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Name: Reza Alfarizi
NRP 08111940000052

1. Based on your opinion, what is the biggest challenge of achieving sustainable design?
Social and cultural. In Indonesia, the people are less sensitive to the surrounding
environment. Just like the trash bins with 3 colours have been created, but they still don't
care about their function to sort waste. Socializing does not necessarily solve this
problem. The need for handlers from the ground up and mentorizing consistently at the
smallest community level first such as the village. For example, the city of Kamikatsu in
Japan with the title of zero waste city. Its citizens sort waste into 34 types. To get there,
it took the city of Kamikatsu 17 years (from 2003 and targeted for 2020) as well with
regular guidance and regular monitoring.

2. Why is Open Building considered as a part of sustainable design strategy?

Open building gives third parties the opportunity to customize a space. This makes third
parties prefer open architecture to closed architecture which has a greater embodiment
energy. Open architecture also has a shared utility system which can be managed
concurrently rather than closed architecture or private residence which costs a lot of
money in proportion.

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