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1. What happen to the surface tension of a liquid if its temperature increase? Explain why.

2. Why liquid with long molecules has higher viscosity than shorter molecules?

3. Does the strength of intermolecular forces in a liquid change as the liquid is heated? Explain.

4. Why does liquid viscosity decrease with rising temperature?

5. Compare the properties of solids and liquids in terms of:

a) Shape and volume
b) Compressibility
c) Ability to flow
d) Motion of molecules

5. Give main difference between boiling and evaporation.

6. a) Define vapor pressure

b) Explain the vaporization process in terms of kinetic molecular story
c) Explain factors that could affect the vapor pressure.

7. State the differences between amorphous and crystalline solid.

8. a) State four type of solid

b) Compare the properties of each types of solid in terms of:
i) Melting point
ii) Hardness
iii) Electrical conductivity

9. Classify the type of solid of the following substance as ionic solid, covalent-network solid, molecular solid and metallic
a) CO2
b) KBr
c) Mg
d) Ni
e) SiC
f) LiCl
g) Na2SO4
h) I2

10. a) Define lattice

b) Define lattice point
c) Define unit cell.
d) Calculate atom per unit cell in:
i) Simple cubic
ii) Face centered cubic
iii) Body centered cubic

11. a) Define allotrope

b) Give examples of allotrope of carbon
c) Explain the differences in b)

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