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Methodology of Writing M.Sc. Theses and Ph.D.

Dissertations 2020

Chapter Five
Mathematical Modeling

This chapter includes the theoretical background of the problem of the

research (governing equations, assumptions, correlations, initial and boundary
conditions... etc.). The following are general guidelines for the chapter;
1. The chapter starts with small paragraph (without number) describing its
contents and sections.
2. The chapter is usually written with the following sections, which
represent the steps of the mathematical modeling;
1) Geometry and coordinate system.
2) Assumptions; and their physical justifications.
3) Governing Equations; in their final form after using 2-above.
4) Initial and Boundary Conditions.
5) Further Calculations (based on the solution of the governing
6) Method of Solution.
3. There should be a clear figures or sketches for the problem under
4. If there are very long derivations of some equations, you may list them in
an appendix (or appendices).
5. All symbols used in the chapter should be clearly defined in the
Nomenclature, and also in the text for their first appearance.
6. All the chapter parts or sections should be devoted to and concentrated on
your own problem. They shouldn‟t be general in any way.
7. You should refer to any reference used in writing the sections of the
chapter, especially the equations, correlations, or any other values or
figures for the parameters of the problem.

Prof. Dr. Ihsan Y. Hussain / Mech. Engr. Dept. – College of Engr. – University of Baghdad 30

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