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ME532 Advanced Heat Transfer / II – Convection and Mass Transfer 2016

Chapter (1)
Introduction Concept

1.1 Modes of Heat Transfer

A thermal science like heat transfer, as well as gas dynamics, always starts with
mechanics and thermodynamics but also requires information about the behavior
(constitution) of the working fluid. Gas dynamics, for example, considers the equation of
state for a gas in addition to the general principles of mechanics and thermodynamics.
Heat transfer, on the other hand, requires two constitutive relations by which its two
basic modes, diffusion (conduction) and radiation are distinguished.
Phenomenologically speaking, diffusion is the experimental recognition of heat
transfer from a point of higher temperature to an adjacent point of lower temperature in a
medium. At the microscopic level, the mechanism of diffusion is visualized as and
hypothesized by a model for the exchange of energy between adjacent particles.
Consequently, diffusion is local and, being directional is irreversible, and it can happen
only through matter. On the other hand, radiation is the experimental recognitions of
electromagnetic waves, and the energy carried (heat transferred) by these waves. At the
microscope level, the mechanism of radiation is visualized as the transport of energy by
radiation particles (radiation quanta, photons). Consequently, acting at a distance, the
radiation is reversible when it happens through vacuum.
From a conceptual view point, convection is not a basic mode of heat transfer but,
rather, is the diffusion and/or radiation in moving media. Therefore, fluid mechanics
plays an important role in convection. For customary reasons only, we shall refer to the
diffusion of heat in moving (or stationary) rigid media as conduction, and to the
diffusion and/or radiation of heat in moving deformable media as connection,
see Fig. (1.1).

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Heat Transfer

Conduction Radiation

In moving deformable media


Fig. (1.1): Two Modes of Heat Transfer and Convection

Conduction: Conduction in a homogeneous opaque solid is the transfer of heat from

one part to another, under the influence of temperature gradient, without appreciable
displacement of the particles. Conduction involves the transfer of kinetic energy from
one model to an adjacent molecule; it is the only mechanism of heat flow in an opaque
solid. With certain transparent solids such as glass and quartz, some energy is
transmitted by radiation as well as by conduction. With gases and liquids, conduction
may be supplemented by convection and radiation.

Convection: Convection involves the transfer of heat by mixing one parcel of fluid with
another. The motion of the fluid may result from density difference due to temperature
difference (natural convection) or may be produced by mechanical means (forced

Radiation: A hot body emits radiant energy in all directions. When this energy strikes
another body, part may be transmitted through the body, in which case the body is said
to be diathermanous. The reminder is absorbed and quantitatively transformed to heat.

1.2. Convection Heat Transfer

Convection heat transfer, as a diffusion process in moving medium, can best be
classified according to the celebrated Reynolds experiment sketched in Fig. (1.2).

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Stable Unstable

Laminar Turbulent

Infinitesimal Finite Amplitude


Undisturbed Disturbed Developing Developed

Fig. (1.2): The Reynolds Experiment: Structure of Convection

Accordingly, the natural appearance of convection is either stable (laminar) or unstable

(turbulent). An inspection of the different forms of motion assumed for the classical
branches of thermal science locates the place of convection among these branches, as
shown in Fig. (1.3). Thus, convection is usually known to deal with incompressible
viscous flows, while gas dynamics is usually known to deal with in inviscid
compressible flow.


Deformable Rigid


Viscous Compressible Gas dynamics Compressible

Flow; Compressible b.l.; Convection;
flow Potential
Thermal Stresses Incompressible b.l

Fig. (1.3): Customary Branches of Thermal Science

Convection heat transfer is usually encountered along a solid-fluid interface, see

Fig. (1.4). Thus, conduction in a solid and convection in a fluid simultaneously occur in
nature, rather than occurring separately. However, because, of our inability to solve this
coupled actual problem, we cut the problem along the interface and artificially separate

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it into a conduction problem and convection problem. Then we try to solve each problem
separately after replacing the real interface boundary conditions with simpler but
somewhat artificial boundary conditions.


