CH 9 STD 9 Notes Suktisudha

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Sanskrit literature comprises of prose, poetry and drama.

megYeeef<eles are
well known part of the poetic literature.

Parts of which have been used as proverbs or sayings not only in

Sanskrit but also in other languages.

In fact, several Sanskrit sayings are very often used as they are in other
Indian languages. You may recall efJeveeMekeÀeues efJeHejerleyegefàë.

People generally do not remember the entire Subhashita but they do

remember the phrase or the proverb quite easily.

In fact, remembering such sayings definitely enhances one’s vocabulary

and command over language.

The present collection of the verses gives us many good sayings i.e.
efJeÐeeOeveb ®eesjne³e¥ ve (Deefmle), jepene³e¥ ve, Ye´ele=Yeep³eb ve, YeejkeÀeefj (DeefHe) ve
(Deefmle) ~ J³e³es ke=Àles DeefHe (leled) efvel³eb JeOe&les SJe ~

Knowledge which is wealth cannot be stolen by a thief,

cannot be taken away by a king, cannot be divided
among brothers and is also not a burden. Though it is
spent it only always increases. Wealth in the form of
knowledge is the foremost among all types of wealth.
ueIeg®eslemeeb (ke=Àles) De³eb efvepeë Hejë Jee Fefle ieCevee (Deefmle) ~
Goej®eefjleeveeb (ke=Àles) leg JemegOee Ske kegÀìgcyekeÀced (Deefmle) ~
This is mine or it belongs to others is the
consideration of the low-minded. Indeed for
the generous/ large-hearted, the entire
world is a family.
Je=#eeë HejesHekeÀeje³e HeÀueefvle ~ veÐeë HejesHekeÀeje³e Jenefvle ~ ieeJeë
HejesHekeÀeje³e ognefvle ~ Fob Mejerj HejesHekeÀejeLe&ced (SJe Deefmle) ~
Trees bear fruits for the welfare of others,
rivers flow for the welfare of others, cows
yield milk for the benefit of others. This body
is for the welfare of others.
melme²efleë efOe³eë pee[îeb njefle, Jeeef®e mel³eb efmeáeefle, ceeveesVeefleb efoMeefle,
HeeHeced DeHeekeÀjesefle, ef®eÊeb He´meeo³eefle, efo#eg keÀerefle¥ leveesefle ~ keÀLe³]e ! (mee
melme²efleë) Hegbmeeb efkebÀ (efnleb) ve keÀjesefle ?
Say what all can good company not do for
men ? It takes away the ignorance of the intellect.
It sprinkles truth on speech. It directs the progress
of respect and takes one away from sin. It delights
the mind and spreads fame in all directions.
³e$e vee³e&ë Hetp³evles le$e osJeleeë jcevles ~ ³e$e leg Sleeë ve Hetp³evles le$e
meJee&ë efke´À³eeë DeHeÀueeë (YeJeefvle) ~
Gods rejoice where women are respected.
But where they are not respected, there all
actions become futile/ unsuccessful.
(³eoe) ®eelekeÀë efHeHeeme³ee peueOejb ef$e®elegjeved He³eëkeÀCeeved ³ee®eles (leoe) meë
(cesIeë) DeefHe efJeMJeced DecYemee Hetj³eefle ~ nvle nvle (efkeÀ³eleer S<ee) cenleeced Goejlee !

The chataka bird (which drinks rain water directly

from the cloud) asks the cloud for just three or four
drops of water out of thirst. The cloud too fills the
entire world with water (rains everywhere). Indeed
great is the magnanimity of the generous.
(³egefOeeq<þjë Jeoefle) - mJekeÀer³es efJeie´ns meefle les Meleb Je³eb efn Heáe (mce:)
~ Hejwë efJeie´ns He´eHles leg Je³eb HeáeeeqOekebÀ Meleb (mceë) ~
Yudhisthira says, “In a battle between us
they the Kauravas are hundred and we the
Pandavas are five. But, in a quarrel against
others we are hundred and five.”
HeþkeÀë HeeþkeÀë (leLee) ®e ³es Dev³es Meem$eJee®ekeÀeë (meefvle, les) meJex
J³emeefveveë %es³eeë ~ (³eleë) ³eë efke´À³eeJeeved meë (SJe) HeeqC[leë (Deeqmle) ~
The learner, the teacher and all those who
teach the Shastra's should only be considered
as mere readers of scriptures. The one who
puts (knowledge) into action (works) should be
known as a scholar.

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