Midwest Edition: Reform May Prompt Coverage Drops

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15 February 2011

Midwest Edition

Calendar Reform May Prompt Coverage Drops

Survey Reveals Misgivings on Probable Cost Trends
February 15
As Midwestern employers have become more reform measures in the law.
93/-!:-+;/<(2!=++->/(</-4 familiar with the health reform law passed * Employers’ focus on wellness will continue
?)5/-4(2!2/+<)4/45!+)++/-4!@-* almost a year ago, they have grown more to expand.
!3-+;/<(2!8A9+!(40!<*1+<))+ pessimistic on how it will affect their health “There’s a real belief that if you can keep
$"!;BCB!D/002)<-E46!93/-B!F-!83(*5)B care costs, according to a recent survey. people healthy, you can keep costs down,”
As a result, a startling number of employers Boress said.
--22% across the whole survey -- are now Employers are responding in different ways
considering dropping health to the law’s provisions, the
insurance coverage for survey revealed. Forty-three
employees entirely. Among percent of employers have
February 18 employers with 50 to 500 already increased deductibles or
workers, 30% are either “likely” employee premiums, or have
J(4+(+!K<(<)!-@!:)(2<3 or “very likely” to terminate cut back benets in 2011 in
J(4+(+!:)(2<3!I4+</<1<)6!L-;)G(B coverage and let workers buy
M*/)@/45+!E/<3!7<B!N-.B!O)@@!8-2&)*6! anticipation of the cost
individual insurance on the new increases imposed by the new
(40!@)0)*(2!::K!-@@/>/(2+B!F-!83(*5)B exchanges. law. But they are not making
“We didn’t think it would be major alterations in retiree
82/>G!:)*)!H-*!D-*)!I4@-*C(</-4 that high,” said Larry Boress, coverage. “We thought the law
president and CEO of the would undermine retiree
Midwest Business Group on coverage. Not the case,” Boress
Health, based in Chicago, said.
which commissioned the Respondents liked the law’s
survey. It was 10% to 12%
February 21-22 when the law rst came out, he
emphasis on value-based
benet design, with 62%
D/>3/5(4!:)(2<3!(40!:-+;/<(2!=++-B added. favoring its retention and 19%
!:)(2<3!H-140(</-4 The survey, taken in the rst hoping for repeal. They also like the
P/4<)*!7)(0)*+3/;!8-4@)*)4>) two weeks of December, shortly after 7(**&!M-*)++ idea of paying providers based on
L*(.)*+)!8/<&B!QRST the Congressional midterm election, quality and performance instead of
sought to identify how large employers’ individual units of care, with 55% in favor and
82/>G!:)*)!H-*!D-*)!I4@-*C(</-4 understanding of the Patient Protection and 21% for repeal. The medical home concept
Accountable Care Act had altered since an found 50% in favor and 26% wishing for
earlier survey in April 2010. In the months repeal.
since then, employers have been able to do A relatively small percentage of
more modeling and forecasting of the law’s respondents, ranging from 20% to 35%,
impact on their costs. depending on the size of the enterprise, think
Today, the majority expects their costs the law’s cost and quality provisions will
E-Mail would go up even higher than if healthcare reduce health care costs in the long term.
info@payersandproviders.com with reform had never even passed, Boress said in Those employers who intend to drop
the details of your event, or call an interview with Payers & Providers. health insurance coverage will not necessarily
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3. It will be The survey included responses from 437 increase wages or base salaries to help them
published in the Calendar section, U.S. employers. Three-quarters of the buy insurance on the new exchanges, which
space permitting. employers had more than 50 workers, and
26% had more than 2,000.
Other key ndings: Continued on Next Page
* Strong support for quality and payment

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 2

Top Placement... Employers are Skeptical on Reform (Continued from Page 1)

Bottomless Potential
was one of the expectations of the Obama The survey didn’t inquire whether
Advertise Here administration. Twenty percent said they respondents support or don’t support the
probably would boost pay, but 36% said reform law.
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 they probably wouldn’t. “My feeling is, they would have preferred
That nding contradicts a widely held it never passed,” Boress said. “They’re really
belief among economists and consultants concerned about all the burdensome

