Why Hand Tools A Woodworking Guide PDF

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Hand Tools?
A Guide To Learning Woodworking
For The Hobbyist & Individual Maker
In this guide we explain why
we believe that Hand Tools ​
(rather than the use of power
tools or machinery) ​are the
sensible option for getting into
woodworking for the
individual maker.

Why Hand Tools?
The English Woodworker Way:

1. Easy Set Up 3. Efficient To Build

2. Fast To Learn 4. Built To Last
Why Hand Tools?
1. Easy Set Up
There’s no greater excitement than that We see this frustration, and we also
anticipation of starting on a new build. know that it’s only there because
But knowing that the workshop’s a tip you’ve got too much choice.
or the tools are blunt and there’s a long
list of jobs to get done before you can So we thought we’d come up with an
get started, quickly deflates the enthu- answer to stop you fretting, and give
siasm. you this guide.

If you’re starting completely from

scratch and you’ve got no workshop, no
tools and no idea, then it might seem We’re not saying this is the
best to spend just a few more hours sat only way, but we do know
flicking through the tool catalogues or
you can get set up and build-
watching another ‘How To’ / ‘Workshop
Tour’. ing very quickly. Then once
you’ve made it through to the
There are so many options and opinions end of your first project you’ll
for getting started with woodworking, have an understanding that
that you might get to that point where you never could have gained
it feels sensible to just keep watching from any amount of ponder-
other people do it.
ing on other people’s advice.

Choosing Your Workshop -
Woodworking by hand requires very little Of course you can dream of your per-
in regards to space. It’s quiet and doesn’t fect workshop, maybe a cosy log cabin
produce vast amounts of hazardous dust. with roaring fire and tool lined walls.
Or a minimal space with walls of glass
In essence your workshop can be an- looking out over the coast.
ywhere you can fit a bag of hand tools
and have some form of stable work But for now pick the space that’s avail-
surface. able to you. No matter how small, you’ll
be able to make it work. Once you’ve
You could work outside, in the got building and convinced yourself
living room, the basement, the that this really is for you, then you’re
a huge step closer to justifying that
garden shed…
dream set up.

Choosing Your Tools -
Everything can be achieved
with a very basic tool kit.

In fact the more skilled you

become with the basic tools
the more versatile and
adaptable you’ll be as a
woodworker overall.

By starting out with just the As your skills and understanding of

minimal of tools you can quickly these tools grows so will the quality
get a grasp of the fundamentals. and pace of your work. You’ll get a feel
for your own style and preferences and
You’ll also be surprised at how soon may expand on the tool kit to really suit
you develop and start to guide your- the direction you’re going in.
self. After all a complex task is only an
expansion of some form of the basics. Even as a professional woodwork-
er our recommended list of minimal
hand tools can more than cover your

A Minimal Tool But You Have To
Kit Is Cheap Do It Right.

A huge benefit of woodworking by

hand is that it’s the most affordable
way to get started.

But cost effective is about mak-

ing the right choices from the off,
not buying one of everything at
the cheapest price you can find.

Hand planes for example come in

many different lengths and it’s easy
to get wrapped up thinking you need
them all. In truth, just one plane will
more than suffice for the vast majority
of projects.

By identifying the most essential tools,

you’re able to use your budget wisely
and afford quality where it counts, by
avoiding needless purchases for tools
that would just gather dust sat on the

You can read more about which

Hand Tools we recommend here.

Set Up To Keep Sharp
Having the right kit to sharpen your
tools is as important as choosing the
tools themselves.

In fact when you work by hand

your sharpening routine can make
We discuss sharpening set up fully or break the flow of your build. It’s
throughout the ‘Get Sharp’ series. important to match your sharpening
equipment with the tools and steel
This is a comprehensive video course type that you buy.
that will quickly help you to under-
stand your edges and get you in con-
trol of your woodworking. The advice
on equipment alone will help you to
save money by ensuring you make
the right purchases first time.
Find Full Details at our website.

“​The whole series is brilliant.

Really goes beyond anything
that’s been done before on
sharpening and sets a new
standard for online
woodworking teaching”
- Duncan D
Why Hand Tools?
2. Fast To Learn
Hand tools are traditional, old fash- Our interest in using hand tools is not
ioned, outdated, if you like. And to replicate the past. With the right
everything about them suggests slow. mindset we believe they provide the
best solution for the modern maker,
For us to suggest that hand tools and our approach combines the sim-
plicity of the old with the flexibility and
are fast to learn might seem a bit
freedom of something new.
odd, but this all comes down to
attitude and approach. A deep understanding of how things
have been done generation after gen-
Often hand tool woodworkers have a eration, mixed with an open mind,
great interest in history, and by writ- allows the process of hand tool wood-
ing this next part we take the risk of working to continue to evolve.
sounding disrespectful ​(but please
bear with us).

