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#Populism refers to a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of "the people" and often
juxtapose this group against "the elite". The term developed in the 19th century and has been
applied to various politicians, parties, and movements since that time, although it has rarely been
chosen as a self-description. Within political science and other social sciences, several different
definitions of populism have been employed, with some scholars proposing that the term be
rejected altogether.

A common framework for interpreting populism is known as the ideational approach: this
defines populism as an ideology that presents "the people" as a morally good force and contrasts
them against "the elite", who are portrayed as corrupt and self-serving. Populists differ in how
"the people" are defined,

The Collective Defines American Populism As Follows

Belief in the American Experiment's uniqueness, its history good and evil, in the pursuit of life,
liberty, and happiness for all.

The People are the creators and owners of their Government. Government must work towards
the benefit and promote the Social Welfare of its People.

The Summer of Rage and COVID-19 has shown that Law Enforcement, Local, State, and
Federal Governments are in a perpetual state of hostility towards the American People.

Political Parties are corrupt, Justice is for the rich and powerful, and the Economy is built for the
few. The Economic System is not controlled by the American People and immune from
transparency and accountability.

American Populism rejects this economic and political system as unjust, abusive, and serving the
"elite." We define the elite as International Industrialists, Unregulated Capitalists, Corrupted
Public Officials, and International Corporations and Academia.

The State of the American Economy is a direct result of the Chinese Communist, Republican,
and Democratic Parties. These three organizations have destroyed American Society and driven
the American People into hostilities against fellow Americans.
An American Populist Economic Reset

Per Forbes:

F.Y. 2020 U.S. Government Spending: $6.5 trillion

F.Y. 2020 Deficit: $3.1 trillion

Stimulus Spending: $2.6 trillion

Stimulus Tax Relief: $900 billion

Next Stimulus Proposal: $900B to $2.2 trillion

Estimating a full of $2.2T on the secondary stimulus would bring a total of $4.89T in COVID
debt. The effects of this depression on the U.S. will quickly soar to $10T over the next decade as
the wealth transfer from Mainstreet to Wallstreet is assisted by State and Local Governors.

The American Government shoulders American Children with Debt for their mismanagement of
corruption. The Democratic and Republican Political Parties are currently fighting to give
another $900B - $2.2T to Special Interest Groups and Corporations instead of direct,
sustaining, and valuable support to the American People.

Corporations do not produce Children are the ones that must pay back this Debt throughout their
entire lives. Corporations are not People. People need help and by helping People we help Local
Communities and Small Businesses.

Democrats and Republicans care more about lining their lobbyist and influential supporters'
pockets than securing happiness and tranquility for the American People.

American Populist believe that the American People, the carriers of Debt, and the People who
must pay it down through taxation and Labor must be the only parties to benefit from any
recovery action directly.

No Stimulus unless it’s a #PeoplesRecovery

People first:

330M People are living within the United States

There are roughly 220M+ Adults 18+ in the U.S.

The working-age starts at 15, adding 13M for a total of 233M+ eligible tax-paying citizens.
The Consumer Economy can only be participated in by Consumers with Capital to spend and
accounts for 66% of the $21T U.S. Economy.

To provide Social Welfare to the American People, the Federal Government should allocate
$400/Week in non-taxable direct payments managed by the Treasury Department to American
Citizens of Working Age and older

Maximum Budget:

233M * $10 * 40 * 52 = $4.84T

It would have cost the American People less to give every Working Age American and Older
$400/Week for 1 Year than our current projected maximum spends for Stimulus 1 + 2.

Keeping Americans Secure In Crisis

An immediate freeze on all outstanding Loans, Debt Collections, and evictions held by any
Economic Entity within the dominion of the U.S.

All frozen debts, mortgages, and revenue loss for a stay of evictions can be exchanged for Tax
Credits that can be exchanged, transferred, and sold.

There is an estimated $3T+ in profits that U.S. Companies have “parked” overseas. All U.S.
Companies are given one time offer to support the American People and repatriate profits Taxed
at 25% or face all legal remedies available to the American People to reclaim economic relief
from Corporate Injuries.

