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Introduction & Safety Precautions

Information on these instructions

Contens 2
Transportation & installation
Description of the machine &
technical data 4
Quick instruction guide for
machine operators 5
Machine switching elements &
controls 6
Tooling, preparation & operation
Selecting & running a program
Description of interfaces
Maintenance & care
Parameter settings, M functions,
standard cycles & PLC Error
Messages 11
Breaking news

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-1

All rights, including reprinting, reproduction of text contained in this manual and translations, are
reserved by FAMOT Pleszew S.A.

No part of this manual can be reproduced or copied in any form, including using electronic reproduction
means, not even teaching or training purposes, without written authorization by FAMOT Pleszew S.A.

Contents of this manual may undergo modification without any updating commitment towards users.

Some pictures, photographs and drawings in this manual may not accurately depict your lathe. This will
not affect the validity of the information herein contained.

Version : V1.1

1-2 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1


1 Introduction & Safety Precautions

Copyright: FAMOT Pleszew S.A........................................................................................ 1-2
Welcome to the world of FAMOT (GILDEMEISTER Group).............................................. 1-3
How to use the manual...................................................................................................... 1-3
Page Numbering ............................................................................................................... 1-3
Important information ........................................................................................................ 1-4
Cross-referencing.............................................................................................................. 1-4
Explanation of symbols and cautions ................................................................................ 1-4
1.1 Safety precautions................................................................................................ 1-7
1.1.1 Before using the machine ................................................................................ 1-7
1.2 Protective sheet (guard) ....................................................................................... 1-8
1.2.1 General cautions ............................................................................................. 1-8
1.2.2 Care and maintenance .................................................................................... 1-8
1.2.3 Controls ........................................................................................................... 1-8
1.2.4 Introduction...................................................................................................... 1-8
1.2.5 Workpiece machining ...................................................................................... 1-9
1.3 Limiting speed .................................................................................................... 1-10
1.4 Chip conveyor .................................................................................................... 1-10
1.5 Behaviour and immediate measures to adopt in the case of injury ..................... 1-10
1.6 Behaviour and immediate measures to adopt in the case of fire ........................ 1-11
1.7 Safety devices .................................................................................................... 1-11
1.7.1 Operations involving maintenance and technical services ............................. 1-11
1.8 EXTREMELY IMPORTANT................................................................................ 1-12
1.8.1 Protective clothing and equipment................................................................. 1-12
1.8.2 Material.......................................................................................................... 1-12
1.8.3 Chip disposal ................................................................................................. 1-12
1.8.4 Aspirator unit ................................................................................................. 1-13
1.8.5 Emergency signals ........................................................................................ 1-13
1.8.6 Safety conditions ........................................................................................... 1-13
1.8.7 Supplementary equipment............................................................................. 1-13
1.8.8 Work conditions............................................................................................. 1-13
1.8.9 Misusing the machine .................................................................................... 1-14
1.9 Proper clamps .................................................................................................... 1-14

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-3

1.10 Declaration of conformity.................................................................................... 1-15
2 Information on these instructions
2.1 Information on these instructions.......................................................................... 2-2
2.1.1 Who are these instructions for?....................................................................... 2-2
2.1.2 What do these instructions contain?................................................................ 2-2
2.2 What is missing from these instructions and where can I find it?.......................... 2-3
2.2.1 Programming manual (user manual) ............................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Electrical technical documentation (wiring diagrams)....................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Mechanical technical documentation (Mechanical technical documentation
manual ) .............................................................................................................. 2-3
2.3 Notices ................................................................................................................. 2-4
3 Transportation & Installation
Transportation & Installation manuals ............................................................................... 3-2
4 Description of the machine & technical data
4.1 Description of the machine ................................................................................... 4-3
4.1.1 The CTX510 lathe concept .............................................................................. 4-3
4.1.2 Main machine components .............................................................................. 4-4
4.1.3 Machine components (optional)....................................................................... 4-6
4.1.4 Spindle holder head......................................................................................... 4-7
4.1.5 Axes X - Z........................................................................................................ 4-8
4.1.6 Headstock ..................................................................................................... 4-10
4.1.7 Steady rest (optional) .................................................................................... 4-11
4.1.8 Electrical enclosure ....................................................................................... 4-12
4.1.9 Axis X - Z measuring devices ........................................................................ 4-13
4.1.10 Tool calibration sensor (optional)................................................................... 4-14
4.1.11 Washing spray gun (optional) ........................................................................ 4-16
4.1.12 Envisaged use of the machine....................................................................... 4-17
4.1.13 Improper use of the machine ......................................................................... 4-18
4.2 Safety devices .................................................................................................... 4-19
4.2.1 Passwords..................................................................................................... 4-19
4.2.2 Emergency stop buttons ................................................................................ 4-19
4.2.3 Enable button ................................................................................................ 4-20
4.2.4 Protection devices for use in the working area .............................................. 4-20
4.2.5 Spindle speed control .................................................................................... 4-21
4.2.6 Workpiece clamping ...................................................................................... 4-21
4.2.7 Pedal board functions.................................................................................... 4-22
4.2.8 Steady rest function buttons (option) ............................................................. 4-23
4.2.9 Hydraulic system ........................................................................................... 4-23

1-4 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

4.2.10 Devices for protecting setting and maintenance areas .................................. 4-24
4.2.11 Noise protection............................................................................................. 4-24
4.2.12 Fume aspirator .............................................................................................. 4-24
4.2.13 Chip conveyor................................................................................................ 4-24
4.3 Lubricants and oil-based coolants ...................................................................... 4-25
4.3.1 Capacities...................................................................................................... 4-26
4.3.2 Handling lubricants and oil-based coolants.................................................... 4-27
4.4 Technical specifications...................................................................................... 4-29
4.4.1 Diagrams and working areas ......................................................................... 4-32
4.4.2 Main spindle .................................................................................................. 4-32
4.4.3 Driven tools (SIEMENS) ................................................................................ 4-33
4.4.4 Sleeve thrust (1425 daN)............................................................................... 4-34
4.4.5 Sleeve thrust (1200 daN)............................................................................... 4-35
4.4.6 Work areas.................................................................................................... 4-36
4.4.7 Clamp attachment ......................................................................................... 4-42
4.4.8 Clamps .......................................................................................................... 4-43 Cylinders with bar passage .................................................................. 4-43 CHH CHUCK CF-3H-10B-86 ............................................................... 4-44
5 Quick instruction guide for machine operators
5.1 Starting the machine ............................................................................................ 5-2
5.2 Stopping the machine........................................................................................... 5-3
5.3 Changing the workpiece ....................................................................................... 5-3
5.4 Emergency stop ................................................................................................... 5-3
6 Machine switching elements & controls
6.1 Machine switching elements................................................................................. 6-2
6.2 Machine controls .................................................................................................. 6-4
6.2.1 Keyboard and operator panel description ........................................................ 6-7 Operator panel keys............................................................................... 6-7 MDI control panel keys........................................................................ 6-12
7 Tooling, preparation & operation
7.1 Switching the machine on and off......................................................................... 7-3
7.1.1 Switching the machine on................................................................................ 7-3
7.1.2 Switching the machine off................................................................................ 7-5
7.1.3 EMERGENCY STOP....................................................................................... 7-6
7.2 Tooling and preparation........................................................................................ 7-7
7.2.1 Working sequence in brief ............................................................................... 7-7 Check for collisions ................................................................................ 7-8
7.3 Stopping the spindle............................................................................................. 7-9

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-5

7.3.1 Stop spindle in preparation mode .................................................................... 7-9
7.3.2 Stop spindle in CNC program ........................................................................ 7-11
7.4 Clamping device in brief ..................................................................................... 7-12
7.5 Fitting and removing clamping devices............................................................... 7-13
7.5.1 Removing clamping devices .......................................................................... 7-14
7.5.2 Clamping gripper and collet holder device ..................................................... 7-15
7.5.3 Refitting clamping devices ............................................................................. 7-16
7.6 Checking and adjusting the clamping force ........................................................ 7-19
7.6.1 Adjusting the clamping stroke........................................................................ 7-20 Recalling entered parameters .............................................................. 7-21 Entering parameters ............................................................................ 7-21 Ending parameter entry ....................................................................... 7-23 Ending parameter entry ....................................................................... 7-24
7.6.2 Clamping release time ................................................................................... 7-24
7.7 Adjusting the clamping stroke............................................................................. 7-25
7.7.1 Adjusting the clamping stroke using Teach-in function .................................. 7-25
7.7.2 Manually adjusting the clamping stroke ......................................................... 7-25
7.8 Checking and adjusting the clamping pressure .................................................. 7-30
7.9 Limiting speed .................................................................................................... 7-31
7.9.1 Adjusting speed limitation .............................................................................. 7-31
7.10 Tool holders ....................................................................................................... 7-32
7.10.1 Equipping the tool holders ............................................................................. 7-32
7.10.2 Description of softkeys on Wizard page ........................................................ 7-33
7.10.3 Changing the tools......................................................................................... 7-34
7.10.4 Wizard page fields......................................................................................... 7-35
7.10.5 Directing the tool holder in MDA mode .......................................................... 7-36 Recalling the tool (standard) ................................................................ 7-36 Deselecting the tool ............................................................................. 7-36 Tool holder slow rotation ...................................................................... 7-37
7.10.6 Directing the tool holder with T, S, M, …........................................................ 7-37
7.11 Motor driven tools............................................................................................... 7-38
7.11.1 Jogging motor driven tools............................................................................. 7-38
7.11.2 Directing motor driven tools to working position and starting up directly ........ 7-39
7.11.3 Stopping driven tools directly ......................................................................... 7-40
7.12 Tailstock ............................................................................................................. 7-40
7.12.1 Adjusting the tailstock.................................................................................... 7-40
7.12.2 Manually adjusting the sleeve stroke with pedals........................................... 7-44
7.12.3 Adjusting the sleeve position with vertical Teach-in buttons........................... 7-45

