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EDUC 403 | Advanced Historical, Philosophical and Legal Foundations of Education


MAT-Filipino Professor

The Educational Philosophies of Frontier Thinkers of Education


 Coined the phrase “Survival of the fittest”

 Spencer was initially best known for developing and applying
evolutionary theory to philosophy, psychology and the study of
society – what he called his “Synthetic philosophy”.
 (1820-1903) Spencer was known as one of the leading Darwinists of
19th century.

The Educational Theory of Herbert Spencer

1. Theory of Value: What knowledge and skills are worthwhile learning?

What are the goals of education?

 Importance of study of nature and fundamentals of science (Eiseman, p. 153);

 development of independent thought;
 importance of presenting the "natural history of society" (Eiseman, p. 153);
 "survival of the fittest";
 learning as an individual effort; education should be directed to self-preservation,
 care of offspring, preparing adults to enjoy nature, literature, fine arts, prepare to be
good citizens;
 Train the memory, cultivate judgment, and impart an admirable moral and religious

2. Theory of Knowledge: What is knowledge?

How is it different from belief?
What is a mistake? A lie?

 knowledge as the scientific study of education, psychology, sociology, and ethics

from an evolutionary point of view (Eiseman, p. 153);
 philosophy is knowledge of highest generality;
 knowledge of lowest kind is reunified knowledge, science is partially unified
 philosophy is completely unified knowledge;
 universal truths v. particular truths (used for proof);
 Man can only know from experiences.

3. Theory of Human Nature: What is a human being?

How does it differ from other species?
What are the limits of human potential?

 individual organisms, species, political systems, and entire societies are alike in that
all tend to evolve from relatively simple and homogeneous entities into complex and
heterogeneous ones;
 only the fittest survive and perpetuate their kind;
 concept of organic evolution--all nature moves from the simple to the complex;
 "If they are sufficiently complete to live, they do live, and it is well they should live. If
they are not sufficiently complete to live, they die, and it is best they should die."
(Eiseman, p. 154);
 Man is result of adaptation to the environment; man is what he is because his
universe, his environment, makes certain consistent and definite demands upon him
(Frost, p. 77).

4. Theory of Learning: What is learning?

How are skills and knowledge acquired?

 ...learning as an individual effort;

 learning should be collaborative;

 good training of the senses to observe accurately; "rational explanation of

phenomena" (Spencer, ix);

 Pupil sees and records for self; children habitually experience the normal
consequences of their conduct; importance of motivation and interest of students;
variety of instruction.

5. Theory of Transmission: Who is to teach?

By what methods?
What will the curriculum be?

 ... science as the most important subject matter;

 curriculum to be a synthesis of thought based on science (especially evolution), and

including philosophies of education, biology, psychology, sociology, ethics, and
politics (Magill);

 sciences are superior in all respects to languages as educational material; history --

nature and action of government, intellectual condition of the nation, description of
people's food, shelters, and amusements, importance of drawing in education
(Spencer, p. xiv);

 Individual to teach self, aided by teachers, books, observation, laboratory work.

6. Theory of Society: What is society?

What instruments are involved in the educational process?

 Society evolves from relatively simple and homogeneous entities into complex and
heterogeneous ones;

 progress of all kinds should be maximized by societies and governments that allow
free competition to reign in all spheres of activity;
 unregulated free enterprise;

 survival of the fittest;

 right of the individual and non-interference;

 society as an individual organism (Eiseman, p. 153);

 each individual restricted by rights of others;

 Danger of complete state control-- suppression of individual (Frost, p. 204).

7. Theory of Opportunity: Who is to be educated?

Who is to be schooled?

 All young people should be taught; education open to competent children or adults
without fee; survival of the fittest

8. Theory of Consensus: Why do people disagree?

How is consensus achieved?
Whose opinion takes precedence?

 No beliefs are wholly false;

 they are true to the point to which they all agree;
 eliminate the discordant elements and observe what remains after;
 This is truth and should take precedence.

Thank You!


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