Maybe the best part in this evolution

is realising that it isn’t a craft reserved
for just a select few who are elite or
patient enough to take the time to
develop extraordinary skills.

Instead it’s accessible for all.

For anyone who has the desire to

build, and a bit of perseverance
to follow some basic steps.

Learn The Basics
With The Basics

The key to learning quickly is to We find the best way to pick up the
appreciate the value in keeping basics is to get stuck in with a project.
Learning in the context of an actual
things simple.
build is not only more motivating than
repeating numerous practise joints, but
Minimal tools isn’t all about cutting it also provides many more lessons and
costs, it’s true benefit comes from feedback.
having less to master so you can mas-
ter them quickly. A sturdy workbench makes for an excel-
lent first project as you’ll get the chance
By learning the very fundamental tech- to try out a range of techniques with-
niques with the most basic of tools, out the scrutiny of wanting things to be
you’ll get to know those tools intimately. perfect.

It’s the fastest way to become confi- Our English Workbench video series
dent not only in your coordination and takes you step by step through a bench
handling, but also the sharpening and build designed to be built with a very
maintenance of your whole kit. basic set of hand tools.
It takes you step by step, teaching an
understanding of tool use and our hand
tool approach as you build.
Find full details at our website.

“​I really enjoy your approach of

explaining what to do and why.
That knowledge makes it all come
together. At age 73 I am trying to
learn hand tools, I have had no
training, and I am learning by read-
7. ing and now watching videos.” -
John Thomas
Why Hand Tools?
3. Efficient To Build

We’ve already seen that hand Once again it’s about our approach, and
tools are efficient in regards efficiency comes from using everything
to your set up, but what we’re at our disposal.
A bit of tradition, a bit of tech and mak-
talking about here is the pace ing use of our noggin to find shortcuts
that you can build your whenever possible. This can be ex-
projects. plained best with a couple of examples
which you can read over on the blog
(use the links below).

Gappy Joints Efficiency In

For Speed & Marking
Strength ​ ​Accurate marking of
Learn the shortcuts joints is tedious and
to create perfect time consuming. This
looking joints, even article shows how it
with sloppy can be done quickly.
prepping. Read Now Read Now

See It In Action:
A thorough understanding of Learning this efficient approach is a key
how a build comes together focus in our Hall Table video series,
allows us to really maximise on where you’ll not only follow the steps to
build your own traditional table but also
using shortcuts, whilst ensuring a full understanding of how and when
that the finished result is not shortcuts are possible.
only strong but immaculate in Find full details at our website.
appearance too.
“​I’m loving this series, the
little shortcuts and knowing
what’s important to refine
and what not to is brilliant…”
- Michael B

Why Hand Tools?
3. Built To Last

With all the focus on being Everything we teach and build is rout-
cheap, easy and fast it would ed in quality craftsmanship, tradition-
ally jointed and built to last for gen-
be understandable to think that
erations. We take great pride in being
we’re setting you on your way to practical, but this is always matched by
build some wobbly bits of tat, our desire to build something beautiful.
but that’s not the case at all.
This is the essence of what we do at
The English Woodworker. Take old
hand tools with fresh eyes and ap-
We still aim at impeccable proach our builds with pace and en-
results, but you’ll see just joyment.
how fast it is to learn and
how fast it is to build when
you adopt the right mind

Perhaps more than an-

ything else, we hope to
bring you the means to get
building creations of your

Who Are We?
The English Woodworker is small and personal.
We run everything between the two of us.

Richard has earned his reputation for Helen is formally trained in design &
his incredible speed and lack of faff enjoys the challenge of combining
to do even the most complex and everyday needs with a practical beau-
mundane woodworking tasks with no ty. She brings a unique perspective &
more than basic hand tools. He learnt injects life to the videos ensuring they
woodworking through a traditional are both a pleasure to watch & easy to
apprenticeship with his father. follow & learn from.

Step-By-Step Video Tuition Hand Tool Resources

Our online eduction is a refreshing Our blog is full of tips and

approach presented to entertain as articles focused on efficient hand
well as teach. tool woodworking.
Browse The Available Series Have A Read Now

“The demonstrations are brilliant and the little tips invaluable

making repeat viewings essential.
​ You don’t have to be a woodworker to enjoy The English
Woodworker video series but you may want to give it a go
afterwards.” - Darryl Jones


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