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I. Fill in each blank with a suitable word below

drawing charcoal surface quality buckle effect illustrate unhealthy
appealing recognizable textured abstract combining companion
smooth commissioned movement medium continuous uninterrupted
reveal limited disturbing
1. Religious groups have .................................... works of art to help believers worship and understand their
2. Drawing is a representation of any forms or objects by hand through the ........................................ of pencil,
pen, charcoal, etc
3. Some artists paint pictures that show no ................................ subject matter at all.
4. Some paintings are enjoyable because they skillfully portray or ........................................... the daily lives of
people who lived long ago.
5. Lines are referred to the ..............................movement of these points giving rise to various shapes created
from these lines
6. Van Gogh's nervous temper made him a difficult .............................. and night-long discussions combined
with painting all day made him very .........................................
7. a skill that improves with practice, and the more knowledge you have about your
materials, the better your drawing will be
8. ......................................... different media can build up a more substantial drawing and make dramatic
9. Like real objects, designs too have a ......................................which define their nature
10. Some paintings ....................................what the artists, their patrons, or their society felt about important
subjects, including death, love, religion, and social justice
11. Ice sculptures have a very .................................. lifetime and they are mostly used at special events or
12. A drawing can also be ..........................., illustrating certain emotions and ideas that are in the mind of the
13. The selection of materials depends on what ...................................... you wish to achieve and the best way to
go about it
14. Some arts are very dark and can cause ................................ emotions, anger or even depression
15. A................................... paper is used in conjunction with charcoal or chalks and gives a lively, broken
characteristic to lines or areas of tone
II. Rearrange the following words or phrases to make meaningful sentences
1. paintings/ about/ Many/ of/ tell/ the/ history/ in/ period/ the/ which/ created/ were/ they
2. information/ Paintings/ customs/ provide/ about/ ideals/ interests/ and/ people/ the/ societies/ of/ of/ past
3. A/ that/ disadvantage/ is/ large/ to/ areas/ seem/ tone/ of/ may/ smooth/ somewhat/ paper/ flat.
4. image/ way/ photographer/ use/ the/ the/ differs/ photographer/ light/ of/ from/ to/ captured/ with/ is/ the
5. are/ give/ every/ Colors/ part/ in/ an/ identity/ design/ as/ design/ they/ important/ the/ its
6. dimensions/ three/ space/ basic/ The/ width/ constitutes/ and/ height/ length/ the
7. scenes/ artists/ dreamlike/ The/ also/ imagination/ only/ the/ paint/ in/ exist/ that
8. communication/ human/ Art/ form/ indirect/ profound/ of/ another/ but/ deeply/ being/ that/ a/ is/ is/ with
9. influence/ work/ a/ great/ on/ its/ emotional/ because/ colors/ of/ had/ modern/ striking/ and/ Van
Gogh's/ power/ art
10. drawings/ artists/ Many/ like/ their/ map out/ with/ precision/ to/ great

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