1-6 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

8 Selecting & running a program
8.1 Table 8-2
8.2 Program management.......................................................................................... 8-2
8.3 Selecting the program to be edited....................................................................... 8-2
8.4 Selecting the program to be edited....................................................................... 8-2
8.5 Working workpieces automatically ....................................................................... 8-3
8.6 Correcting tool wear ............................................................................................. 8-3
8.7 Data import and data export ................................................................................. 8-4
9 Description of interfaces
9.1 Program transfer serial interface .......................................................................... 9-3
9.1.1 Editing interface parameters............................................................................ 9-4
10 Maintenance & care
10.1 Fluid maintenance .............................................................................................. 10-2
10.2 Checks before starting ....................................................................................... 10-4
10.3 End of work checks ............................................................................................ 10-5
10.4 Maintenance schedule........................................................................................ 10-6
10.5 Maintenance works............................................................................................. 10-7
10.5.1 Replacing the electrical enclosure suction filters...........................................10-15
10.5.2 Cleaning the pneumatic system filter ............................................................10-16
10.5.3 Changing chip conveyor oil-based lubricant..................................................10-17 Choosing the oil-based coolant ...........................................................10-18 Lubricating coolant products available on the market..........................10-20
10.5.4 Changing oil in the hydraulic unit ..................................................................10-21 Lubricating products available on the market ......................................10-22
10.5.5 Replacing the hydraulic unit filter cartridge ...................................................10-23
10.6 Saving stored data ............................................................................................10-24
10.7 Checking the CNC.............................................................................................10-25
10.8 Protective sheet (guard) ....................................................................................10-26
10.9 Replacing the battery ........................................................................................10-27
10.9.1 Replacing the CNC battery ...........................................................................10-27
10.10 Removing the spindle flange .............................................................................10-28
10.11 Resetting the machine.......................................................................................10-29
11 Parameter Settings, M Functions, Standard Cycles & PLC Error Messages
11.1 ALARMS - MESSAGES...................................................................................... 11-2
11.2 M functions........................................................................................................11-25
11.3 Applying spindle brake using the Wizard page ..................................................11-27
11.4 Stopping main spindle in the program ...............................................................11-28

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-7

12 Options
12.1 Automatic guard (optional) ................................................................................. 12-2
12.1.1 Automatic electrical guard (optional).............................................................. 12-2
12.1.2 Introduction.................................................................................................... 12-2
12.1.3 Description and purpose of the guard calibration stroke ................................ 12-2
12.1.4 Possible controls ........................................................................................... 12-3
12.1.5 Setting configurations .................................................................................... 12-3

1-8 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

I ntroduction &
Safety Precautions 1
Copyright: FAMOT Pleszew S.A................................................................................................................ 1-10
Welcome to the world of FAMOT (GILDEMEISTER Group).................................................................... 1-11
How to use the manual............................................................................................................................... 1-11
Page Numbering ......................................................................................................................................... 1-11
Important information ................................................................................................................................ 1-12
Cross-referencing ....................................................................................................................................... 1-12
Explanation of symbols and cautions ...................................................................................................... 1-12
1.1 Safety precautions......................................................................................................................... 1-15
1.1.1 Before using the machine.............................................................................................................. 1-15
1.2 Protective sheet (guard)................................................................................................................ 1-15
1.2.1 General cautions ........................................................................................................................... 1-16
1.2.2 Care and maintenance .................................................................................................................. 1-16
1.2.3 Controls ......................................................................................................................................... 1-16
1.2.4 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 1-16
1.2.5 Workpiece machining.................................................................................................................... 1-17
1.3 Limiting speed ............................................................................................................................... 1-18
1.4 Chip conveyor................................................................................................................................ 1-18
1.5 Behaviour and immediate measures to adopt in the case of injury......................................... 1-18
1.6 Behaviour and immediate measures to adopt in the case of fire ............................................. 1-19
1.7 Safety devices................................................................................................................................ 1-19
1.7.1 Operations involving maintenance and technical services............................................................ 1-19
1.8 EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ............................................................................................................ 1-20
1.8.1 Protective clothing and equipment ................................................................................................ 1-20
1.8.2 Material.......................................................................................................................................... 1-20
1.8.3 Chip disposal ................................................................................................................................. 1-20
1.8.4 Aspirator unit ................................................................................................................................. 1-21
1.8.5 Emergency signals ........................................................................................................................ 1-21
1.8.6 Safety conditions ........................................................................................................................... 1-21
1.8.7 Supplementary equipment ............................................................................................................ 1-21
1.8.8 Work conditions............................................................................................................................. 1-21
1.8.9 Misusing the machine.................................................................................................................... 1-22
1.9 Proper clamps................................................................................................................................ 1-22
1.10 Declaration of conformity ............................................................................................................. 1-23

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-9

Copyright: FAMOT Pleszew S.A.


Printed in POLAND - The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes

No part of this Technical Manual may be copied or transmitted to any party without prior explicit written
consent from FAMOT Pleszew S.A.

Contents of this manual may undergo modification without any updating commitment towards users.

Some pictures, photographs and drawings in this manual may not accurately depict your lathe. This will not
effect the validity of the information herein contained.

1-10 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Welcome to the world of FAMOT (GILDEMEISTER Group)

We trust that your new lathe will live up to your expectations and give you
years of faithful service and top quality production.
Please make sure that you read this manual carefully before using your new
lathe, so that you understand how to get the best out of your new purchase.

How to use the manual

This manual contains all the information you need to get optimum service
from your FAMOT numeric control lathe and shows you how to carry out day
to day maintenance.
The manual should be kept in the care of your organisation’s servicing and
maintenance staff.
Please note that all information and instructions on the use and programming
of the numerical control unit may be found only in the manuals, which deal
specifically with the subject.

Page Numbering
The pages in this manual are numbered consecutively on the basis of each individual chapter.

Example: 3.20 means chapter 3

page 20

If any extra pages are added as a result of alterations or revision, the number of the extra page is given
after the normal page number:

Example: 3.20.1 means chapter 3

page 20
additional page 1

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-11

Important information

The whole of this manual must be read extremely carefully. Particularly

important information is highlighted as shown below:

Special conditions in which extreme care should be taken to avoid injury to

personnel and/or damage to any part of the machinery.

Cross-referencing is used to make using the handbook as easy as possible.

Example: …see chapter / paragraph …

Explanation of symbols and cautions

The following symbols are used in some cases to make using the manual as quick and as easy as possible.

See specific manufacturer’s manual (e.g. turret, conditioner, chip conveyor, etc.)

Refer to electrical instruction manual

Time scale

See following chapters/paragraphs

Certificates (servicing, standards, etc.)

Save data to diskette

Connections possible

Advantageous applications and use


Call technical services

1-12 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Telephone numbers

Warning - Danger

Immediately inform your manager of any anomalies or malfunctions

Visual inspection


Qualified personnel

Number of operators (needed for safety reasons)

Apply oil

Lubricant oil


Danger of damage

Take note

Change/replace component

Perform manual activities


Do not use compressed air

Apply grease

Lubricant grease

Check oil-based coolant


CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-13

Replace filters

Clean grids

Electrical hazard

Danger (bar rotating off the machine)

Danger of crushing

Magnetic field

Pacemaker wearers not allowed

Metallic prosthesis wearers not allowed

Keep away when wearing a wristwatch

Keep magnetic media away

1-14 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Safety precautions

Before using the machine

FAMOT machine tool commissioning and use instructions are provided by
the DMG Service to ensure efficiency and safety from the first start-up.

This machine implements the state-of-the-art technique and expertise of

FAMOT. Despite this, the machine tool must be used exclusively by
expert, specialised personnel with the necessary experience and
Automatic lathe operators must either have a specific qualification for
operating a lathe or a similar machine obtained at a specific school or work
under the guidance of expert personnel.
The machine must be appropriately used by a single person for the purpose
for which it was constructed.

Service and maintenance personnel must read this manual and be familiar
with all related details before starting and using the machine.
This FAMOT machine must be transported, unpacked, lifted, positioned, connected, used and
maintained by expert personnel suitable for the purpose.

FAMOT cannot be liable for injury of damage deriving from clumsy or

imprudent actions of inexpert personnel or actions which are not performed
in accordance with instructions contained this manual.

Inform your local DMG representative or the FAMOT company directly if problems or anomalies which you cannot solve yourself arise.

Do not attempt repairs yourself if in doubt.

FAMOT lathes comply with safety regulations.

Care is however needed because imprudence and inexperience can cause:
dangers for human safety
dangers for the machine and the user's property
dangers effecting the quality and efficiency of work.

Never remove warning plates and notices from the machine for any
reason. The lack of warnings could cause severe injuries to people and
damage to the machine.

FAMOT Pleszew S.A. will not be liable if the warnings are removed.

Protective sheet (guard)

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-15

General cautions
• The protective sheet is mainly made of polycarbonate: it is flexible and
may bend if impacted by a workpiece.
• Keep at a safety distance of at least 200 mm from the guard window.

Care and maintenance

• Clean the guard sheet with mild domestic detergent and a soft, clean
cloth only. Do not use very alkaline detergents or dirty rags.
• Replace any damaged protective sheets immediately.
• Damage includes cracking or perforation of inner glass and scratches on
the external polycarbonate sheet.
• Do not run the machine without the protective sheet.
• The protective sheets are subject to wear. Replace them after seven
years from date of production or more frequently (see indication on the
• The necessary withholding capacity of the sheet may decrease after this
• Note the date of replacement of the protective sheet in the machine

Respect the stopping procedures shown in the instructions before starting
jobs concerning operation, installation, maintenance and repairs.

These procedures are:

• Stop the machine
- Stop at end of cycle
- Open protective guard
- Button: Emergency stop
- Master switch: off
- Take action to prevent turning master switch back on

• Check levels and top up if required before switching the machine on.
• Check leakage and eliminate causes.
• Make sure the machine working place is clean and tidy.
• Remove chips carefully. Use only the specific hook and brush.
• Do not dispose of waste in coolant or through the chip unloader.
• Provide supplementary lubrication after prolonged stops (longer than two
• Start the extraction devices (optional) needed for the machining process
when the machine is running.

1-16 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

• The user shall provide the control position with non-slip material, e.g.
CO2 fire systems (optional) must be on when required by the machining
process, e.g. when working with cutting oil.

Workpiece machining

• Be careful when using existing clamps:

make sure that they are suitable for this type of lathe.
• Contact the manufacturer of the clamps to verify if they can be reused
after a collision that damaged them.
• The following notes are particularly important for clamps and the
clamping function due to possible risks:

- Adjust the clamp stroke and pressure monitoring parameters after

changing a clamp as shown in the instruction manual.
- Regularly check operation of mechanically operated clamps with
mechanically operated self-centring measuring tools.
- Use genuine tools to operate manual clamps. Always remove the
key from the clamp before pressing the “Start” button.
- Do not exceed the maximum admitted speed of clamps. Adjust the
speed limiter as required.
- Observe the indications for setting clamping pressure and monitoring
the path.
• Introduce workpiece correctly and make sure they rest perfectly.
• Works with clamp, tailstock and steady rest (optional).
Respect the sequence: risk of injury caused by falling workpiece during
1. Secure the workpiece.
2. Repeat the tailstock and/or the steady rest.
3. Open the clamp.

