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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 3, Issue 22 18 December 2020

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the twenty second issue  Moringa

of my newsletter for Volume 3.
Newsletter back issues  Basil (I highly recommend Ital-
I hope you have all had a good week. iano Classico and Napoletana
Facebook from Franchi Seeds, which can be
I can’t believe that Christmas is near- obtained through Italian Seeds
Instagram ly upon us. This year has passed by Pronto)
Twitter so quickly, I think in large part due to
Covid. It has been a challenging year  Parsley
Linkedin on many fronts. Some parts of NZ
have already experienced watering  Chives
Pinterest restrictions in the past, but in June, Now is also a good time to check your
the Auckland Council imposed Level 1 seed collection and order any seeds you
watering restrictions, banning the use intend to sow in the new year, as some
Contact me of hoses in residential gardens. This seed suppliers close for business over
has caused a lot of people to rethink the holiday period. Normally this
 Feedback whether to plant a summer garden. would include any seeds you intend to
My own little business, Anita’s Gar- sow for the autumn garden, such as
 Newsletter input den, was greatly affected and I had fennel and beetroot.
(tips, recipes, gar- hardly any customers come to me to
den photos etc) purchase plants. This is the main Continue to liquid feed your plants eve-
reason that I stopped running my lit- ry week. It does take a long time to
 To be added to my tle plant nursery. Covid, too, has af- liquid feed our garden with a watering
mailing list fected a lot of businesses and it will can but the results are worth it. You take a long time for the economy to can really see a difference to the health
recover. of the plants.

Amidst all the uncertainty about the Don’t forget to remove the laterals from
future, keen gardeners can seek sol- your tomatoes to encourage your plants
Inside this issue: ace outdoors. We are now well into to put their energy into the main stem
summer. At this time of the year, I and fruit forming from it. Tie tomatoes
try to limit planting and concentrate to their stakes as they grow. This year,
on maintaining the summer garden. I’m using tomato cages for the first time
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2
In saying that, it’s not too late (and in and this step is not necessary.
Anita’s Garden
some cases, quite timely) to plant the
following: Useful links
Top 5 gardening tasks 2  More cucumbers for cropping in  Italian Seeds Pronto
for the week
the new year
 Awapuni
 Okra (if you plant too early
Flower of the week: 2  Bulbs Direct
they will die as okra is a heat-
loving plant) Have a good weekend.
 Marigolds Kind regards,
Water saving tips 3
 Sunflowers Anita Kundu

 Zinnias
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 2 2

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Our beautiful patio oriental lilies
all flowered recently. Here are
some photos for you to enjoy.

Auratum Gold Band lily

As patio lilies, all of these varieties

are suitable for growing in contain-
ers. I used 18 litre pots and plant-
Garden Party oriental lily ed 3-5 bulbs in each pot. I used a
high quality container mix which
contained slow release fertiliser
Muscadet oriental lily and a wetting agent.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

4. Sow rhubarb
1. Plan garden cover over nese asters which I hope to use in
the holiday period a bouquet for my aunt. They flow- Rhubarb can take awhile to grow
er in March, which coincides with from seed, so be patient. This
Going away over Christmas? If her birthday. You can sow seeds year, I’m growing the varieties
you haven’t already done so, or- in punnets now for transplanting Glaskins Perpetual and Victoria
ganize someone to take care of later on. from Egmont Seeds.
your garden while you’re away.
Your plants will thank you for it 3. Sow more marigolds 5. Sow asparagus
when you return!
You can never have too many of It takes three years to crop if grow-
2. Sow asters these wonderful companion plants. ing asparagus from seed, so start
Egmont Seeds have a great range. sowing now!
This year, I’m growing giant Chi-

Flower of the week: Marigolds

Marigolds are a staple in the sum- To raise marigolds from seed, six-cell punnets for transplant-
mer garden. They are incredibly simply scatter some seeds in a ing. If you’re a new gardener
easy to grow and make a great punnet filled with a little seed or can’t be bothered to raise
companion plant for veggies by raising mix and cover lightly. At them from seed, you can pur-
helping to repel insects. Marigolds this time of the year it’s not neces- chase high quality marigold
look great in containers and in sary to use a head pad to aid ger- plants from Awapuni. This
garden beds. It’s possible to find mination as it’s warm enough. year I sowed mine from seeds
all different sizes, from dwarf to Simply leave the punnet in a warm purchased from Egmont Seeds.
large headed ones. They come in a place outside and keep moist. I am growing French Vanilla
range of colours, mainly red, or- When the seedlings are large and Durango Flame, my two
ange, yellow and white. enough you can pot them up into favourite varieties.
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 2 2 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Water saving tips

