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Managing Employee Performance

Larry bourgerie is a dedicated HR professional and educator with over 25-year experience. His
goal is to help managers and organizations creative positive cultures where employees are
engaged, and organizations can grow and thrive. His experience includes HR management,
leadership development team and organization development.
This course mainly tells about managing employee performance in organization. And
total course is of 4 weeks. To test the learner there are quizzes after the topic is done. The topics
include are in this course are mentioned below
1. In the first week of the course it is about the developing performance management
2. In the second week of the course it is about implementing performance management
3. In the third week of the course it is about tools for effective performance management
4. In the last week of the course it is all about the creating a positive performance culture.

1.1 Developing performance management system includes the following topics and they are
explained as follows:
Linking performance management to financial out-comes:
Performance management is the single contribution to organizational effectiveness. If
performance management is ignored, they fail. Their will be greatest people in the organization,
but they are not developed properly their will be waste of organizational money.
 Successful HR and performance management equals return on investment. Good
performance management first looks at what employees have. Like they look at
knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies do they have or not. And look at What
were they hired with, and how can we help them develop those? We'll also look at some
of the motivations, commitment, engagement of the employees. With good performance
management, the organizations have better task behavior, they're better at their jobs, and
they will do extra work at the organizations. So, there will no attendance turnover and no
bad attitudes by the employees.
 To have performance more effectively we need to have more systems and strategies.
They have to operate in sync for a successful performance management and successful
organizational performance. Alignment will give us better employee satisfaction, better
customer satisfaction, higher productivity, more growth of employees and the
organization, higher revenue, profitability, and ROI.
Culture and performance management – A global perspective:
Key principles of culture and performance management:
 The need to align individual, team, and organizational goals to maximize performance of
your individuals and teams in your organization.
 Providing clear expectations, feedback, and support is another area that will cover a lot
that has little to do with culture and mostly about the manager-employee interaction.
Differences by the culture:
 There are some of differences they are the culture of the country, unionization will
impact on how to approach to the performance manager
 Their will be difference by the government structure and the last on is legal environment
 Some of the legal environment are like individualistic and collectivistic
 The individual culture says about that performance management is based on individual
goal more than team goals or the corporate goals.
 In the collective culture the organization will tend to follow the principles with teams
rather than individual or combination of both. But both of these will affect the
organizational processes
Performance management fundamentals:
Key difference of performance management and the performance review
The performance management is about the organization and performance management is
about the individual and they have difference and they are: -
Performance management Performance review
 Performance management is strategic approach  Performance review is an operational approach
 It is driven by managers  It is driven by
 It is dynamic  It is looking back about the performance like
 On -going feedback is used about the individual development
 It is assessing to organizational strength and it  Annual feed-back is given
is key for performance management  It is assessed to induvial strength.
 An Opportunity for organizational  Opportunity for individual development
development  It is always focusing on rating.
 It focuses on performance and growth of the
Understand the impact of purpose of performance management:
1. Alignment: All employees and employers feel like their performance matters. Alignment
is crucial to make sure employee know that their performance matters. And give them a
sense of meaning.
2. Develop and grow employee: here employer want to develop the people skills and their
knowledge and their abilities so that they can do their current job better
3. Provide data: provide data for the workforce planning, training, development,
succession planning.
4. Differentiate performance: A good performance management need to have the
appraisal process accurately rate the people in organization but many organization will
not rate the employee very well. if they rated more that will help them grow better if not,
they will be no difference between high, moderate, and lower performers
5. Legal documentation: it is more important to make sure we have accurately reflected in
employee performance if not there will be termination
6. Administrative: promotion, transfer for the reference check for that the employer who
rates the employee should have the paperwork in employee files so, that employer can
decide about the employee promotions and transfers.
Design an element for designing a program:

Refect organizational stategy

employee performance learly connected to organizational goals and


top management communication all way to the front line

clearly diffrentiate performace


transperent and employee need to understand about the


Oversight(look at over all performance and submit before review)

Impact of effective performance management both internally and externally:
 There is an Internal that involve Employees, Managers/teams, Organization
 Employee impact on clear definition of job duties and expectation and performance
standards and have an increased motivation there will be an Improvement self -esteem
through better performance and increased self-insights through on-going feedback,
enhanced opportunities for development
 managers/teams’ impact: insight into employee’s leverage team strength ongoing
communication better trained managers, more competent employees like talented and
motivated, employee more engaged and likely to stay
 Organization: Front line is aligned with strategy, channels for change facilitation,
effective decision concerning employees, legally defensible decision to make effective
 External: The external impact will include like
 stakeholders
 customers
 families
 society

Non-strategic performance management model:

The performance
Performance activities review

 This continues every year that employees are given some performance activities and they
do some performance assessments then at last the performance review is conducted the
realize there is no improvement so, this conducted every year ad realize that non-strategic
performance model is a poor performance managements it likely to repeat the process but
no strategies are implemented or improved.