• Remove the workpiece from the clamp before switching the machine on.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-17

Beware of work area fencing when equipping and directing the tool holder.

• Check tool blade wear.

• Pay particular attention to the following when machining bars.

- Always check centring before machining the bar.

- The end of the bar must not hang over the machine when machining
bar sections.
- Insert reduction tubes in the traction and connection tube when
machining bar pieces.
Internal diameter of the reduction tube = diameter of the bar + 1mm
- Observe the manufacturer’s instructions when using push-bar

Limiting speed

The maximum speed of the clamping spindle must be entered if the

maximum speed of the clamping spindle is less than the maximum speed of
the machine.

Chip conveyor

Never touch the chip conveyor while it is running. Do not attempt to

handle it.

The chip conveyor can only be used with the chip collection bin arranged
underneath the chip outlet so that it is impossible to reach the conveyor chip
extraction area with your hands.
Never remove chips with your hands.
Switch the machine off and secure it from accidental start-up before cleaning
the chip outlet or chip conveyor.

Behaviour and immediate measures to adopt in the case of injury

Immediately press the EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON if the machine is

connected to the electrical mains.
Call for first aid immediately.
Proceed as follows to release parts of the body (hands, fingers, feet, toes,
etc.) caught between synchronous secondary parts or between a secondary
synchronous part and a ferromagnetic part (e.g. a sheet of steel, steel
supports, machine bed, tools) due to the high magnetic attraction force.
Separate the attached parts by forcing the pointed wedges kept at hand
for this purpose (wedges made of solid antimagnetic material, wedge angle

1-18 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

approximately 10°-15°) into the slot between the parts with the help of a
hammer also kept at hand (approximately 3 kg).

Behaviour and immediate measures to adopt in the case of fire

1. Take immediate action.

2. Report the fire.

Provide the following information when reporting a fire:

• Information on the emergency.
• Where is the fire?
• What is burning?
• Is anyone injured?
• Describe the injuries.
• Who is reporting the accident?
• Wait for more calls for help.

3. Start first aid procedures.

4. Put the fire out.

Safety devices

• Never remove or short-circuit accident prevention and safety devices.

• Never modify or tamper with the safety devices.
• Do not use the machine after repairs until all the safety devices are
• Always close guards and metallic panels in their original positions if they
were either opened or removed for repairs.
• Always switch the circuit breaker off before opening the electrical
• Access to the electrical enclosure is reserved to specialised electronic
• The keys of the locks must be kept by authorised, responsible persons.
• The safety manager will ascertain that the protective guards are correctly
fitted, operating and that no-one has tampered with them.
• You are advised to call for assistance by FAMOT personnel if new
commissioning is required.

Operations involving maintenance and technical services

Due to the high risk factor involved in carrying out maintenance and
technical operations, the machine must be switched off before any such work

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-19

is started. Highly qualified personnel must perform all servicing and
maintenance so that removal and refitting operations are guaranteed to be
totally safe.

Follow the most up-to-date safety rules and all the precautions required by
experience and techniques during transportation, installation and
commissioning, specifically:
• All the currently enforced accident prevention regulations required for the
type of intervention and job.
• Regulations concerning electrical connections to the mains.
• Regulations concerning use in force in the country where the machine is
• Technical regulations concerning hydraulic and pressurised parts.

Read the manufacturer's instruction manuals before carrying out operations

on optional accessories and marketed components (e.g. bar loaders, chip
conveyors, tool holder turrets, etc.). Refer to the specific wiring diagram if the
intervention concerns electrical parts.


Protective clothing and equipment

Any personnel operating the machine must wear protective

clothing and equipment as specified by law and any other such
clothing and equipment that might be provided by their employer
(e.g. quick unlace safety footwear with metal toe-caps, gloves,
All personnel responsible for operating or maintaining the machine must be
suitably qualified so that total safety and accurate checking is guaranteed.
All such personnel must study and familiarise themselves with this manual.


This FAMOT machine tool is not suitable for working with toxic or inflammable material.

The Customer is responsible for ensuring that all material to be used with the
machine is neither toxic nor flammable.

Chip disposal

The user is responsible for disposing of chips in accordance with the laws in
force in the country where the machine is to be used.
The customer must make sure that the machine is provided with a chip
collection bin big enough to prevent the chips from entering the conveyor belt

1-20 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

FAMOT can supply a conveyor belt already equipped with a suitable bin on

Aspirator unit

The FAMOT lathe is supplied ready to be fitted with an aspirator unit. Any
such system must be fitted by the user in accordance with the laws in force in
the country of use regarding aspirator units and fume disposal.

Emergency signals

If the FAMOT machine is to be connected to any other machines (e.g. for

loading/unloading) which are not supplied by FAMOT, the user must be
responsible for checking that the installation is completely safe. It is
especially important to check that the emergency signals are co-ordinated.

Safety conditions

The machine must be overhauled after 10 years of use by DMG Technical

Service so that it can continue to be used in complete safety.

Supplementary equipment

FAMOT Pleszew S.A. does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any
damage to the machine or injury to personnel caused by assembling
unauthorised supplementary equipment on the machine.
The use of any such unauthorised supplementary equipment renders the
machine’s guarantee null and void.

Work conditions

The FAMOT lathe is completely automatic, there is no inconvenience, effort

or stress involved in using it.
For what concerns loading and unloading workpieces on machine, the user is
responsible for making sure that handling procedures comply with the
regulations in force (e.g. L. D. 626/94) in terms of weights and measures.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-21

Misusing the machine

The machine must not be used for any purpose or work other than that for
which it was manufactured. Any improper use of the machine may result in
injury to personnel or damage to the machine itself.
Even though the machine safety devices minimise risk during normal use,
abnormal situations (to be avoided) nevertheless remain whereby a risk to
operator remains.

In particular is forbidden to:

• use the machine if clamping action is not adequate (due to pressure or
shape of jaws)
• climb onto the machine while it is running
• operate the machine without making sure that the protection devices are
properly fixed in place
• disconnect or turn off the safety sensors
• add unauthorised accessories to the machine (e.g. automatic opening
system for the safety guard, etc.)
• use the machine without the correct chip collector bin in place
• try to extract chips from the outlet when the conveyor belt is moving
• use the chip conveyor for unloading workpieces
• wear clothing or accessories which might get stuck or caught up in the
machine (e.g. aprons, loose sleeves, untied belts, necklaces or chains,
rings, etc.)
• edit programmable control systems (software)
• work with sections of bars overhanging from the edge of the machine
• work with damaged protections (e.g. damaged guard glass or external
"margard" protection).

Proper clamps

The use of unsuitable clamps (collet holders, self-centring chucks) can cause
serious safety risks to personnel and can also damage the machine.
The user must make sure that the gripping tools used with the machine can
rotate at the spindle motor’s maximum speed. (see chapter 4 "Technical

The maximum rotation speed for the clamp is detailed in the specific
Manufacturer’s documentation. It should also be stamped on the body of the
tool itself to conform to current standards.
If this is not possible, the maximum number of revs must be limited, via the
CNC or via the spindle drive.

1-22 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

If the lathe supplied by FAMOT is equipped with a clamp, it will either be able
to turn at the machine’s maximum spindle speed or be equipped with the
suitable speed limiter.

FAMOT does not accept any responsibility whatsoever if the machine is

equipped with unsuitable clamps, which do not conform to the
machine’s specifications or features. The customer is not authorised to
modify the maximum rotation speed set by the drives or the CNC.

Please contact the manufacturer's Technical Service if the maximum speed

has to be limited after the machine has been delivered.

Declaration of conformity

The Declaration of Conformity provided with the machine as per Machinery

Directive 98/37/EC (89/392/EEC) and the CE Marking applied to the machine
will be devoid if these safety precautions and precautionary measures are not

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-23

1-24 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1
I nformation on
these instructions 2
2.1 Information on these instructions ................................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.1 Who are these instructions for? ...................................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.2 What do these instructions contain? ............................................................................................... 2-3
2.2 What is missing from these instructions and where can I find it? ............................................. 2-3
2.2.1 Programming manual (user manual)............................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Electrical technical documentation (wiring diagrams) ..................................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Mechanical technical documentation (Mechanical technical documentation manual ) .................. 2-4
2.3 Notices.............................................................................................................................................. 2-4

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-1

Information on these instructions

These instructions are provided to help you get to know the machine and
learn how to exploit it for its envisaged purpose.

These instructions contain important warnings for using the machine safely,
appropriately and cost-effectively.

Observing these instructions will help to:

Avoid dangers
Cut repair costs and downtime
Increase reliability and machine life.

These instructions must be integrated with the national regulations in force in

the matter of safety and accident prevention.

These instructions must always be available where the machine is used.

These instructions must be read and applied by everyone in charge of

working with or on the machine.

Observe the acknowledged technical rules for safe workplaces and rules of
best practice in addition to instructions for use and binding safety regulations
in force in the country where the machine is used.

Who are these instructions for?

The FAMOT lathe is a robust, efficient machine which is also technically

demanding and must be handled with care.
It must only be used by trained personnel.
The necessary knowledge can be acquired in special training courses.
Furthermore, operators must know how to work conventional lathes and be
familiar with the basic chipping technologies (e.g. cutting materials, cutting
values, cooling, etc.).

Operators must also be familiar with CNC lathe preparation, the place of
work and CNC controls (e.g. tooling, tool correction, program recalling, etc.).
Before starting to work, machine operators must have read the instructions
for use and devoted special attention to the “Introduction & Safety
Precautions” chapter.

1-2 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

What do these instructions contain?

The planning documentation you will need is attached to these instructions.

Furthermore, these instructions describe the procedures to follow for
transportation, installation, everyday use and maintenance of the machine
and its controls. Operators must devote their attention to the “Machine
switching elements & controls” and “Tooling, preparation & operation”

Information on simple routine operations which are carried out daily also by
auxiliary personnel with the necessary experience are described in the
“Quick instruction guide for machine operators” chapter.

We hope that these instructions will help you familiarise with the machine
and face any arising problems.

The machine equipment described in these instructions may not necessarily

be fitted on your machine.

Furthermore, you may find descriptions of devices fitted on your machine


What is missing from these instructions and where can I find it?

Programming manual (user manual)

Programming is described in a specific manual (programming manual).

Electrical technical documentation (wiring diagrams)

This contains the information needed for repairing electrical equipment

(distribution and control enclosure).

- Wiring diagrams.
- Electrical list of parts.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-3

Mechanical technical documentation (Mechanical technical documentation manual )

The mechanical technical documentation contains information needed for

repairing the mechanical equipment (mechanical, hydraulic, lubrication and
pneumatic system).

