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Amanni Malloy


AP Lit

14 December 2020

Trials, Tribulations, and Tragedy

Dear Reader,

William Shakespeare published ​Othello ​in 1603. This novel is a tragedy. Othello is the

main character of this novel, amongst many. Othello goes through 3 major components

throughout this tragedy..jealousy, racism, and betrayal.

Othello is a general. He is brave and confident. Othello’s most fatal flaw has to be his

jealousy and insecurities. I would say that the whole novel could revolve around jealousy.

Othello was a black man, and a general, during their times many characters wanted to sabotage

Othello. As well as they envied him. Then we’re introduced to Iago. Iago is what people may call

the ‘villain’. Iago is very -again- JEALOUS of Othello. So he expressed his demise by

sabotaging Othello and his wife, Desdemona’s, relationship because he was passed over for

promotion to lieutenant. Iago’s betrayal became the main focal point of this tragedy novel.

I chose this topic/novel because it resonates. Having the upper hand and having any and

everyone come in your way to stop you. It's all about overcoming adversity. What I knew about

overcoming adversity before researching is that life will always have its obstacles and we will be

placed in situations.. In which we have to act the ‘right’ way. Throughout this research site, you

will be able to view my connections that betrayal, jealousy, and racism have to William

Shakespeare’s tragedy, ​Othello.

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