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My Studies

Grab for Work
By Yolanda Chiu

I am Yolanda Chiu
I am now seeking opportunities and wish to challenge myself in achieving next career goal.
This is some work and studies I have done for Grab for Work to show my strong interest in
Grab. And it also demonstrate my abilities of being an ideal candidate, including
presentation skill, proficiency in customer experience tools, and the sense of data analysis.
Table of Contents
• Part A: Grab for Work demonstration in 5 slides
• Practice to explain the product to new clients
• Demonstrate how I understand the product inside-out
• Part B: Brainstorming for Grab for Work
• User experience research and some ideas for feature extensions
• Demonstrate how I excel at user experience tools and analysis
• References
Grab for Work Intro
PPT Practice for introducing Grab for Work
at work is trivial,

but it happen
How can Grab for Work help you?
Save time Manage Costs Provide Flexibility
by reporting expense easier by keeping track of every rides by billing in multiple ways
How to use Grab for Work
as Employee? Payment
1. No payment (Postpaid)
Start the Ride
Book a Ride 2. By Corporate Card
3. By Cash and submit claims

Tag as company ride

and write purpose
How to use Grab for Work
as Manager? Track and Manage
1. Review and Filter Rides anytime
Add Payment 2. Download Ride Statement in PDF/CSV form
Create 1. Add corporate credit card 3. Schedule Ride Statement to be sent
New Group 2. Assign card to member weekly/monthly

Add Members Add Policies

to Group Time / Location
Simple Demo
Brainstorming for
Grab for Work
User experience research
and some ideas for feature extensions
User Persona
Event Planner Gina
Name: Gina / Age: 35

She is an overworked event planner and

a exhausted mom. She commute a lot
to visit clients, venue, and pick up her
kids. She finds it hard to eat at regular
time due to the intense event schedule.
Gina’s Day
Home to Office Visit Client Back to office
(Drop Kids to school for proposal for rundown
on the way) meeting meeting

Prepare for Quick Lunch Visit Venue Pickup kids

Meeting at Office and deliver DM
sample to client
Feature Extension Idea
Additional transportation service in all aspects
• Need & Insight:
Accidents happened in events, therefore Gina often encounters urgent needs as an
event planner. She needs to deal with emergency in a more efficient way so she can
handle other important tasks. But she ordered different service from different
partners now. If they are not available, Gina has to survey for other partner in a rush.
• Solution: Provide transportation service in all aspects on Grab for Work
>> Combine with Grab Express: Provide delivery service on a daily bases or urgent occasion.
>> Combine with Grab Shuttle: Provide transportation for company events, including outings
or teambuilding activities.
Feature Extension Idea
Today’s Choice for Lunch
• Need & Insight:
Gina needs to eat in a more regular schedule and order lunch in an efficient way.
She often too busy to have lunch, and having trouble to decide and buy her lunch.
• Solution: Combine with current Grab Food service
Everyone in group can vote for restaurant near the company, and decide which is
today choice of lunch. And lunch can deliver to office in a fixed time. It can also
extend to afternoon tea time or dinner.
Feature Extension Idea (Not for Grab for Work)
Grab School
• Need & Insight:
Gina needs to release stress for getting up early to bringing her kids to school. She
got a unstable work schedule as an event planner. She can’t always pickup her kids
on time.
• Solution: Grab School
Match students in the same school and arrange Grab driver to commute in a daily
bases. Enable parents to track their children arrival status. If parents want to
change the drop destination, just message the driver in advance.
Grab School
Similar Service in SG: Schoolber
• Launch in Jan,2017
• 800 sign up for driver
• 200 matches (verify manually by founder)
• 75-150 SGD/ per ride
• Grab for Work Official Website:
• GRAB 5 YEARS Moving SEA Together Report
• Grab-for-work-guide_Employer_21092016
• Grab for Work: A New Commuting Solution For Your Business
• CASE STUDY: Grab’s Growth Hacks7 Lessons on Marketplace Growth from Southeast Asia’s
Biggest (and Friendliest) Startup
You can find me at

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