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Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research

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Occlusion of pruning wounds on northern red oak

(Quercus rubra) trees in Romania

Valeriu-Norocel Nicolescu , Melinda Sandi & Marius Păun

To cite this article: Valeriu-Norocel Nicolescu , Melinda Sandi & Marius Păun (2013) Occlusion of
pruning wounds on northern red oak (Quercus�rubra) trees in Romania, Scandinavian Journal of
Forest Research, 28:4, 340-345, DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2012.747621

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Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 2013
Vol. 28, No. 4, 340345,


Occlusion of pruning wounds on northern red oak (Quercus rubra)

trees in Romania


Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering, University Transilvania of Braşov, Braşov, Romania, and 2Faculty of
Mathematics and Informatics, University Transilvania of Braşov, Braşov, Romania

This study focuses on the occlusion of pruning wounds on northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) trees grown in two
plantations established in the south-east of Transylvania, Romania in 1997 and 2004. In total, 184 green branches of
elliptical cross section (i.e. with the horizontal axis Ha shorter than vertical axis Va and ranging between 0.6 cm and 4.5 cm)
were pruned in April 2007 and May 2009. Of these branches, 161 (88%) were fully occluded after five growing seasons and,
the majority of these, 148 wounds (80%), had occluded in three seasons. The main factors affecting the wound occlusion on
trees subject to artificial pruning are diameter at breast height increment and branch size: the occlusion is more rapid in
trees with faster diameter growth rates and on small branches of maximum 3 cm Ha. Consequently, artificial pruning should
be concentrated on small branches on well formed, vigorous and evenly spaced final crop trees which can subsequently be
favoured by heavy and targeted thinning from above, allowing the production of large diameter, high-quality trees in 5070

Keywords: Artificial pruning, branch size, dbh increment, northern red oak, Romania, wound occlusion.

Introduction colour and texture (Savill 1991), can be used for

flooring, interior joinery, railroad sleepers, furniture,
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) was the first
veneer, etc. (Negulescu & Săvulescu 1957; Hara-
North American oak species to be introduced to
lamb 1967; Lanier 1986; Hubert & Courraud 1998).
Europe in 1691 (Haralamb 1967). It is found today
For high-quality wood products such as furniture
throughout Europe except in the Scandinavian
countries (Tutin 1993). and veneer, the most important defect associated
In Romania, it has been grown as a forest tree with northern red oak wood is the presence of knots
since the beginning of the twentieth century and resulting from its rather poor natural pruning. Even
plantations of this species (both pure and mixed) though self-pruning is considered to be ‘‘good’’ by
currently cover over 2500 ha (Şofletea & Curtu many authors, especially in dense stands (Negulescu
2007). This represents a much greater area than for & Săvulescu 1957; Haralamb 1967; Boudru 1989;
any other exotic broadleaved species. Northern red Crave 1991; Stănescu et al. 1997), some additional
oak’s attractions are that it grows fast and to large artificial pruning is nevertheless necessary owing to
dimensions (over 30 m tall  Negulescu & Săvulescu the frequent presence of dead branches on the lower
1957), it is productive, has low demands on the soil, parts of stems (Della-Bianca 1983). Even in dense
is more shade tolerant than the native oaks, regen- stands, natural pruning can operate slowly (Hubert
erates well easily from seed, is resistant to oak 1994), and artificial pruning becomes essential in
mildew and most insects and has a good ornamental more widely spaced plantations (from 2 2 m or
value (Negulescu & Săvulescu 1957; Haralamb wider) (Thill 1994).
1967; Stănescu 1979; Stănescu et al. 1997). This poor or slow natural pruning was documen-
In addition, its wood, though inferior to the native ted in Romanian forest literature long ago (Ionescu
pedunculate and sessile oak timbers in terms of & Lăzărescu 1966). Unfortunately, for various

Correspondence: Valeriu-Norocel Nicolescu, Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering, University Transilvania of Braşov, Şirul Beethoven nr. 1, 500432
Braşov, Romania. E-mail:

(Received 14 February 2012; accepted 4 November 2012)