Expecting minimum participation of 35% of that estimated $3T would net Americans a windfall
of $262B or nearly 1/3rd of the proposed $900B of Debt that Politicians want to give American

We believe this offers a humane and economical solution to the growing housing and debt crisis
caused by COVID-19.

1. Eliminating the expense of housing, transportation, and utilities for 12 months eliminates
the high cost of Quality-of-Life Expenses Americans need to rebuild.

2. An immediate freeze and federal allocation of all State and Federal Welfare budget to
fund the national Program. Each state participates, or their Citizens do not receive
Federal Assistance. If states wish to act alone, they should not benefit from Collective

3. $400/Week can be utilized for consumer spending in all categories even as COVID-19
rages providing families and individuals the ability to maintain health and nutrition
during a pandemic

4. An additional $100/Week for every American Child.

o 330M Total People in the U.S. – 233M Covered by $400/Week = 97M

o 97M x $100 x 52 = $504B / 12 Months

o Raises Immediate 12-Month Term Debt to $5.34T

o Provides $46,800K Economic Relief for an Average American Household

5. Government Placement Programs that will utilize vacant Corporate Entity Owned
Properties to house American Families displaced by COVID-19. Rent/Lease at fair
market value rate is converted to Tax Credits, and American Households are responsible
for all damage incurred during their stay, which cannot be dissolved via bankruptcy.

6. Nationalized Education and Vocational Training Programs mandating all Government

Regulated Industries and Trades to immediately digitize their training and educational
resources for public benefit and all certification and testing costs are subsidized directly
as a Tax Credit.

All S.T.E.M., Literature, History, and Economic Educational Courses and Material must
be executed in the same manner. Promoting a period of academic and vocational growth
across the nation.

5. Nationalized Healthcare for 12 Months in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The I.R.S. will audit all Healthcare Facilities, and the Federal Government will subsidize
their Operating Costs at a Federalized locked-in rate for all products and medical

Doctors will not lose their Jobs, our medical infrastructure will not crumble, and
Americans can get the treatments they need in a time of a National Health Emergency

The Collective budgets $10,000 per person for healthcare costs due to COVID-19 this
would account for 330M x $10K = $3.3T

Raising our immediate Debt to $8.64T

6. $1T in Critical and Transportation be made immediately available to modernize

American Infrastructure and produce a 4 Million Person Workforce paying a taxable
fixed-rate income of $800/Week on top of the $400/Week Non-Taxable direct stimulus.

The work performed on these jobs will be at a fixed rate of $20/HR @ 40HRS/Week
($41,600 + $20,800 = $62,400 for 1 YR). We look to immediately reduce unemployment
by 25% and lay the foundation for the new American Middle Class.

Infrastructure labor will not lose its jobs to Automation within the next 10 to 15 years. It
provides vocational training and work that increases the social welfare of the American
People through modernization. Brining our immediate 1-YR Debt to $9.64T
7. The seizure of all Chinese Communist Party assets, including International Corporations,
being utilized for C.C.P. activities against the American People.

Immediate good-faith payments must be initiated, or an immediate stop to all Chinese

imports into the American market will be the result.

With the American People secured economically, the only injured parties are
International Corporations that have willfully sold out the American Manufacturing to the
Chinese Communist Party and the Party themselves.

In this, The Collective demands that no concessions be made to a State that actively
engages in Religious Slavery and hostile activities against Peaceful communities
under their Sovereign Domain.

The United States People do not need China and are ready to part ways with no
further escalation of hostilities.

Any hostility by the C.C.P. will immediately place a 20% Import Tax on all on all
C.C.P. Trading Partners. If hostilities continue every 30 Days, an additional 5%
Important tax is added to all C.C.P. Trading Partners and their Industries.

China is directly responsible for lying to the international community and allowing
COVID-19 to kill Hundreds of Thousands of Americans and Millions Globally.

We do not advocate war. We support Justice and a reset to all international

relationships with the American People.