Strategic performance management model:

This process includes

Multi-rater performance
The performance assessment


 Strategic performance management foundation includes strategic plan in place and

mission statement and organizational goals
 performance planning in this we need to check that do we have the following job
description perfectly and do people know the performance standards and what they are
accountable for?
 We need to train managers and need to know about a good performance manager to give
training for all the managers
 From a managers and employee perspective there is also a planning activities and
Accountabilities of the job these cover the updated job description and we need to have
clear objectives to grow in the organization
 Multi rater performance assessment: employer need to consolidate dates throughout
the review period and the gather feedback from multiple sources through customer, peers,
and etc
 employer need to review the organizational review process the part of the job is to know
what is expected as a manager
 There will be consequences if the organization do not have good performance
 Identify the symptoms of a poorly designed and executed performance management
 Perils of the employee if the employee do not get the perfect feed then employee also get
anxious and confused. They think they are doing good job and they may not focus and
lose their energy, Wasted efforts, Decreased job satisfaction, Confused
 Perils of manager the manager or employer may have less productive employees. And
employers going to have less motivated employees and more turnover no matter how
hard the manager work they will be anxious and emotionally to leave the job this is called
disfunctional turnover which can be prevented.
 Perils for the organization wasting the money and legal issues may come up and
customers may have bad reputation because of bad service and high turnover and brand
can suffer.

2.1 Implementing performance management systems includes the following topics
and they are explained as follows:
The below are the topics that I have understood, and the points are noted during the
session. These topics can be during the performance and in the performance
management system every employee, manager and the whole organization plays
major role. And these topic helps me understand better about performance
management system and also know how the managers should work during the
process. How they should behave during the results sharing with the employees
during the performance. I mentioned the topics in detail that I have understood.
 Distinguish b/w behaviour and result: Behaviour the only that we have control
over, but the results will be judge by the crowd. If they feel it is a good performance, they
will rate good and they have the outcome. Performance is act of accomplishing
Performance math:
Declarative knowledge X procedural knowledge X motivation = performance
Declarative knowledge: (the what)
They are facts, principles, goals and understand task requirements that come to job description
Procedural knowledge: (the how)
What skills should the employees have at their job like cognitive, physical abilities and computer
Motivation (the why):
If employees know why they are doing something they get motivated like they need to know the
vision, mission, values, and goals of the organization.
At last employees will see the good result and the performance will be increased
Organizational support will involve hr practices and work environment And the Hr practices
involve hiring, training, development, rewarding, inclusive, engaging work life balance etc
What makes a good employee?
 Behaviour (how they work) so, show up some time, communicate effectively
 Trait (who they are as induvial) so, be energetic, creative, patient
 Result that we generate (what to produce as induvial) gives profit and customer

Difference between the task performance and contextual performance:

task performance contextual performance
 Job specific  Transferable
 Likely role prescribed  Not likely role prescribed
 Ability and skills  Personality

Performance standards: The three things an employee should have to develop the performance
 Quality
 Time (report on time)
 Quantity and volume
 Comparative method: This is easy to explain and simple process, the results are clear to
employee and easier to determine rewards and it is easy for ranking employees from top
to bottom, Alternating and force distribution
 Advantages of forced distribution method:
o Easier for determining pay increases

o Good if competition is desired value

o Forces managers to make distinction between top, moderate, and poor performer.

 Disadvantages:
o Assumes employee performance is a normally distributed

o May discourages teamwork and increase competition

Absolute method: Behaviour checklist, Critical incident, Graphical rating scale, The absolute
method is used in both large and small organizations, Evaluated more widely and this is accepted
by employees and it is Based on predefined behaviour
 Result method: MBO(management by objectives)
 Objectives can be easily fits with strategy And can be less subjective it can be used for
development and Measuring real results based on achieving objectives.

