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Designing android-based e-rubrics for peer assessment

Hilda Cahyani
Ardian Wahyu Setiawan
Nadia Hanayeen

Politeknik Negeri Malang



The making of this e-rubrics was inspired by the need of students to involve peer assessment
for gaining some constructive feedback of their work, such as in translation and writing
courses. Android was favored as the assessment platform due to its customizability and
affordability. Two classes of English Department with approximately 50 students
participated in this research. Students’ interviews and focused-group were executed to obtain
the data of need analysis and users’ feedback, whereas the online survey was conducted to
detect the students’ satisfaction. The formulating stages of this e-rubric were: (1) need
analysis of the user, (2) developing rubrics, (3) expert validation, (4) creating e-rubric apps,
(5) implementation, (6) users’ feedback, (7) product refinement, and (7) survey of users’
satisfaction. The results showed that e-rubric app was useful for supporting collaborative
work among students as this allows them to determine each other’s strength and weakness.
Moreover, android gave them a handy-and-engaging experience for completing the
assessment. In this paper, we discuss the review of related literature, steps of formulating the
rubric, and how to use it in the virtual classroom. The paper finally concludes the limitation
of the research and what we can do for the future work.
Keywords: e-rubrics, android-based assessment, online teaching, peer assessment

Abstract should not exceed 500 words, including key words and references.


Hilda Cahyani is a teaching staff of the English Department, Politeknik Negeri

Malang, Indonesia. She completed her Ph.D. in TESOL in 2015, at the School of
Education, University of South Australia. Her research interests are code-switching,
intercultural communication and digitalization in ELT.

Your bio must be in English and should not exceed 100 words total for main author and co-

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