Mobilizing Americans

The Collective has created an alternative digital infrastructure that will serve as a rallying point
to organize an Opensource Collective of Technologies that will replace Big Tech.

These platforms will serve as a communication and economic base of operations for all Digital

These are starting points a family funded startup crushed by COVID-19 are able to provide at the
moment. All T.C. Platforms are free to use, support through donations or subscriptions; all
purchases in the future carry a 5% Platform Fee to cover Payment Processing and infrastructure

Social Network – Replace Facebook & Twitter –

E-Commerce Flat 5% Fee – Replace Amazon & eBay –

Q.R. Menu / Online Order – Small Business COVID-19 Support –

Video Streaming – Replace Youtube & Twitch –

Digital Radio + Music Streaming – Replace the entire industry –

Local Delivery – Uber & Door Dash (Q1) (

Email Services – Replace Gmail, Worksuite & Outlook (

Advertising – Without Ads (

The Digital World is where all People are connected, and this connection deserves to serve the
People and not Corporations. Government Failures demand action through an American Digital
Union that is self-sufficient in both Infrastructure and Economic abilities.

The Collective Cares is a Non-Profit for Public Benefit that must be established and will hold a
perpetual license of all T.C. privately funded technologies.

Members can Crowdfund projects voted on by Verified Members. Members that participate in
crowdfunding will receive monthly payouts proportional to their investment from a 20%
commission pool on all Profits generated by the Product or Program. The Collective gives
Mainstreet the ability to participate in passive wealth generation programs that support all
members' welfare.

T.C. Cares will act on behalf of its members. They will seek to acquire, organize, and expand its
collection of Opensource Projects to provide an alternative infrastructure to Big Tech, where
people control their Digital Connections.

Additionally, The Collective is a Political Movement that will form and fund its representatives
through its Membership. The American Populist Movement must embrace the ideology that their
service to the American People will be enough to win support and sponsorship with the
American People’s hard-earned capital.

The Collective will act as a Digital Union for all those within the American Economic Sphere
and advocate for the working Class across all Society sectors. We demand accurate
representation of the American People at all levels of Government and the removal of Socio-
Economic barriers to healthcare, education, and nutrition for all American Children.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

All Americans of Working Age (16+) and living within the American Economic Sphere of
Influence are qualified for Free Membership and Benefits.

The Collective declares its end goal is full Nationalization of assets in service to the American
People. To build a better future, we must confront the realities of our present.
Declaration Of War

Until a point in time that The Collective ceases to exist or is Nationalized in service to the
American People, we declare open war against Big Tech, its financial investors, and the
international corporations that support these foreign-funded hostile organizations.

We are protected under the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, as well as full
immunity granted to Big Tech by Section 230.

1st Amendment

1. We utilize a Social Network Platform that allows T.C. Members to report on whatever
they want and will not take down Legal Content as long as it follows our TC Laws, which
T.C. Members voted on.

o Adjudication of bans and other infractions are judged based on the Membership
Charter and TC Laws that will be established once we reach 10,000 Verified

o Final Bans can be appealed to a Members’ Court Review where a majority of all
T.C. Members must vote for reinstatement of Membership.

o Section 230 must be extended to Mainstreet and Regulated at Wallstreet.

Providing decades of economic advantage to companies valued at Billions and
Trillions but not to Mainstreet would only solidify a Corporate owned economy.

2. Whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Julian Assange deserve immediate cease of

hostilities from the U.S. Government and, if necessary full Legal Pardons and a
reworking of the Legal Framework that has criminalized the 1st Amendment.

o Whistleblowing on Government is protected 1st Amendment Speech as the

Government is the People's Property; therefore, all assets and work product
belong to the American People.

2nd Amendment

1. Digital Warfare is waged every day. The Solar Winds hack showed even the most
Powerful Governments in the world are insecure, and the N.S.A. has already established
digital tyranny.

o Americans are entitled to a fully encrypted communication system to defend

against Hostile State Actors Foreign and Domestic.

o Encryption is an Arm used for Defense per the 2nd Amendment.

o Encryption is the ONLY Defense available to Modern Citizens within their
knowledge and ability to utilize in their Defense.