In Brief that the costs of health benets are in

reality being diverted from wages, and that
administrative costs that have been added
onto employers, and potential taxes. That’s
if benets costs could be reined in, wages where they see the costs going up.
would rise. “Employers believe the system should
Employers showed a deep skepticism have been xed rst, and deal with quality,
about the law’s ultimate purpose. Asked safety, payment methodologies, before you
whether they thought the law’s intent was start covering another 32 million people.”
Former Minn. Governor
to dismantle the employer-based insurance The survey can be obtained through the
Predicts Failure of system and move the population into a Midwest Business Group on Health, at
Obama Reform Law single payer system, 60% said yes, and www.MBGH.org. The organization’s 100
only 20% said no. Smaller employers were members spend more than $3 billion on
Tim Pawlenty, who just finished two more likely to agree with the statement health benets annually and cover more than
terms as a Republican governor of
than large employers. 3 million lives.
Minnesota, predicted that the
health reform law passed almost a
year ago will suffer a financial
collapse in about 15 years. Employers, How will health reform affect your benefits costs?
“The healthcare debate is
really a proxy for the larger
political debate overall,” said the
Republican hopeful in the 2012
presidential contest. He spoke in
early February at the City Club of
Chicago during a book signing tour
of the Midwest. The reform act was
“based on a bunch of flawed
assumptions and cooked numbers,”
he said.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
The country will have to face No increase Costs increase less than 1%
its entitlement problems head-on if
it wants to salvage the economy, he Costs increase 6% to 10% Costs increase more than 10%!
said. Costs increase 2% to 5% No modeling done
Most Local Markets Source: Midwest Business Group on Health
Dominated by 1 or 2
Payers, AMA Says
A new survey by the American
Further Erosion in Employer Insurance
Medical Association found that
99% of health insurance markets in Percent of Population Covered Hits New Low: 44.8%
the U.S. are “highly concentrated,
based on the definition used by the
U.S. Justice Department. In 48% of The percentage of Americans receiving health uninsured jumped in late 2008, from 14% to
metropolitan statistical areas, one
coverate through their employer declined to a 15.8%, when the recession hit and mass
insurer had more than 50% market
share, the AMA found. new low of 44.8% in November, according to layoffs deprived many people of health
The survey was the 2010 edition a Gallup poll. In January 2008, when Gallup benets. Since then, the rate has stayed
of Competition in Health Insurance: began tracking it, the rate was 50%. roughtly constant, in the range of 16% to
A Comprehensive Study of U.S. 16.8%.
About 26% of the population receives
“The market power of health healthcare through government sources, the The increase in the rate of government-
insurers places physicians and survey said. The percentage of people with provided care may derive in large part from
patients at a significant government-provided care or insurance the beginning of the baby boomer generation
disadvanage,” said Cecil B. Wilson, (Medicare, Medicaid, or military and veterans becoming eligible for Medicare, as well as the
M.D., president of the Chicago-
benets) rose from 22.5% in January 2008. unemployment rate, which pushes people
based physicians association.
Nearly one in six (16.1%) said they did not toward relying on Medicaid. The poll is based
have health insurance at all. The rate of on a telephone sample of 27,218 adults.
Continued on Page 3

