the hypothesis
points are co-relating with the natives horoscope indicating that the native will suffer from blood
related diseases.

By this way we can analyze the diseases related to blood without any help of modern
technology like blood test, x-ray, scanning etc. before the disease actually appears in the native.

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