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En el proceso minero subterráneo está conformado por distintos subprocesos, cuyas

herramientas serán aplicadas en perforación y voladura, siendo un subproceso muy
importante en la cual tenemos que  pan-Canadian Industry
If you took a mining tour of Canada, you could start in the Yukon to experience the
latest gold rush, and then travel to the Northwest Territories where diamonds shine (it is
the world’s third largest producer of diamonds by value). In Nunavut, gold and iron ore
mining provide a glimpse of the mineral potential of the territory. Heading to
Newfoundland and Labrador, you would find significant iron ore and nickel. New
Brunswick would highlight its smelting capacity, Prince Edward Island its quarrying
operations, and Nova Scotia would reveal zinc and a resurgent gold mining industry. In
Quebec you would see the most diversified mining industry in Canada, which includes
products such as iron ore, zinc, gold and diamonds. Ontario—the largest minerals and
metals producer in Canada—counts gold, copper and nickel as its main products, while
Manitoba is the top Canadian producer of zinc. In Saskatchewan, you would enter a
world-leading potash and uranium mining area, while Alberta produces metallurgical
coal (an irreplaceable ingredient for steel making). The same “Met coal” is the top
product of British Columbia, and the province is Canada’s largest producer of copper.
Ports in British Columbia are a major gateway to get Canadian minerals and metals to
and from Asian markets. Ports in Quebec and Atlantic Canada serve the same purpose
for European and South American markets, and ports on the Great Lakes, railways and
roads serve the U.S. market.
facilitara plantear soluciones para el proceso de perforación y voladura así identificar que fallas
existen en sus subprocesos.
El uso de herramientas de Kaizen y lean es muy importante en el proceso de mejora continua de
cualquier proceso, generando calidad para que habitualmente esta genere una filosofía.
1.1. Objetivos

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