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 3

Longer ALOS!* Illinois Expands State Insurance Plan

Advertise Here Higher Premiums for Pre-existing Conditions Option
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2
Illinois is offering new options for state residents high-risk pools. Nationally, those pools
*For our ads, not your hospital with pre-existing conditions. The state will now registered about 8,000 new enrollees by Nov.
make available a $1,000 deductible plan to 1, which is seen as a disappointment to those
people who have been uninsured for six months who lobbied for the plans. Congress
In Brief or longer. Previously, the only option was a
$2,000 deductible plan.
appropriated $5 billion to fund the high-risk
pools as part of the Affordable Care Act.
The Illinois Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Michael McRaith, the state’s insurance
Plan, known as IPXP, will charge slightly more department chief, said Illinois’ relatively
“When insurers dominate a market, in monthly premiums for the new option. A 45- affordable premiums gave the IPXP plan the
people pay higher health insurance year-old Chicago resident who is a non-smoker highest or second-highest enrollment in the
premiums than they should, and would pay $323 a month, compared with $280 country.
physicians are pressured to accept
a month for the higher-deductible plan. The state wants to unveil a plan with a
unfair contract terms and corporate
policies, which undermines the IPXP was launched last August and has $5,000 deductible in the summer.
physician role as patient advocate.” signed up more than 1,000 people so far. It is
The AMA said the public and part of the federal push to enroll more people in
regulators should seriously
question proposed mergers by
health insurers.

Hospital Labor Costs Continue to Rise

Ohio Nurses Produce
‘Just Culture’ Guide
2.1% Increase Exceeds Rate For Overall Economy
The Nursing 2015 initiative in Ohio
has published a Just Culture guideline The total cost of employing a hospital worker For the economy as a whole,
on the Web for registered nurses. in the U.S. went up 2.1% in 2010, compared compensation for civilian employees rose 2%
The toolkit is a collection of resources with a 2% increase for workers in the general in 2010, an increase from 1.4% in 2009. The
for use by hospitals and nursing staff rate of increase for wages and salaries was
interested in implementing a Just economy, according to the Bureau of Labor
Statistics’ Employment Cost Index. 1.6% in 2010 and 1.5% in 2009. For benet
Culture in their working
environments. Wages and salaries increased 1.6% in costs, the rate of increase was 2.9% in 2010,
“Just Culture” is a set of values and 2010. The survey doesn’t make a separate up from 1.5% in 2009. The BLS said the
norms about how people should
estimate on benet costs. Wages and salaries increase was due to retirement costs.
behave and make decisions when Hospitals still created 50,100 jobs in
people make errors or near-misses in in hospitals usually comprise about 70% of
the medical setting. Just Culture compensation costs. 2010, which was almost twice as many jobs as
encourages open reporting and Over the past 10 years, hospital they created in 2009. The overall healthcare
participation in prevention activities, compensation costs have followed a steadily sector created 265,800 jobs in 2010.
and acknowledges that errors are The BLS looked at 63,000 occupational
often the result of system failures, and diminishing rate of increase, starting at 6.3%
in 2001. In the same period, the growth in data points chosen from 12,900 private sector
works to support process
improvement. hospital wages and salaries has fallen from employers, and 11.500 data points taken from
The toolkit can be found at http:// 5.9% in 2001 to 1.6% in 2010, the federal 1,800 bureaus in state and local governments.
government said.
The toolkit includes a description of
the Just Culture principles as set into
policy at St. Rita’s Medical Center in
Lima, Ohio. Videos on patient safety ]

are also provided. A decision tree

helps nurses understand the difference PAYERS & PROVIDERS reaches 4,000 hospital, health plan and non-
between individual accountability and
organizational accountability. prot executives throughout the Midwest. There is no better venue
The Nursing 2015 program aims to
transform the profession of nursing
for marketing your organization or conference, or recruiting new
in Ohio. Facing a predicted 19% staff.
shortfall in nurses by 2015, the
initiative is trying to improve the
nursing work environment, alter care LEARN MORE HERE
delivery patterns, and reinvigorate
nursing education and leadership.

