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DEPARTMENT OF EoUCATION Region MD MIMARGPA Republic of the Philippines RECORDS SecriON Bepartment of Education RELEASE MIMAROPA REGION EASED MEMORANDUM a TO : ALL SCHGOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS ale FROM : RUTH L. FUENTES, CESO V OIC, Office of the Assistant Regional Director Officer-In-Charge SUBJECT : Assessment of School- sed Management (SBM) Level of Practice DATE July 1,2019 To intensify the School-Based Management Practice (SBM) and deepen the engagement of stakeholders in basic education delivery, it is essential to determine the depth of its level of practice with the principles of ACCESs. As such, assessment of school’s SBM practice will be conducted across the Region using the contextualized assessment tool anchored on DepEd Order No.83 5.2012. The assessment of school’s SBM practice shall be based on the criteria and ratings that a certain school has accumulated sixty percent (60%) Improvement of Learning Outcomes and forty percent (40%) according to the praetices of the four (4) dimensions of SBM. The soft copy of the assessment tool for 60% may be downloaded from this link, https://tinyurLeom/esbmat wl ‘the 40% for documentary analysis shall be sent to the email address of the SDOs. Relative to this, all Schools Division Offices are advised to conduct orientation for school heads on the administration and utilization of the contextualized assessment tool prior to its implementation to ensure a factual outcome of the assessment. Indicative schedule of SBM activities : Tuly 2019 ‘August 2019 September 2019 Cor SHs on the administration and and R.O, utilization of contextualized luct of orientation for the ‘Conduct of Assessment, Conduct of validation by D.O. SBM assessment tool | Below is the Regional baseline for the indicators and the General Average for SBM level of practice Level | Gross Drop-Out ‘Completion Cohort. | Gen-Average __| Enrolment Rate Rate Rate Survival Rate Elementary 109.76 0.67 93.44 93.89 TAS 94.98 8416 $5.48 Attached is the contextualized assessment tool for documentary analysis. For queries, you may contact FTAD through Mr. Manolo F, Perez at mobile number, 09196984591, For information and compliance. FTADIMFH/O7/12019 Meralco Ave. corner St. Paul Road, Pasig City Telephone No. (02) 6314070/Email Address: mimaropa.region@ SB Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education MIMAROPA REGION SBM ASSESSMENT TOOL ‘A. LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE (30%) 5 a 7 ingle a Development Plan developed ‘coaberaivey bythe stakeholders of the “The development pan guided by the schoo vision, mission and goals developed trough te leadersipof the “The development plan fs evoWed tvough te shared Teadership ofthe school andthe cammunky stckeholders. “The development plans erhanced withthe commonly prorming the leadership oles, and the school providing Other MOVs required ae: Leter of lnvtetion of the schoo! to the community stakeholders re: formulation ofthe SIPIAP, minutes ofthe ‘moeting; Report on attendance or even the copy ‘ofthe Barangay Development Plan as basis in generating suppor from them. stakeholders.) Actions taken must be gradated. Ex. From ‘SIPIAIP. ‘school an community. ‘scholar parcpaton ofthe inetd community technical suppot, siokehoders. > SIP > SP > SP > AP > AIP > AP > Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix > Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix Project Work Pian and Budget Matrix > Action Plan (Ancilary Subjects) > Action Plan (Ancilary Subjects) > Action Plan (Ancillary Subjects) > Accomplishment Report > Accomplishment Report > Accomplishment Report eee (Plans developed by the schoo! with few ‘community stakeholders) (Plans developed by the school with a number of | (Community stekeholders have bigger responsiblity in developing the plans and school providing Technical Assistance) ‘Community Stakeholder clthe SPT to sit and review the SIPIAIP. 