4th Amendment

1. Americans have the right not to have their Data subject to illegal search and seizure by
Government Actors.

o Calls of National Security are used to instill fear and intimidation in the hearts of
citizens. We reject blatant bad faith calls for National Security as a hostile action
against the American People.

o The U.S. Government and Military failed to Protect and Defend the United States
of America's Constitution in direct violation of their oaths. All Government
actions will be taken in bad faith until the Security and Privacy of American’s
Personal Property are returned.

Nationalization of Critical Infrastructure

The Nationalization Process ensures that the American People's injuries are made whole.

1. The Collective proposes the Nationalization of Hostile International Tech and Corporate
Organizations that have willfully given aid to Hostile Foreign Countries that have directly
manipulated 2 U.S. Presidential Elections.

2. The United States Government, through Tax Loopholes, Corporate Welfare, and other
Politically sanctioned benefits that were given to these Economic Entities came at the
Cost of the American People who are the Injured Party.

o The American Public has not been compensated for its investment in these
Economic Entities who have willfully taken funding and worked with Hostile
Foreign Organizations against the American People's Social Welfare.

o Facebook, Google, and Amazon have played a vital role in the Chinese
Government's Economic Wars for more than 30 Years. Our Report is located
Here with publicly sourced information.

o Offending Companies must have all assets seized immediately, a new

management staff installed by Congress, and a 5-year strategy of transitioning
these Organizations and their infrastructure into the United States National
Critical Infrastructure.

1.) Running these organizations would generate over $300B+ in revenue and
grow YoY. These profits are enough to pay every working-age tax paying
citizen $1,000 a Year for their data.
2.) Nationalization of Amazon's infrastructure should be given to the U.S.
Postal Service and used to modernize American Logistics for the good of
all Americans while providing lower socio-economic classes an easy
pathway to well paying Public Service jobs that make a difference.

3.) A.W.S. and Cloud infrastructure owned by Amazon and other Big Tech
Giants Infrastructure must become a Strategic National Asset and provide
a Constitutionally Protected Digital Infrastructure ran as an Expense to
support the fully supported American People and a booming economy.

- International Corporations utilized and were assisted with Funding,

Contracts, and other Benefits-in-Kind by the C.C.P. and their
sycophants of all Nationalities. These parties are not entitled to any
Economic Relief as actors of Foreign Hostile Governments.

4.) Corporate Telecommunication Monopolies have taken billions for the

infrastructure they have failed to deliver while simultaneously operating as
Media Companies hostile to the American Economy.

- American Tax Payer funded publicly traded companies who failed

to connect our Nation with High-Speed internet at low costs.

- All Americans need high-speed access to the Internet. The world is

digital; those who wish to succeed in the digital world need equal
and equitable access

5.) Private control of the Federal Reserve has failed to outclass the Chinese
Banking Model, and America must adapt to the modern Digital Age.

- Federal Reserve has promoted Corporate Welfare for Decades

- Wealth Inequality is increasing

- Politicians have proven extremely effective in their ability to

destroy the American Economy without politicizing the Fed.

- Financial Infrastructure in the Digital World must offer a “Public

Option” as International Bankers, and hostile Foreign
Organizations have utilized Ultra-Capitalists Individuals and
Organizations to subvert and disrupt American Society and our
Children’s Economy.

- Economists have failed to provide an economic model that

produces an equitable exchange of Public Good and Private
Wealth. Economists do not pay Americans Bills.
- An Open-source and Public Corporate Tax System that gives
access to every Corporation benefiting from the American
Economic System records.

- An I.R.S. that prioritizes all resources for the next decade on

litigating and reclaiming all legal Tax entitlements from Corporate
and other Fictitious Economic Entities.