Fluid q




Fig. (1.4): Separation of an Actual Thermal Problem into Conduction Problem and a
Convection Problem

Defining convection as heat transfer through a solid-fluid interface, this heat

transfer per unit area and time is expressed in terms of a heat transfer coefficient (h),
according to Newton’s law of cooling;

=h(Tw-T ) ..................................... (1.1)

where (Tw-T ) denotes the difference between interface and ambient temperatures. The
heat flux( may also be expressed in terms of the thermal conductivity(K) of the fluid,
according to the Fourier law of conduction, as;

..................................... (1.2)

Combining equations (1.1) and (1.2) gives;

..................................... (1.3)

Or, in terms of the characteristic length (l) for the fluid domain, as;

Nu = ..................................... (1.4)

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Where (Nu) is the Nusselt number and ( the dimensionless distance normal to the
interface. Thus, the convection heat transfer through an interface is related to the
evaluation of the dimensionless wall gradient of the fluid temperature.
Clearly ( may also be expressed by conduction in the solid, which leads to the
definition of the Biot number;

= ..................................... (1.5)

Where the subscript (s) refers to the solid domain. In conduction problem, (h) and ( )
are given and equ. (1.1) is employed as a boundary condition. Whereas for convection
problem, equ. (1.3) is used to evaluate (h). Some sample valves of (h) are given in Table

Table (1.1) Order of Magnitude of the Heat Transfer Coefficient (h)

Situation h(W/m20C)
Free Convection: Gases 3.5-23
Liquids 116-700
Boiling Water 1160-23000
Forced Convection: Gases 11.6-116
Viscous Fluids 58-580
Water 580-11600
Boiling Water 5000-100000
Condensing Vapors 1160-116000

1.3 Methods of Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer

Five methods are usually used in convection problems;

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1. Analytical Methods.
2. Experimental Methods.
3. Dimensional Analysis.
4. Methods of Analog between Momentum and Heat Transfer.
5. Computational Methods.
1.3.1 Analytical Methods
In these methods, a number of assumptions are made to simplify the governing
equations and get a solution for them. By their very nature, analytic convection solutions
often tend to be lengthy and difficult.

1.3.2 Experimental Methods

Prior to World War II, convective heat and mass transfer were largely empirical
sciences, and engineering design was accomplished almost exclusively by the use of
experimental data, generalized to some degree by dimensional analysis. After that, great
studies have been made in developing analytical methods of convection analysis into the
point where the experiments are now used for the validity of the theoretical models. The
area of complete dependence on direct experimental data has been greatly diminished.
The main drawbacks of the experimental methods are;
1- Cost and efforts.
2- They are time consuming.
3- Error of measurement (could be 30-40%).
4- Some experiments cannot be performed (such as the nuclear reactors).

1.3.3 Dimensional Analysis

A rational way of investigating a problem experimentally is to describe the problem first
in terms of appropriate dimensionless numbers". The development leading to a
dimensionless description of problem is called Dimensional Analysis".
Interpretation of experimental results in terms of some dimensionless numbers id called
"Correlation of Experimental Data".

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The advantage of using the dimensionless parameters is the reduction of the independent
variables controlling a problem. For example, in forced convection heat transfer in a
circular tube;

h = h (k, ……………………….…… (1.6)

Thus we need ( experiment to investigate the effect of the six independent

variables (5 experiments for each) on the heat transfer coefficient (h). Whereas, using
dimensional analysis;


………………………………… (1.7)

So, we need only ( =25) experiments to investigate these effects. The Methods of Finding the Dimensionless Groups