2. The davon plan (0g SP) is regulary reviewed by the school community to keep it “The school ead the regular review nd improvement ofthe developmental pan "The school and conmunlyslakehlders working as Tu parners, leads the continual review and improvement ofthe “The community stakeholders lead ho regular evew and Improvement proces; the school stakeholders facitate the responsive and relevant fo emerging needs, ‘developmental plan proces. chalenges and opportunites. ‘Means of Verification > AIP Adjustments > AIP Adjustments > AIP Adjustments > School Report Card (SRC) > School Report Card (SRC) > School Report Card (SRC) > Minutes of Meetings. > Minutes of Meetings > Minutes of Meetings > Photos > Photos > Photos (Conducted and accomplished by schools, SPT | (Conducted and accomplished by SPT and Project. (Conducted and accomplished by schools) ‘and Project Teams) Teams with the supervision of the school) “Meralco Avenue corner St.Paul Road, Pasig City ‘Telephone No. (02) 6314070Emall Address: Page L Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education MIMAROPA REGION “Zhe schoo organized by @ der sruciure and ‘work arangements that promote shared leadership and governance and define the roles “The schod deines the orpanizaionalsrucure, and the ‘oles and responsbiies of stakeholders, The school and cormuriy calboraively define the structure and the roles and responsibil of stakeholders Guided by an greed organizational siucure, he ‘community stakeholder lea in defining he organization struclure and the ces and resconbilies; schoo provides and responsbiies of he stakeholders. {echnical and aisle suport > Organizational structures: Organizational structures: > Organizational structures: = School Government Council -$6C + SGC Parents, Teachers Association -PTA -PTA - Schoo! Planning Team - PT - SPT Means of Verification - Supreme Pupil Government - Supreme Pupil Government ~ Supreme Pupil Government ~ Supreme Student Government - Supreme Student Government ~ Supreme Student Government - Child Protection Policy Board/Team ~ Child Protection Policy Board/Team ~ Child Protection Policy Board/Team (Schoo! defines structures and {School and community define structure and | (Community stakeholders lead in defining responsibilities) responsibilities) organizational structures and responsibilities. Schoo! Provides TA and Support.) “FA ieadershipnebwek facies communicaion ‘Rnetwork has been colaboraivey esiabished ands “The network acvely provides slkeholdes information for “The network alows easy exchange and ancess to between and among soo! and community | continuously improved bythe schoo! communi. making decisions 2d sing leaing and administrave | iormaion sources beyond te schol commun. leaders for informed desion ming and probes. solving of school community wre eeming problems. > School Report Card > School Report Card School Report Card > Transparency and Accountability Board | > Transparency and Accountability Board | > Transparency and Accountability Board Means of Verification > Minutes of Meetings > Minutes of Meetings > Minutes of Meetings > Contact Hotlines > Contact Hotlines > Contact Hotlines > Student and Family Contact Details > Student and Family Contact Details > Student and Family Contact Details (Schoo! doing the work) (Schoo! providing information to the (Easy exchange and access to information community.) ‘beyond school community.) “Meralco Avenue corner St.Paul Road, Pasig City ‘Telephone No. (02) 314070Emait Address: minarops.region@depedgov-pht aged Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education MIMAROPA REGION 5, Along term program sin operation that adresses the raining and development needs of schoo and community leaders, Develring sutures aren place and anal ofthe competency and development nods cleats is candcted eu sued to develop longterm ing ad development program. Teaders undertake traning modes that are convenient to them (onne, ofne, modular, group, or home-based) and wich donot dup ther regia funcfons. Leaders monitor ‘and evaluate ther own leaning progres. Teades assume responbiy forthe own traning and development. School community leaders working individual or ingroup, coach and mentor one another to achieve thle VG, Weans of Verification > Staff Development Program > Trainings with participation and involvement of stakeholders > INSETs conducted (Conducted analysis of competency and development needs; Results used to develop fonge-term training and development program) > Staff Development Program > Trainings with participation and involvement of stakeholders > INSETs conducted (Leaders undertake training modes; monitor ‘and evaluated own progress) > Staff Development Program > Trainings with participation and involvement of stakeholders > INSETS conducted (School and community leaders are working together, coaching mentoring one another) “Meralco Avenue corner St Paul Road, Pasig Cty ‘Telephone No- (02) 314070/Emall Address: Page Republic of the Philippines ‘Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION B. CURRICULUM AND _INSTRUCTION (30%) 2 7. The curculum provides forthe development ‘needs of al fypes of learners inthe school ‘community ‘Altypes of eamers ofthe school community are identified, | teilearing cuves assessed; appropriate programs with | ts support materia for each ype lemeris developed. Programs ar fulyimperentedto adres performance discrepancies, benchmark best practies, coach iow performers, mentor poenia leaders, reward igh achieverent, and mainan environment hat makes teaming meaningful and enjoyable, “The educational needs of al types of leamers re being met 28 shown by continuous improvement cn fearing out ‘comes and products of leaming. Teaches as well 2s stuns’ performance fs motivate by intnsc rather than ‘extnsc rewards. The School’ diferentcted programs is frequently benchmarked by oer schools. ‘Means of Verification TZindicators on continuous improvement ‘on learning outcomes and products of earning are met. > Oral Reading Test, PHIL - IRI test results for the last three years Early Child Care Development Result School Readiness Year-end Assessment Result (SREYA) Updated Anecdotal Record of all leamers Individual Learmer's Portfolio vv vv 3-4 indicators on continuous Improvement Tearning outcomes and products of learning are met. > Oral Reading Test, PHIL— IRI test results forthe asthe years > Early Child Care Development Result } School Readiness Year-end Assessment Result (SREYA) > Updated Anecdotal Record ofall leamers > Individual Learner's Portfolio ‘All indicators on continuous improvement on learning outcomes and products of learning are met. > Oral Reading Test, PHIL - IRI test results for the last three years > Early Child Care Development Result > School Readiness Year-end Assessment Result (SREYA) > Updated Anecdotal Record of all learners > Individual Learner's Portfolio 2, Theimploneriod artim bs xaizod to mate more mezring tote leamers and ‘zpkcale i ein the conmunty cal bees, noms, values, radons, foWores,curent events, and existing technologies are documented and used to develop a lasting curicuum, Localization guidelines ae ‘agreed to by school community and teachers are property viento “The localized curiculum's inplemenied and monfored closely to ensure thal makes leaming more mening ‘and pleasurable, produces desired leaning outcomes, and Localized instructional materials > Compiled history of municipalities and barangays > Compiled stories of local heroes and successful people in the community i 2 indicators of best practices in localizing the curriculum are present. > Localized instructional materials > Compiled history of municipalities and barangays > Compiled stories of local heroes and successful people in the community ‘Altindicators of best practices in localizing the curriculum are present, > Localized instructional materials > Compiled history of municipalities and barangays > Compiled stories of local heroes and successful people in the community “Meralco Avenue corner St.Paul Road, Pasig City "Telephone No. (02) €314070/Emait Adres: Page Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation MIMAROPA REGION 3. Arepreseiave group of school and “Representative team of schol and commrity Learning materias and approaches treowe sens Haters and approaches are beng usedin schoo, inthe ‘community stakeholders develope | staaholes assess content and methods usedin eating | and aes defclenis ae developed end tested ee | family andin communi o develop ctl, eave tinkng mes 2nd materia or developing | create, cial inking andproti sohng Assessment | appleby on schoo, fay and conmuniy. and pebem song community olearers and are creative thinking and problem-solving, results are used 2s guide to develon mate. producing desired resuls. 