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Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Name : De Sola, Jamaica Joyce D.

Year and Section : BSNIII-I


1. Select a theory or conceptual model. Evaluate its potential for understanding health in
individuals or families in your community.

If I am given the chance to select one theory or conceptual framework to be used in my

community to understand and evaluate my community’s wellness level, it would be the Health Belief
Model. Health Belief Model (HBM) is much better to use because it determines the community’s belief
and behavior towards health. After determining the community’s belief and behavior towards health, it
would be easier for the Community Nurse to address the barriers and hindrances in achieving health
promotion, and he/she may now formulate her plans and interventions to address the problem. HBM is
the easiest way to use in assessing the community’s health because it provides the Community Nurse the
data such as the belief and behavior that affects the health of the community.

Besides, HBM uses the six parameters that help the nurse and the people promoting health, this
model also includes both the nurse and the community, in short, there is teamwork to attain the goal, and
that is one very important factor in promoting health promotion. I also like the idea of “self-efficacy”,
wherein the patient is the doer and not just the receiver of health services.

The idea of optimal change behavior after successfully targeting the six constructs such as the
perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, and
self-efficacy is my main reason why I chose this model. I do believe change for the better is what we
need to focus on. For example, this pandemic forcefully changed the perception of the whole world
towards the importance of cleanliness specifically the proper way of “hand-washing” in preventing the
spread of the Corona 2019 virus.

2. In Health Belief Model, what is your behavior towards health? Site and example using the 6

I do believe my behavior towards health is in well and balance condition, I keep on updating
myself on the latest health news and tips and making sure I and my family’s health practices are research

Two months ago, I experienced severe cough and abnormal breathing patterns, I was so scared
that time that I might be a CoVid-19 positive, (perceived susceptibility) I was scared because I am the
only one in the family that goes out and commute to do all the errands such paying bills and groceries, I
know deep down myself that I have the greater chance of getting the virus because I am the only one
going along with many people (perceived severity). I was really afraid of telling my mom what I feel
because she might worry and ended up stress and I do not want to happen so I stayed quiet (perceived
barriers), until I was anxious because of my cough, I gathered all my strength and chatted our family
doctor on what should I do, after few questions and consultations, she told me that I do not need to get
tested and I am just experiencing a normal cough, and advised that I must rest, do the water therapy and
take carbocistine meds. I felt so relieved after our conversation and I make sure that I followed her
advice (perceived benefits), then after that event, I am more careful when I am going out to do errands,
I make sure that I wear my mask properly and enough alcohol to be my savior (self-efficacy) after I do
some activities that let me touch things such as paying bills and more (cues to action), and that is my
not so nice CoVid-19 story but I am still grateful because I am still safe and my family from the virus
and of course, I am thankful because of our family friend/doctor who is one chat away, she took away
all my anxiety during that time.

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