6.) Academic Institutions that have defrauded the American People through
student loans, utilizing government funding while eliminating free speech,
and used Hostile Foreign funding will be nationalized. Their Knowledge,
Resources, and Assets will be used as a Public Option to Private and State-
Run institutions.

- Academic Institutions sit on Billion-dollar endowments and utilize

Taxpayer-funded bailout funds to continue their assault against
Americans with their propagation and distribution of propaganda.

- Through Government Funding, academic institutions have utilized

American and International Talent for personal benefit for decades.
People own all projects funded by the People. All intellectual
property must be turned over to the American People

7.) Medical and Pharmaceutical Corporations that have defrauded and

attacked the American People for decades must be immediately seized and
Assets utilized during this National Health Emergency and Pandemic

- These companies have knowingly pushed opiates and other

addictive drugs on the American People and addicted an entire
generation to Xanax, Adderall, and other medications while
advocating for regulation and banning of alternatives

- These companies have proven for decades to put Profit over the
American People and benefit from Corporate Welfare. All
developments, profits, and the asset must be immediately seized
and utilized in the fight against COVID-19

- The knowledge and infrastructure will provide for Medical

breakthroughs that increase all American children's quality-of-life
for generations to come.

8.) Failed Utility Monopolies that cannot maintain their infrastructure and
provide safe and accessible access to Modern Utilities must be seized.

- Modernization and Decentralization improvements must take

precedent over all “Green New Deal” policies while incorporating
the logical and scientific parts while eliminating the ridiculous
pork. Nuclear Energy must be invested in to supply the Electrical
supply of the Near future while Renewables commoditize and
reduce their environmental costs.

Defining American Populism’s Core Positions

These positions are not opposed to America's spirit but speak to the Founder’s Vision of a Free
Society. Under their own Free Will, they choose to use their Government to benefit their fellow
Americans instead of partisan parties.

The government should always elevate its people's social welfare; This is the foundation of a
Modern and Free Society.

All Americans are entitled to Social Welfare.

• Healthcare

o A sick population is a vulnerable and dying population.

• Education and Training

o An Educated and Capable Population is the first step to securing generational

freedom and economic prosperity.

• Publicized Risk = Publicized Benefits

o The American People own all Intellectual Property, Medical Discoveries, and
Scientific Pursuits that utilize taxpayer funds.

Private enterprise does not get to publicize risk while privatizing benefits.

• Transparency In Government

o Transparency in Government provides for optimal Social Welfare. With

secrecy, the Government has shown to restrict civil liberties and infringe
constitutionally protect rights.

• Citizen Advocate

o Much like a Special Counsel within the D.O.J., the People have the right to
elect a Citizen Advocate via direct national Vote empowered to investigate all
Government affairs at the City, State, and Local Level.
• Non-Militarized Police Force

o Hammers are designed for nails. The American People deserve a Non-
Militarized Police force.

• Housing, Food, Utilities, and Internet Access

o Electricity, Water, and Internet Connectivity provides all People a minimum

standard of living and are already Managed Economies that are protected by
the Government

Providing these essentials to modern life allows every American Child to

grow and pursue their American Dream.

Those that refuse to empower American Children believe that every child
does not deserve an equal opportunity at success and happiness because of the
sins of their parents.

A transparent and accountable Justice System

• Judges have shown to be partisan and corrupt throughout the history of the United States.

• Technology enables a transparent and non-bias Justice System where all People are
treated equally.

• Removing economic status from the Justice system is the only way to achieve equality in
the Justice system

o In cases against People, the law should be equally applied. If the Legislature can
not author just fair laws, they are a failed Legislature.

o Any system that advocates for inequality in the Legal System are tyrannical,
unjust, and oppressive.

• Accountability for all Law Enforcement and Public Servants with 10-Year mandatory
sentencing for all levels of Public Servants.

o Public servants who abuse their position must be the most severely punished.
Government abuse is the reason America was founded.

Public Servants choose a life of service and thus make themselves subservient to
the American People through consent. In return, the American People empower
these individuals with authority over everyday life.