1-2 indicators on the use of materials and ‘indicators on the use of materials “All indicators on the use of materials approaches to improve learning outcomes approaches to improve learning outcomes approaches to improve learning outcomes Means of Verification | and produce desired results are present. | and produce desired results are present. _| and produce desired results are present. | > Contextualized curriculum > Contextualized curriculum > Contextualized curriculum > Indigenized lesson exemplars forIPED | > Indigenized lesson exemplars for PED | > Indigenized lesson exemplars for IPED » Record of observation > Record of observation > Record of observation > Modules/SiM of teachers in different | > Modules/SIM of teachers indifferent | > Modules/SIM of teachers in cfferent learning areas leaming areas leaming areas 4 The ering systens er regula and colabocatvely ote by the community Using appropri tols to ensue the hestio gout and dovelopment ofthe lease he communi. ‘schoo! based manioing and eaing system is conducted requaly and cooperatively; and feedbacks shared wih stakeholders. The system uses a too that ‘monitors the hols development flamers, “The school-based monioring and earing systems generate eedack that is used for making dilons that enhance the otal development offeamers. A committee {akes care of the continuous improvernent of the tol. “The monitoring system s accepted and equal used for colectve decision-making, The monitoring tol has been improved io provide bth quantitative and quataive data Means of Verification | 2 ofthe monitoring tools are regularly used. > Post Observation Tool (Class) > Feedback form for parents and learners > Monthly supervisory report > Monthiy accomplishment report of the monitoring tools are regularly used. > Post Observation Tool (Class) > Feedback form for parents and learners, > Monthly supervisory report > Monthly accomplishment report ‘Al of the monitoring tools are regularly used. > Post Observation Tool (Class) > Feedback form for parents and leamers > Monthly supervisory report > Monthly accomplishment report 5. Appropiate assessment tools for teaching ‘and leaming ate continuous reviewed and improved, nd assessinent resis are ‘ontestalized io the eamer and local ‘station and he atainment of relevant tke sis. "The assessment fools ao reviewed by tie school and assessment results are shared with schoo's ‘Stakeholders. "Tho assessment idk ae reviowed bythe school community and resus are shared with community stakeholders. ‘Scheel assessment resus ar used to dovelop leaning programs that are suited to community, and custorized to ach eames! content, esis of which ae used for collaborative decision-making. 3 indicators on school assessment are ‘ES indicators on school assessment are ‘Ailindicators on school assessment are ‘Meralco Avenue corner St. Pal Road Pasig City ‘Telephone No. (02) 631407O/Emall Address: PageD Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION ‘Means of Verification ‘present. present. present. > Formative Test Results > Formative Test Results > Formative Test Results > Summative Test Results > Summative Test Results > Summative Test Results > NAT Result/NCAE/English Language, > NAT Result/NCAE/English Language, > NAT Result/NCAE/English Language, Literacy ‘and Numeracy Assessment Literacy and Numeracy Assessment aoa Numeracy Assessment. (ELLNA) i » en Contest Results > Academic Contest Results » Academic Contest Results > IPCRFIOPCRF > IPCRFIOPCRF > IPCRFIOPCRF > Achievement Test Result > Achievement Test Result > Achievement Test Result | > Minutes of Meeting > Minutes of Meeting > Minutes of Meeting 6 Leaming managers and falitors (teachers, ‘administrators and community members) ‘urture values and environments that are ‘Sakcholde are avare of chidieamer covered, Aghs based, and indsive principles of edcaton. Leaming managers and feciitaors conduc activities aimed ‘Stakohoiars bog io practice cikleamer-contered incites of education in the design of support to education. Leaing managers and factor apply the principles in eaing environments, methods and resources are ‘community driven, inclusive and adherent to chi’ rights ‘and protection requirements. protective of al chien and demonstrate | to increase sekcholder’ awareness and commitment to | designing eng mat. Leaning manager and facials observe learners fights behaviors consistent the crganizatio’s | fundamental rights of children andthe basic inp of from designing he curiculum to sructing the whole vision, mission and goals. cating them. leering ewronment. 