Balance Sheet: Equity and Liabilities

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Kajaria Ceramics Limited

Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2016

(` in crores)
Notes As at As at
31 March 2016 31 March 2015
Shareholders’ Funds
Share Capital 2 15.89 15.89
Reserves and Surplus 3 893.47 706.24
909.36 722.13
Non-current Liabilities
Long-term borrowings 4 5.47 1.23
Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 5 81.20 69.54
Long-term provisions 6 9.31 9.73
95.98 80.50
Current liabilities
Short-term Borrowings 7 39.61 78.63
Trade payables 8 218.90 178.63
Other current liabilities 9 127.95 87.29
Short-term provisions 10 68.19 48.12
454.65 392.67
TOTAL 1,459.99 1,195.30
Non-current Assets
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 11 660.63 512.45
Intangible assets 12 1.99 1.78
Capital Work-in-Progress 5.81 3.71
Non-current investments 13 108.89 79.19
Long-term loans and advances 14 153.15 108.73
930.47 705.86
Current Assets
Inventories 15 219.99 201.96
Trade receivables 16 252.32 191.78
Cash and bank balances 17 4.81 6.05
Short-term loans and advances 18 52.28 88.94
Other current assets 19 0.12 0.71
529.52 489.44
TOTAL 1,459.99 1,195.30

In terms of our report of even date annexed For and on behalf of the Board

For O. P. Bagla & Co. Ashok Kajaria Chetan Kajaria Rishi Kajaria
Chartered Accountants Chairman & Managing Director Jt. Managing Director Jt. Managing Director
FRN No. 000018N (DIN: 00273877) (DIN: 00273928) (DIN: 00228455)

Atul Bagla
Partner Ram Chandra Rawat Sanjeev Agarwal
Membership No.: 91885 Executive V.P. (A&T) & Company Secretary CFO
Place: New Delhi (FCS No. 5101)
Dated: 28th April, 2016

Annual Report 2015-16

Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31 March 2016
(` in crores)
Notes Year ended Year ended
31 March 2016 31 March 2015
Revenue from Operations Less : 20 2,614.45 2,378.20
Excise Duty 166.41 145.06
2,448.04 2,233.14
Other Income Total 21 17.61 8.49
Revenue 2,465.65 2,241.63
Cost of Materials Consumed 22 345.04 334.65
Purchases of Stock in Trade 1,035.77 967.54
Changes in Inventories 23 (8.99) (45.56)
Employee benefits Expense 24 190.04 169.20
Finance costs 25 9.32 5.97
Depreciation and amortization expense Other 11 & 12 47.20 39.38
Expenses 26 494.33 521.26
Total Expenses 2,112.71 1,992.44
Profit before exceptional items and tax 352.94 249.19
Exceptional items
Investment in Subsidiary written off (Refer Note 29) 1.51 0.00
Litigation Settlement - Entry Tax 0.00 5.75
Profit before tax Tax 351.43 243.44
Current tax Current
year Earlier years 105.00 72.00
Deferred tax Current (0.12) (0.50)
Profit for the Year
11.66 3.58
Earnings per equity share in ` (Face Value of ` 2/- each) 234.89 168.36
Diluted 29.56 21.80
29.52 21.80

In terms of our report of even date annexed For and on behalf of the Board

For O. P. Bagla & Co. Ashok Kajaria Chetan Kajaria Rishi Kajaria
Chartered Accountants Chairman & Managing Director Jt. Managing Director Jt. Managing Director
FRN No. 000018N (DIN: 00273877) (DIN: 00273928) (DIN: 00228455)

Atul Bagla
Partner Ram Chandra Rawat Sanjeev Agarwal
Membership No.: 91885 Executive V.P. (A&T) & Company Secretary CFO
Place: New Delhi (FCS No. 5101)
Dated: 28th April, 2016

Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2016
(` in crores)
Year ended 31 Year ended 31
March 2016 March 2015

Net Profit before tax 351.43 243.44

Adjusted for :

Depreciation Interest 47.20 39.38

Received Interest (17.02) (8.13)
Paid Provision for 5.55 6.23
ESOP 0.17 0.00
Loss on write off of investment 1.51 0.00
Dividend Received 0.00 0.00
Loss on sale of Fixed Assets 40.84 38.80
3.43 1.32
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes
392.27 282.24
Adjusted for :

Trade & Other Receivables

(67.65) (154.75)
(18.05) (50.13)
Trade Payable
81.43 (4.27) 7.46 (197.42)
Cash Generated from Operations

Interest Paid Direct 388.00 84.82

Taxes Paid (5.55) (6.23)

(95.78) (69.60)

Net Cash from operating activities (101.33) (75.83)


Purchase of Fixed Assets

Sale of Fixed Assets (207.44) (48.23)

Purchase of Investments 6.32 4.61

Sale of Investments (31.21) (37.44)

Interest Received 0.00 3.20

Net Cash used in Investing Activities 17.02 8.13
(215.31) (69.73)

Kajaria Ceramics Limited

Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2016

(` in crores)
Year ended Year ended
31 March 2016 31 March 2015
Proceeds from Issue of Share Capital / Warrants 0.00 75.00
Proceeds/ (Repayment) of Long Term Borrowings (Net) 4.24 (0.36)
Proceeds / (Repayment) of Short Term Borrowings (Net) (39.02) 19.25
Dividend and Dividend Tax Paid (38.14) (30.95)
Net Cash used in Financing Activities (72.92) 62.94

Net increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents (1.56) 2.20

Cash and Cash Equivalents as on 1.4.2015 4.94 2.74
Cash and Cash Equivalents as on 31.3.2016 3.38 4.94
Components of cash and cash equivalents
Cash in hand 0.62 0.38
Balance in current account with banks 2.77 4.56
3.39 4.94

The cash flow statement has been prepared under the ‘Indirect Method’ as set out in the Accounting Standard-3 on Cash Flow Statements.

In terms of our report of even date annexed For and on behalf of the Board

For O. P. Bagla & Co. Ashok Kajaria Chetan Kajaria Rishi Kajaria
Chartered Accountants Chairman & Managing Director Jt. Managing Director Jt. Managing Director
FRN No. 000018N (DIN: 00273877) (DIN: 00273928) (DIN: 00228455)

Atul Bagla
Partner Ram Chandra Rawat Sanjeev Agarwal
Membership No.: 91885 Place: Executive V.P. (A&T) & Company Secretary CFO
New Delhi (FCS No. 5101)
Dated: 28th April, 2016


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