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Zone 2: Social Publishing

Social Media Marketing, 2e©

© Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon 2015
Types of Content
 Blog posts  Videos
 Feature articles  Webinars
 Microblog posts  Presentations
 Press releases
 White papers* and  Podcasts
case studies  Photos
 Newsletters
 More

*A white paper is an authoritative report or guide helping

readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a

Social Media Marketing, 2e©

© Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon 2015
What is Authentic?

 Editorial
 Commercial
 Consumer-generated

Organic content

Incentivized content

Consumer-solicited content

Sponsored content
 Bloggers who post sponsored conversations as their
sole reason to contribute to a conversation are known
as spokesbloggers.
 Counterfeit conversations occur when an organization
plants content that masquerades as original material an
actual consumer posted.

Social Media Marketing, 2e©

© Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon 2015
Editorial Calendar

 Schedule for publication and helps bloggers

and other content producers to forecast the
time needed to manage the content
development process, including
researching topics, creating content, and
promoting the content using social
publishing strategies.

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Figure 6.3 A Content Value

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© Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon 2015
Table 6.1 Pillar Content

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© Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon 2015
Great Content Provides Value

 Content curation refers to developing a

valuable form of content that draws from
the collection of existing content.

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Social Publishing Strategies
 The media plan designates how the campaign’s
creative content will be disseminated to the target
 Using search engine optimization (SEO),the process
of modifying content, site characteristics, and
content connections to achieve improved search
engine rankings, marketers develop and publish
content in ways that improve the likelihood that
search engines will rank the sites well in response to
search queries.
 Social media optimization (SMO) is a process that
makes it more likely for content on a specific social
media platform to be more visible and linkable in
online communities.
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Level 1: Social Publishing and
Search Engine Optimization
 A branded article is an article that is written to
promote the writer’s expertise in the field.
 Search engine marketing (SEM) refers to a form
of online marketing that promotes websites by
increasing the visibility of the site’s URL in search
engine results, both organic and sponsored.

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How Do People Use Search Results

 Pay-per-click are the fees a marketer pays when

someone clicks on an online display ad.
 On most screens, this means that every user will
view the first three search results, but they may or
may not scroll down.
 Search engine marketers call this space on the
screen where listings are virtually guaranteed to
be viewed the “golden triangle.”

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How Search Engines Work

 Search engines use web crawlers (also known as

spiders and bots); these are automated web
programs that gather information from sites that
ultimately form the search engine’s entries.
 The indexed data include tags and keywords
derived from site content.

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On-Site Optimization
 Off-site indicators are links from other sites.
 On-site, coders try to optimize certain site
characteristics (called on-site indicators) that the
search bots and the search engine index.
 The primary on-site variables are keywords
embedded in the page’s tags, title, URL, and
 Meta tags are codes embedded in a web page.

On-Site Optimization
 Title tag is an HTML tag that defines the page’s
 tag is an HTML tag that is used to section and
describe content.
 The title is your headline—the main indicator of
your page’s content, it should be loaded with
 The URL is the website address.
 Dynamic URLs are generated from scripts and
change over time, making it difficult for people to
return to your content later.
 Long tail keywords refers to multi-phrase search
queries. 6-14
Off-Site Optimization
 These off-site indicators include the number of
links to a website from other sites, the credibility
of those sites, the type of site promoting the link,
and the link text (called anchor text).
 There are two approaches to building links: (1)
publish related content and links across other
sites; (2) encourage other, unaffiliated sites to link
to the brand’s content.
 Linkwheels increase the number of links back to a
 When other sites link back to the content, it’s
called a backlink or a trackback.
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Off-Site Optimization
 SEO marketers may be white, gray, or black hats:
 White hats play by the rules of the system, striving to provide good
quality content, with the best use of keywords and tags, and
earned links at reputable sites.
 Gray hats take some liberties with the system.
 Keyword stuffing is the insertion of a superficially large number
of keywords throughout a site’s content and tags.
 Link exchanges are where sites agree to link with each other.
They may also utilize three-way linking which is ensuring that
their own sites link to each other in sequence and then back to
the original site.
 Paid links are considered somewhat unethical in that linking
should be the realm of earned media, not paid.

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Off-Site Optimization
 Black hats manipulate the system by utilizing
several tactics considered unethical in the realm
of search engine optimization.
 Gateway pages are pages that real visitors are
directed past stuffed with keywords.
 Cloaking is the display of misleading content
to search engines.
 Link farms are groups of websites that link to
each other and pages with unrelated links
solely for the purpose of creating more links
to the targeted pages.

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Level 2:Social Media
 Social media optimization (SMO)employs tactics to increase the likelihood
that others will share and promote content. These tactics can be on-site and
 On-site Tactics.
 On-site tactics include the content and the content needs to be valuable,
interesting, or entertaining enough so that someone wants to endorse it.
 A power site refers to a site with enormous readership, such as
 On-site tactics include title, share tools, and RSS feeds.
 Title refers to the title of the content and it is a primary tool for how we
can hook people. We choose a hook that increases the likelihood that the
intended audience will click.
 The resource hook refers to content written with the intent to be helpful
to the target audience.
 The contrary hook refutes some accepted belief; it is challenging the belief
inciting people to read the content if only to argue the point.
 The humor hook is designed to show that the content will entertain. The
research hook offers a claim about something of interest

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Writing Titles with LinkBait

 Resource hook: 5 tips for great grades.

 Contrary hook: Lose weight with chocolate.
 Humor hook: Obese skunk cuts out bacon
 Giveaway hook: Save $50 here.
 Research hook: 66% of Americans are

Social Media Marketing, 2e©

© Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon 2015
Level 2:Social Media

 Share tools are plug-ins that appear as clickable

icons on a website and enable the viewer to
bookmark or share the page with many social
networking, social news, and social bookmarking
 Plug-ins are third-party applications that “plug in”
to a main site to add some form of functionality.
 RSS feeds are tools to automatically feed new
published content to subscribers.

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Off-site Tactics

 Social media press releases are announcements that let

media know of new developments via social channels.
 They should have an optimized title, good keywords
and tags, links to the main site landing page, RSS feed
options, share buttons, and embeddable multimedia
content that can be shared on several networks, in
addition to the typical press release content.
 Microblogs share headlines. Microblog posts can be useful
for reminder communications and ensuring top-of-mind
awareness, but they can also provide valuable links, direct
traffic, and build credibility and reputation.
 Social News and Bookmarking Sites. These filter vast
amounts of information into sets that individuals can

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Planning A Social News Campaign
 Consider this list of community characteristics when evaluating
the desirability of a community target:
 What is the community’s focus (general news, specific
 How many active users are involved in the community? What
kind of traffic does the site receive?
 How active are the top users on the site?
 How many comments on average are generated for each
new submission?
 How many votes are required to earn front page status on
the site?
 Are stories on the site’s front page recent? How rapid is story
 Are there limitations for branded content in the community’s
Terms of Service?
 What have others (such as bloggers) said about the social
news site?

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