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Method statements

for all project acitivities



Constructon site name: „WTP Pepsi Amreya“ Egypt

Facility: WTP Pepsi Amreya, Egypt
Contractor: MAYTECH l.t.d. Belgrade
Work performed: MECHANICAL-ELECTRICAL WORKS. Turn key project

Completed work planed until date: __.01.2017. - __.__.2017. at __________ h


Construction site plot plan

Hatched area on scheme


- Study on construction site must be at the place of work (construction site), always available for
mangement and supervision team /CEO/ at the site of work. The same applies to other paperwork,
referred hereinafter.


- The study aims to encompass and indicate all the dangers and harmful effects that occcur in
specific work activities on the site, in order to comly with the level of risk to the organization,
dznamics and scope of work on the construction site, in order to comply with the level of risk to the
organizaton, dynamics and scope of works on the site, defines the conditions, indicate tasks and
the way of performance, that would be implemented throught the existing organization of work;
that would achieve the requirements for the minimum and thus prevent the formation of conditions
for endangering the safety and lives of employees on the construction site.
- All measures listed above, as well as guidelines, rules and other forms of prevention and ongoing
security measures given in the Study require efficient conduct during construction work, for which
are responsible employees on following work positions: manager of construciton site,direct work
supervisors and health and safety engeneers, who /as said/ bare resposability for regular control
of compliance with commiting measures of health and safety on the site of work – each direct
supervisors and direct perpetrator must and do controle measures given in this Study.


- The study was made for the technology and organization of work being performed on the
investment building, where work is being performed by the employees of the company „Maytech“
ltd. Begrade (here and after referred to as „Condtractor“). Study aplied safety and health
requirements for the workers, and are in accordance with current legislative, technical regulations
and SRP standards, in the field of heath and safety.
- The contractor is required to provide on the construction site, the contractor is required to provide,
maintain and implement measures for safety and health at work in accordance with the study on
the construction site.


- The construction site consists of two separate building units and space between them inside limits
of plant for technological water purification and preparation which are prepared for production of
Egypt Pepsi Amreya WTP. Units are as follows:
 Row water pump station
 Plant locatons at which technological preparation of water takes place.


the tools, unpacking and distribution of equipment in containers)
2. Positioning the technological equipment and its assembly parts according to the plan
3. Preparing of installation and supporting mechanical and electrical installations  
4. Mounting of steel brackets for pipe installation and cable tray on the main pipeline
5. Mounting of distribution cabinets with basic kit installed electrical equipment in the cabinet
installation equipment for UF
6. Connecting of pipeline according to the situation and marked points:
1. From point TP1 (raw watter inlet) to other marked points
2. TP3 extension RGB of feed line no. 2
3. TP4 PET feed line no. 3
4. TP6 CIP room – for installation chemical treatment
5. TP7 Syrup
6. TP7.1 syrup room
7. TP7.2 sugar dissolving
8. TP9 Steam inlet
7. Connection of instalation and pipeline (WTP)
8. Electical instalation works
- Work on site will be carried out in one shift mainly, although there is possibility of two shifts.

Maytech employees’ work positions

1. Supervisor
2. Pipe fitter
3. Welder
4. PE welder
5. Orb. weld. Operator
6. Mechanical fitter
7. Electrician


- In case of injuries at work on construction site, so that injuries should be quickly and appropriately
handled and first aid conducted in accordance with the requirements resulting from the injury, it is
necessary to organize adequate on-site first aid, and possess adequate means and equipment for
providing first aid. With regard to the aforesaid, measures should be implemented on construction
site in order to provide adequate first aid, as follows:
 at any given moment, a professionally trained person for providing first aid should be present
on construction site
 supervisory and technical staff should be trained to properly provide first aid
 there should always be a locker with the necessary medical supplies for providing first
aid on construction site, as pictured on the right hand side ➔
 instructions on the procedure of providing first aid, transportation, or transfer of injured
persons to medical institutions et cetera should be positioned in a prominent place
 all construction workers on site must be informed about the positioning of the first aid kit, which
persons can provide first aid and who keeps the key to the locker containing medical supplies
Several lockers equipped with first aid kits should be placed on the construction site. Every locker
 1 adhesive bandage
 2 bandages 5m long, 8cm wide
 3x10g packets and 1x100g packet of cotton wool
 1 pair of small tweezers
 1 “Esmarch” bandage 80-100cm long
 2,5cm wide bandages
 3 small and 2 large sterile first aid bandages
 1 Triangular Bandage and 2 safety pins
 3 leather thimble in three sizes
 1 Lister Bandage Scissors
 2 50cm long and 10cm wide cotton splints for fractures


- Providing of medical supplies must be organised by the person responsible for construction site
works - head of works
- In order to ensure supplies and conditions for providing first aid, and transport of injured or
diseased workers, a means for transporting the injured and abruptly sick worker shall be provided
at the construction site
- In case of minor injuries of workers, a qualified person shall give the first aid to the worker, using
medical supplies located in the locker - bag, after which the injured person will be referred to the
nearest medical institution
- Transport of the injured person to the medical institution shall be performed by one of the means
of transport found on site
- In case of severe injuries, injured worker shall receive first aid and be put on a stretcher. In the
meantime, the ambulance or construction site vehicle should be called, depending on what is
available at the moment or whichever arrives first
- In case of injury, the responsible person on site - the head of the construction site will notify the
ambulance and say exactly where and at what location should they take over the injured.
- After giving the first aid, the head of the construction site will notify the ambulance and say exactly
where and at what location should they take over the injured.
- After initial medical treatment at the site, the responsible person - the head of the construction site
- must secure and preserve the scene in a state as it was at the time of the accident for the
Ministry of Internal Affairs and inspection of labor investigation
- Injuries at work are primarily reported to companies, labor inspection and the competent authority
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in accordance with legal regulations.


- Since pickling paste contains hydrofluoric acid that causes severe burns which are not necessarily
painful, first aid treatment should be urgent. The first person to give first aid should be specifically
trained regarding the hazards of burns by hydrofluoric acid and regarind helping the injured.
- When first aid is being administered to the injured, the person providing first aid must be out of the
affected area and be protected from further damaging exposure. The victim must be transferred to
the emergency service in the shortest time possible (best to the center for poisoning VMA). In all
cases, the doctor should be informed about the cause of the injury, so as to provide proper
treatment to the injured.



- Safety goggles with full face shield, which is adapted to protect the throat. Eye injuries occur when
a splashing paste bypasses the side shield. Therefore the goggles should not be relied upon,
unless they are completely fitting to the face. Wearing proper eye protection / face protection is
especially important when the paste is applied overhead, sprayed on or applied with rinsing the
site of application with a device for washing with water under pressure.
- Waterproof, acid-resistant protective clothing with sleeves with elastic cuffs to prevent contact with
contaminated water. When applying the paste overhead or applying the paste with a spray jet,
hooded acid-resistant protective clothes should be worn.
- Neoprene rubber gloves or deep gloves that overlap the sleeve.
- Rubber boots - primarily when applying preparation for spray or using the washing device. Care
must be taken to avoid contact with contaminated equipment, for example, by raising face shield
protection with contaminated gloves, because it can lead to burns of the face and eyes.
- Personal protection equipment should be thoroughly cleaned after use, and checked for fraying
and holes, such as holes in gloves at the tip of fingers. This can be checked by filling the gloves
with water before leaving them to dry.
- Contaminated clothing should be removed and it is important that the contaminated surface be
rinsed the with large amounts of clean cold water for at least 5-10 minutes. Calcium gluconate gel
should be applied by trained persons in the zone of contaminated surface and constantly rubbed
into the skin at least 15 more minutes after the the pain has stopped. Provider of first aid should
protect their hands with neoprene gloves with adequate resistance when removing contaminated
clothing of the injured person, and also when applying this treatment. During the treatment in the
hospital calcium gluconate gel should be applied urgently, and the treatment should continue
during the transport, especially if the pain recurs in the damaged area of the body. After the
disappearance of the pain area may be covered with coating soaked with calcium gluconate gel
and bandages loosely.