There exist three distinct methods for dimensional analysis is;
1- Formulation (nondimensionalizing): Term-by-term nondimensionalization of the
governing equations leads directly to the related dimensionless numbers.
2- Algebraic Methods (Rayleigh & -Theorm): If all physical and geometric
quantities describing the problem are known, we many write;
f (Q1,Q2,…..Qn),=0 ……………………………(1.8)
Expressing these quantities in terms of appropriate fundamental units, and making
equ. (1.8) independent of the fundamental units by an appropriate combination of Q‘s
yields the dimensionless numbers.
3- Physical (Geometric, Kinematic & Dynamic) Similitude: Ratios established from
the individual terms of appropriate general principle give the dimensionless numbers. Significance of some Dimensionless Numbers in Heat Transfer

Nusselt No Nu = =- =

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Prandtle No = =

Peclet No Pe = = RePr =

Stanton No St = =

Grashof No Gr =

Graetz No = Same as Pe except effects of considered (entrance region)

Eckert No

Richardson No.: Ri =

Reynolds No Re = =

Biot No Bi =

Rayleigh No Ra =

Mach No M=

Fourier No.: (Dimensionless Time in Conduction H.T.)

In general: Nu = Nu ( , , , )
Forced Convection: Nu = Nu ( , Low speed
Free Convection: Nu = Nu (
For High Speed; add (

1.3.4 Methods of Analogy between Momentum and Heat Transfer

The analogy between momentum and heat transfer is best defined by a statement of
Reynolds theory. According to this theory, the movement of heat between a surface and
a fluid follows the same law as the movement of momentum between the surface and a
fluid, whether by conduction or convection (radiation is neglected). The similarity of the
equations describing the three transfer processes is obvious in Table (1.2).

Table (1.2) Comparison of Turbulent Transfer Processes in Circular Tube

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Momentum Heat Transfer Mass Transfer

Quantity Momentum ( Heat(qw/Aw) Mass(Nw/Aw)
Unit for Viscosity( ) Thermal conductivity Diffusivity,(D)
Molecular (K)
Coefficients Fanning friction Heat Transfer Mass Transfer
factor(f) coefficient(h) coefficient(Km)
Driving Force Velocity Temperature Concentration
difference (U) Difference( Difference(
Rate of Transfer =
as a Function of
Gradients at the
Rate of Transfer =f
in terms of

If Reynolds theory is correct, and if, in fact, heat and momentum transfer follow
the same laws, it will be possible to predict rates of heat transfer from rates of
momentum transfer and to predict temperature profile from velocity profile. Reynolds
theory states that the analogy between heat and momentum transfer applies both for
laminar and turbulent flow, see Figs. (1.5) and (1.6).

T1 U1

b U

Tw 0 Fluid air
0 b y 0
0 y/rw 1

Fig.(1.5): Analogy Between Momentum and Heat Fig.(1.6):Velocity and Temperature

Transfer for Laminar Flow Profiles in Turbulent Flow in
Circular Tube

To calculate the heat transfer of the flow over a cylinder, mass transfer analogy
may be used. The cylinder is coated with Naphthalene (with sub lines) and put the
cylinder in a wind tunnel with air velocity (U about (1hr) and then the weight of the
cylinder is measured. The difference in weight, which represents the mass transfer is

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thus obtained and the mass flux and average mass transfer coefficient is obtained and
also the concentration coefficient. From the analogy between heat and mass transfer, we
can calculate the temperature distribution and the heat transfer coefficient. We are able
to do that since the equation of energy and mass transfer are identical.

u = D=Diffusion coefficient

A dial gage may be used to measure the depth Dialgage

of impression from which the local mass U∞ Naphthalen

transfer coefficient may be found.

1.3.5 Computational Methods

Basically, numerical methods are discretization of analytical methods. By this
discretization the local (differential) formulation leads to finite difference formulations
while the global (integral, variational, or any other method of weighted residual)
formulation leads to finite element formulation. Both numerical methods lead, after
linearization if required, to the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations.
Finite element methods, originally developed for structural analysis, are being used
increasingly in fluid mechanics and convection. Although more accurate for a given
discretization, but also more elaborate than finite difference methods, the finite element
are most suited to irregular geometry problems which are not frequently encountered in
convection. Finite difference methods require relatively little algebra to set up for a
problem having regular boundaries, and methods are widely used in convection.