- CHAPTER 0 Ordering spare parts

- CHAPTER 1 Technical drawings
- CHAPTER 2 Lubrication diagrams
- CHAPTER 3 Hydraulic diagrams
- CHAPTER 4 Pneumatic diagrams


These instructions do not contain all details on all product variants for the
sake of clarity. For this reason, it is not possible to account for all conceivable
installation, running and maintenance possibilities.
Ask your GILDEMEISTER agent for more information or how to deal with
particular situations that are not described in detail in these instructions.

Contents of this manual may undergo modification without any updating commitment towards users.

Some pictures, photographs and drawings in this manual may not accurately depict your lathe. This

will not effect the validity of the information herein contained.

1-4 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-5
T ransportation & Installation 3
Transportation & Installation manuals ........................................................................................................ 3-7

1-6 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Transportation & Installation manuals

For details of transportation of the machine as well as Planning documents –

see separate manuals

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-7

D escription of the machine & technical data 4
4.1 Description of the machine............................................................................................................... 4-9
4.1.1 The CTX510 lathe concept.............................................................................................................. 4-9
4.1.2 Main machine components ........................................................................................................... 4-10
4.1.3 Machine components (optional) .................................................................................................... 4-12
4.1.4 Spindle holder head....................................................................................................................... 4-13
4.1.5 Axes X - Z...................................................................................................................................... 4-14
4.1.6 Headstock ..................................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.1.7 Steady rest (optional) .................................................................................................................... 4-17
4.1.8 Electrical enclosure ....................................................................................................................... 4-18
4.1.9 Axis X - Z measuring devices........................................................................................................ 4-19
4.1.10 Tool calibration sensor (optional) .................................................................................................. 4-20
4.1.11 Washing spray gun (optional)........................................................................................................ 4-22
4.1.12 Envisaged use of the machine ...................................................................................................... 4-23
4.1.13 Improper use of the machine ........................................................................................................ 4-24
4.2 Safety devices .................................................................................................................................. 4-25
4.2.1 Passwords ..................................................................................................................................... 4-25
4.2.2 Emergency stop buttons................................................................................................................ 4-25
4.2.3 Enable button ................................................................................................................................ 4-26
4.2.4 Protection devices for use in the working area.............................................................................. 4-26
4.2.5 Spindle speed control .................................................................................................................... 4-27
4.2.6 Workpiece clamping...................................................................................................................... 4-27
4.2.7 Pedal board functions.................................................................................................................... 4-28
4.2.8 Steady rest function buttons (option)............................................................................................. 4-29
4.2.9 Hydraulic system ........................................................................................................................... 4-29
4.2.10 Devices for protecting setting and maintenance areas ................................................................. 4-30
4.2.11 Noise protection ............................................................................................................................ 4-30
4.2.12 Fume aspirator .............................................................................................................................. 4-30
4.2.13 Chip conveyor................................................................................................................................ 4-30
4.3 Lubricants and oil-based coolants ................................................................................................ 4-31
4.3.1 Capacities...................................................................................................................................... 4-32
4.3.2 Handling lubricants and oil-based coolants ................................................................................... 4-33
4.4 Technical specifications ................................................................................................................. 4-35
4.4.1 Diagrams and working areas......................................................................................................... 4-38
4.4.2 Main spindle .................................................................................................................................. 4-38
4.4.3 Driven tools (SIEMENS) ................................................................................................................ 4-39
4.4.4 Sleeve thrust (1425 daN) .............................................................................................................. 4-40
4.4.5 Sleeve thrust (1200 daN) .............................................................................................................. 4-41
4.4.6 Work areas.................................................................................................................................... 4-42
4.4.7 Clamp attachment ......................................................................................................................... 4-48
4.4.8 Clamps .......................................................................................................................................... 4-49 Cylinders with bar passage................................................................................................. 4-49 CHH CHUCK CF-3H-10B-86.............................................................................................. 4-50

1-8 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Description of the machine

The CTX510 lathe concept

This lathe was designed to machine various types of shafts and flanges.

Machine models include:

CTX 510 eco V1
Siemens 810D control unit and Shop Turn programming software, with
tailstock, partial passage cylinder, chip conveyor.

CTX 510 ECO eco V3

Siemens 810D control unit and Shop Turn programming software, with
tailstock, C axis and driven tools, partial passage cylinder, chip conveyor.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-9

Main machine components





1-10 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

The machine consists of the following main parts:

1 Base

2 Spindle holder head

3 Motor

4 Clamp

5 Cross carriage assembly

6 Tool holder plate

7 Axis X drive

8 Turret

9 Axis Z drive

10 Headstock

11 Headstock movement cylinder

12 Electrical enclosure

13 Control console

14 Chip conveyor

15 Pedal boards

16 Hydraulic-pneumatic unit

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-11

Machine components (optional)

The machine may be provided with the following options:

1 Self-centring hydraulic steady rest

2 Tool calibration sensors

3 Workpiece unloading arm

4 Coolant spray gun

5 Electrical system cooler

6 Multicolour beacon

7 Chip conveyor

1-12 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Spindle holder head

The spindle headstock (1) is made of cast iron and equipped with a V-belt transmission
system turned by a motor (2) on which a pulley is fastened (3). Movement is transmitted
via the belts (4) to the pulley (5) fastened to the shaft (spindle) (6) supported by four
precision ball bearings (7). Belts are pulled by the adjustment devices (8).

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-13

Axes X - Z

Axis X

The axis X unit consists of a saddle (1) sliding by means of recirculating ball
bearing shoes (2) on the respective guides (3) fitted on the axis Z carriage
(4). The axis unit is moved by a motor (5) fitted on a support (6). The unit is
connected via a joint (7) to a ball recirculation screw (8).


8 6 1 2

1-14 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Axis Z

The axis Z assembly consists of a saddle (1) sliding on ball circulation shoes
(2) on the respective guides (3) fitted on the bench (4).
Movement is ensured by a motor (5) fitted on a support (6) and connected by
a joint directly to the ball recirculation screw (7) supported on the front by a
support (8).

7 6 5

2 8 4 3 2 7 1

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-15


The headstock (1) is fastened to the support (2) by means of the screws (3).
The assembly is secured to the guides (4) of the bench (5). Fastening to
longitudinal guides (4) of the bench (5) is obtained by means of an automatic
hydraulic system which can be programmed via M functions or controlled
manually via function buttons.
Longitudinal movement in the working field is ensured by an automatic
hooking system formed by a pneumatic cylinder (6) arranged in the
headstock casing which operates a piston (7) and locks onto the fork (8)
fastened to the axis Z saddle (9).
The sleeve (10) is moved by a hydraulic cylinder (11) arranged behind the




3 3 3 2 1 1 2 4 5 4

1-16 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Steady rest (optional)

The steady rest (1) is fastened by means of screws (2) to the support (3) and
fastened to the carriage (4) with screws (5). The entire assembly is fastened
onto the guides (6) of the bench (7).
The longitudinal guides (6) are fastened to the bench (7) by means of a
hydraulic system that can be manually operated by means of CNC function
The longitudinal shift along the working field is obtained by pneumatically
locking (8) the carriage to the axis Z (9).
Arm opening (10) is controlled by a pressure and flow switch.
The steady rest support contains a distribution block supplied with tool
The connection points (12) can be used to install specially shaped washing
nozzles according to machining needs.



12 5 9

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-17

Electrical enclosure

The electric enclosure conforms to IEC/VDE standards It contains the

numeric control unit, the axis and spindle power converters and the auxiliary
control circuits.
The electrical enclosure is cooled by forced ventilation (optional cooler).

1 Line connection terminal board

2 Master switch

3 TM3 utility transformer axis X drive

4 Interference filter

5 Drive power unit

6 Electrical spindle module

7 Axes X – Z module

8 Driven turret set-up


10 24V DC power

1 2 3 4 5 9 6 7 8 10

1-18 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Axis X - Z measuring devices

The position of axes X and Z is detected by a very high resistance transducer

(1) built into the digital servo motor (2). The CNC uses this information to
determine the position of the axis.

1 2 2 1

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-19

Tool calibration sensor (optional)

The tool calibration sensor device is used in the following cases:

For tool pre-setting before machining. In this case the sensor is used as a
fixed reference to measure the length of the tool.
For checking tool wear during machining.
Any changes in tool length due to wear, heat or mechanical problems are
monitored and compensated.
The device consists of the following units.
An actuator (1) fastened onto the casting (2) of the spindle head (3).
A sensor holder arm (4) operated either manually or by a hydraulic actuator.
A gauge with four-position feeler (5) and built-in LED indicating that the
measurement has been performed. A feeler protection bell (6) (for home
position) is provided.


6 6

1-20 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

The system is located inside the working area (the probe is protected by a
bell fastened to the head side in home position).
The tool holder turret is equipped with a dummy tool for resetting
the system and ensuring that it is independent from any external
The arm can turn manually or automatically. In the automatic
version, the movement is made by a hydraulic actuator which is
rigidly fitted onto the casting. The arm position in reading and
home position is controlled by two proximity switches.

 See the CNC programming manual for programming the machine tool cycle.

Direct the self-centring chuck before moving the arm to avoid collisions with
overhanging jaws or other objects.
Make sure that the workpieces do not exceed the maximum permitted
dimensions during the feeling operation.
See working area data provided on the following pages.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-21

Washing spray gun (optional)

The working area and workpiece cleaning/washing system with spray gun (1)
is connected to the machine cooling system (2). This system is only active
when the spindle is stationary and the guard (3) is open.
The coolant pump (4) and the solenoid valve (5) are automatically operated
when the sliding guard is opened. The workpiece, turret and working area
can be washed.
The solenoid valve (5) closes and the coolant pump (4) stops after
approximately 20 seconds. Manually operate the device by pressing a button
(6) on the console (the button will light up) to operate the washing gun again.
The solenoid valve will stop coolant output automatically when the guard (3)
is closed and will switch to convey coolant to the turret (7). The light in button
(6) will go out.


7 1

1 5

1-22 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Envisaged use of the machine

What types of workpieces?

This machine is suitable for universal turning of various types of shafts and

What materials?
This machine can be used to turn all current steel, cast iron, copper,
aluminium, brass and synthetic chipping materials.
Ask your DMG agent if you are in doubt concerning machinable materials.

Particular suitability
The machine is characterised by being very quick to prepare. It is particularly
suitable for machining small, medium and large lots of items.

Clean and service regularly

The machine will work accurately and without problems only if it is regularly
cleaned and serviced.

Observe the instructions in chapter 10 “Maintenance & care” carefully.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-23

Improper use of the machine

The following precautions must be observed despite the machine’s safety

and stability.