# 2013 Taylor & Francis
Occlusion of pruning wounds on northern red oak 341

reasons (e.g. lack of local workforce and lack of a European beech Fagus sylvatica stands) is only
market for more expensive but better-quality pruned moderate.
wood), no artificial pruning has been carried out to The two stands were planted in 1997 (81B%) and
remove dead or living branches on the lower parts of 2004 (81E), with a stocking of 3900 trees/ha (1.6 
the stems. 1.6 m), northern red oak being the dominant species
For these reasons, a research project to investigate in both scpts.
artificial pruning on trees with branches of different A total of 184 green branches on 69 trees were
sizes and ages was started in 2007. The project pruned by cutting the branches just beyond the
aimed to produce new information on the threshold branch collar without leaving any additional stub.
size of northern red oak branches to pruning in Pruning was done in two stages as follows:
relation to both (a) speed of wound occlusion and
(b) possible effects of this intervention on stem wood 1. 28 April 2007
(e.g. discolouration, decay, rot, etc.). The work is . Fourteen trees (diameter at breast height
similar to pruning research on wild cherry Prunus (dbh) range: 5.08.5 cm) with 21 elliptical-
avium L. (Nicolescu & Kruch 2009) and common shaped wounds (horizontal axis Ha always
ash Fraxinus excelsior L. (Nicolescu et al. 2010). shorter than the vertical axis Va; range of Ha:
1.43.3 cm) located at heights up the stem
between 1.22 m and 1.66 m in scpt. 81B%;
Materials and methods . 11 trees (dbh range: 0.92.5 cm) with 34
wounds (the same shape, Ha range: 0.61.8
The fieldwork phase was performed in forests to the cm), heights up the stem of 0.061.20 m in
north-east of Brasov in the south-east of Transylva- scpt. 81E.
nia in sub-compartments (scpts.) 81B% 2. 10 May 2009
(45o54?33ƒN latitude, 25o53?59ƒ E longitude) and . 21 trees (dbh range: 3.69.5 cm) and 20
81E (45o54?19ƒ N latitude, 25o54?98ƒ E longitude) branches from them of elliptical form (Ha
(Figure 1). range: 1.34.1 cm) located at heights up the
These areas were formerly managed by the State stem between 0.98 m and 1.80 m in scpt.
Forest Administration-ROMSILVA, Covasna 81B%;
County Branch. Due to the restitution of forest to . 39 trees (dbh range: 2.05.0 cm) and 109
the pre-Second World War owners or their descen- elliptical-shaped branches (Ha range: 0.62.9
dents, both stands are now in private ownership. cm) (heights up the stem between 0.49 m and
The two stands are located at a mean elevation of 1.84 m) in scpt. 81E. Some of these trees
780 m asl, on a slope of about 8 g (range 315 g), in were also pruned in April 2007.
quite a harsh climate for northern red oak, char-
acteristic of the low mountain elevations (mean Generally, the horizontal axis Ha of these 184
annual temperature: 7oC; mean annual rainfall: branches varies between 0.6 cm and 4.1 cm, their
650 mm; growing season: about 165 days). Conse- distribution by size classes of 1.0 cm being as follows
quently, the site potential for the local natural (Table I):
vegetation (mixed sessile oak Quercus petraea Out of the 184 pruned branches, 7 (3.80%) had at
least 3.1 cm of Ha.
The dbhs of all 69 pruned trees were measured
annually between 2007 and 2011. Ha and Va of the
uncalloused areas were also measured annually
between 2007 and 2011 and current state (either

Table I. The distribution of pruned branches by size classes.

Size class of Number of pruned Proportion of pruned

Ha of pruned branches by size branches by size
branches, cm classes classes,%

0.11.0 46 25.00
1.12.0 101 54.90
2.13.0 30 16.30
3.14.0 6 3.26
Figure 1. Location of research area (grey dot) in the south-east of 4.15.0 1 0.54
Transylvania, Romania. Source of map of Romania: http://www. Total 184 100.00
342 V-N. Nicolescu et al.

fully occluded or still open) of all pruning wounds between 0.8 and 1.8 cm, had fully occluded
was assessed in parallel. In 2007 and 2009, the after two seasons (May 2009). As in the
height of each pruned branch from the ground was previous case, there was no correlation be-
measured. tween the height of pruning and speed of
Field data were analysed to produce information wound closure (r 0.13) and a strong corre-
on (i) total dbh increment, (ii) speed of wound lation between total dbh increment and the
closure, possible correlations between (iii) height of speed of occlusion (r 0.93, p 0.1).
pruned branch and speed of wound occlusion, (iv) 2. Second intervention (10 May 2009)
initial Ha and duration of wound occlusion and (v) . In scpt. 81B%, out of the 20 wounds, only 10
total dbh increment and wound occlusion. had occluded by August 2011: 1 wound (Ha
 value 1.4 cm) since August 2010 (two
growing seasons) and the remaining 9
(Ha2.04.1 cm) by August 2011. There
In August 2011, five growing seasons after the was no correlation between the height of
beginning of the project, 161 (88%) of the 184 pruning and the speed of wound occlusion
wounds created by pruning had fully occluded (r 0.13), but again a strong correlation was
(Table II): found between the total dbh increment and
The majority of these wounds (148 80%) had the speed of wound occlusion (r  0.94,
occluded in three seasons. The quick closing wounds p 0.025).
were small and found on fast-growing trees, whereas . In scpt. 81E, one wound (Ha  value 0.7 cm)
the slow closing ones were bigger and on slower- had fully occluded at the end of first growing
growing trees. season (by November 2009). In addition, 56
Depending on the pruning period, the distribution wounds, with Ha values of 1.33.0 cm, had
of these fully occluded wounds was as follows: occluded after two growing seasons (August
2010), while 43 wounds with Ha values of
1. First intervention (28 April 2007) 1.74.5 cm had closed after three seasons
. In scpt. 81B%, 20 wounds out of the initial 21 (August 2011). As found elsewhere there was
(95%) were occluded after five growing no correlation between the height of pruning
seasons. One wound (1.4 cm Ha) had oc- and speed of occlusion (r 0.12) and a strong
cluded after two seasons, six wounds (Ha correlation between the total dbh increment
1.42.2 cm) after three seasons, seven (Ha and the speed of wound closure (r  0.97,
1.53.0 cm) after four seasons and six (Ha  p 0.02).
2.03.3 cm) after five seasons. In the case of
these 20 wounds, there was no statistical In terms of the 23 partially occluded wounds, their
correlation between location of the pruned degree of closure varies between 8 and 92% (57% on
branch up the stem and speed of occlusion average). These 23 wounds had Ha between 1.2 cm
(r 0.11). A very strong correlation was and 3.9 cm as follows:
found between total dbh increment and speed
of wound closure (r 0.95, p 0.1). . seven wounds with Ha between 1.1 and 2.0 cm;
. In scpt. 81E, all 34 pruning wounds produced . Twelve wounds with Ha between 2.1. and 3.0 cm;
in April 2007 were fully occluded by May . four wounds with Ha between 3.1 and 4.0 cm.
2009. Eighteen of them with Ha values
between 0.6 and 1.0 cm were closed after The partial occlusion of such wounds (i.e. 20 out of
one growing season (by May 2008), and all 23) occured on trees with total dbh increments
the remaining 16 wounds, with Ha values (between 2009 and 2011) lower than the size (Ha)