ATTENTION! Calcium gluconate gel is essential for first aid treatment of burns caused by pikling paste
(hydrofluoric acid). Persons who provide first aid should always make sure that gluconate gel is
available in sufficient amount, in the first aid kit. Since the gel has a limited shelf life - two years - a
method should be established for checking the expiring date of the gel and its timely replacement.



- Mechanical-electrical works on the construction site within the building, and works at a height
which is carried out using a step ladder and/or single ladder require the
application of safety precautions and knowledge of the essential requirements
for safe use of the ladder. The recommendation is to not use ladders to perform
tasks while on them, but primarily for climbing and descending from height, but
in exceptional circumstances the work lasting less than 15 min can be done from
a ladder, while observing all safety measures that follow:


- FIRST OF REQUIREMENTS: Before starting work, one needs to assess all
types of activities on a construction site where work at height is indeed the only way to complete
the work, and that this is a necessary procedure.
- Ladders should be used in construction works up to 3 m from floor level to the step plate - all other
work should be done from work platforms, scaffolding and other.
CAUTION! Ladders are extremely risky for works at height!
- Working with ladders may only be used a maximum of 15 minutes per day.
- PRIMARY CONDITION: Ladders must be sufficiently high to provide secure support for the hands
and feet in any position in which the ladders are being used.
- Position of ladders in use should be such as to meet the requirements that the distance from the
anchor point of ladders and the point of support of the ladders to the ground is not
greater that the ¼ of height of the ladder, or that the angle between the ground
level and ladder should be 70-750.
- It is prohibited to use ladders with the crossbars anchored with nails on the
sides and ladders with broken or missing crossbars or other damage (cracked
sides or crossbars etc.).
- Step ladder must be secured against excessive spacing of arms using the strong
links between the arms (chain, belt, tight rope etc.)..
- The lower ends (ground supports) step ladders must be equipped with special
supports (slippers etc.) to prevent sliding across the surface
Checking the safety of ladders shall be determined as follows:
1) are antislip supports missing, are they damaged or worn out,
2) that supports the ladder have a good relying on a solid base and that in the the support zone
of the ladder there is no sand, sawdust, gravel, grease, grime, which can prevent good contact
with the ground and can lead to slipping and falling of ladders
3) that there is no fat, dirt or mud on the crossbars
4) that there are cracks or damage on the sides of ladders or crossbars
5) that the crossbars of the ladders are reliably anchored
6) that crossbars are not damaged, weakened that there are no cracks or hidden defects


To reduce the risk when using ladders, the following rules should be followed:
1) Before starting work,always check are there cracks or damage to the tread or the sides of
ladders, and whether bolts or other compounds are missing or loose.
2) Make sure that the parts of the ladder are not the source of slipperiness(crossbars must not be
slippery, greased, shoes must not be greasy or dirty)
3) Before climbing the ladder, clean the soles of shoes, so that they are clean and not slippery.
4) Eliminate the causes of the slippage of the ladders on the bottom support surface - make sure
that there is no no sand, dust, fat cover, water, ice, mud etc on the ground on which the
ladders rely on,
5) Whenever you can, secure the position of the ladder at the top and bottom support surface
which prevents slipping and fall of ladders, which is the most common cause of serious
6) There should only be one person on the ladder at the time.
7) If you have not precisely positioned the ladder in relation to the place of work at height, do not
bend laterally too much! If necessary, move the ladder - otherwise, the ladder will slip and you
will fall off the ladder!
8) Never "walk" using ladders while you are on them!
9) When climbing and coming down from the ladder always face the ladder!
10) When working and moving along the ladders, keep your hips in a profile of the ladder, by
doing so you are keeping body’s center of gravity within the sides of the ladder, which
prevents laterally slippage ladders and fall!
11) When climbing and coming down from the ladder move one crossbar at the time, do not skip
the crossbar!
12) While moving or working on a ladder - when climbing or coming down the ladder always
maintain contact with the ladder at 3 points (1 hand and two feet or two hands and one foot)
13) When climbing or coming down the ladder, always ensure that your hands are free. Use a belt
or carabiner hooks, rope, etc. for carrying tools, do not hold tools in your hands.
14) The angle of the ladder reliance should not be greater nor less than 72-750, if tilted too much
forward the chances of slippage are increased, too vertical may be the cause of overturning
with the worker on the ladder backwards - on the back
15) Do not use defective / damaged ladder.
16) Do not stand on or above third crossbar, viewed from the top of the ladder; never climb above
the upper point of support. Never sit, or standnor climb to the top of the ladder.
17) Be aware of your surroundings while performing tasks on a ladder. Pay particular attention to
the obstacles in the air and people around to avoid hitting them.
18) When using of the ladder to climb to the upper platform, power station, etc. the upper end of of
the ladder must surpass(cross the edge of the palm) at least 1m from the point of support.
19) Get help when carrying long or heavy ladder.



Use of working mobile platform(picture on the right hand side) is
mandatory: if the work is carried out at a height from the standpoint
of height over 1.5 m and last longer than 15 minutes per shift, in
case some of the following aspects of work are present: the work of
more than one employee at the place of work; work performance
where both hands are busy and working at height can not be
secured with short anchoring rope tied to his belt for the whole
Work platform must meet the following requirements:
- Persons that are in the basket platform must be tied using a short
mooring rope to the anchor knocker in the floor zone of the basket.
- The support on which the platform rests must be horizontal, or
there must be an appropriate supplemental supports that ensure
the level gauge aerial platforms
- Climbing onto the platform is safer if performed by internal stairs(2)
- Working platforms must be ensured from all sides by suitable
regulated firm protective fence at least 1 meter from the floor level
(positions 4,5,6).
- The front edge of working platform must be set along the side of the object so that the distance
between the platform and the wall,through which a worker could fall through.
All wornings and caution remarks have to be strictly followed at all times given in Appendix.


- Scaffolding must be installed by qualified personnel and must have
documentation from the calculation of bearing capacity, stability and
- Scaffolding must be stably placed on firm and even surface,
- Each level must have a secured and fixed working floor, and the
protective fence minimum height of 1.0 m - photo below

Scaffolding should not be used when they are a source of risk which can lead to falls and serious
injury occurrence as follows:
- When there is no the required protective barrier, min. 1.0m
- When there is no regulated working floor - secured and full
- When it is not properly supported and leveled
- When it is not vertical when it is spaced from the object
- When it is not stable and properly stiffened
- When it was not assembled by an expert
- When there is snow, ice and mud on the floor
- During the strong wind and rain
- When there is material on the floor of one level and when it is overloaded.
ATTENTION: The scaffolding can only be used only if the head of the
construction site can confirm that besides these conditions, the scaffold was
assembled and supervised by professional and responsible worker.