Do not machine ceramic parts!

The turning of ceramic parts forms a fine dust that can penetrate in all
crevices of the machine and cause damage. The dust can also clog up the
lubrication and cooling systems.

Do not machine magnesium parts!

The turning of magnesium parts is a fire risk.

Do not machine wood or plywood impregnated with man-made resin!

The turning of plywood impregnated with man-made resin forms a fine dust
that can penetrate in all the crevices of the machine and quickly obstruct
important mechanical functions.
Furthermore, the dust can also easily clog up the lubrication and cooling

Observe the limits!

Observe the maximum speed data of the machine and the clamp and the
maximum feed values when programming.

Never exceed these values!

Also consider cutting force increase and feed to compensate for tool blade

Observe the manufacturer’s indications.

Observe the manufacturer’s technical indications on limit values.

1-24 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Safety devices

This machine fits the safety devices illustrated below.

Additional safety measures are implemented as machine components and
controls in accordance with the machinery directive 98/37 (89/392/EEC).

All the necessary safety devices for your personal protection have
been implemented.
Disabling or bypassing them is not allowed.

Refit the guards in their original safety positions after repair operations.

All safety devices must be subjected to regular maintenance (see chapter



A password may be required to access certain operative modes or settings.

Operators must ensure that the passwords are only used for the appropriate
purposes by trained and authorised personnel.

Some parameters and settings must be programmed according to

the tools used e.g. clamping spindle.
These values must be reprogrammed after each change.

Emergency stop buttons

The emergency stop buttons are clearly visible, red and yellow and must be
pressed in the event of an emergency.

All movements will be stopped.

Potentially dangerous controls are powered down.

Release the EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON after solving the emergency.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-25

Enable button

Press the enable button with one hand and the relevant function
button with the other to start movements in manual mode with the
guard open.
The movement will stop if either button is released.
The enable button only works when the machine is in “Tooling” mode (see
chapter 6).

Protection devices for use in the working area

The lathe working area is dangerous because of moving saddles, tool

holders and spindles.
The machine is protected on all sides. Access is only possible through the
protective guard which will blocked by the CNC.
The protective guard must be closed for the movements to be started (cycle).

The machine covers and safety sheet protective guard are dimensioned to
safely withstand being hit by workpieces accidentally released following
breakage or collisions.
This function can only be ensured providing the speeds and weights of the
clamps are not exceeded.

All damaged parts must be replaced after collisions. This is especially true
for the safety guard sheet and its frame.

The possible movement of saddles, tool holders and spindles with the guard
open (manual mode only) are described in chapter 6.

1-26 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Spindle speed control

Spindle rotation is controlled in a particular way.

The sliding guard can only be opened when the spindle is not turning.
The maximum machine values are shown in technical data.

Workpiece clamping

Observe the following precautions to ensure safe workpiece clamping:

• Check clamping pressure
Excessively low clamping pressure will prevent the spindle starting.
• Check the clamping stroke
The spindle will not start if the clamping jaw is in a controlled final
• Safety clamping cylinders
These hold the clamping force until the spindle stops in the event of a
pressure drop.

The self-centring chuck clamping force must be checked regularly by trained

personnel using a force gauge of the type available on the market. Values
are shown in the traction force diagrams.
Record the measured values at regular intervals.

This operation must also be performed after changing the self-centring


CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-27

Pedal board functions

Clamp, tailstock

The machine logic activates the pedal board under safety conditions (for
example, the self-centring chuck opening is active only when the spindle is
stationary and the guard is open).
Pedal boards (1-2) are mobile for better comfort. They are connected to the
back of the machine over the axis lubrication unit (3) by means of a self-
centring chuck connector (4) and a headstock connector (5).

1 2


3 5

Standard functions

The standard configuration of the pedal board (1) consists of a self-centring

chuck opening (A) and closing (B) pedal.
press left pedal (A) to release the workpiece
press right pedal (B) to clamp the workpiece
This will work regardless of the selected clamping method (the same pedal
will move the jaws in a different way according to the type of chuck).
This configuration of the pedal board (2) consists of a pedal for moving the
sleeve backwards (C) and forwards (D); a switch which reverses the
direction (sleeve backwards) will trip when the latter pedal (D) is fully

Simply press the pedal completely without changing pedal to retract the
tailstock sleeve in an emergency.

1-28 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Steady rest function buttons (option)

The steady rest arm opening and closing movements are controlled by
special buttons (1) located on the console.
These buttons only work when all safety measures subsist (e.g. spindle
stationary, axes stationary, sliding guard open, etc.).

Hydraulic system

The pressure accumulator is equipped with a safety valve to release

Users will conduct the following inspections and tests on the pressure
reservoirs according to local regulations on pressurised containers:
• Internal inspection
General state of reservoir.
• Pressure test
Tightness and resistance to improper and hazardous distortion.

The terms of the inspections and tests will be established by the user in
accordance with local regulations.

The inspections and tests must be conducted by an expert.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-29

Devices for protecting setting and maintenance areas

All sides of the machine are protected and covered.

Access for settings and maintenance to hazardous areas are electrically
The doors and hatches can be opened with special keys which are separate
for electrical and mechanical enclosures.

Noise protection

The machine was designed so that the noise emission at the place of work
does not exceed the values shown in technical specifications.

Chipping noises may in certain unfavourable conditions exceed the stated

values. In this case, noise emission values must be reduced by modifying
chipping conditions, tools or clamping conditions.

Fume aspirator

The machine is set up for attaching an oil mist separator aspirator system.

Chip conveyor

The chip conveyor must only be used when the chip collection bin is correctly
arranged underneath the outlet.

Inserting hands in the chip conveyor outlet must not be possible.

Chips must not be removed by hand.

Always switch the machine off to clean the chip conveyor.

1-30 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Lubricants and oil-based coolants

Oil-based coolants and lubricants must not alter their function.

Lubricant oil must be neutral towards oil-based coolants.
Experience indicates that the compatibility of lubricants and oil-based
coolants must be guaranteed in writing if purchased from different sources.

Clean the lubricant container when changing lubricant grease; this will avoid
creating an imperfect mixture of the two different types of lubricant grease.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-31



Table showing fluids used

Position Type of fluid DIN ISO - UNI Quantity
symbol symbol
(1) Lubricators SUPER GREASE A
(1) Self-centring chuck XBCEA
See manufacturer’s manual

Hydraulic oil
A Hydraulic unit HM32 l. 60

B Oil-based coolant
Emulsion oil __ l. 220
(2) unit

Steady rest roller

Oil for lubricating guides 2.7 l
D lubricating unit G 68
(TONNA T68) (approx.)

Ask the fluid manufacturer or representative for advice on

product compatibility.
(1) Grease for clamping units. Follow the instructions of the
(2) Always keep to the mixing ratios indicated by the Manufacturer:
• Too liquid: the machine guides and parts oxidise
• Too thick: poor cooling action
(3) Possibly employ ready-to-use permanent fluid for sealed cooling
circuits. If this is not available, dilute concentrated fluid in water in a
percentage of 30%.

1-32 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Handling lubricants and oil-based coolants


Fluid designations and lubrication point markings used in this manual comply
with DIN 51 502 standards. Using suitable fluids is crucial for safe operation
and long life of the machine. The machine is usually supplied with the
required fluids. The fluids originally used to fill the machine (see sheet)
should always be used thereafter.
If this is not possible, use other products indicated in the
attached table.
It is a good idea to use the same brand for all fluids in order to avoid
obtaining an incompatible mixture.

Useful tips

The machine will only operate correctly if these kinds of fluid are used.
Fluid manufacturers provide a technical service, which
gives information and advice on the use of their products.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-33

Handling lubricants and oil-based coolants
Because of the substances contained (additives) these materials could be a
risk to health and environment
The choice and use are the full responsibility of the owner.
Instructions for use must be supplied by the Manufacturer, to regulate the
handling of these substances, and they are to contain:
• Definition of the substances
• Indication of human and environment risks
• Protection measures and rules for handling, for example.
- Wear strong protective shoes
- Keep away from skin and eyes
- Do not inhale the vapours and aerosol
- Do not smoke while handling fluids and oils

When using the lathe, lubricant vapours may escape into the atmosphere.
For their exhaust, FAMOT offers oil mist separators.
For oil-based coolants having an oil percentage of 15% or more, or if
inflammable oil-based coolants are used in a sealed working environment
that is closed on all sides, a fire and explosion hazard exists.
For the precautionary measures to be taken, contact the Manufacturer.

Suggestions for used fluids disposal

Fluids used for operating the machine are polluting
elements and after replacement they must not be dispersed
in the environment.
It is a good rule to provide for their ecological disposal,
e.g. by contacting a collection centre before machine

1-34 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Technical specifications

Spindle nose Type FL 220 h5

Max. spindle revolutions min 3250
Revolutions at costant power min 500 - 3250
N⋅m / min –1 420 / 500 (630 / 500)
Max. torque 100% S1 (40% S6)
ft⋅lb / r.p.m. 310 / 500 (465 / 500)
kW 22 (33)
Spindle power 100% S1 (40% S6)
HP 29.5 (44.25)
mm 250 (315)
Chuck (diam.)
inch 10 (12)
mm 102.5
Spindle bore diameter
inch 4.3
mm 140
Front bearing diameter
inch 5.51
Lubrication of spindle bearings Type grease
Working area
mm 1150
Distance between centers with rotary center
inch 45.27
mm 2300
Bed length
inch 90.55
mm 360
Centers height
inch 14.17
mm 1050
Travel Z-axis
inch 41.33
mm 300
Travel X-axis
inch 11.81
mm 680
Swing over bed
inch 26.77
mm 465
Swing over cross slide
inch 18.30
mm 465
Max. turning diameter
inch 18.30
mm 76 (90)
Bar capacity
inch 3 (3.5)
mm x mm 90x680
Partial bar passage
inch x inch 3.5x26.7
mm 1000
Max. turning length
inch 39.37
kg 350
Max. weight between the centers
lb 771
kg 150
Max. overhanging weight
lb 330
mm 160
Max. barycenter distance from spindle nose
inch 6.3
mm 1060
Spindle axis height from ground
inch 41.73