Table II. Correlation between duration of healing and fully occluded wounds.

Duration of full Number of wounds fully Proportion of wounds fully Average wound Average annual dbh
occlusion, years occluded in 1, 2 and 5 years occluded in 1, 2 and 5 years,% size (Ha), cm increment, cm

1 19 11.80 0.74 1.23

2 64 39.75 1.21 0.90
3 65 40.37 1.82 0.80
4 7 4.35 2.16 0.73
5 6 3.73 2.48 0.65
Total 161 100.00 1.68 0.86
Occlusion of pruning wounds on northern red oak 343
4 dbh increment 2.23.7 cm) or 5 years (Ha2.0
3.5 3.3 cm; total dbh increment 2.24.2 cm) to close.
total dbh increment (cm)

2.5 Discussion
The results suggest that pruning at different heights
1.5 up the stem has no influence at all on the rate of
1 occlusion.
By contrast, as shown in Figure 3, the process of
wound occlusion is more rapid in trees with faster
0 diameter growth, as already determined for both
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Ha of wound (cm) conifers and broadleaves by Mayer-Wegelin (1936),
Roth (1948), Lohrey (1963), O’Hara and Buckland
Figure 2. Correlation between the horizontal axis (Ha) and total (1996) and Petruncio et al. (1997). As a practical
dbh increment in partially occluded wounds.
consequence, artificial pruning of northern red oak
trees should always be done on vigorous trees that
of pruning wounds. Only in three cases the total dbh
have rapid diameter increments.
increment was bigger than the size (Ha) of wounds
Rapid diameter growth can be achieved by
but they remained uncalloused (Figure 2).
intensive, crop-tree silviculture (CRPF 2005), combin-
Considering all 184 pruned branches in scpts.
ing artificial pruning with heavy and frequent thin-
81B% and 81E in 2007 and 2009, the close
nings from above, targeting a free-growth state and
correlation between the total dbh increment and focusing interventions around final crop trees desig-
the rate of occlusion is quite obvious (Figure 3). nated at the beginning of pole stage (Schulenburg
In the case of fully occluded wounds (161 1966; Lanier et al. 1980; Gelpe et al. 1986; Lanier
branches removed in 2007 and 2009), the speed 1986; Crave 1991; CRPF 2005, 2007; Dey et al.
(duration) of wound closure depended on branch 2008; Ward 2009).
size: the smaller the branch size the more quickly it is As rapid wound occlusion is a key defense against
occluded (Figure 4). infection by stem decay fungi (O’Hara 2007), the size
As mentioned above, 148 wounds (80% of initially of branches to cut is extremely important for the
pruned branches) were fully occluded by 3 years after success of artificial pruning when seeking to mini-
pruning. Generally, no wounds with Ha above 2.0 cm mise possible undesired effects (e.g. discolouration,
occluded in less than 3 years, whereas only those decay, rot) of pruning on trunk wood. The results
wounds bigger than 1.5 cm Ha needed more than 3 show that the quick occlusion of wounds also
years to occlude. Only 13 wounds with different Ha depends on branch size: if branches are small
and variable total dbh increments but higher than the (maximum 3 cm Ha), the majority will occlude
wound sizes needed 4 years (Ha1.53.0 cm; total within a maximum of 3 years (Figure 4), a result

Duration of wound occlusion (years)

Reduction of Ha (cm)

2 4

1.5 3

1 2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0
total dbh increment (cm) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Ha of wound (cm)
Figure 3. Correlation between the total dbh increment and the
reduction of Ha in northern red oak trees of scpts. (81B% and Figure 4. Correlation between wound size (Ha) and time to
81E). complete occlusion.
344 V-N. Nicolescu et al.

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are grateful to Dr Peter S. Savill, Dr Bill Mason and Centrul de Documentare Tehnică pentru Economia Forest-
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Joyce PM, Huss J, Pfeifer A, McCarthy R, Hendrik E. 1998.
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