Accounting For Factory Overhead

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Costs that vary in direct

proportion to volume changes. Ex:

Variable costs
Electricity used to power the

Costs that remain the same, in total,

when production levels
Fixed costs
increase or decrease. Ex: Electricity
used to heat and light the factory

Type A ex. : inspection and

Identifying cost behavior handling costs, and other
patterns indirect labor costs
Costs that have characteristics of both
variable and fixed costs

Type B ex. : Utility costs and

maintenance of factory equipment

Also called the account analysis method, relies

heavily on the ability of an observer to detect a
Observation Method pattern of cost behavior by reviewing past cost and
Budgeting is a valuable management tool Budgeting factory Semivariable costs
for planning and controlling costs overhead costs volume data

Uses the amount of direct labor

cost that has been charged to the
Direct Labor Cost Method High-Low Method
job as the basis for applying Compares a high production volume and its related
factory overhead. cost to a low production volume with its related cost

Applying factory overhead using Analyzing Semivariable

the number of direct labor hours Direct Labor Hour Method Factory Overhead Costs The scattergraph method estimates a straight line
worked on a job or process. along which the semivariable costs will fall
Applying Factory Overhead
to Production FACTORY OVERHEAD Scattergraph Method
The cost of the asset (less residual The high-low and statistical scattergraph methods both use historical cost
Limitation of High-Low and
value if any) is divided by the Machine Hour Method patterns to predict future costs and are, therefore, subject to the limitations
Statistical Scattergraph Method
estimated working hours. that apply to all forecasting techniques

Applying overhead to products This method use all of the data to separate a
Activity-based Costing Least-squares Regression
assumed that all overhead costs semivariable cost into its fixed and variable
Method Method
incurred were related to volume. elements based on the equation for a straight line

Expense-type analysis Provides a separate amount

The estimated factory overhead is
spreadsheet column for each department
applied to production by a debit to Accounting for Actual and
Factory Overhead Analysis
Work in Process and a credit to an Applied Factory Overhead
account Department-type analysis Provides a separate amount column
spreadsheet for each kind of expense

Schedule of Fixed Costs

General Factory Overhead

Accumulating actual
overhead costs
At the end of the accounting period, the balance of the
Summary of Factory factory overhead control account is proved by preparing
Overhead a summary of factory overhead from the analysis

Direct Distribution Method

Distributing Service
Method Sequential Distribution
Department Expenses

Algebraic distribution method

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