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Department of Professional Development & Humanities

Entrepreneurship Workshop & Seminars UPD00101

Course Work 1

Student Name: Hashim Mohsin Almahdali

Student Number: 190405

Programme: civil engineering

Tutor Name: MS, Paniker pekerth

Date of Submission: 9\12\2020

Word Count:1500

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Department of Professional Development & Humanities
Entrepreneurship Workshop & Seminars UPD00101

Course Work

Question 1 [300 words ]

Why is it important for you to consider starting your own business?

A person in this time changes his conditions and needs and that the time comes when he must depend on
himself and stand in whatever trade he must start in. Therefore, you must think about commercial businesses
that keep pace with this age. In this life, the person in this life should persevere and make the future for himself
and do not make work is your main source of income. It is important that you think about your business to start
your independent life and there are many reasons justify my words. First, freedom in your business, the
freedom in business is something special. There is no one who controls you and does not order you to do
some things.  You will oversee your business and do what you want to make it more modern and looks
creative. second, you can make more money, a successful business could earn you a lots of many that you will
live as you like and help your family by build your own modern house for your family also in monthly expenses.
Third, you will learn new skills in business and new interesting information and how to management the work in
correct ways. Fourthly, if you start a business, you might need to hire workers one day. You will have created
an opportunity for somebody else on that day. You will help those who need this job. Finally , how you can face
the challenges , in the business you will face a lot of risks and challenges that make you strong and better so
you must to fight and never give up whatever reasons. Certainly, after this failure you will success. That is my
reasons for why is important for you to starting your own business, last thing I want to say is fight for success.

Question 2 [300 words]

Under the current circumstances of Covid-19, explore any three business that you can start now. Justify the
reasons for choosing each.

There are many business that I can start it right now but covid-19 show us the businesses that is open in any
circumstances also the businesses are has a high income and demand the businesses that I chose it :

1. Supermarket:
The best business that I can start it at this day is supermarket for many reasons. First reason is the
supermarket have the basic materials that we need it every day and we can not live without it for instance,
water and foods and many things. Second reason it is profitable small business that is good for those want to
start on it and dose not have more risks and difficultly. Third reason in our current situation and during the
home quarantine period the only business that hasn’t closed since the pandemic began.

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Department of Professional Development & Humanities
Entrepreneurship Workshop & Seminars UPD00101

2. Selling masks:
Also selling masks is good business only in current situation for that some of people starting this business
temporary until the pandemic finish. It does not need that much money any one can start on it and they don’t
have to worry. but there is one negative thing that some of humans selling it with very expensive price that
exploit the society.

3. Restaurants:

Restaurants differ widely in appearance and services, ranging from affordable fast food restaurants and
cafeterias to mid-priced family restaurants and high-priced upscale establishments, with a wide range of
cuisines and service styles. It is a very good business because here in Oman, restaurants are very popular
also food is one of the basic things in human’s life. So, they will get high demand but he or I must be honest
person and do my best for costumer to like business and come again and again so, my business or your
business be famous and success .

Question 3 [300 words]

Identify any three digital businesses (in Oman or outside) and describe their products/services and reasons of

Digital businesses is organizations that carry out large commercial transactions with personnel, clients,
vendors and other business associates across digital networks and digital networks are enabled by technical
programs that are aligned with the form of company that increases the level of the enterprise supporting
resources and essential business functions. I will talk about three digital businesses.

