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General Spectral Decomposition

Spectral decomposition unravels the seismic signal into its constituent frequencies, allowing the
interpreter to delineate subtle geologic features (amplitude and/or phase) tuned at a specific frequency.
The spectral decomposition process is shown in Figure 1, splitting a single trace into its individual
frequency components, allowing you to analyse the individual frequencies.
Spectral decomposition is a popular attribute for qualitative and quantitative interpretation workflows
including seismic geomorphologic analysis, layer thickness determination (Marfurt and Kirlin, 2001;
Partyka et al., 1999) and direct hydrocarbon indicator for gas charged reservoirs (Sinha et al., 2005;
Xiaodong et al., 2011).

Spectral decomposition Window with parameters.

Q1. Which Algorithm to use for Spectral Decomposition (Convolution/Correlation)?

Solution 1: GSD is designed to pass through one single frequency (when run in the "convolution" mode)

When you run GSD in "correlation" mode you can feed the result directly into RGB blending, there is no
need to convert to energy level first. This is the Petrel-preferred mode-of-operation for the RGB

Correlation: Correlation of the wavelet generated in step one with the input seismic.
Eliminate negative correlations: Remove all negative correlations between the seismic trace and
designed wavelet. This step is aimed to improve the vertical definition of the frequency response.
Filter/max-function: Distribute the positive part of the correlation function over a window is defined by
a fraction of the desired wavelength.
Convolution: Convolution of the wavelet generated in step one with the input seismic. In essence
convolution will serve as band-pass filter, the subset of the signal which correlates with the wavelet, is
passed on to the output, and all other frequencies are attenuated.

Q2. How to decide a Frequency input parameter?

Solution 2: To decide frequency value, first run Volume Equalizer (Graphic) from Volume Attributes, then
use Inspector to find out the dominating frequency in the zone of interest. This dominating frequency
would be the input in the Spectral decomposition window.

Q3. How to decide the Phase?

Solution 3: The choice of phase largely depends on your exploration objective. If you are looking for a
particular peak-trough combination (say a sand in a shale environment, on reverse polarity data) then
you use +90 degree phase. If you are looking for a trough-peak combination (e.g. sand channel in shale,
on SEG standard polarity) then -90 degrees is right for you. Choosing the wrong phase will give you more
than a time-shift, as GSD will actively kill all negative correlations. If you are looking for all possible

frequency responses using GSD, irrespectively of their phase response, then you need to choose the
“convolution” option, and then take the envelope of that result. That workflow is equivalent to “classic”
(phase-independent) spectral decomposition amplitude. Similarly, if you do “instantaneous phase”
instead of Envelope, then you get the phase estimate for that frequency. The key use-case for spec
decomposition is channel detection, hence our choice of parameters. Hope this makes sense.

PS: If you do not know the polarity of your data … the seabed reflector should be positive polarity on
normal (SEG) polarity data. If you do not have a seabed reflector, look for other geological features, e.g.
salt or carbonates, which you know have high impedance relative to its surroundings.
Q4. How to decide on n.o of Cycles (Oscillation/periods in a wavelet)?

Solution 4: By default value of n.o of cycles is set to 2, if we will increase the same that will lead to
improve of frequency resolution but decrease in Vertical resolution. Increase in n.o of cycles will lead to
increase in run time for this process.

Q5. Which method to use (Sample by sample calculation/Full Trace calculation)?

Solution 5: Sample by Sample calculation: Method provides a window of input data around the position
of the output and expects a single value as a result of the algorithm.

Full trace calculation: Method provides the full input trace and expect a full trace as a result of the


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