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-35

Ball bearings
mm 40x10
Ball screw Z-axis
inch 1.574x0.39
mm 40x10
Ball screw X-axis
inch 1.574x0.39
m/min 30
Rapid feed Z-axis
ipm 1181
m/min 30
Rapid feed X-axis
ipm 1181
Rapid feed C1-axis min –1 100
Axes thrust
daN 750
Thrust Z-axis
lbf 1686
daN 750
Thrust X-axis
lbf 1686
Number of the axes # 2
Measuring system
Measuring system Z-axis Absolute rotative
Measuring system X-axis Absolute rotative
Measuring system resolution
X-Z Linear axes mm 0.001
"C" axis (option) ° 0.001 (Sensor)
mm 850
Tailstock travel
inch 33.46
daN 1200 (1425)
Max. tailstock thrust
lbf 2697 (3203)
Tailstock handling Hydraulic Controlled from PLC
Tailstock hydraulic clamping bar 50
mm 120
Quill diameter
inch 4.72
mm 150
Quill stroke
inch 5.9
Quill Taper morse 5
Tool stations
Turret Type PRAGATI BTP100
Turret with driven tools Type SAUTER O.5.473.520
Number of the tools (driven tools) # 12 (6)
Tool system VDI 40
(DIN 69880)
Driven tools coupling B 17x14 (DIN5482)
mm x mm 25X25
Tool shaft
inch x inch 1x1
Driven tools speed min –1 4000
kW 4.2
Driven tools power (2000 rpm)
HP 5.6
N⋅m 20
Driven tools torque
ft×lb 14.75

1-36 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Electric equipment
Voltage V 400 (+/-10%)
Frequency Hz 50
Max. installed power kVA 40
Absorbed power kVA 20
Section of the connection cables mm2 25
Protection thermal switch line 400V A 65
Protection fuses line 400V A 80
Hydraulic unit
bar 50
Max. working pressure
PSI 725
l 50
Tank capacity
gal 13.20
I/ min -1 14.2
Pump capacity
gal/ min -1 3.75
Coolant tank
l 220
Capacity (approx.) with chip conveyor
gal 58.1
l 220
Capacity (approx.) with tank
gal 58.1
bar 5
Coolant pump pressure
PSI 72.5
l /min –1 30
Pump capacity
gal/ min -1 8
l /min –1 20.5
Delivery to the tool
gal/ min -1 5.4
Noise level
Less than dB (A) 80
Control unit Type PCU 20 FANUC 0i
mm 4560x1855x1930
Dimensions (with chip pan)
inch 179.52x73.03x75.98
mm 5080x1855x1930
Dimensions (with chip conveyor)
inch 200x73.03x75.98
Weight daN 7500
Bed slant ° 45
Bed material Cast iron

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-37

Diagrams and working areas

The torque and power diagrams remain unchanged up to the number of

motor revolutions equal to maximum possible spindle speed if electronic
limitation of the spindle revolutions is activated.
(Electronic limitation stops the motor from exceeding a given number of
revolutions but its torque and power below this number of revolutions
remains unchanged).

Main spindle

1-38 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Driven tools (SIEMENS)

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-39

Sleeve thrust (1425 daN)



1-40 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Sleeve thrust (1200 daN)


CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-41

Work areas

The following data may change if optional or special applications required by the customer are fitted.

The following pages contain technical drawings that indicate the working
areas and tables with modules and tool holders.

These drawings are provided to help rapidly identify the dimensions of the
parts that can be machined.

The working areas show maximum standard equipment speed (clamps, tool
holders, driven modules, etc.).

Pay the utmost attention to maximum speed and collisions when using
special tools (clamps, special tool holders, etc.).
The customer shall be responsible for calculations and checks before
working on the machine.

1-42 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-43
1-44 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1
CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-45
1-46 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1


CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-47

Clamp attachment MAIN SPINDLE

1-48 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1


Cylinders with bar passage

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-49


1-50 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Q uick instruction guide
for machine operators 5
5 Quick instruction guide for machine operators.............................................................................. 5-52
5.1 Starting the machine ..................................................................................................................... 5-52
5.2 Stopping the machine ................................................................................................................... 5-53
5.3 Changing the workpiece ............................................................................................................... 5-53
5.4 Emergency stop ............................................................................................................................. 5-53

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-51

5 Quick instruction guide for machine operators

This quick guide is a memo for trained auxiliary operating personnel.

5.1 Starting the machine

Machine tooled.
First workpiece machined correctly.
MACHINE operating mode selected.

Start the machine:

Insert/position workpiece correctly.

Insert/position workpieces correctly

Insert the rough workpiece very carefully to prevent unbalance and collisions.
Check that the workpiece securely rests on clamp jaws.

Close the self-centring chuck with pedal (press for at least two

Close the protective guard.

Wait until green LED on button lights up (guard locked).

Press CYCLE START button.

The workpiece is machined.

Press in machines with automatic guard function to close the

guard. The cycle is automatically started after closing the guard.

1-52 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

5.2 Stopping the machine

Stop the machine if the tool breaks or if chipping problems arise.


Inform the tool setter.

5.3 Changing the workpiece

After stopping the machine:

Press the button to release the guard.

Press in machines without automatic guard function to open the guard automatically.

The guard will remain locked and specific messages will appear if the
conditions for opening the guard do not subsist.

Open the guard.

Beware of the risk of crushing when releasing the workpiece from the self-centring chuck
when machining shafts rest on tailstock.
Release the tailstock thrust before opening the self-centring chuck to release the tailstock.
Then open the self-centring chuck with utmost care.

Grip the workpiece (with the crane, if needed).

Open the self-centring chuck with the pedal button.

Remove the workpiece.

Clean the clamp jaws and remove chips and dirt.

Do not use compressed air for cleaning.

Insert a new workpiece.

Proceed as shown in chapter 5.1.

5.4 Emergency stop

The emergency stop buttons are clearly marked in red and

yellow. Press in the event of an emergency.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-53


achine switching elements

& controls 6
6.1 Machine switching elements ........................................................................................................ 6-55
6.2 Machine controls ........................................................................................................................... 6-57
6.2.1 Keyboard and operator panel description...................................................................................... 6-60 Operator panel keys ........................................................................................................... 6-60 MDI control panel keys ...................................................................................................... 6-65

1-54 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

6.1 Machine switching elements

This chapter briefly outlines the various machine controls and their functions.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-55

1 Console (control station)

2 Counter (counting machine running time and spindle turning time)

3 Master switch

4 Serial port connection RS 232

5 Connection to electrical socket 220 V

6 Guard lock

7 Chip conveyor connector

8 Sleeve pedal board connector

9 Self-centring chuck pedal board connector

10 Pressure gauge

11 Self-centring chuck opening/closing pedal board

12 Sleeve forward/back pedal board

13 Pneumatic connection

14 Pressure regulators on control unit

1-56 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

6.2 Machine controls

This paragraph shows where the single controls are located and describes their functions.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-57

1 Manual control enable with guard open

2 Machine on

3 Emergency stop button on control panel

4 Cycle start

5 Manual control enable

6 Door open

7 Steady rest function buttons (optional)

8 Knob

9 TFT monitor

10 CNC functions

11 Alphanumeric keyboard

12 MDI control panel keys

13 Operator panel keys

14 Axis jog setting (0%-120%)

1-58 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

This key can be used to select operating mode (MACHINING/TOOLING).

Press this button to power the machine.


Press this button to switch the machine off. The CNC will remain on.

Press this button to start the active program or select MDI block.


Hold this button pressed to work in JOG or MDI MODE even with the sliding guard
open (maximum spindle speed 50 rpm and 10% rapid movements).


Press these buttons to operate the steady rest arms (open-close).

After being enabled with the specific buttons, the knob can be used to manually
feed axes X, Z and C in 0.001 mm, 0.01 mm and 0.1 mm steps.

This selector can be used to vary the feed speed and the rapid axis speed from a
minimum of 0% to a maximum of 120%.

Release (open) protective guard

Press this button to release the protective guard. The LED over the button will
indicate that the protective guard can be opened. All movements are stopped.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-59

6.2.1 Keyboard and operator panel description

The CNC keys can be divided into two types:

- Operator panel keys
- MDI control panel keys Operator panel keys

This key is used to move axis X in the + direction (upwards).

This key is used to move axis X in the - direction (downwards).

This key is used to move axis Z in the + direction (toward the tailstock).

This key is used to move axis Z in the - direction (toward the spindle).

1-60 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

This key, together with +X -X +Z -Z, is used for accelerated movement of the
selected axis.

This key is used to move axis C in the + direction (corresponding to M4).

This key is used to move axis C in the - direction (corresponding to M3).

Enables the knob for axis X manual movement.

Enables the knob for axis Z manual movement.

Enables the knob for axis C manual movement.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-61

Incremental movement of 1/1000 mm. Valid both in Jog mode and for feed
controlled by means of knob.

Incremental movement of 1/100 mm. Valid both in Jog mode and for feed
controlled by means of knob.

Incremental movement of 1/10 mm. Valid both in jog mode and for feed controlled
by means of knob.

100% spindle speed

This key is used to set spindle speed to 100%.

Spindle speed (+) in %

This key is used to increase the spindle speed in 5% steps (in the range from 50%
to 120%).

Spindle speed (-) in %

This key is used to decrease the spindle speed in 5% steps (in the range from 50%
to 120%).

This key allows manual forward movement of the chip conveyor.

This key allows manual backward movement of the chip conveyor.

This key includes the chip conveyor in the cycle.

1-62 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

This key stops the chip conveyor.

Press this key to deactivate coolant delivery to the tools.

Press this key to enable the coolant delivery to the tools.

This key is used when tooling the machine to check the correct orientation of the
coolant outlet nozzles.

Spindle direction of rotation

Press this button to turn the spindle in the predetermined direction.

Spindle direction of rotation

Press this button to turn the spindle in the predetermined direction.

Reference mode
(for service only)

REPOS mode
Repositioning mode: to return to the workpiece edge.

JOG mode
Manual machine feeding mode. Continuous axis movement is obtained by
pressing the direction keys and incremental axis movement is obtained by means
of the direction keys or the knob.

MDA mode
Machine control mode for running a record or a sequence of records.
Records can be entered on the control panel.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-63

Teach-in mode
Not used, no function.

Automatic mode
Machine control mode for running an automatic program sequence.

Stop cycle button pressed.
Surveillance indications are cancelled, except for power on and acceptance alarm.
The control switches to Reset state, i.e.:
- the CNC control is synchronous with the machine;
- all intermediate and main memories are deleted (except for the part
- the control returns to basic position and is ready for new program runs.

Single block mode

Machine mode for machining single CNC program blocks in MDA or automatic

Skip record (bar block)

This key is used to skip barred blocks.

Stop program (M01) optional

This key activates the M01 machine function in the CNC program.

Cycle start (green button)

To start a CNC program.
- Valid CNC program selected.
- No PLC errors.
- No CNC errors.
- No PLC messages.
MDA mode
AUTOMATIC mode or JOG mode
Position the key switch.

1-64 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

- Protective guard closed
- Green light in button on.

