Taking A Note For Listening

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Rijal, Saifur. 2010. Taking a Note Application in Listening Comprehension

through Tape Recorder in the Eleventh Grade of SMKN 3 Pamekasan,
Madura University. Advisor (1) Hasan Basri, M.Pd., (2) Nina Khayatul
Virdyna, M.Pd.

Key term: note, application, comprehension.

Listening is quite difficult since involves a good hearing, fast

comprehension to interpret some sentences, or understanding what message are.
And the competence of student’s listening is not really good as the proved result
of listening exercises. Taking a note application is considered as the strategy that
can be applied to improve student’s listening ability. Based n the background, so
in this research tries to arise the problem about taking a note application in
listening comprehension through tape recorder in the eleventh grade of SMKN 3
The purpose of this research is to analyze taking a note application in
listening comprehension and the difficulties that are faced by students when the
listening class. This research was conducted in SMKN 3 Pamekasan, and the
subject of the research is the students of eleventh grade of Hotel Accomodation
consist of 37 students.
In this research, researcher conducted qualitative research by applying
descriptive method of this research, where in collecting the data researcher used
non-participant observation, structured interview, and documentation as the
research instruments with the data analysis method, collecting, classifying,
verifying, analyzing and drawing conclusion.
The result of this research found that firstly, students have different
techniques in taking a note in listening class. They are: students took a note
individually: students took a note to whatever they were listening where they
write a lot of information from the beginning to the end; any things that were
important they wrote where they understand what was being spoken and it was
important according t their point of view; students took a note related to the
questions what is supposed important relate to the questions to answer the
questions. Secondly, difficulties in taking a note are: understanding meaning
caused by the unfamiliar vocabulary; speed of the utterances caused by the
pronunciation of a native speaker; unclear pronunciation caused by the person
voice; and no idea what to note caused by students do not understand the meaning
what is being spoken.
The suggestions are for teacher: keeping her students do not annoy another
students, giving motivation to students to feel interested in materials, making the
class to be quiet, for headmaster: giving attention to the laboratory as the learning
facility so that can be used, and the components such as the earphones and disc
cassettes must be replaced with the new ones.

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