Tools for effective performance management and the topics are explained as
 In this week I have understood about the purpose of the performance review and there is
a standard performance review process that employer should understand and follow
 Purpose of performance review: It is a plat form for feedback, development for the
employee, motivation, and the evidence for rewards and discipline and termination for
the employee.
 I have learned about All the employee need is to be clear expectations and
positive/constructive feedback on regular basis. They wanted to understand the evaluate
criteria and they need a involvement in goal setting and have a accurate job description.
 For manager while doing review process he/she should be prepare and specific and
Present step for improvement should focus on future performance and utilize inputs and
ideas for buy-in
 Multi-rater feedback and its pros and cons: These 360 reviews gather feedback from
multiple sources. Those sources include the employee, manager, co-workers, staff
members and customers. The ideas being that these individuals will provide collective
comments will provide greater feedback.

 Encourages professional development for the employee and the rater
 Provides self-awareness for every level of the organization
 Create culture and makes it comfortable
 It is a long been used as a tool to help employees develop their skills and achieve career
 Managers will use to develop and motivate their employee by focusing on employee
training and development needs to increase employee productivity and career growth.
 Effective on-going performance feedback : It is a most important determinant of
weather a performance management will achieve its maximum benefits.
 Performance feedback should be done in private setting. And Give the feedback timely
should be specific and verifiable
 Main types of error that effect performance reviews: Central tendency, leniency, and
strictness error( everyone is rated the same)
 Varying standards(similar performance is rated differently)
 Recency and primary effect( timing of information affect rating)
 Rater bias (prejudice effect rating)
 Halo and horns effect( generalization is made from only one trait)
 Contrast error(comparison is made to other people not of performance standards)
 Sampling error( available information is insufficient or in accurate)


In this week it is all about the creating positive environment culture

 The culture that have a influence on many in the organization like it have influence on
workplace design, communication, recruitment and selection in the organization and it
have influence on performance reviews and on-boarding, training
 Culture is something that predominating attitudes and behaviours that characterized a
group or organization
 Understanding 3 R’s strengthen an organizational culture immune system: the first R is
respect like communicate with a positive tone and with non-verbal’s and active listening
is also means that giving respect to others.
 And the other R is about responsibilities it is important so that we take personal
responsibilities of our actions and we behave towards others in a respectful culture and
every managerial have the responsibilities and organization have the responsibilities to
make sure all levels are treating people well
 And the last R is restraint we have skill regulate emotions we can regulate our emotions
and other one is think before you act and this also includes act on the values that some
one should act on their values like as give value to someone they should be kind and
 The culture of incivility it means workplace incivility has ben defined as low intensity
deviant behaviour with ambiguous intent to harm the target. Uncivil behaviours are
characteristically rude and discourteous, display a lack of regard for other.
 Civility dividends will reinforce and support the values and strategy and they establish a
positive image in community brand and enhance customers experience finally become an
employer of choice
 There is process for creating a culture of civility the process includes: Firstly, assessment
on audit of the culture and the managers should walk around the employees and ask some
question and ask about the culture and observe all the things that are going around
 And next define the vision of civility and define it clearly and do some gap analysis and
rework on before steps are, they have done perfectly so that they can be implemented
 Then develop some vision consistent norms and then communicate it to all and integrate
visions and norms into policies and procedures
 There is question about what leaders pay attention to measure and control. Here leaders
slick to presentation Vs content and
 They do costs Vs investment here I have understood that people are not costs they are
investments like the more we invest on employees they grow, and organization get more
return on investment.
 Result Vs behaviour here this means the behaviour shows the result and they both are
important to everyone in the organization
 Reactions to critical incidents and organizational crisis here crises bring the
organizational underlying core values and leaders should see the crisis as a window of
opportunity to demonstrate values. And react to them in the line with values of
 Behaviour reinforcement here behaviours that are rewarded that are rewarded or punished
can significantly influence the culture
 If the organization reacts to new ideas by ridiculing the ideas and those who purpose
 In the group or the team, one must always share their responsibilities and one should
walk to talk this means the persons speaking on one thing and diverting it to other will
not make sense so, one must be on their point
 One should work within the circle of influence because everyone has the responsibility of
creating the culture that everyone wants.


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