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

9-21:)!$6!;++1)!$! Health Reform is Worth Defending

Advocates for the law must step up their efforts
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!'1%2/+3/456! As anticipated, an effort to repeal health reform many critics have stooped to baseless attacks to
778>!?4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! was defeated in the U.S. Senate in early oppose the law. Some critics call health reform a
+1%+@*/<A/-4!/+!BCC!(!&)(*! February, largely along party lines. Even if the job-killer, although there is no evidence to
DB$EC!/4!%12F!1<!A-!$#! repeal effort had passed both chambers, support their claim. The nonpartisan
+1%+@*/%)*+G>!;A!/+!0)2/.)*)0!%&! President Obama was expected to veto the bill Congressional Budget Ofce says that health
)H:(/2!(+!(!'IJ!(AA(@3:)4A6! once it arrived on his desk. In the face of efforts reform is unlikely to raise insurance premiums for
-*!(+!(4!)2)@A*-4/@!4)K+2)AA)*> to derail the nearly year-old law, advocates most businesses, and repealing it could increase
must continue to educate the public and the country’s decit by $230 billion over the next
policymakers about its benets. 10 years.
One in ve Americans under Challenges to the Affordable
?22!(0.)*A/+/456!+1%+@*/%)*!(40! the age of 65 has a pre-existing Care Act have also been built
)0/A-*/(2!/4L1/*/)+M condition, according to a report around the disputed constitutionality
published last year. That’s one of the law’s individual mandate.
DNOOG!"ENH"PQ# out of every ve of your Thirteen cases brought before
/4R-S<(&)*+(40<*-./0)*+>@-: neighbors who might be denied district courts have been dismissed
health insurance because of a outright. But two judges have
T(/2/45!(00*)++M mental illness, cancer, or other declared the mandate
N$N!U>!V-22&K--0!W(&6!X1/A)!Y chronic disease. In our current unconstitutional, including a district
Y1*%(4F6!8?!C$Z#Z health care system, one in court judge in Florida who threw
seven applications for health out the law in its entirety.
coverage from the largest As differing opinions mount, it is
W)%+/A) insurers is denied for a pre- likely that the nal verdict on the
KKK><(&)*+(40<*-./0)*+>@-: existing condition, with pregnancy By Anna law will rest with the U.S. Supreme
J(@)%--F one of the reasons given for denial. Lambertson Court. But the inevitability of that
KKK>R(@)%--F>@-:[<(&)*+<*-./0)*+ For these Americans denied court’s hearing the case has not deterred
=K/AA)* affordable coverage, the day-to-day uncertainty some states from pursuing constitutional amend-
KKK>AK/AA)*>@-:[<(&)*+<*-./0)*+ of how they will receive and afford treatment ments to exempt their citizens from the individual
without coverage and how they will get their mandate. In 2010, the Missouri House of Re-
prescriptions lled, is stressful. The nancial presentatives passed an early resolution against
and emotional security of entire families is the mandate. The vote came just days before the
\0/A-*/(2!Y-(*0 affected. ACA passed Congress. Conservative leaders in the
Health reform will put an end to this Kansas House introduced a constitutional
Y*/(4!]>!X/2.)*+A)/46!T>I> scenario, as insurance companies will no amendment that failed in 2010 but was
X)4/-*!9/@)!'*)+/0)4A longer be able to deny coverage for pre-existing reintroduced this year. A key health committee of
conditions. Ending these unfair denials will the Kansas House passed the proposed
_-++!?>!X2-AA)46!T>I> help give peace of mind to hundreds of constitutional amendment two weeks ago.
`2)/4!X2-AA)4!,!J*)4@3 thousands of hard-working Americans. This is It is clear that efforts to stop health reform will not
83/@(5- just one example of how health reform can end with last week’s vote by the U.S. Senate. But
help us, our co-workers and our neighbors. ongoing challenges to the law only rekindle the
\0/A-* In Kansas, the health reform law is already commitment of advocates to press forward in
improving the lives of ordinary people. More educating consumers and our elected ofcials
I14@(4!T--*) than 30,000 Kansas seniors received rebate about the merits of health reform. We will not
0:--*)S<(&)*+(40<*-./0)*+>@-: checks to help them purchase medications stop. We want families throughout the Midwest to
once they reached the cut-off point at which keep the consumer protections they have waited
'1%2/+3)* their Medicare drug plans no longer pay so long for and so richly deserve.
benets. As of January 1, seniors on Medicare
_-4!X3/4F:(4 can now receive preventative health benets
without co-pays or deductibles. Being able to Anna Lambertson is executive director of the
<1%2/+3)*S<(&)*+(40<*-./0)*+>@-: have wellness checks, mammograms and other Kansas Health Consumer Coalition, which
preventative measures gives comfort to seniors advocates for affordable care.
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!%&!$!'>T>!-4! and their families and helps avoid costly
=1)+0(&6!<2)(+)!@(22!DNOOG!"ENH"PQ#6! treatment for preventable illnesses that can Op-ed submissions of up to 600 words are
)aA>!"> now be detected early. welcomed. Please e-mail proposals to
Despite the benets of health reform, dmoore@payersandproviders.com,

