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1. Children nowadays spend a great deal of time watching television.

television cannot replace the book as a learning tool, which is why children are
less well‐educated today. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

In this digital World world a television is become becoming a non-separable part of every individuals
individual’s life. Books has have their own place in terms of learning, which cannot be replaced by
television. I completely agree with this statement that these days children spend more time watching
television, which has the serious impact on child education. This essay will discuss how the education
of the students affects is affected by the television.

Watching television is waste of time, especially for children. First, there are very few educational
channel channels, which help adolescence adolescents to learn something. On top of it, the available
informative channels and programmes are not attractive in comparison with the cartoon and other
channels of entertainment. For instance, a research published in the Week Magazine shows that more
than 80% of kids prefers prefer to watch entertainment programmes such as Cartoon Network, Disney
World etc. Therefore, television cannot be used as a source of education,;/ and it is only a tool of

Television has many adverse effect effects on the individual health an individual’s health/ the
individuals’ health. In the addiction of watching television we cannot spare our time to read the books
and the indulge in other outdoor activities, which effects affects the mental as well as the physical
health of the well-being. For example, a recent survey by the Times Magazine shows that the children
who spend their most of the their time watching television programmes are facing serious issues with
their eye sight and the backbone health. Hence, television viewing among children has proved to have
severe physical and mental repercussions. books are the true friends, which provides provide specific
knowledge of a particular subject.

To sum up, these days television is an addiction for children, which affects their mental & and
physical health and it cannot be a replacement of books as a tool of education.

(285 words)

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