FALL RESTRAINT TECHNIQUE is system of work with adequate equipment for
work at height with which the person is prevented – restrained to aproach the
area ofa unsecured height consequently prevents fall for from height.

Restraint System to protect workers from falls. A restraint system is rigged to

allow workers to move only as far as the sides of the work area and prevents
the wearer from reaching a fall hazard.
A restraint is a full-body harness, lanyard, cable, or rope with a rope grab at a
predetermined length, which is connected to the anchor and the user, and is
shorter than the distance to the unprotected edge. The system will let the
employee walk around and be able to reach the edge but will not let the
employee fall off the edge.
When utilized, a restraint system shall meet the following criteria:
- Must be visually inspected by the trained user prior to using.
- Physically prevent the user from reaching an unprotected edge and/or
fall from or through the structure. 
- Protection shall be rigged to allow the movement of employees only as
far as the sides of the working level or working area.
- The anchor point must have an ultimate load capacity in any direction in
which a load may be applied of at least 800 lbs or a structure that cannot be moved or pulled over by
the employee.
- The anchor point for the lanyard may be placed at foot level, provided there is no likelihood of
damage to the equipment.
- Lanyards or rope grab shall be secured to a substantial member of the structure.
- All employees must be trained.
- A restraint line is not necessarily designed to withstand forces resulting from a fall,
therefore the rope or cable does not have to be (5,000 lbs) rated.
- No provisions need to be made for rescue.
FALL RESTRAINT TECHNIQUE comprises following components –see picture to the right: 
Full body harness with dorsal D ring (depending on type of harness there are also lateral or
front ring) is applicable in all cases of work at height.
The main parts of the system are as follows:
1 Connection equipment (various types of rings for connecting with lanyard)
2 Lanyard with karabiners for connection with body harness from 0ne side and rings or anchore on the
Karabiner application is important to avoid any possibility of
equipment damage and consequently fall from height – see picture
to the right 

Safe anchore points for connection during work at height

- Properly choosed anchore points at work place must prevent access
beyond safe area. For adequate choice of anchore points licenced
professionals should be consulted since they are capabble for
estimation, calculation and instalation of this type of equipment.


A positioning system restraints the

elevated worker, preventning him
from getting into a hazardous
position where a fall could occur,
and also allow hands – free work.
This system holds the worker in
place while keeping his hands free to work.

Work positioning:
Technique where the worker will be using the
Personal Protective Equipment to access and process
the work. This technique is based on the equipment
which will protect a worker against any hazard from
the workplace (fall from the heights).
Choice of appropriate working position is essential for
working at height. It shall encourage the worker to
concentrate on his job and thus it shall be safe, sure-
footed and comfortable


Fully adjustable fall-arrest harness with padded waist belt suitable for
work positioning.




- In relation to the safe handling of tools, it is necessary to comply with and to know the following:
1. Site manager is reposponsible for appointing the competent person for dispatching, keeping,
always inspecting and required to issue the receipt together with the tool.
2. Work process is such that all work devices are used collectively so it is essentiall right and
obligation of all workers to:
a. Use work tools in accordance with their intended use and safety work guide;
b. Report all malfunctions immediately to site manager;
c. Site manager must issue warrant of forbidding work for given tool and
servicing requirement too.
3. Hand power tool, ie. devices, machines and hand tools may be used only if they fulfill all the
requirements of legislative and standards, ie:
d. Only authorized personnel may service the working tools;
e. It is mandatory to unplug the tool from the power supply;

A) Angle Grinder
- Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered or dark areas can cause accidents.
- Attention! Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of
flammable liquids, gases or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.
- Never use the cord for carrying, pulling or unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from heat,
oil, sharp edges and moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of electric
- When operating a power tool outdoors, use an extension cord suitable for outdoor use. Use of a
cord suitable for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock.
- If operating a power tool in a damp location is unavoidable, use a residual current device (RCD)
protected supply. Use of an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock.
- Attention! Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power
tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or
medication. A moment of inattention while operating power tools may result in serious personal
- Use personal protective equipment. Always wear eye protection. Protective equipment such as:
 dust mask,
 non-skid safety shoes,
 hard hat, or
 hearing protection
used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries.
- Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the switch is in the off-position before connecting to power
source and/or battery pack, picking up or carrying the tool.
- Attention! Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or energising power tools that have
the switch on can cause accidents.
- Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left
attached to a rotating part of the power tool may result in personal injury.
- Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of the
power tool in unexpected situations.
- Attention! Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing and
gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving
- If devices are provided for the connection of dust extraction and collection facilities, ensure these
are connected and properly used. Use of dust collection can reduce dust-related hazards.
- Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your application. The correct power tool
will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was designed.
- Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be
controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.
- Disconnect the plug from the power source and/or the battery pack from the power tool before
making any adjustments, changing accessories, or storing power tools. Such preventive safety
measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.
- Store idle power tools and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions
to operate the power tool. Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.
- Maintain power tools. Check for misalignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and
any other condition that may affect the power tool’s operation. If damaged, have the power tool
repaired before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools.
- Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are
less likely to bind and are easier to control.
- Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc. in accordance with these instructions, taking into
account the working conditions and the work to be performed.
- Use of the power tool for operations different from those intended could result in a hazardous
- Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts.
This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.

Safety Warnings for Angle Grinder

- This power tool is intended to function as a grinder, sander, wire brush or cut-off tool. Read all
safety warnings, instructions, illustrations and specifications provided with this power tool. Failure
to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.
- Operations such as polishing are not recommended to be performed with this power tool.
Operations for which the power tool was not designed may create a hazard and cause personal
- Do not use accessories which are not specifically designed and recommended by the tool
manufacturer. Just because the accessory can be attached to your power tool, it does not assure
safe operation.
- Danger! The rated speed of the accessory must be at least equal to the maximum speed marked
on the power tool. Accessories running faster than their rated speed can break and fly apart.
- The outside diameter and the thickness of your accessory must be within the capacity rating of
your power tool (115 or 180 mm). Incorrectly sized accessories cannot be adequately guarded or
- Threaded mounting of accessories must match the grinder spindle thread. For accessories
mounted by flanges, the arbour hole of the accessory must fit the locating diameter of the flange.
Accessories that do not match the mounting hardware of the power tool will run out of balance,
vibrate excessively and may cause loss of control and can cause serious injuries.
- Attention! Do not use a damaged accessory. Before each use inspect the accessory such as
abrasive wheels for chips and cracks, backing pad for cracks, tear or excess wear, wire brush for
loose or cracked wires. If power tool or accessory is dropped, inspect for damage or install an
undamaged accessory. After inspecting and installing an accessory, position yourself and
bystanders away from the plane of the rotating accessory and run the power tool at maximum no-
load speed for one minute. Damaged accessories will normally break apart during this test
- Wear personal protective equipment. Depending on application, use face shield, safety goggles or
safety glasses. As appropriate, wear dust mask, hearing protectors, gloves and workshop apron
capable of stopping small abrasive or workpiece fragments. The eye protection must be capable
of stopping flying debris generated by various operations. The dust mask or respirator must be
capable of filtrating particles generated by your operation. Prolonged exposure to high intensity
noise may cause hearing loss.
- Keep bystanders a safe distance away from work area. Anyone entering the work area must wear
personal protective equipment. Fragments of workpiece or of a broken accessory may fly away
and cause injury beyond immediate area of operation.
- Hold the power tool by insulated gripping surfaces only, when performing an operation where the
cutting accessory may contact hidden wiring or its own cord. Cutting accessory contacting a “live”
wire may make exposed metal parts of the power tool “live” and could give the operator an electric
- Position the cord clear of the spinning accessory. If you lose control, the cord may be cut or
snagged and your hand or arm may be pulled into the spinning wheel.
- Never lay the power tool down until the accessory has come to a complete stop. The spinning
wheel may grab the surface and pull the power tool out of your control.
- Do not run the power tool while carrying it at your side. Accidental contact with the spinning
accessory could snag your clothing, pulling the accessory into your body.
- Regularly clean the power tool’s air vents. The motor’s fan will draw the dust inside the housing
and excessive accumulation of powdered metal may cause electrical hazards.
- Do not operate the power tool near flammable materials. Sparks could ignite these materials.