1) Apple:
Apple was founded by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs on January 4, 1977 as an American company for the
manufacture of computer hardware, its accessories and computer software and is considered the first
commercial personal computer company, its official headquarters is based in the city of Cupertino in California,
and the computers produced .The reasons for Apple's success are company strategy and vision for retail
production and product convenience and ease of use, delivering fewer troublesome products, product stability
and performance, and years away from its rivals.
2) Amazon:
Amazon is an American e-commerce company that offers books and later extends its goods to revolutionize
the world of retail and electronic shops, with a revenue of one hundred billion dollars a year for its products. It

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Department of Professional Development & Humanities
Entrepreneurship Workshop & Seminars UPD00101

is the world's largest e-commerce website and its ASS supplier, the world's largest revenue-based Internet
company. Their product is books and, music cd, DVD, programs and a lot of product . the reason that make
amazon success is When they are up for it the company offers their workers more opportunities and
responsibilities, which motivates all employees to work hard.
3) Microsoft:
It is an American multinational corporation specialized in the manufacturing and development of computer
applications, operating systems and video games, as well as in the manufacture and sale of computer
components, computers and telephones, and in 2016, the number of employees of Microsoft reached nearly
114,000, with annual sales of more than $85 billion.
The best product is well-known Windows operating system that powers most computers in the world. And the
reason of success is never give up and exploiting opportunities.
Question 4 [300 words]
Discuss the significance of business planning and how it contributes to the business success. Provide
three reasons.
Planning is considered necessary to organize time and use it as much as possible in addition to its importance
in creating a clear path for the person to balance the different aspects of a person's life. Also, in business we
must plan before starting the business and there are three reasons the I will share it:
1) Planning provides a clear vision and specific goals:
Because it provides us with a clear and detailed vision of the business that we do, and it also helps us to set
the goals that are required to be achieved considering the current and future available capabilities. This careful
planning ensures the achievement of success and excellence in business.

2) Planning stimulates the optimal use of business: 

After a general vision or conception of the business has been developed and after the goals have been
defined, now is the time to employ the available human and material resources in order to achieve the goals
within the framework of the general policy of the business. Thus, we find that planning greatly helps to get out
all the potentials of individuals to achieve the required goals and this is what achieves success in business.

3) Planning reduces the expected risks:

 The best business planning offers is that it provides a comprehensive and detailed study of any project and
this reduces the expected risks. During business planning, the expected obstacles that encounter
implementation are identified and appropriate alternatives and solutions are developed for each problem that
may encounter the project, and this reduces the incidence of  Risks and reduces the possibility of failure and
this is what helps to achieve success in the business.

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Department of Professional Development & Humanities
Entrepreneurship Workshop & Seminars UPD00101

Question 5 [300 words]

What characteristics, skills and aptitude are essential in the 21 st Century to be a successful
A successful entrepreneur must excel and have several qualities that are necessary to be present in a person.
a) Perseverance and determination: 
A successful entrepreneur is characterized by the strength of will and determination to reach the desired goals
and achieve the goals set with precision, and he moves away from feelings of weakness, surrender and
despair, so that he surpasses failure, proceeds from it towards development and success, benefits from all his
previous experiences, and makes them as lessons to avoid repetition of mistakes.
b) Self-confidence: 
Self-belief, abilities and skills, and complete dependence on oneself in achieving various successes, as the
negative feelings represented by self-degradation and remorse for past experiences in addition to the
weakness of personality will limit success in entrepreneurial work, and reduce the opportunity to overcome
competitors' strength  In similar businesses, and thus transformed from achieving the required distinction in
these works.
c) Broad relationships: 
He surrounds himself with a network of positive people who are able to change for the better, and he has a list
of influential knowledge, on the basis that knowledge of people and proper interaction with them is a source of
new opportunities and prospects that contribute to the development of entrepreneurial work.
d) Research ability:
Gathering appropriate information about the business, getting to know it in depth, fully studying the markets,
defining target groups and competitors, and developing ways to determine customer needs and those that
provide and meet them.

If you aspire to become an entrepreneur, you must first possess these appropriate personality traits and
optimal behavior to achieve success in entrepreneurship.

References: 2020. Apple Inc.. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9
December 2020]. 2020. Amazon (Company). [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 9 December 2020]. 2020. Microsoft. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9
December 2020].
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Department of Professional Development & Humanities
Entrepreneurship Workshop & Seminars UPD00101

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