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Narrow Adjective Small, Midently, Close

Frightened Adjective Perified, Scared, Terrified
Rubbish Noun Garbage, Dump, Waste, Scrap
Excited Adjective Thrilled, Worked Up
Pharps Adverb Possibly, Maybe
Shut Verb Unopen, Closed
Suddenly Adverb Sharp, Short, Abruptly
Hold Verb Take, Get, Acquire
Drug Noun Medicine, Narcotic, Medicament
Bin Noun Dustbin, Box, Case
Strange Noun Mysterious,Eccentric
Cab Noun
Church Noun Faith
Advertisement Noun Publicize, Decalere
Bottom Noun Deep, Inside, Down
Page Noun Leaf
Servant Noun Maid, housemaid, domestic, merial
Pieces Noun Parts, fitment, flinders
Round Adverb Circle, lap
Clay Noun Mud, argil, fller's earth
Force Noun Power
Vicar Noun
Protect Verb Defend, Guard, Safeguard, Shield
Follow Verb Attend, Fall out
Arrive Verb
Large, Wide
Boring , Moderate, Unexciting


Usual,Universal, Regullar

Suppress, Ignore, Hush

Up, Top



Assail, Attack

Go leave
Measuring only a small distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to the length
Feeling fear or worry
Waste material or things that are longer wanted or needed
Feel very happy and enthusiastic
Used to show that something is possible or that yo are not certain about something
Close something or to become closed
Quickly and unexpectedly
Have something in your hand, hands, or arms
An illegal substance such as cocain which people take in order to happy or a medicine or a substance for making medicine
A conteiner for waste
Unusal or suprising especially in a way that is difficult to explain or understand
A carriage pulled by horses that was used like a taxi in the past
Building where Chiristians go to worship
That gives information about a job that is available an event that is going to happen
The falt surface on the lowest side of on object or the botom of something
A side of one the pieces of paper in a book newspaper or magazine usually with a number printed on it
Someone especially in the past who was paid to clean someone's house cook for them answer the door and who often live
An amount of something that has been separated from the main part
Surrounding or an all sides of something or someone
A type of heavy sticky earth that can be used for making pots
A group of people who have been trained to do military work for a government or onther organization
A priest in the church of England who is in charge of a church in a particular area
To keep someone or something safe from harm damage or illness
To go walk drive etc behind or after someone else
To get to the place you are going to
His narrow bed
Are you frightened of spiders ?
Look at all this rubbish on the floor
The kids are really excited about going on holiday.
There were perhaps 10 people at the meeting
He shut the door
Her dog died suddenly yesterday
She holding the ball
He died of a drug overdose
The rubbish bin for old bottle
This place is so strange
New York's yellow cabs
My grandfather goes to church every Sunday
The Sunday paper are full advertisement for cars
What is that on the bottom your hands?
He turned over two or three pages
Our servant is really hardworking
She cut the cake two equal pieces
We play round the desk
The clay is so runny
Air forces shouted the village at night
My information is the Anglican vicar
This medicine protecets me aganist illness
This man is following me.
He arrived late as usual
Narrowness (noun) Narrowly (adj)
Frightful ( adj), Frighteningly ( adverb ), Frighteners ( noun )
Rubbish ( verb ), Rubbishy ( adj ), Rubble ( noun )
Excitedly (adverb ), Exitement ( noun) , Exciting ( adj )
Perhaps ( adverb )
Shut ( verb ), Shut (ad j)
Suddenly ( adverb )
Hold ( verb ), Hold (noun)
Drug ( verb ), Drug ( noun )
Bin ( verb ), Bin ( noun )
Strange ( noun), Strange( adverb),
Cab ( Noun)
Church ( Noun) Church ( verb )
Advertisement ( Noun ), Advertisement ( verb )
Bottom (Noun), Bottom (Verb )
Page (Noun)
Servant(Noun), servitude (adj), serving ( verb )
Pieces ( noun )
Round (adverb), Rounded ( verb), Roundness( adj)
Clay ( noun )
Forcefulness (adj), forced(verb), forcefully( adverb)
Vicar (noun)
Protectively( adverb), Protectarate(adj), Protection( noun)
Follower (noun)

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