7-2 indicators of a conducive Teaming *-Sindicators of @ conducive learning All indicators of a conducive learning environment are met. environment are met. environment are met. ‘Means of Verification > Child-friendly school assessment result > Presence of Guidance Counselor > Presence of School Library/SLRC > Community Learning Center for ALS > Child-friendly school assessment result > Presence of Guidance Counselor > Presence of School LibraryISLRC > Community Learning Center for ALS > Child-friendly schoo! assessment result > Presence of Guidance Counselor > Presence of School LibraryiSLRC > Community Leaming Center for ALS 7 aod and sources aie Tee and community ny, eye, sf, inclu, accessible nd aed at dovlping se rectd lames Leamers _xe exupped wih essential krone, shila values to essune responsibly and account an forth oun learning. ratios tols materials for developing selected leamers ate highly observable in schoo, but not inthe home on he community. Leaning programs are designed and developed to produce | leamers who ae responsible and aocountable for thet learning. Pracces, to's, and materials fr developing sal-dreced lamers are beginning to merge inthe homes and in the ‘community “The programs collaboratively imlemented and monitored by teachers and parents to ensure that produces desied leamers "There coninuous exchange of formation, sharing of ‘expertise and materials among the schools, home and ‘community forthe development of af-dreced leamers. The program's mainsveamed but continuously improved to ‘make relevent o emergent demands, ‘Meralco Avenue corner St.Paul Road Pas Clty ‘Telephone No. (02) SL407O/Emall Address: Page Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION ‘Atleast 1 indicator is geared towards the ‘Allindicators are geared towards the ‘All indicators are geared towards the Means of Verification development of self-directed learners are | development of self-directed learners are _| development of self-directed learners are met met: met: materials, » HE Rooms > HE Rooms: > |> Industrial Rooms > Industrial Rooms Industrial Rooms | (Or any facltyies for skill development) _| (Or any facilityies for skill development) _| (Or any facilities for skill development) “Meraleo Avenue corner St.Paul Read, Pasig City ‘Telephone No. (02) 6314070/Email Address: Page 7 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION ‘©. ACCOUNTABILITY AND. ‘CONTINUOUS 4 2 2 IMPROVEMENT (25%) 1. Rls ad espobliesoecconiable | Thao san acive party al ites cariction ofthe les_| Tha Nakaholdore are engogod ih driving and Getiing | Shared and parcaicyprooeces ae used dtomining persons and colective bodys ae cleaty | and responsible in education delve ‘hat spac rls and esponsibis. roles, responsbilites, and aoounatits of stakeholders ‘defned and areed upon by community in managing and supparing education stakeholders > Stakeholders” Organization (in School) | > Stakeholders’ Organization (in School) _ | > Stakeholders’ Organization (in School) > File copies of Defined Roles, > File copies of Defined Roles, > File copies of Defined Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabiltes of Responsibilities and Accountabilities of Responsibilities and Accountabilities of stakeholders in managing and stakeholders in managing and stakeholders in managing and ‘supporting education ‘supporting education supporting education Moons of Vethcation > File copies of well-defined roles and | > File copies of well-defined roles and | > File copies of well- defined roles and responsibilities of all the staffipersonnel in school > Proof of dissemination to all concerned (Teachers or schoo! head - works on defining roles and responsibilities in education delivery) responsibilities of al the staff/personnet in school > Proof of dissemination to all concerned (The faculty, the parents/guardians, and the community clarify their respective roles.) responsibilities ofall the staftpersonnel in schoo! > Proof of dissemination to all concemed (Stakeholders collaborate in determining ‘everybody's roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in managing education.) 