Cycle stop (red button)

To stop the machine in all modes.
The spindle is stopped. All movements, except for threading, are immediately
The M, S, T functions are not run. Press to resume a cycle stopped in this
way. MDI control panel keys

MDI panel keys layout:

A Alphabetic keypad
Refer to the SINUMERIK manual for a description of the single key functions.

4 5
1 2 Numeric keypad
1 2 Refer to the SINUMERIK manual for a description of the single key functions.
- X

Cancel alarm
To cancel the alarm marked by this symbol.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-65

Information (help)
To swap between working diagram and programming graphics and between
programming graphic parameters form and help parameters form.

Alarm (Hotkey)
To recall the “Indications/alarms” field.
This key corresponds to the “Indications/alarms” softkey.

To switch channel in machines with at least two channels.

Next Window
To go from one window to another in the “Machine” field on the screen.

Page Up/Page Down

To scroll the directory or working diagram up or down.

To move the cursor to the last entry field of a parameter form.

Program Manager (Hotkey)

To recall the “Program Manager” field.
This key corresponds to the “Program Manager” softkey.

Recall tools
To recall a tools table.

Program (Hotkey)
To recall the “Program” field.
This key corresponds to the “Program” softkey.

1-66 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

To enter upper case characters for dual function buttons.

To select one of the predetermined possibilities.
This key corresponds to the “Alternativ” softkey.

Cursor keypad
To move in fields and lines.
Cursor right: open directory or program.
Cursor left: go to higher level/directory.

- To delete a value from a parameter field.
- To delete the character highlighted by the cursor in entry mode.

- To delete the value in the entry field.
- To delete the character in front of the cursor in entry mode.

To select entry or pocket calculator mode.

- To enter a value in an entry field.
- To open a directory or program.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-67

T ooling, preparation
& operation 7
7.1 Switching the machine on and off ............................................................................................... 7-70
7.1.1 Switching the machine on ............................................................................................................. 7-70
7.1.2 Switching the machine off ............................................................................................................. 7-72
7.1.3 EMERGENCY STOP .................................................................................................................... 7-73
7.2 Tooling and preparation ............................................................................................................... 7-74
7.2.1 Working sequence in brief............................................................................................................. 7-74 Check for collisions............................................................................................................. 7-75
7.3 Stopping the spindle ..................................................................................................................... 7-76
7.3.1 Stop spindle in preparation mode.................................................................................................. 7-76
7.3.2 Stop spindle in CNC program........................................................................................................ 7-78
7.4 Clamping device in brief ............................................................................................................... 7-79
7.5 Fitting and removing clamping devices ...................................................................................... 7-80
7.5.1 Removing clamping devices.......................................................................................................... 7-81
7.5.2 Clamping gripper and collet holder device .................................................................................... 7-82
7.5.3 Refitting clamping devices............................................................................................................. 7-83
7.6 Checking and adjusting the clamping force ............................................................................... 7-86
7.6.1 Adjusting the clamping stroke ....................................................................................................... 7-87 Recalling entered parameters............................................................................................. 7-88 Entering parameters ........................................................................................................... 7-88 Ending parameter entry ...................................................................................................... 7-90 Ending parameter entry ...................................................................................................... 7-91
7.6.2 Clamping release time................................................................................................................... 7-91
7.7 Adjusting the clamping stroke ..................................................................................................... 7-92
7.7.1 Adjusting the clamping stroke using Teach-in function ................................................................. 7-92
7.7.2 Manually adjusting the clamping stroke ........................................................................................ 7-92
7.8 Checking and adjusting the clamping pressure......................................................................... 7-97
7.9 Limiting speed ............................................................................................................................... 7-98
7.9.1 Adjusting speed limitation.............................................................................................................. 7-98
7.10 Tool holders ................................................................................................................................... 7-99
7.10.1 Equipping the tool holders ............................................................................................................. 7-99
7.10.2 Description of softkeys on Wizard page...................................................................................... 7-100
7.10.3 Changing the tools....................................................................................................................... 7-101
7.10.4 Wizard page fields....................................................................................................................... 7-102
7.10.5 Directing the tool holder in MDA mode........................................................................................ 7-103 Recalling the tool (standard) ........................................................................................ 7-103 Deselecting the tool ...................................................................................................... 7-103 Tool holder slow rotation .............................................................................................. 7-104
7.10.6 Directing the tool holder with T, S, M, … ..................................................................................... 7-104
7.11 Motor driven tools ....................................................................................................................... 7-105
7.11.1 Jogging motor driven tools .......................................................................................................... 7-105
7.11.2 Directing motor driven tools to working position and starting up directly..................................... 7-106
7.11.3 Stopping driven tools directly....................................................................................................... 7-107
7.12 Tailstock ....................................................................................................................................... 7-107
7.12.1 Adjusting the tailstock.................................................................................................................. 7-107

1-68 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.12.2 Manually adjusting the sleeve stroke with pedals........................................................................ 7-111
7.12.3 Adjusting the sleeve position with vertical Teach-in buttons ....................................................... 7-112

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-69

7.1 Switching the machine on and off

7.1.1 Switching the machine on

Proceed as follows to switch the machine on:

Check oil level and top up if necessary (see chapter 10 “Checks before

Release the EMERGENCY STOP button, if necessary.

Release the EMERGENCY STOP button also from peripheral units (e.g. bar
feeder, etc.).

Switch the master switch on.

Close the protective guard.

Wait for the start-up panel.

Press the RESET button.

Press the CONTROLS ON/OFF button.

Press the button to lock the protective guard.

Open the protective guard.

Proceed as follows if workpieces are present according to their state

(finished, semifinished).

Open/close the main spindle clamp.

Move the tailstock until the error message disappears.

Close the protective guard.

This tests operation of the protective guard and of the workpiece clamps.

1-70 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Press the SELECT MENU button.

Press the MACHINE button.

Select JOG mode.

Press T, S, M.

Enter any tool station number.

Press the INPUT button.

Beware of collisions.

Press the CYCLE START button.

Wait for at least 15 seconds between switching the machine off and back on.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-71

7.1.2 Switching the machine off

Wait for the spindles and axes to come to a complete stop before switching
the machine off to avoid damage.
This is because the workpiece could be released by the clamps.
Proceed as follows to switch the machine off:

1) Stop the program.

2) Press the emergency stop button.
3) The light will go out.
4) The counter will stop.
5) Switch to 0.
6) Monitor goes black.

1-72 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1


Use the EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON only in the event of a real

The machine can be stopped immediately in any mode.
Simply press the red emergency stop button …
The saddle movements and the spindle will be immediately stopped.
All movements will be stopped.
No functions involving machine movements are possible.
Release the EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON to resume machine
Proceed as shown in the Switching the machine on paragraph in this
Do not operate the master switch. The axes do not need to be sent to
referencing position.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-73

7.2 Tooling and preparation

7.2.1 Working sequence in brief

- Select the clamps.

Do not exceed the maximum speed and clamping force of the clamp. Adjust
the respective parameters.

- Adjust the clamping parameters.

- Select the clamp grippers or clamp jaws.
- Stop the spindle.
- Fit the clamping device completely.
- Record final positions.

Check the clamping pressure, clamping path and spindle speed values.
Do not exceed maximum jaw weight.

- Select the tools.

- Remove the tools which are not required from the tool holder and insert
the necessary ones.
- Enter the tool dimensions in the tool correction memory.
- Close the tool positions on the tool holder plate which are not needed
with a protective cap (with O-rings).

1-74 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 Check for collisions

• Select the part programs.

• Run the part program.
• Check the program dry run.
• Machine the first rough workpiece in single record mode.

Use reduce rapid stroke and feed (override).

• Make the first piece and measure it.

• Correct tools and/or program according to the result.

The single work steps are described on the following pages.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-75

7.3 Stopping the spindle

7.3.1 Stop spindle in preparation mode

Open the protective guard.

Select JOG mode.

Press the SELECT MENU button.

Select MACHINE mode.

Press the Logo.

Press User.


dive machine functions

Spindle 4
stop status

1-76 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1




Spindle 4 is either stopped or released.

Press repeatedly to exit this menu level.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-77

7.3.2 Stop spindle in CNC program

A pneumatic brake is used to stop the spindle (main spindle).

Close the protective door.

Press the MACHINE button.

Select MDA mode.

The spindle can be stopped in the established position using M functions:

Spindle 4 (main spindle)

Enter M437 (close main clamping device).

Press the INPUT button.

SPOS[4] = 90
z.B. 90°
angle = Stop main spindle (S4) in defined position.

Press the INPUT button.

M 412 enter (stop on)

Press the INPUT button.

M30 End of program

Press the CYCLE START button.

1-78 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.4 Clamping device in brief

The main spindle clamping device is used to clamp the workpiece. The
clamping pressure is set by means of a pressure reduction value which acts
on the clamping cylinder.
Press the pedal to move the clamping piston. The force is transmitted by
means of a tie-rod to the self-centring chuck and is transmitted to the
clamping jaws.
The control parameter must record:
− Traction or pressure force
− Clamping stroke
− Clamping force
The device is supervised to ensure safe clamping.

Clamping pressure surveillance function

The spindle either cannot be started or is stopped in the event of pressure
drop or excessively low pressure.

Interesting self-centring chuck data are:

− Traction or thrust force
− Clamping stroke
− Clamping force

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-79

7.5 Fitting and removing clamping devices

Description of the standard main spindle clamping device removal and

refitting procedure (clamping cylinder/three-jaw self-centring chuck).

As shown in the figure, the clamping device (1) and the connection element
(2) form an inseparable unit. The assembly is fitted onto the traction tie-rod

Make sure that the clamping devices generate the necessary clamping force
when using 315 mm self-centring chucks (optional).

3 2

1-80 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.5.1 Removing clamping devices

Press MACHINE button.

Select MDA mode.

Stop the spindle.

Close the protective door.

Close the clamping jaws.

Remove the master jaws.

Loosen the self-centring fastening screws.

Open the clamping jaws.

The self-centring chuck will disconnect from the spindle flange.

Loosen the self-centring chuck and the element connecting the tie-rod
by turning it leftwards.

Put the self-centring chuck down.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-81

7.5.2 Clamping gripper and collet holder device

Press MACHINE button.

Select MDA mode.

Stop the spindle.

Open the protective door.

Loosen the clamp gripper.

Extract the clamp gripper and change device.

Loosen the collet holder fastening screws.

Loosen the collet holder joint from the traction tie-rod by turning it
leftwards (with special clamping device tool).

1-82 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.5.3 Refitting clamping devices

Three-jaw self-centring chuck

Apply grease to the clamping device.