Kickback and Related Warnings

- Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched or snagged rotating wheel, backing pad, brush or any
other accessory. Pinching or snagging causes rapid stalling of the rotating accessory which in turn
causes the uncontrolled power tool to be forced in the direction opposite of the accessory’s
rotation at the point of the binding.
- For example, if an abrasive wheel is snagged or pinched by the workpiece, the edge of the wheel
that is entering into the pinch point can dig into the surface of the material causing the wheel to
climb out or kick out. The wheel may either jump toward or away from the operator, depending on
direction of the wheel’s movement at the point of pinching. Abrasive wheels may also break under
these conditions.
- Kickback is the result of power tool misuse and/or incorrect operating procedures or conditions
and can be avoided by taking proper precautions as given below.
- Maintain a firm grip on the power tool and position your body and arm to allow you to resist
kickback forces. Always use auxiliary handle, if provided, for maximum control over kickback or
torque reaction during start-up. The operator can control torque reactions or kickback forces, if
proper precautions are taken.
- Never place your hand near the rotating accessory. Accessory may kickback over your hand.
- Do not position your body in the area where power tool will move if kickback occurs. Kickback will
propel the tool in direction opposite to the wheel’s movement at the point of snagging.
- Attention! Use special care when working corners, sharp edges, etc. Avoid bouncing and
snagging the accessory. Corners, sharp edges or bouncing have a tendency to snag the rotating
accessory and cause loss of control or kickback.
- Do not attach a saw chain woodcarving blade or toothed saw blade. Such blades create frequent
kickback and loss of control.

Safety Warnings Specific for Grinding and Abrasive Cutting-Off Operations

- Use only wheel types that are recommended for your power tool and the specific guard designed
for the selected wheel. Wheels for which the power tool was not designed cannot be adequately
guarded and are unsafe.
- The grinding surface of the centre depressed wheels must be mounted below the plane of the
guard lip. An improperly mounted wheel that projects through the plane of the guard lip cannot be
adequately protected.
- The guard must be securely attached to the power tool and positioned for maximum safety, so the
least amount of wheel is exposed towards the operator.
- The guard helps to protect operator from broken wheel fragments, accidental contact with wheel
and sparks that could ignite clothing.
- Danger! Wheels must be used only for recommended applications. For example: do not grind with
the side of the cut-off wheel. Abrasive cut-off wheels are intended for peripheral grinding; side
forces applied to these wheels may cause them to shatter.
- Always use undamaged wheel flanges that are of correct size and shape for your selected wheel.
Proper wheel flanges support the wheel thus reducing the possibility of wheel breakage. Flanges
for cut-off wheels may be different from grinding wheel flanges.
- Do not use worn down reinforced wheels from larger power tools. Wheels intended for larger
power tools are not suitable for the higher speed of a smaller tool and may burst.

Additional Safety Warnings Specific for Abrasive Cutting-Off Operations

- Do not “jam” the cut-off wheel or apply excessive pressure. Do not attempt to make an excessive
depth of cut.
- Overstressing the wheel increases the loading and susceptibility to twisting or binding of the wheel
in the cut and the possibility of kickback or wheel breakage.
- Do not position your body in line with and behind the rotating wheel. When the wheel, at the point
of operation, is moving away from your body, the possible kickback may propel the spinning wheel
and the power tool directly at you.
- When wheel is binding or when interrupting a cut for any reason, switch off the power tool and
hold the power tool motionless until the wheel comes to a complete stop. Never attempt to remove
the cut-off wheel from the cut while the wheel is in motion otherwise kickback may occur.
Investigate and take corrective action to eliminate the cause of wheel binding.
- Do not restart the cutting operation in the workpiece. Let the wheel reach full speed and carefully
re-enter the cut. The wheel may bind, walk up or kickback if the power tool is restarted in the

Working Advice
- Exercise caution when cutting slots in structural walls. You need advice of an expert and should
work according to given instructions.
- Clamp the workpiece if it does not remain stationary due to its own weight.
- Do not strain the machine so heavily that it comes to a standstill.
- After heavily straining the power tool, continue to run it at no-load for several minutes to cool down
the accessory.
- Do not touch grinding and cutting discs before they have cooled down. The discs can become
very hot while working.
- Do not use the power tool with a cut-off stand.
- During pauses in power tool usage power cord should be disconnected from the power socket.

Rough Grinding
- Never use a cutting disc for roughing.
- The best roughing results are achieved when setting the machine at
an angle of 30° to 40°. Move the machine back and forth with
moderate pressure. In this manner, the workpiece will not become
too hot, does not discolour and no grooves are formed.

Cutting Metal
- For cutting with bonded abrasives, always use the protection guard for cutting.
- When cutting, work with moderate feed, adapted to the material being cut. Do not exert pressure
onto the cutting disc, tilt or oscillate the machine.
- Do not reduce the speed of running down cutting discs by applying sideward pressure.
- The machine must always work in an upgrinding motion. Otherwise, the danger exists of it being
pushed uncontrolled out of the cut.
- When cutting profiles and square bar, it is best to start at the smallest cross section.
- Provide for sufficient dust extraction when cutting stone.
- Wear a dust respirator.
- The machine may be used only for dry cutting/grinding.
- For cutting stone, it is best to use a diamond cutting disc.
- When using the cutting guide with dust extraction protection guard, the vacuum cleaner must be
approved for vacuuming masonry dust.
- Switch on the machine and place the front part of the cutting guide on the workpiece. Slide the
machine with moderate feed, adapted to the material to be worked.
- For cutting especially hard material, e. g., concrete with high pebble
content, the diamond cutting disc can overheat and become damaged
as a result. This is clearly indicated by circular sparking, rotating with
the diamond cutting disc.
- In this case, interrupt the cutting process and allow the diamond
cutting disc to cool by running the machine for a short time at
maximum speed with no load.
- Noticeably decreasing work progress and circular sparking are
indications of a diamond cutting disc that has become dull.
- Briefly cutting into abrasive material (e. g. lime-sand brick) can
resharpen the disc again.