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 5


(Urbana, IL)
Health Alliance Medical Plans seeks Pharmacy top-level individual responsible for drug formulary design and development,
implementation, contract negotiation, and risk management. Quality, utilization management, customer service, and cost
containment are key performance metrics. Responsible for dealing with the wide variety of clinical, administrative, nancial
and regulatory challenges involved in the management of pharmacy cost and utilization. Responsible for the supervision and
management of the Pharmacy Network, Pharmacy Staff, and pharmacy related contracting.


Education, training, experience:

Education: Doctor of Pharmacy preferred.

Licensure: Current unrestricted license from the State Board of Pharmacy, State of Illinois by examination.

Experience: Five years industry experience and two years experience in managed care organization. Must include experience
in third party reimbursement, formulary and clinical programs. Government program experience (Part D and Medicaid) is
desirable. Previous experience in pharmaceutical rebates/discount contracting negotiation with pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Previous experience and understanding of retail pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, LTCF operation, billing, and drug purchasing.
Extensive experience with word processor and spreadsheet applications. Personnel management experience.

Other Knowledge/Skills: Ability to organize, interpret and distill large volumes of data formats and accurately communicate
issues to physicians, pharmacists, employers, administration, and Health Alliance staff. Ability to create and utilize cost benet
analysis (pharmacoeconomics) of therapeutic selection and available alternatives. Must be able to anticipate and take corrective
action in response to changes in pharmacy regulations, prescribing patterns, new therapeutic technologies, etc. Ability to
maintain a credible professional image with physicians and drug manufacturers. Must be adept at persuasion and direct
confrontation. Working knowledge of claims systems, pharmacy operations, and managed care required. Ability to positively
address issues from dissatised enrollees and pharmacists.

Lesley Schacht
Professional Recruiter
Human Resource Services
Carle and Health Alliance Medical Plans

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 6


!! (Health Plan in Midwest)
• Perform duties as senior liaison between the Medicare business unit and Corporate department.
• Partner with multiple stakeholders and business unit leadership to establish operational objectives and procedures.
• Support due diligence and integration for business unit expansions.
• Facilitate operational oversight for Medicare business units and identify opportunities for maintaining effective
• Ensure cost effective programs are developed and maintained throughout the business unit.
• Identify operational efciencies and develop “best practice” policies and procedures.
• Contribute to the development of new products and markets.
• Utilize corporate and industry standard management tools and techniques to effectively oversee projects; negotiate
with project stakeholders to identify resources, resolve issues, and mitigate risks.
• Coordinate cross-functional meetings with various functional areas to meet overall stakeholder expectations and
business unit objectives.
• Provide functional and technical expertise across multiple business and technical areas.
• Coordinate cross-functional meetings with various functional areas to meet overall stakeholder expectations and
business unit objectives.

Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Finance, Accountancy or equivalent. Six-plus years of experience in Medicare
managed care operations with emphasis on nance and information technology preferred. Project management, administration
or operations in the Healthcare industry preferred. Master’s degree preferred.

Sonia Varian at (818) 707-7118, or espsonia@pacbell.net

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!! L99)5-3#67%!/#&%!0&G#-+U#3+)-'Q!!L&%!3;%$!)*%&;$2%,S!H;#3!3$2%!)C!;%#73;!9#&%!'$'3%B'!';)57,!6%!25&'5+-G!L/0'I!#-,!
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Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 7

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