1.4 Characteristic Temperature Difference (∆T) in (q= hA∆T)

The heat transfer rate (q) may be calculated as (q= hA∆T). Now we ask what is
the characteristic temperature difference (∆T) to be used in this equation?

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1. External Flow: T∞
∆T= Tw - T∞
Tw =Highest Temperature Tw

T∞= Lowest Temperature Easily Measured

2. Internal Flow: x

Tw = Highest temperature Tw
Tc = Lowest temperature Tc

∆T = Tw – To
Or ∆T = Tw - Tc

Or ∆T = Tw - T
Or ∆T = Tw - Tb

T = Average (Mean) Temperature = = ……………. ….. (1.9)

Tb = Bulk Temperature =

= ……………. …. (1.10)

For constant ( );

Tb= = …..(1.10a)

Where Q= Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)

(Tb) gives a true picture of the energy content of the fluid because it characterizes the
average thermal energy state of the fluid, and it is easily measured in the Lab., and
therefore in internal flow we always use (∆T= Tw - Tb).
3. Flow in Conduits:
Consider a fluid flowing in a circular tube of diameter (D), see Fig. (1.7). There
are conventional definitions of (h);

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q= h1 (π DL) (Tw1 – Tb1) ……………. (1.11) 1


Tb1 x Tb2
q= ha (π DL) …… (1.12) D

Tb1 L Tb2
Tw1 Tw2

q= hln(π DL) . …. (1.13)

Fig. (1.7): Heal Transfer in a
Circular Tube

(h1) based on the initial temperature difference
(ha) based on the arithmetic mean of the terminal temperature difference
(hln) based on the logarithmic temperature different = LMTD

(hln) is preferable for most calculations because it is less dependent on (L/D) than the
other two.
If the wall temperature distribution is initially unknown, or if the fluid properties
change along the pipe, then the local heat transfer coefficient (h 1oc) is defined as;
dq= h1oc (πDdx) ……………. …. (1.14)
dq = Heat added to the fluid in the distance (dx)
Tw – Tb= Local temperature difference
Equation (1.14) is widely used in engineering design.

1.5 Thermal Boundary Conditions

Two thermal boundary conditions are usually used in convection heat transfer
problems. These are:
B.C.1: Constant Heat Flux on the Wall. (CHF).
B.C.1: Constant Wall Temperature (CWT).

1.5.1 Constant Heat Flux

Technically, constant heat rate problems arise in a number of situations: electric
resistance heating, radiant heating, unclear heating, and in counter – flow heat exchange

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when the fluid capacity rates are the same. This is, then a rather important boundary
This B.C could be produced by winding the tube with a heating wire at a uniform
pitch (after we insulate the tube with fiber glass) or using (Mgo).
The constant heat rate (qw) is obtained steal
Ni -Cr

due to the uniform pitch of the wire. Mgo

Another method to produce


constant heat rate is to use the tube material

itself as an electrical resistance. The tube
material could be (S.S.) or (Monel). Don’t
use (Cu) because its resistance is small and curing
short circuit many occur.
To produce variable heat flux, either
Higher current (2000A)low voltage (5v)
by using a heating wire with a variable transformer

pitch, or using variable wall thickness.



1.5.2 Constant Wall Temperature

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This is another very common convection problem and occur in such heat
exchangers as evaporators, condensers, and, in fact, in any heat exchange where the fluid
has a very much higher capacity rate than the other.
To produce constant (Tw), we surround the tube with Annulus

a jacket and circulate some other

. fluid in the annulus,
. Tw
since [q= m (cp (Te – Ti)], then with large (m) or large

(Cp), i.e large (mcp), (Te – Ti) will be very small and we Ti

can obtain reasonable constant wall temperature.