B) Bench Grinder
Grinder protection
Any grinder has to fulfill minimum safety
requirements as follows (numbers are in
accordance with part numbers in the image):
1. Spark deflector’s (optional) function is to
protect operater from the flying sparks and
small and hot metal pieces from the upper
area of the grinding wheel. Therefore,
maximum distance of the lower edge of
spark deflector from the grinding wheel may
not be greater than 2 mm.
2. Eye preserver has to be adjustable,
transparent and made of unbreakable material. If gets opaque or damaged should be replaced
3. Flanges, both back and clamping are used to firmly hold
grinding wheel in it’s position, and between flange there
has to be put intermediate layers made of elastic
materials, e.g. soft cardboard etc.
4. The rated speed of grinding wheels must be at least
equal to the maximum speed marked on the power tool.
Grinding wheels running faster than their rated
speed can break and fly apart. Grinding wheels may
not be, damaged, out of balance or with cracks in it.
Mounting of grinding wheels should do only competent
personnel, who visualy check grinding wheels and by competent punching using wooden hammer,
in order to check wheels against cracks. Grinding wheels are not ment to be used for side
grinding, since side wearing of a grinding wheel leads to it’s weakening and bursting, and be a
cause of a severe injuries for operater as well as bystanders.
5. Workpiece supports must be firmly mounted in workpiece approach area, and distance between
support and grinding wheel perimeter has to be 3 mm (2). Therefore, workpiece support has to be
adjustable in horizontal plane and to allow position changing to follow up change in grinding wheel
diameter. Improper distance between workpiece supports may cause severe hands’ injuries.
6. Grinding wheels must be properly shielded with strong metal safety covers, which can resist to the
force of bursted grinding wheel. Unshielded angle of the safety cover may not exceed 90 0 in total,
and exposed part of the grinding wheel above horizontal plane may not be greater than 65 0. That
means that safety cover must enclose grinding wheel at angle of 270 0 (see image to the right).
7. Any grinder must have the main power switch – device for start/stop of the grinder, which is on the
grinder case itself. Depending on grinder adjustment with new regulations, grinder must have knob
like allstop switch for emergency stop instead of regular stop switch, and primarily for protective
electrical blockade of uncontrolled working cycle after sudden return of electric power.
8. If there is light it must be with low voltage electric current (less than 50 volts).

Operating the Grinder

- Operater must be well trained in grinder safe operations and introduced with grinder
characteristics as well as materials to be worked on.
- Safe operation with object of grinding and hands
position relative to workpiece and workpiece support is
shown in the image to the right.
- Attention! During careless and incompetent operation
fingers and hand may be caught and pinched between
workpiece and grinding wheel which may cause severe
injuries. Workpiece has to be in firm grip, put on the
workpiece support and hands have to be able to
preciselly followup the pressure and counter act with
adequate position (see image to the right).
- Operater should exercise care while using abrasive
grinding wheel, since it can cause both light and serious
injuries of the hand and fingers.
- Attention! Never use grinding wheel which suffered the fall or heavy strike, even if there is no
visible damage on it.
- Grinding wheels must be properly mounted.
- Before use of newly mounted grinding wheel, activate power tool for couple of seconds to ensure
that grinding wheel is properly balanced.
- Check grinding wheel from time to time, it may not be damaged, cracked, unbalanced etc.
- Grinding wheel functionality test: hang grinding wheel on a wire and execute light sidekick with a
wooden hammer. If the sound is loud and clear grinding wheel is functional, on the other hand if
the sound is dull grinding wheel is cracked and may not be used anymore.
- At any moment only one person may operate the grinder, not two on each side of the bench
grinder at the same time.
- Before operating the grinder ensure there is no flammable materials in the grinder area, which
may be ignited by grinding wheel sparks while operating grinder.
- Pieces on the floor area, abrasion residual dust and alike may cause slipping or tripping.
- Keep the distance between grinding wheel and workpiece support at max. 3 mm and min. 1.5 mm.
- Operater must use safety eye glasses for protection from flying pieces.
- If noise level on grinding tool greater than 85 dB (A), use of safety ear pieces is mandatory.
- Removing of waste and chips in the grinder area is allowed only while grinder is not operating and

grinding wheels stand still.
- Ensure that any part of your body is not close to the grinding wheel.
- Before operating the grinder wait until it achieve the full working speed.
- Before operating the grinder do not put workpiece directly on the grinding wheel.
- Do not use grinding wheel which vibrates during operation.
- Use of safety gloves is mandatory.

Safe Operation of Workpiece Grinding on Power Tool

1. Improper workpiece position (see the image to the right) can
cause shock of grinding wheel to workpiece and further
vibrations of workpiece, which may cause thrusting out of the
workpiece and injuries of the operater.

2. Improper workpiece cutting-off operation (of thin and sheet

materials in a manner shown in the image to the right) using
grinder tool, tends to drag workpiece between grinding wheel
and workpiece support, causing loos of control and draging a
finger in grinding area. Also, draging of sheet of other sharp
material or workpiece position change may cause injuries.

Safety Equipment of the Operator

Operator must wear appropriate PPE.
1. Eye protection is mandatory – use safety googles or eye glasses.
2. Complete personal protective suit is mandatory.
3. Ties, shirts and allike items which are loose are forbidden because they can be caught by
tool’s rotating parts.
4. In case of heavily dusted air respirator is mandatory.
5. Ears protection is mandatory.
6. Safety shoes (with protective cap) are mandatory during the whole working time.
7. Long and loosely tied hair has to be removed.
8. Operator during work may not wear rings, bracelets, watches etc.
9. Use approprite type of grinding wheel according to working procedure and material to be
operated on – do not grind non-ferous metals.
10. Clamping of the grinding wheel to working spindle is done by flanges and intermediate layers
made of elastic materials on both sides, in order to uniformly press the stone.
11. Do not push workpiece in direction oposite of grinding wheel rotation.
12. Guide workpiece slowly upon grinding wheel perimeter.
13. Grinding of workpiece using grinding wheel side is forbidden, unless it is grinding wheel with
that specific purpose.
14. Workpiece must not be handled by any clamping tool – pincers and similar, because
workpiece may be bounced out and cause injury.
15. For small work pieces it is necessary to provide workpiece handler.
16. Leaving unattended grinding tool in operation is not allowed.
17. Before leaving the place of operation it is mandatory to switch off power tool.
18. Before grinder cleaning or adjusting, switch power tool to off state, wait until all active
movements come to full stop and pull out the power plug from the electric grid socket.
19. If during operations a cooling fluid is used, then if this fluid was spilled on the floor it should be
dried out with appropriate absorbing material.
20. Grinding of soft, nodular materials like aluminum or copper leads to damaging – cloging of
grinding wheel.

Most Frequent Causes of Injuries
The most frequent types of injuries during grinding operations follows as:
- Hair or clothes may be caught up by grinder rotational parts.
- Fingers may get caught between grinding wheel and workpiece support and smashed.
- Sparks or small abrasive parts as product of the grinding operation may cause of eye injuries or fire.
- Injuries of the body parts, mostly hands or fingers, accidentaly got in contact with grinding wheel.
- Bursted material or broken parts in case of grinding wheel bursting.
- Hot metal parts.

C) Orbital Pipe Saw

Before operating the tool it is mandatory to check the following:
- Ensure that the motor unit is in the upright position. The yellow mark of the UNLOCK button is
- Check that the blade has no damages – use only blades with all dents undamaged.
- Check that the blade is correctly fitted, in good condition and suitable for the material to be cut.
- Ensure the blade rotation is steady, without eccentricity and vibrations during operation – do
not start operation if there are vibrations or hammering once the power tool is started.
- Ensure the blade-guard whole and undamaged.
- Ensure the blade guard while taking out saw from the pipe automaticly moves to starting
position and completelly covers the blade.
- Ensure the pipe saw guide wheels rotate.
- Ensure the support wheels rotate and that pipe rotates freely during manual pipe rotation.
- Ensure the pipe is empty.
- Check the position of the chips extraction lever.