7 Achievement of goal ie recognized based on Perfomance accountably is praciced athe schoo! evel. “community-level account ystems evevng Fam ‘A commonty-2ocepted performance acount, collaboratively developed performance ‘schoo-ed initiatives, ‘recognition and incentive system is being practiced. ccounait syste; gaps are adresse through apropite acon. Record of improvement on Performance | > Record of Improvement on Performance | > Record of improvement on Performance Indicators (3 years) Indicators (3 years) Indicators (3 years) Means of Verification > Records of improvement per Learning | > Records of improvement per Learning | > Records of Improvement per Leaming ‘Area per Grade Level > Record of Best Practices (Schoo! heads, teachers and students address performance gaps, ‘Meralco Avenue corner St. Pal Road, Pasig City ‘Area per Grade Level > Record of Best Practices (The schoo! leads and enjoins the community Jn resolving issues and concerns on ‘Area per Grade Level > Record of Best Practices (Achieved goals/school performance is systematically recognized using ‘Telephone No. (02) GSL407O/Email Address: Page Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION “Analyzed WE Results reported ts ‘Aralyzed WEE Resils rapOTReaTS fnahyzed WEE RosulsTopored 3 i al Topo Means of Verification stakeholders. 7 stakeholders ‘stakeholders > Berformance indicators > Performance indicators > Performanes indicators 5 foward an Reconnton 3 Reward ond Rscogaton Program 3 Reward ond Recognition Program ition and Recognition 5 Rational Sistue pretest ond Pootesty | 5 Nutionl Statue Prest ra Posttest) | > NurWonal Sats Pret snd Posttest) he schoo! leeds, commun ates.) | (The schoo! and the community collaborate erformance assessments functional m o a hechoremer) Fema edie rnin of ea ‘are utilized by the school-community,) i) “Meralco Avenue coraer St. Prul Road, Pasig Cty ‘Telephone No. (02) 314070/Email Address: Page 10 Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION D. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES (15) 2 3 7, Regular resoures inventory is colaboraively Undertaken by leaning manages, leaming ‘Siakcholdes are aware thal a regular resource inveniony is avaiable andi used as the basis for resource location esorce veio i charade by red, increased parton of taker, ad communicated ‘Resource inventories are syslematicaly davlopod and stakeholders are engaged ina callaboratve proces fo make fasts andeonminiy sarees as_| and mbizaon ‘ote commana he bas forrescuce alocaton and. | docson en esos eiocaon and mization baat for rescue sla and mebizaton mobaton Book of Donations Book of Donations Book of Donations > ist of Donors > Ust of Donors > Ustof Donors > Deed of Donations! Acceptance > Deed of Donations! Acceptance > Deed of Donations! Acceptance > MOAMOU > NonNoU > NomMou > MOOE > > M eee > SEF Funds > SEF Funds > SEF Funds > Canteen Funds > Canteen Funds > Canteen Funds > PTAFunds > PTAFunds > PTAFunds > Financial Statements > Financial Statements > Financial Statements > Schoo! Inventory > School Inventory > School Inventory The stakeholders know that a resource The stakeholders are not only informed but The stakeholders are not only informed of the inventory is available and functional. shares more resources as shown in the | inventory or tapped to contribute more inventory. resources but are involved in planning allocation/mobilization of resources. 7 regular agua fo planing and resource rooramming thatis accessible and ‘Siakeholdes re led To partoate nthe development ‘ofan educational lan in resource programming, and in the ‘iakehoidrs are regula engaged in the planning and resource programming, and nthe implementation ofthe ‘Stakeholders collabora to ensure inly and need basod planing and resource programming and support continuous inclusive, continuously engage stakehoiders | implementation of the educational pian. education plan, ‘implementation of educational pian. ‘and support implementation of community uoaten plas. > Minutes of Meetings > Minutes of Meetings > Minutes of Meetings Means of Verification > Brigada Eskwela Activity with Reports | > Brigada Eskwela Activity with Reports | > fa Eskwela Activity with Reports > ASP Reports > ASP Reports > ASP Reports > Advocacy Programs > Advocacy Programs > Advocacy Programs > _PartnershipiNetworking Activities >_Partnership/Networking Activities > _Partnership/Networking Activities ‘Meralco Avenue corner St.Paul Road, Pasig City ‘Telephone No. (02) 6314070/Emalt Address: page 1 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION The participation of stakeholders is only Stakeholders are invited and are engaged as ‘Stakeholders’ are engaged in all planning invitational. ‘regular participants in the planning and | activities and during implementation