To obtain constant (Tw) we must have a phase change We want this variation

(boiling or condensation), i.e. high (h). The constant (Tw) can

be varied by varying the pressure of the hot steam (Tw = Tsat. Te

at that pressure).
hot steam
To have a variable (Tw) along the tube, we can do that by
U tube

injecting steams with different conditions in different Tb Tw


sections. Condensate

1.6 Criterion for Fully – Developed Temperature Profile

The term fully – developed temperature profile implies that there exists, under
certain conditions, a generalized temperature profile that is invariant with tube length,
see Fig. (1.8).

f(r) alone ≠ f(x)

r0 r
Tw -T

Tw -T
Tw -T
r0 r

Fig. (1.8): Fully - Developed Temperature Profile

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The profile of the temperature is the same, only shifting by some constant value
occurs; i.e. if (Tw) is changed by (20 ₒC) for example, then the temperature of all points
are changed by the same amounts. Thus;

= constant = - ….….….….….…. (1.15)

Then; = constant


Nu = = constant invariant with (x) for fully developed temperature profile.

Thus; Nu

Fully -developed
=0 ….….….….….…. (1.16) flow


Carrying on the differentiation, it is obtained;

= .….….….….…. (1.17)

Equation (1.17) is a general equation applicable for all situations of fully –

developed temperature profile The general three types of boundary conditions usually
used in conduits flow are;

1- Constant Wall Temperature:

In this case (Tw = const);

Thus =0 Tw=
Cons t.

….….….….….…. (1.18)

This type of boundary conditions is very suitable for circular tubes, but for non –
circular ducts it is improper, due to the lack of symmetry in these ducts. This asymmetry
allows a peripheral temperature gradient to exist, which in turn cause a heat flow within

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the wall. This heat flow will affects the temperature distribution of the wall, and
therefore, the thermal properties of the wall become a factor in the solution of the
2- Constant Heat Flux (qw) in the Axial Direction, but Constant Wall
Temperature (Tw) at Each Axial Location
This boundary condition is approached with a wall of large thermal conductivity.
qw = h (Tw- Tb) Tw=
Cons t.

Since h= const. for fully developed flow, then;

Tw- Tb = = const.

And; T Tw

And equation (1.17) will be; x

= = ….….….….…. (1.19)

3- Constant Heat Flux (qw) in both the Flow and Peripheral Directions
This boundary condition is approached with a wall of low thermal conductivity,
where the heat must enter the fluid at wall locations where it is generated. To find the

bulk temperature gradient , an energy balance is made to the fluid element shown in
Fig. (1.9).

r ρ UACp(Tb+dTb)
u U
qw A
ρ UA cpTb Tb Tb+dTb



Fig. (1.9): Energy Balance for Fluid Element

Energy in = Energy out.

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Hence; =

; = ……………………. (1.20)

Where; Hydraulic Diameter

1.7 Governing Equations

The continuum approach to convection, as well as to other branches of
engineering science, is based on the “definition of concepts” and the “statement of
natural laws” in terms of these concepts.
The natural laws of the universe can neither be prove nor disproved but are arrived
at inductively on the basis of “phenomenological evidence” collected from a variety of
“observations”. As the progress of man continues, the present statement of natural laws
will continue to be refined and generalized. Nature provides these laws with two distinct
features; those “independent of the continuum “they apply to be called the “general
principles”, and those “dependent on the continuum” they apply to be called the
“constitutive relations”. In dealing with thermal problems, we are forced to seek an
additional equation called the “thermodynamic relation”. It expresses the constraining
assumption of “local equilibrium”.
General Principles Constitutive Relations Thermodynamic Relation
Gibbs Relation
1 Conservation of Mass 1 1

Balance of Liner
2 2 = 2 du=Tds-Pdv
Maxwell Relation
Balance of Moment of
3 3 3
Total Momentum
Conservation of Total
4 4 P=
5 Increase of Entropy
Conservation of
Electric Charge
7 Lorentz Force
8 Ampere Circuit Law
9 Faraday Induction Law