D) Plastic Pipe Orbital Welding Machine
Before operating the tool it is mandatory to check the following:
- Ensure that all commands on
segments for parallel edges
alignment and heating plate
function properly and
- Before the cutting operation
ensure that workpiece – pipe is
- Ensure that rotational blades on
the plate for parallel edges
alignment sharp and if the
rotation is not followed with
vibrations, shakes, jamming, in
which case operation must be
- Ensure that workpiece before starting pipe edges alignment operation in firm grip of clamps –
do not start the operation if workpieces are firmly clamped.
- Ensure the dent segment is firmly gripped and in contact with workpiece edges.
- Ensure there is no pipe rotation during alignment operation or vibrations of the alignment
- Do not approach to workpieces
edges area for chips cleaning
until the tool was not completely
stopped and disconnected from
the mains electric supply.
- Ensure that heating plate
achieved working temperature
which is melting point of the
plastic to be welded – by
instrument measuring at contact
sides of the heating plate.
- Heating plates put out of reach
of other people to avoid burns.
- Check the position of chips extraction lever.

E) Various Power Tools

Safety measures in work

Application of safety measures is mandatory for all working personnel involved in working operations
using power tools as well as all people in close range of such works.
Only those workers who are assigned to carry out working activities with use of power tools, and who
know dangers during power tools usage, are allowed to use them.
It is mandatory to follow up measures for safe work, not only for safety reasons but to ensure the tools
will have the longest possible service time and proper usage.

Preventive Measures Before the Operation Start

- Before electric power tool plugging in mains electric supply it is

mandatory to check the tool start switch, it should be in “off”
- Before any intervention on the tool (adjusting, maintenance,
cutting tool replacement etc.) may take place, tool must be
unplugged from the mains electric supply.
- It is forbiddend taking off any kind of authentic protection part
that tool may have.
- It is mandatory to visually check the tool correctness before
starting the operation:
 Tool has to have all built-in protective implements.
 All electric cables have to in without any damages, since they may cause electric shock to
the tool operater.
 Cutting tool must be properly clamped and sharp.
 Check if there is missing key on the power tool or some other tool.
 Pay the attention to switch on device. Power tool with failing switch device MAY NOT be

Preventive Measures During the Operation

- Electric power tools may be used solely for intended purpose.
- Workpiece must be properly clamped, with adequate clamping device(s). Otherwise,
workpiece may be driven out of position, or cutting tool may break, operater injury is most
likely consequence of such event.
- Electric power tools may not be used in wet conditions or in the rain.
- Working environment should be kept in orderly manner. Mess on the construction site may
provoke injuries.

- While working with power tools grounded object should not be touched (such as heating
radiators etc.).
- Never overload the tool. The tool is more efficient if it is used according to recommended
speed as well it will have longer service time.
- Handles of the power tool have to be clean (without grease or dirt) because this ensures safe
guiding of cutting tool through the workpiece.
- It is necessary to always have proper position during work with power tool.
- Pay the attention to electric cables of the power tool:
 Never use cable for carying the tool.
 Do not use cable for unplugging the tool from the mains power supply.
 Cable exposed to heat, oil or sharp object may be of damaged insulation and
consequently may produce electric shock to the operater.
- When using extension cable bear in mind da wire cross section area has to be appropriate for
the nominal electric current of the tool (should be printed on the tool label).
- Do not use electric power tool near easy ignitable or explosive substances, reason is that
electric power tools make sparks during their work, which may cause fire and explosion.
- Before carrying the power tool it should be unplugged from the mains power supply, and while
operating tool it is important to take care about accidental and sudden start of the tool.
- Cutting tool for the grinder tool is set in accordance with technical data of the tool, and it is
strictly forbidden to set grinding wheel of larger diameter than set in the manual. Never
dismount the guard from the grinding machine.
- Before plugging in the tool in the mains power supply check the power switch, and before
cutting tool replacement it is mandatory to unplug the power tool from the power supply.
Before setting grinding or cutting wheel check it against possible damages, especially cracks
in the wheel.
- Clamping of the grinding or cutting wheel it is mandatory to use flanges which may not be of
diameter smaller than 1/3 of working wheel. For adjustment bolt use hand wrench not hammer
or screwdriver, or other possible tools. Grinding or cutting wheel breakage and bursting may
be the result of forcing the tool during the cutting or grinding operation, and striking to

Preventive Measures After the Operation

- After finishing the work with electric power tool, inspect visualy cutting tool conditions and if
necessary replace, and only after power tool should be put off.
- After work is ended electric power tool should be put off on dry and locked place, out of reach
of people unauthorized for power tool or to return the tool to warehouse.
- Noticed damages on power tool should be reported immediately to the supervisor.
- While power tool is operating it is forbidden to pass it over to other worker.
- During grinding operations it is mandatory use of respirators for respiratory organs protection
of the dust, and safety googles with side protection.
- During operations with electric-pneumatic drilling machines it is mandatory to use personal
protective equipment for noise (ear protection) and safety googles with side protection.

F) Tirfors, Lifting and Pulling Machines (further equipment)

1. Before installing and using this equipment, to ensure safe

and efficient use of this equipment, check that you have
read and completely understood informations and
instructions given in manual.
2. Do not use the equipment if any of plates on the
equipment casing is missing, or some information is
unreadable, as stated in the manual.
3. Ensure that all users are completely introduced with all
parts and intended use of the equipjment and how to use it
safely, following all the safety rules.
4. This equipment may be used only in accordance with all
safety regulations and standards in connection with
equipment installation, use, maintenance and inspection.
5. Every person who uses this equipment for the first time
should check first if he understood completely
requirements of safe and proper work, which are included
in equipment use.
Operator before the first use of the equipment should
check first if the equipment is capable to carry work load
without the risk, and to be familiar about limited lifting
height, and that he fully understand safe and efficient use
of the unit.
6. Each time before the use check the unit if there are any
visible damages, as well as accessory which is to be used
together with the unit.
7. Equipment must be verticaly suspended in support point
and structure which has enough strength to endure
maximum allowed load given in the manual.
If several units are used, strength of the structure must comply with number of pulling units
and their maximum load.
8. In case of any use of equipment outside given work safety measures, or in case of
unauthorized replacement of the parts, or repairs, operater or supervising person for the
construction site will be held reponsible.
9. Steel cable for the equipment must be appropriate by it’s construction to safety requirements
(it is not greased, must have steel core, exact diameter without decreasing etc.).
10. Equipment must not be used for any purpose which is not described in the operations manual.
Equipment must never be used for handling of any load greater than allowed one. It must
never be used in explosive environment atmosphere.
11. Equipment must never be used for lifting of the people.
12. In case of several pieces of equipment is needed to carry out the task, before mounting the
equipment it is necessary to prepare technical evaluation and calculation of load for each rope
done by competent personnel. Equipment installation must be done in accordance with the
given results of the completed evaluation and calculations.
13. For safe use of the equipment it has to be in regular maintenance and visual inspection. It has
to be done by competent company and competent personnel, introduced with characteristics
of this equipment by manufacturer’s manual.
14. Cables must be in good condition to ensure safe, proper work of the unit. Any cable showing
signs of the wear or damage must be discarded and replaced. Cable condition has to be
checked each time before use of the equipment and in accordance with manufacturer’s
15. When equipment is not in use it should be kept in place inacessible to people not authorized
for use of the equipment.
16. While operating the equipment, operater must ensure tightness of the cables by the load all
the time, must check if the cable is not temporarily lose due to some obstacle, which can be
dangerous since when load is released from the obstacle it’s fall can tear the cable.
17. Important! For professional use, ensure that you follow up all the safety instruction equipment
for instalation, servicing and use.