As of Monday 14th December (the plant’s roots. The hose still comes Weed your garden
beginning of this week), Watercare in handy though as instead of hav-
Weeds compete with plants for
has allowed Aucklanders to use a ing to walk back to the tap to refill
nutrients, so it’s a good idea to
hose in the garden with a trigger the watering can, I use our hose,
keep on top of them so they don’t
nozzle after banning the use of which saves time.
absorb water at the expense of
garden hoses since June this year.
Invest in a water storage de- your plants.
While the dam levels are still
down from previous years, we are vice
Put in plants that need less
in a much better position thanks to The on-going drought issues which water
everyone taking watering re- many parts of the country have
strictions so seriously and doing Some plants need less water than
been facing have made us all think
their best to save as much water others. Succulents and clivia are
long term about how we can go
as possible. This development is an example of plants that don’t
about collecting water for use later
great news for all gardeners and need a lot of water in order to do
on. Installing a tank is just one
comes at a great time as it starts well.
idea. You can also look for some
to get drier. However, just be- drums, which are very cost effec-
cause watering restrictions have Water in the morning or even-
tive and do the job. Even just leav- ing
been eased somewhat, it is more ing some buckets outside to collect
important than ever for us to con- water when it rains is a good start. It’s cooler in the morning and
tinue gardening in a water con- evening than during the day, so
scious manner or else stricter re- Mulch, mulch, mulch watering at this time minimises
strictions will be imposed again in evaporation. We used to always
the future. Apply a layer of mulch over your
water the garden in the morning
plants to help conserve moisture
There are many ways that we can but with Level 1 restrictions decid-
and reduce the need for watering.
save water in the garden. In this ed to switch to the evening. We
I like using pea straw. It adds ni-
article, I thought I’d put together noticed that it takes longer for the
trogen to the soil as it breaks
some tips on how to do just that. water to absorb in the soil, reduc-
down. The downside is that it can
ing the need for a “second” water-
be expensive, so I tend to use this
Use a wetting agent or water ing which we had to do in the
only for strawberries and garlic.
storage crystals evening when we watered in the
You can use lawn
Using a wetting agent such as Sat- clippings which also
contain nitrogen “[J]ust because watering
uraid or water storage crystals Water the base
and are free. If you restrictions have been
when planting plants in pots and of plants rather
plan to go away eased somewhat, it is more
garden beds helps to retain mois- than the leaves
over Christmas, important than ever for us
ture and reduce the need for wa-
mulching is a good to continue gardening in a This will help
tering. You can buy it as a sepa-
idea. water conscious manner or water t ra v e l
rate product to add to your potting
else stricter restrictions down to the roots
mixture or garden beds or look for Try and plant in will be imposed again in of the plants.
a container mix which contains it, the ground rather the future”
such as Tui Pot Power, Tui Tomato than in pots Check to see if
Mix or Kings Plant Barn Contain- the soil is dry before watering
er Mix. It’s a bit more expensive As much as I love container gar-
than buying a basic potting mix dening, I have to admit that pots Sometimes if it has been raining, it
that doesn’t contain it, but it tend to dry out much faster than isn’t necessary to water the garden
makes life much easier when pot- garden beds. It’s therefore a good for a couple of days afterwards.
ting up your plants. idea to plant as much as you can in Overwatering can be detrimental
the garden and save containers for to the health of your plants.
Use a watering can rather than special plants.
your hose Water a few times a week rather
Use your grey water in the gar- than every day It’s better to water
Even though we’re allowed to use a den deeply less frequently than super-
garden hose with a trigger nozzle ficially more often.
in Auckland, I’m still going to wa- Don’t throw away the water which
ter some areas of our garden with you use to wash dishes and your Have a great weekend
a watering can. I find that it uses clothes in. You can recycle this for
water more efficiently and effec- your garden. Happy gardening!
tively as it goes straight to the

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