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A project consists of five activities. Naturally the paint mixing precedes the painting activities.

Also, both ceiling

painting and floor sanding must be done prior to floor buffing.

  Optimistic Most Probable Pessimistic

Activity Time (hr) Time (hr) Time (hr)
Floor sanding 3 4 5
Floor buffing 1 2 3
Paint mixing 0.5 1 1.5
Wall painting 1 2 9
Ceiling painting 1 5.5 7

1. What is the expected completion time of this project? 8

2. What is the probability that the project can be completed with 9 hrs? .8264

Marcy Fetter, a staff analyst at the Los Angeles plant of Computer Products Corporation, is assigned to
the team that is developing the process design for producing an RFID sensor. The corporate planning
group in San Jose, California has contacted her and has asked how confident the design group is about
completing the project in 60 days.  She has developed these estimated time durations in days for the

Immediate Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

Activity Time (to) Time (tm) Time (tp)
A -- 10 12 15
B A 6 10 14
C A 10 15 20
D A 9 9 18
E B 5 6 8
F C,E 10 12 13
G B 12 14 16
H B,D 18 21 24
I B,D 10 15 20
J F.G.H 8 10 14

1. What is the critical path? A-D-H-J

2. What is the expected duration for the whole project? 54
3. What is the probability that the project will take longer than 58 days to complete .0150 or about

The Sanders Garden Shop mixes two types of grass seed into a blend. Each type of grass has been rated
(per pound) according to its shade tolerance, ability to stand up to traffic, and drought resistance, as
shown in the table. Type A seed costs $1 and Type B seed costs $2. If the blend needs to score at least
300 points for shade tolerance, 400 points for traffic resistance, and 750 points for drought resistance,
how many pounds of each seed should be in the blend? Which targets will be exceeded? How much will
the blend cost?
  Type A Type B
Shade Tolerance 1 1
Traffic Resistance 2 1
Drought Resistance 2 5

1. How many Type A seed should be purchased? 250

2. How many Type B seed should be purchased? 50
3. What is the total cost based on the optimal solution? 350

Muir Manufacturing produces two popular grades of commercial carpeting among its many other
products. In the coming production period, Muir needs to decide how many rolls of each grade should be
produced in order to maximize profit. Each roll of Grade X carpet uses 50 units of synthetic fiber,
requires 25 hours of production time, and needs 20 units of foam backing. Each roll of Grade Y carpet
uses 40 units of synthetic fiber, requires 28 hours of production time, and needs 15 units of foam backing.

The profit per roll of Grade X carpet is $200 and the profit per roll of Grade Y carpet is $160. In the
coming production period, Muir has 3000 units of synthetic fiber available for use. Workers have been
scheduled to provide at least 1800 hours of production time (overtime is a possibility). The company has
1500 units of foam backing available for use.

1. How many Grade X carpet should be produced? 30

2. How many Grade Y carpet should be produced? 37.50
3. How many units of foam backing are unused based on the optimal solution? 337.50
4. How much is the total profit based on the optimal solution? 12,000

A project has the following activities, precedence relationships, and time estimates in weeks:

Immediate Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

Activity Time (to) Time (tm) Time (tp)
A -- 15 20 25
B -- 8 10 12
C A 25 30 40
D B 15 15 15
E B 22 25 27
F E 15 20 22
G D 20 20 22

1. Determine the critical path B-E-F

2. Determine the expected duration of the project. 2.499 weeks or 2.5 weeks
3. What is the probability that the project will take longer than 56 weeks to complete? .1446 or

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