Work of Tirfor machines is guaranted safe if instructions in it’s manual are followed up, still it is useful
to pay additional attention to following warnings.
- Do not use the equipment for lifting of the people.
- Do not try to assembly Tirfor equipment in mechanized drive system.
- Do not use equipment for lifting load greater than the maximum allowed work load.
- Tirfor equipment may not be used for the applications other than intended ones.
- Never use cable release mechanism while equipment carries load.
- Never block operational levers or cable drive lever.
- Never use forward and reverse operation levers at the same time.
- Never use pipe extensions for command levers (L1, L2), except genuine extension for
command levers, delevered by manufacturer.
- It is forbidden to replace safety breakable pins with any other except the genuine ones from
Tirfor of the same model.
- Never anchor the equipment in any other way except on adequate, portable anchor point.
- Never position the equipment out of axis of equipment functional position – steel
ropes and anchores, which all have to be in the same line.
- Never use Tirfor cables as a sling.
- Never expose controls to sharp shocks.
- Never attempt to put the steel cable through the machine while it is under load.
- Do not use Tirfor machine when cable reaches 10 cm from the equipment end, because it will
almost certanly cause fall of both cable and load!

Incorrect Correct

Method for checking of steel cable diameter

G) S&H Load Manipulation and Electric Power Hoist

It is basic obligation of the construction site works manager according to legal regulations, to provide
Method statement on the construction site or Plan of preventive work S&H measures, which contains
graphical data among others, and they have to followed up on the site, that is which have to be built on
the structure or site in accordance with mentioned documentation, that means input of following data
connected with loads work on the structure:
1. Working position of the electric hoist (further hoist) in all locations on which it is planned to be
used on the structure or site.
2. Manipulation zone has to be drawn for each hoist working position on structure or site.
3. It is mandatory to show schematically safety fences lines, obstacles and other in relation to
purpose of the safety guards, and above all in intention of blocking and protecting workers
from the hanging loads or possible fall of some material.
On all places that hoise is to be used it is placed and mounted in accordance with Method statement
for construction site, and following safety rules are mandatory:
- Hoist must be mounted on the structure or temporary or supporting structure by mounting and
placing manual, and additionaly using calculation of the supporting construction on which hoist
is to be mounted, and following manufacturer’s documentation.
- Placement and mounting of the hoist may carry out only qualified personnel for hoist
mounting, assigned from construction site manager or work contractors, and they have to log
their work in hoist control book after finishing hoist mounting.
- Hoist dismounting and remounting on the other place of the structure or site may carry out
only qualified personnel for hoist mounting, assigned from construction site manager or work
contractors, and they have to log their work in hoist control book or separate log book after
finishing hoist dismounting and remounting on the other place.
Hoist is mounted in one of the standard methods depending on type of supporting construction:
Case of console mounting of the hoist (image to
the right), is attached directly to the structure or to
the supporting construction, so the hoist work safety
cannot be jeoperdized. With this construction must
be provided nominal hoist work load and stability of
supporting construction or structure, therefore
stability of the hoist itself and workload.

Hoist operator must ensure that before each shift, and if necessary during the operation also, checks
the hoist safety, which implies:
- Visual inspection of all part of hoist supporting construction. Also, hoist must be properly
mounted and firmly attached for structure or other supporting construction in accordance with
manufacturer’s manual.
- Hoist has to function properly and must have all parts correct and protective devices on it.

Hoist Supporting Construction (supporting frame on which hoist is hanged)

- Supporting construction in it’s entirity must not be damaged, cracked, deformed, seriously
corroded or in any other manner unsafe, which is checked before operation starts.
- All releasable joints of the supporting construction must be firmly attached and secured
against accidental disjoining, which is checked by visual inspection and functional test.

- All parts of hoist supporting construction have to be tightened, safely fixed to the supporting
construction or temporary/protective construction on which the hoist is mounted, and secured
from accidental disjoining by adequate safe elements.
Electric Hoist Motor
- Electric motor with drum
must be dependably
attached to the supporting
construction in all types of technical solutions, which is visually checked.
- Hoist brake device must ensure that in case of electric power shortage or by activating stop
button, to automaticly stop and securely holds the load in current position, without sliding no
matter of current load movement direction.

Hoist Protective Devices

- Each hoist must have built-in and functional load lifting limiter switch which prevents while
lifting, collision of the hook into the hoise and drop of load or cable tearing, also hoist must
have the actuator which as mechanical device activates load lifting limiter switch.

Commands and Decoupling from Electric Energy Supply

- Hoist must have functional commands and which are properly marked as well as stop button
for emergency stop of hoist drive for lifting or descending in case of emergency stop need.
- Also, it must have possibility of disconnecting of electric power at the operater’s place on the
main switch or on the industrial socket, which is in reach of the operater.

Load Cable, Slings and Additional Ropes

Load cable must fulfill following demands for safety:
- On the hoist may be mounted only functional, undamaged and
undeformed rope of necessary length in accordance with to the
height of lifting/lowering the load, and adequate diameter according
to hoist load capabality.
- Rope attachment with fixed part of the hoist construction, hook and
other, if it is realized by clampers, must fulfill safety and functionality requests (see image to
the right).
- Rope must not be damaged, with folded wires, deformed and other. Rope damage which may
be tolerated must be evaluated by hoist operater who has to be competent for this evaluation.
Types of intolerable deformations are given on image above.
- If the rope connection with the hook is realized with built-in capsule, it must not be deformed,
damaged or improperly manufactured, which must be evaluated by hoist operator as
competent person.
- At the lowest hook position on drum there has to be left still more than 2 rope winds (4-sl.1).
- Load cable must be properly and reliably attached to hook, sheave and motor drive

Load Decrease of Wire Rope Fittings

Allowed load of connection of chains or wire ropes with two or more rope lines has to be decreased in
connection to angle size between the two opposite rope lines. Load decrease relating to allowed load is:
1. 10% for 450 angle between two opposite rope or chain lines;
2. 15% for 600 angle between two opposite rope or chain lines;
3. 30% for 900 angle between two opposite rope or chain lines;
4. 50% for 1200 angle between two opposite rope or chain lines.
In the table below is presented allowed load decrease in relation to the angle of rope or chain lines.
Example: Load of mass of 1000 kg, depending on the angle of rope lines, requires fittings of following
load capacities:

1. Two parallel ropes hanged via yoke, each rope must have load capacity of 500 kg, ie. two
ropes have in total load capacity of 1000 kg.
2. Two ropes with mutual angle of 900, each rope must have load capacity of 700 kg, ie. fitting
must have load capacity of 1400 kg.
3. Two ropes with mutual angle of 1200, each rope must have load capacity of 1000 kg, ie. fitting
must have load capacity of 2000 kg.

Of course, hoist operater and load manipulator both need to know about mandatory decrease of
maximum allowed load if ropes or chains make an angle with vertical axis.

Load Lifting with Eyebolt

In case of load lifting with an eyebolt (see image to the right) evaluation and
calculation are demanded also for maximum transport weight G which is allowed to
be lifted, depending on the method of load lifting as it is presented in previous table.
Hoist operator and load manipulator have to take in account type of the eyebolt,
it’s maximum allowed load (printed on it), and in particular about the orientation
type of the head of the eyebolt.
Also, when using cylindrical profile for load lifting fittings have to be put in proper and secured manner
(see image below).

