Tugas Summary - Meliany Anggriany

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Four types of Research Methodes:

1. Descriptive
Descriptive research is the activity of collecting, processing, analyzing, and
presenting data carried out systematically and objectively to solve a problem or test a
hypothesis to develop general principles. Meanwhile, descriptive means that it is
descriptivable and describes what it is. Descriptive research is unique in the number of
variables employed. For example, a descriptive study might employ methods of analyzing
correlations between multiple variables by using tests such as Pearson's Product Moment
correlation, regression, or multiple regression analysis in SPSS or another application.

2. Experimental: pre & quasi

- Pre-experimental is the simplest experimental. It is not a real experiment because

there are still external variables that influence the formation of the dependent
variable. This design is useful for obtaining initial information on the questions in the
study. Pre-experiments can be a cost-effective way to discern whether a potential
explanation is worthy of further investigation.
- Quasi-experimental is a development of true experimental design, which is difficult
to implement. This design has a control group, but it cannot fully function to control
external variables that affect the implementation of the experiment. The samples for
the treatment and control groups are randomly not selected. However, this design is
better than pre-experimental design. Quasi Experimental Design is used because in
reality it is difficult to find a control group to use for research.
3. Case study
Case study is a research focused intensively on a particular object. The aim is to
provide a detailed description of the background, characteristics and characteristics that are
typical of the case, or the status of the individual, which then, from the specific characteristics
will be made a general thing. There are several types of case studies, one of which is
descriptive, interpretative, evaluative (Yin's classification accords with Merriam (1998)).
Case study might include experiment, action research, survey, naturalistic research,
participatory research, historical research etc., and case study research uses multiple methods
for data collection and analysis. Case studies can blend numerical and quali- tative data, and
they are a prototypical instance of mixed methods research, they also can explain, describe,
englighten and illustrate.
4. Action research
Action research is simply a form of self-reflective that combined of action and
research. It enquiry undertaken by different levels of action research: individual teacher
research, collaborative action research, school-wide action research and district- wide actions
research. It can be used to foster democratic institutions, encourage change, empower
individuals and groups, encourage reflective practice and be a test-b ed for new ideas and
practices. There are five step process of action research: diagnosis, planning, action,
assesment, critical reflection and communication of learning.

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