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Discovering England

England is a country rich in historical places. Old significant structures were properly

preserved; allowing new generation of Englishmen and foreign people experience and visit these

historical sites. Through this, people can have a firsthand experience on the places used as a setting

of some famous literary works like the Canterbury Tales. The Canterbury City is a town of ancient

British origin. In addition, structures found in England are mostly ancient, and are much more

appreciated by the Englishmen. The presence of big palaces also became known for these building

are dated a long time ago, which also holds numerous historical events; especially that England is a

monarch country, where a king or queen holds the highest political seat in the country. I was

amazed by how the Englishmen put importance to their history, especially in structures and ways

in life. Their strong sense of history was very evident with the presence of outdoor museums.

Moreover, England is also rich in natural resources. What fascinates me is that most of the

houses or buildings in England have flowers or gardens. Cliffs, swamps, fountains, and hills can also

be found in this country. In some villages, agriculture is dominant using both traditional and

modern ways in cultivation, but nowadays some farmers combine these two strategies together.

Another thing that makes England a place of history is that carriages can be seen in main roads, like

in London streets, alongside with cabs and big vehicles. One of the principal natural features of

England is coasts that have excellent harbors that serve as the main source of livelihood to people

and was a great factor in the economic development of the country. As a final point, England is a

country where various forms of literary inspirations can be found, including places used by the

writers and also the hometown of the famous writers themselves. And through the protection that

the people and government in England gave to the beautiful and significant areas in the country, the

world was able to know and see what England had during the Olden times and what kind of

environment and culture the early writers had which also influenced their writings.

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