Load Tieing, Hanging and Manipulation

Safety General Comments
Hook Safety Check (see image to the right)
- Check wear and deformation.
- Check for cracks and twists.
- Check for opening signs.

- Check wear and crevices.

Use of fittings for triple and quadruple rope lines

(see images below)


E) S&H in Pressure Test of the Equipment and Pipelines

Maytech as a contractor is authorized to do the pressure test of the equipment and pipelines.
Test is to be carried out with water as test fluid with test pressure P test=1.43xPnominal.

Preconditions for Pressure Test

To prepare the pressure test for a given technological installation, a group of competent workers
prepare installation for the test. They mount blind flanges to all required nozzles, provide positions for
venting of excessive air from the installation, dismount all equipment inlets for control, handling and
sensor access points on the installation.
This team also vents the air from the installation, and before the test itself, site manager inspects the
whole installation together with the supervisor of the team appointed for the preparation of the
installation for the test, and the check completion of the installation preparation procedure for the test.
Control manometers of necessary precission class have to beforehand calibrated by authorized
laboratory in time periods given by the legislative for this type of measurement unit. All valves and
other parts of equipment and installation have to be properly mechanically separated with adequate
blind flanges.
Warning! Before the test starts area is to be secured against unauthorized access to equipment and
installation. If necessary the door may be locked or sign is put on it with text “Do not enter – Danger!
Pressure test of the equipment and installation is running!”
Warning! Whole test leads site manager in according to test protocol.
Test protocol contains time table and functional conditions of leading the test. Rising the pressure to
test pressure Ptest=1.43xPnominal, is executed step by step manner until reaching maximum test pressure
with mandatory follow up of all critical spots, all attachments and other parts, and critical parts all the
time during test.
Warning! During the test process any unauthorized people who enter the test affected area should be
immediately escorted out!
Before the start of the test, site manager gathers the team which has the obligation to follow up and
intervene if necessary, check if all members of the team know their tasks, agreed reactions in case
critical conditions arise.
Pressure test of the installation is to be aborted in case of any of the characteristic conditions
or symptoms and immediate depressurization of the installation is carried out. For example, in
case of deformations on the installation, vessels, fluid leaks on flanges, material or welded joints etc.
During all the test principle of progressive pressure increase must be followed upto test pressure itself,
according to test protocol!
In case of any kind of interference there has to be a procedure with immediate or emergency
depressurization of installation by adequate ball or discharge valve and similar.


NEVER use any scaffold or scaffold component that is damaged.
NEVER use any scaffold that is improperly erected.
NEVER mix scaffold components from other manufacturers with scaffold components. Component
dimensions differ from one manufacturer to another and using components from more than one
manufacturer in a single scaffold could be hazardous.
ALWAYS be sure the scaffold is level at all times. When a leg is adjusted, be sure the locking collar is
completely pushed over the expanding nut and below the safety locks.
NEVER make leg adjustments with anyone on a platform.
ALWAYS lock all four caster brakes before climbing the scaffold
ALWAYS make sure all locking hooks are firmly in position and latches are properly engaged. Never
force locking hooks. ALWAYS ensure that latches of all locking hinges on folding braces are locked
ALWAYS make sure interlock clips are properly inserted when extension end frames are used),
NEVER use damaged interlock clips.
ALWAYS use at least two diagonal braces and one horizontal brace properly installed on each weight-
bearing section of Single-Width scaffold. Double Width scaffolds require double bracing.
NEVER install a horizontal brace of a span scaffold at the same level as the intersection of diagonal
ALWAYS use four OUTRIGGERS if platform height will exceed three (3) times any minimum base
dimension. Height must not exceed three (3) times the minimum base dimension.
ALWAYS install GUARDRAILS on single-width scaffolds and on double-width scaffolds. Check State
and Local Codes and Regulations for additional requirements.
ALWAYS install TOEBOARDS when platform height is 3m. Check State and Local Codes and
Regulations for additional requirements.
NEVER increase platform height with the adjustable legs. Use leg adjustment for leveling the scaffold.
NEVER stand on guardrails or use guardrail components to gain extra height.
NEVER place ladders chairs, boxes or any other objects on a scaffold platform to gain additional
height. When additional height is required, add more scaffold sections.
NEVER lean a ladder against a scaffold.
NEVER climb or stand on diagonal or horizontal braces.
NEVER move a scaffold when any person or materials are on the platform
NEVER try to pull yourself or the scaffold from one place to another while on the platform. ALWAYS
climb down from the platform and reposition the scaffold.

ALWAYS ensure the work area is free of hazards such as debris and openings or holes in the surface
where the scaffold will be used. Use only a firm level surface capable of supporting the scaffold and its
NEVER use a scaffold without first inspecting it. Prior to use, every user of an scaffold must thoroughly
inspect the scaffold prior to use. All required components must function properly and be properly
attached as part of a properly erected scaffold. Any incomplete part, missing label, missing part or part
that does not fit properly must be replaced prior to use of the scaffold.
NEVER use a hammer or other object to strike a component while attempting to erect, disassemble or
adjust a scaffold. The components of a properly configured scaffold should not require the application of
force during the erection or disassembly process.
Handle all scaffold parts carefully. Do not throw or drop onto hard surfaces or allow heavy objects to fall
onto the scaffold or scaffold components.
NEVER exceed the maximum distributed platform capacity of 227 kg. Maximum distributed load is 122
kg/m2 on any platform and 1361 kg total on any base section. When adjustable legs are extended the
maximum capacity is 726 kg.
NEVER allow loose objects to accumulate on the platform during use. Always keep the platform free of
all tripping hazards. Make sure the scaffold is free from slippery or hazardous materials such as paint or
NEVER leave the scaffold unattended.
ALWAYS contact UpRight for instructions if you any questions (see BackCover). NEVER TAKE

Following Use, inspect all scaffold components before storage. All damaged or worn parts and labels and parts
not working properly must be repaired or replaced. Parts which cannot be restored to properly usable condition
must be discarded.

• All parts of scaffold s should fit together easily and work properly. To ensure proper function, keep all
scaffold components clean. All parts should be clean and free of any foreign build up. Use soap and water.
Do not use caustic cleaner.
• The legs and sockets of scaffold end frames, where sections join each other should fit together properly,
without interference. Legs and sockets must be kept clean. Lubricate end frame legs and sockets and
spring pins with light machine oil as necessary.
• The inside surface of Brace Hooks and Spring Loaded Pins should fasten in place without forcing or
binding. Keep the inside surface of Brace Hooks clean.
• Locking Hinge mechanisms should lock and unlock properly. Keep Locking Hinge mechanisms lubricated.
• Adjustable legs must slide freely inside the base frame vertical tubes. Remove any dirt or paint from the
threads of the Adjustable Legs. Brush lightly if cleaning is necessary.
• Casters must be checked for worn or damaged wheels and missing or damaged snap rings. Wheels should
spin freely and bearing races should turn freely and smoothly. Keep casters cleaned and lubricated. Axles,
bearing races and stems must be lubricated with light machine oil. Damaged casters must be discarded.
• Platforms must be checked for loose or missing components, holes or thin spots where boards may be
worn. Worn or damaged boards must be replaced.


Figure 1: Adjusting
Legs and Cas






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