To abuse, this authority is the greatest treason and should be adjudicated as such.
Any hostile activity against the American People directly aids and benefits our
Therefore those with the most Power must be punished the most Severely. The
government has utilized a Mandatory Sentencing; it would be a “moral hazard” to
not use this tool in kind.

• Limited Legal Immunity for Public Officials. All official actions must be transparent,
logged, and exist within a clear system of accountability.

An Economic and Financial System that Benefits the American People

• Corporate Welfare, Tax Loopholes, and Private/Independent Non-Accountability of the

Federal Reserve must be eliminated.

• Capitulation to International Corporations must be stopped

• Economic control of the American People by International Banks must be eliminated

• Usury or Interest must be regulated and equitable. Those that exploit American Financial
Hardship restrict Economic and Social Development. Financial Institutions can profit;
that Profit must be controlled to keep a free and prosperous Consumer economy active.

4. Constitutional Amendments
o Corporations, Economic, and Fictional Entities must not be represented in Human
Law. Protections afforded to Flesh and Blood Humans must not be given to
Fictional Entities. Separation of Corporate Law from the constitution must be

o Open-Sourced Publicly Funded Decentralized Digital Government Infrastructure

with Directory and History of All Public Servant Activities.

▪ Removing Private Media and Non-Public Entities from directly profiting

off Civic Process

▪ Mandatory adoption by all Government Agencies and subject to F.O.I.A.

(no more email servers and personal devices)

▪ All Election Infrastructure, campaigning, and other expenditures must go

through this platform

▪ This Program must always be running as an expense and must never be

burdened with generating revenue or funding.

o Data Ownership and Encryption as a Human Right

▪ Data is the future of all Human Economies, and Data’s value is tied to the
Creator. Our Personal Information is our Identity measured in Scientific
Terms and recorded as a data point of any action we’ve taken in the
physical world.
▪ 5 Tech-Data Companies control the Global Economy and represent over
$7T in Market Value.

• Amazon
• Apple
• Google
• Microsoft
• Facebook

▪ Control of an individual’s personal information allows Power and

influence with the right resources and knowledge. Control over a Person’s
individuality and identity is the ultimate prize of Personal Data. This
information must be owned and controlled by the Individual

• Elected Service and Limit on Elected Office

o Elected Executive and Legislative terms should be extended from 4 to 5 Years

o Every 12 Months in office, a direct public referendum is held to measure Public

Faith in Public Official’s Service

o A total of 51% of the previous Vote must be reached to trigger action.

1. 51% of that Voting Majority voting in opposition to current elected

official initiates a 12-Month Review Term.

2. At the end of the Review Term, an additional vote removes the Elected
representative from the office and activates a special run-off.

• Abolition of the Federal Reserve and the creation of a new Federal Bank accountable to
the American People.

o Modernization of Currency models including the adoption of Open-Sourced

Digital Currency Models

o Rejection of International Banking Models that have not been voted on and
adopted by the American People

o Economic Infrastructure must be digitized and nationalized, removing Private

control of American Economic System access. Equitable Economic Access is a
human right.

o All Budgets Voted on by Legislative Branch must go through mandatory 90

Public Review where Majority of Voting Americans can reject the proposed

1. Rejection of Budget gives Legislative Minority opportunity to submit

Budget for Public 90 Review and Vote
2. Rejection forces an immediate 30-day deadline for submission of the final
proposed Budget for Final 90-day Public Review

3. Rejection immediately suspends all Non-Essential Government Operations

that will be defined by the People.

4. Immediate Special Election for all Legislative Positions must be executed

within 120 days and a New Legislative body assembled.

5. Eliminating the Political Posturing and prolonged suffering of American

Citizens in Budget Debates and removing ineffective Political Leaders.

6. Only Congress can control American Debt and Create and Issue Currency

• Nationalization of all Critical Infrastructure including Telecommunication infrastructure

subsidized by the U.S. Government

o Equitable exchange in Tax Credits for Current Fair Market Value to affected
Economic Entities helps them transition into a dedicated Service provider.

o Private Labor can be utilized for the Maintenance with annual public oversight,
but all infrastructure must be maintained and protected by the U.S. Military

o Telecommunication & Networking must be a Government expenditure to

maintain Americans' 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights. Critical infrastructure must
not be burdened to create revenue and must be equitable to all Americans.