of the implementation. program. ‘3. In place is a community-developed resource ‘Stakeholders support judicious, appropriate, and effective | Stakeholders are engaged and share expertise in the ‘Stakeholders sustain the Implementation and improvement of management sysem hat ves appropie | use ofrscuces. calaboraive development ofresarce management | acolatoratvely developed, petodcaly adie, and behaviors ofthe stakeholders to ereure system ‘canser focused resource manage system. judicious, ppopte, and efectve use of resoures. > Liquidation Papers > Liquidation Papers: > Liquidation Papers + Official Receipt: + Official Receipt Official Receipt Purchase Request ~ Purchase Request + Purchase Request Request for Quotation + Request for Quotation ~~ Request for Quotation + Abstract of Quotation ~ Abstract of Quotation + Abstract of Quotation Inspection and Acceptance Report = Inspection and Acceptance Report Inspection and Acceptance Report = Mayor's Permit = Mayor's Permit ~ Mayor's Permit, ~PTA Certificate of Recognition PTA Certificate of Recognition + PTA Certificate of Recognition « PHILGEPS Certificate of Recognition and - PHILGEPS Certificate of Recognition and - PHILGEPS Certificate of Recognition and ‘Means of Verification Winning Bidder Winning Bidder ‘Winning Bidder > Records reflecting expenditures aligned with SIPIAIP > Financial Statements > WEPs. Documents show that stakeholders abide by ‘given standards / mgt. system developed by the ‘school. > Records reflecting expenditures aligned with SIPIAIP > Financial Statements > WEPs ‘Stakeholders not only comply but at the same time take partin the development of ‘standards/mgt.system > Records reflecting expenditures aligned with SIPIAIP > Financial Statements > WEPs Stakeholders not only comply or participate in the development but also takes active part in the periodic adjustment of standard/mgt. system Page. 2 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION “F Regular monitoring, evaluation, and reporting processes of resource management re colaboratvely developed and implemented by the teaming managers, faciitators, and ‘Stakeholders are invited fo paricipate inthe development and implementation of monitoring, evaluation, and reporting processes on resource ‘management. ‘Siakehoterscoleboraivelyparicpaten he development and implementation of monitoring evaluation, and reporing processes on resource management ‘Slakeholders are engaged, held accountable and implement a colaboratively developed system of ‘monitoring, evaluation and reporting for resource ‘management. commurity stakeholders, Record of Monitoring of PPAs with > Record of Monitoring of PPAS with Record of Monitoring of PPAs with involvement involvement of stakeholders Involvement of stakeholders of stakeholders Means of Verification > Record of program cetifcation of > Record of program cetiication of downloaded school funds (MOOE, SBFP, tc.) downloaded school funds (MOOE, SBFP, ote,) > Record of program certification of downloaded ‘school funds (MOOE, SBFP, etc) > > ‘Stakeholders do not only participate regularly but Participation of stakeholders is invitational. __| Stakeholders take active involvement. are held accountable. 5. Therels system fat manages the | An engagement procedure to idnty and uiize | Siakeholders support a system of partnership fr | An established sysiem of parnershipe managed and network and inkages which strengthen | parnersips with stakeholder for improving ‘improving resource management susained by the stakeholders for continuous ‘and sustain partnerships forimproving | resource management is evident improvement of resource management. resource management. > PartnershipiNetworking Acivitios © Parinershipietworking Activities > PartnershipmNetworking Activiies > Fund Drives > Fund Drives > Fund Drives Means of Verification > Income Generating Projects The schoo! lays out/ design courses of actions / action plans for partnerships. > Income Generating Projects Partnership systems are not only supported but co-authored/developed and implemented by stakeholders. > Income Generating Projects ‘Stakeholders not only support partnership program but they themselves manage and sustain the partnership program. ‘Meralco Avenve corner St.Paul Rotd, Pasig City ‘Telephone No. (02) 6314070/Emall Addres Page 3

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