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1.7.1. Viscous Newton-Fourier Fluids

General Principles:

……………………………... (1.21)

……………………………… .(1.22)

…………..…………….. (1.23)

…………………………….... (1.24)

Constitutive Relations:
……………………….…………… (1.25)

…………………………………………………………..… (1.26)

= or = ……………………………. (1.27)

(Substantial derivative)

f= body force per unit mass

1.7.2 Time – Dependent Three – Dimensional Variable Properties Flow

Conservation of Mass:

………………………….……. (1.28)


+ + …….. (1.29)

+ + ……………….. (1.30)

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43 23 + ……………….. (1.31)

Balance of Thermal Energy ;

…… (1.32 a, b)

Dissipation Function:

…….. (1.33)

Equation of State:
= or = ………. (1.34)

(v= ) and = heat generation per unit volume.

1.7.3 Incompressible Constant Property Flows


C.E.: …………………………….…. (1.35)


….. (1.36)

….. (1.37)

….. (1.38)

Balance of Thermal Energy:

……. (1.39)

Dissipation Function:

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+ …..(1.40)

1.7.4. Buoyancy –Drive Flows

The most frequently encountered buoyancy is associated with gravity. It is seen in
the heating of rooms from convectors or space heaters, in providing the draft in
chimneys, in cooling products in refrigerators or cooling houses, in the cooling of
transistors and transformers, as well as human beings and animals standing in a
quiescent atmosphere. On large scale, buoyancy contributes to driving the atmospheric
circulation of the earth. Other sources of natural convection are centrifugal forces, which
provide the internal cooling of turbine blades, and inertial forces, which affect cryogenic
liquids in accelerating rockets. The governing equations are;

…………………………………………. (1.41)

= ……………………. (1.42)

……………..……………. (1.43)

For buoyancy-driven flows, (p- is negligibly small. However, for combined (forced
and buoyancy-driven) flows the pressure term becomes appreciable.
1. To = Uniform reference temperature.
2. P0 = Hydrostatic pressure corresponding to (T0 and

3. Coefficient of thermal expansion =



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ME532 Advanced Heat Transfer / II – Convection and Mass Transfer 2016

1. What are the basic modes of heat transfer? Is convection heat transfer is one of them?
and why?
2. What is the difference between Biot number and Nusselt number?
3. What are the most important dimensionless numbers used in convection heat transfer?
and what are their physical significance? Which one of them is a property of the fluid?
4. What are the most familiar characteristic temperature different ( ) used in
convection heat transfer?
5. What are the basic types of thermal boundary conditions that are usually used in
convection heat transfer problems? And how we can achieve them experimentally?
6. What the criterion is for fully - developed temperature profile in internal flows?
Derive a general expression for this criterion, and then simplify this expression for the
two cases of constant heat flux and constant wall temperature thermal boundary
conditions. What is the most important parameter that controls the establishment of
this fully - developed temperature profile?
7. A liquid metal flows through a circular tube of radius (R). The velocity and
temperature profiles at each axial location may be approximated as uniform and
parabolic profiles respectably, i.e.;

u(r) = C1 and T=TW +C2

Where (C1) and (C1) are constants. Assuming incompressible flow with constant fluid
properties ( ), evaluate the Nusselt number of the flow. Dose this value
is constant or it may change with the axial direction?
8. Derive the energy equation in Cartesian coordinates by making an energy balance
according to the first law of thermodynamics for a differential element in the flow
filed. Neglect the radiation effects.
9. Consider the steady flow of a fluid between two parallel plates. Simplify the energy
equation in rectangular coordinates for this flow, assuming fully developed flow and
the heat conduction in the x-direction is negligible compared to that in y- direction.
Discuss the physical significance of each term in the simplified equation.
10.The steady state energy equation for flow inside a circular tube is given by:

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Discuss the assumptions made to simplify the energy equation to this form. Explain
the physical significance of each term in this equation.

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