• Amendment of the 13th Amendment to eliminate all slavery by Government and

Economic Entities.

• Amendment of the 14th Amendment from birthright Citizenship to a more modern and
optimal method of Citizenship

▪ All legally eligible individuals for American Citizenship must pass Civics
education standard test and American Civic History course to become a

1. You must be a legal adult to be a citizen

2. Those covered under the current version of Birthright Citizenship

are legally eligible at the age of 15 to take a citizenship test

3. Legal Non-Citizens are classified as Economic Residents and have

voting rights Local Community Elections.

No Taxation without Representation.

4. Immigration has a set annual limit established annually and is open
all based-on merit

5. The Refugees Program should reflect the American People's will,

and all Refugees must be housed in American Homes. We are
mitigating the Political Nature of Refugee Programs. Security is an
Individual decision with Social ramifications.

▪ Abolishment of the Electoral College

▪ The U.S. is a Federation of 50 individual Sovereign States.

▪ Popular Vote dictates states choice for President

▪ Each state gets 1 Vote. All States become battleground states

restoring more State Control over the Federal Government.
Enabling 3rd Party and the Independent States to have a voice at the
national level

▪ Eliminate layers of complexity and fraud within the Election

System and decentralizes our Election Process.

▪ Establishment of Voting Standard and Regulations

▪ Federally agreed to a standard that is Open-Sourced and

Transparent that all American Elections must commit to.

After The Recovery

Americans have increased their immediate Debt by an estimated $10 - $13T+ and put a freeze to
all malicious economic activity within the U.S. Borders for 12-Months enabling Americans to
heal and recover from the COVID-19 Pandemic and the abuse of the Democrat and Republican

Economists and Academics who have led us to the Economy we currently have will shout that
this would be against Capitalism. We agree, but we offer more context; this is against
International Ultra-Capitalist who have no regard for the People of the United States.

Any defense of archaic systems that benefit Non-Americans at the expense of Americans is
Treason as defined.

After 1 Year, a report will be filed with full access to all economic and other vital data collected
and be subject to a 6-Month public review period. After those six months, another six months
will be allocated for Special Elections for new Legislative and Executive representatives.

Our Program removes the immediate danger of the complete economic collapse of the housing
and other markets. Removing the duress by which Americans have been forced to operate under
the Democrat and Republican Parties' leadership.
The investment we are making in this country of Trillions of dollars is placed on the heads of
American Children and should be utilized for the American People and not Corporations of
Special Interest groups that only serve specific demographics. This is Anti-American.

Stress, Duress, Fear, and Panic are not optimal environments to be making life dictating
decisions under duress.

The projected “real” impact of these decisions can not be accurately predicted. Any Academic or
Subject Matter Expert must be met with extreme doubt. These are the People who have to lead us
to the world we live in. We must break free from the cycle of abuse.

It's time to let all Americans breathe. Until we are all free, none of us free.

American Populism is a rejection of the “Elite” that works against the American People's best
interest and well-being. The “Elite” are individuals who participate in direct actions supporting
hostilities against the American People.

Politicians refusing to debate, Vote, or help the American People are the “Elite.”
International Investors giving cover to Hostile Foreign Governments are the “Elite.”
International Bankers that work against the American People are the “Elite.”
“Global Citizens” that wish to “equalize” Americans with the rest of the world are the “Elite.”
Academia and Science keeping knowledge hidden from the American People are the “Elite.”
Pharmaceutical Companies believing Profits are more important than health is “Elite.”
For-Profit Healthcare Systems are the “Elite.”
Dysfunctional Government is “Elite.”
Misinforming, lying, and corrupt Media is “Elite.”
Corporate Capitalist Journalism is “Elite.”
Predatory actors and actions against the American People are “Elite.”

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