Apply grease to the attachment threading.

Select the MACHINE field.

Select MDA mode.

Stop the spindle.

Open the protective guard.

Move the traction tie-rod to the front position.

Carefully clean the spindle flange.

Check that the self-centring chuck is centred < 0.01 mm.

Turn the self-centring chuck as far rightwards as possible.

Turn it back until the fastening holes coincide.

Fasten the self-centring fastening screws without tightening them.

Move the traction tie-rod back.

Tighten the self-centring fastening screws slightly.

Close the protective guard.

Loosen the spindle stop.

Open the protective guard.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-83

Check centring (< 0.01) and align the self-centring chuck.

Close the protective guard.

Stop the spindle.

Tighten the self-centring fastening screws.

The mechanical self-centring chuck clamping force must be checked using a

clamp force measuring device according to the indications contained in the
clamping device manufacturer’s documentation.

If a flange is needed to fit the clamping device, check centring and

transversal movement (< 0.01 mm) of the flange after fitting.

1-84 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Self-centring collet holder

Apply grease to the clamping device.

Apply grease to the attachment threading.


Select the MACHINE field.

Select MDA mode.

Close the protective door.

Move the traction tie-rod to the front position.

Carefully clean the spindle flange.

Check that the self-centring chuck is centred < 0.01 mm.

Turn the self-centring collet holder as far rightwards as possible.

Push the self-centring chuck into the spindle and tighten the fastening

Connect the collet holder joint to the traction tie-rod by turning it

rightwards (with special clamping device tool).

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-85

7.6 Checking and adjusting the clamping force

The clamping force is to be appropriate for the type of part and shall not
exceed the maximum clamping force allowed by the clamping unit applied.
The maximum force is engraved on the clamping spindle.
The clamping force is set by means of the hydraulic pressure regulator fitted
on the hydraulic unit.

The minimum force is shown in the clamping device manufacturer’s

Excessively low clamping force can cause damage to the machine and to

1-86 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.6.1 Adjusting the clamping stroke

Open the protective guard.

Select JOG mode.

Press the SELECT MENU button.




spindle 4 self-centring

Main clamp. device

Real value
clamp. mode traction
Release control


Clamp. Err. released
Clamp. Unload time

with PIEC


Press ENTER.

Position cursor in field.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-87 Recalling entered parameters


Select protection level 1.

Press ENTER.

Position cursor in field. Entering parameters

Main clamping device


self-centring spindle 4

main clamping device

main clamping device
clamping method
clamping mode
type of clamping device

clamping device sequence

clamp. release
clamp. path ctr

cool water
clamp press. 2.

1-88 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Clamping method
Enter 0.
Meaning: 0 = standard
1 = spindle operation without clamping release

Press the INPUT button.

The entered value appears in the field.

Position cursor in field.

Clamping mode
Enter number.
Meaning: enter "1" for pressure clamping
enter "2" for traction clamping
enter "3" for release stroke

Press the INPUT button.

The entered value appears in the field.

Position cursor in field.

Type of clamping device

Enter 4.
Meaning: "0" = no check
"1" = with pressure check
"2" = with pressure check and Bero clamping check

"3" = with pressure check and test Bero

clamping check
"4" = with pressure check and analogue
clamping check (standard)

Press the INPUT button.

The entered value appears in the field.

Position cursor in field.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-89

Clamping device sequence

Enter 0.
Meaning: 0 = first main clamping spindle, then
supplementary clamping spindle
1 = first supplementary clamping spindle, then
main clamping spindle
2= main clamping spindle and supplementary
spindle at the same time

Press the INPUT button

The entered value appears in the field

Position cursor in field

Clamping release
Enter 1.
Meaning: 0 = main self-centring chuck
1 = main self-centring chick or supplementary self
centring chuck
2 = supplementary self-centring chuck
Press the INPUT button

The entered value appears in the field

Position cursor in field

Clamping path control

Enter 0.
Meaning: 0 = not active
1 = active

Press the INPUT button

The entered value appears in the field

Position cursor in field

Tolerance field teach-in

Enter value
(preferably 50 if clamping situations are normal)

1-90 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 Ending parameter entry


7.6.2 Clamping release time

(enter release time for re-clamping)

Press RECAL.

Select protection level 1.

Press ENTER.

Position cursor in field.

Enter release time.

Press the INPUT button.

The entered value is shown in the field.


The figure shows an example of clamping stroke adjustment for self-centring

chuck 4 (main spindle).
self-centring spindle 4

Main clamp. device

Real value
clamp. mode traction
Release control


Clamp. Err. released
Clamp. Unload time

with PIEC


CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-91

7.7 Adjusting the clamping stroke

7.7.1 Adjusting the clamping stroke using Teach-in function

Take the self-centring chuck to the required open position.

Press the softkey (teach-in released)

Close the clamping jaws without workpiece.

Press the softkey (teach-in without workpiece).

Clamp the workpiece.

Press the softkey (teach-in with workpiece).

7.7.2 Manually adjusting the clamping stroke

Open self-centring chuck.

Note the real value indication as value 1.

Value 1:

Insert the rough part.

Close the self-centring chuck.

Note the real value indication as value 2.

Value 2:

Compare the two values.

1-92 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Example 1: value 2 < value 1

Fully open clamp

Real value: 3340
Value 1: 3340
Released: 3300

Rough/semifinished clamped workpiece

Real value: 460
Value 2: 460
Clamped: 500

Fully closed empty clamp

Real value: 180
Value 3: 180
Clamping error: 220

Press ENTER.


Increase value 2 by 40 steps and note here:


Open self-centring chuck.

Remove the rough workpiece.

Close the self-centring chuck.


CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-93

Record real value shown as value 3.

Value 3:

Increase value 3 by 40 steps and note here:

Clamping error:

Value 3 must be less than the clamping error value.

If this is not so, increase the clamping error value.

Open self-centring chuck.


Reduce value 1 by 40 steps and note here:


The released value must always be higher than value 2.


1-94 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Example 2: value 2 > value 1

Fully open clamp

Real value: 180
Value 1: 180
Released: 220

Rough/semifinished clamped workpiece

Real value: 2900
Value 2: 2900
Clamped: 2860

Fully closed clamp

Real value: 3340
Value 3: 3340
Clamping error: 3300

Press ENTER.


Increase value 2 by 40 steps and note here:


Open self-centring chuck.

Remove the rough part.

Close the self-centring chuck.


CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-95

Record real value shown as value 3.

Value 3:

Increase value 3 by 40 steps and note here:

Clamping error:

Value 3 must be higher than the clamping error value.

Reduce the clamping error value if this is not so.

Open self-centring chuck.


Increase value 1 by 40 steps and note here:


The released value must always be higher than value 2.


The rough workpiece tolerance must be respected for running without

Check adjustments with a rough workpiece equal to the top of the tolerance
range and a workpiece equal to the bottom of the tolerance range.

Set the corresponding clamping method (internal or external) at the end of

the adjustments.

1-96 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.8 Checking and adjusting the clamping pressure

The clamping pressure must be suited to the workpiece and must not exceed
the maximum clamping force of the tool used.
The set clamping pressure can be read on the respective pressure gauge (1)
on the left-hand side of the machine.

Changing clamping pressure

Adjust the pressure on the pressure reduction valve (2) until the required
pressure is reached.
- Decrease (= turn leftwards)
- Increase (= turn rightwards)
The maximum clamping pressure is printed on the clamp.
The traction force values are shown in the diagram shown on the machine casing.

The minimum clamping pressure is shown in the clamp manufacturer’s

Excessively low clamping pressure can damage the machine and cause

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-97

7.9 Limiting speed

7.9.1 Adjusting speed limitation

All clamp manufacturers specify the maximum speed of their tools.

The maximum speed is printed on the clamp.
Observe these values at all times. Also observe workpiece size limitations.
The maximum number must be entered in the respective parameter field.

This parameter can be edited by authorised personnel only.

Enter the maximum speed of the self-centring chuck as a parameter if this is

lower than the maximum speed of the machine. A key switch or password is
required for accessing settings.

Press the SELECT MENU button.


Press this button until “Spindles” appears on the horizontal softkey bar.


Enter the required speed.

Press the INPUT button.

The entered speed will be transferred.

1-98 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.10 Tool holders

7.10.1 Equipping the tool holders

Risk of injury
Always wear protective gloves when equipping the tool holder plate.

Turning the tool holder plate for changing tools:

Press the CYCLE STOP button.

The automatic cycle will be interrupted.


Select JOG mode.

Press the RESET button.

Move the saddle so that the tool holder plate can turn freely without the tools

Press the Logo button.

Press Tool Holder.

Equip required tool holder

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-99

7.10.2 Description of softkeys on Wizard page

Press to turn the turret plate by one position (increase 1  2

 3 .…).

Press to turn the turret plate by one position (decrease 10  9 

8 …).

Press to turn the turret to the position shown in the destination

pos. field.

Press one of the buttons in the presence of alarm 700063

to reset the turret.

Press to return to the initial Wizard page.

1-100 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.10.3 Changing the tools

Direct PLUS


Direct MINUS



The tool holder is turned one station forwards or backwards.

Open the protective guard.

Insert or replace the tool support.

The safety ring must be in engaged position for driven tools.

Do not replace the driven tool directed in working position.

All tools must be clean and free of chips before fitting.

Fill empty housings with a protective cap (and O-ring).

The tool support must rest on the tool surface.


The last programmed position before the first manual tool change is

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-101

7.10.4 Wizard page fields

Turret in position = turret index signal

Coupled tool control = turret locked signal
Error code no. = a number (*) is written in the presence of an error; 0
indicates no error.
Operative functions = active mode number is shown.
Tool requested = the requested position is shown.
Real posit. = the current position of the turret is written after being recalled
with the buttons.

Destination pos. = the last programmed position is written.

1-102 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.10.5 Directing the tool holder in MDA mode

Only the tools in the tools list can be selected in MDA mode.

Press the MDA button. Recalling the tool (standard)

T1 (e.g. 1)

Press the INPUT button

TC(1) (1. tool blade)

Press the CYCLE START button.

The correction values from D1 are selected and the tool is directed onto the
shortest path. Deselecting the tool

The tool is cancelled from the intermediate memory.


Press the INPUT button


Press the CYCLE START button.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-103 Tool holder slow rotation

The plate is turned at slow speed when the axis trimmer is set to <50% or if
“Rapid reduction” is active.
The plate will not move if the trimmer is = 0.

7.10.6 Directing the tool holder with T, S, M, …

Press the SELECT MENU button.

Select JOG mode.

Press T, S, M.

Enter tool position.

Take cursor to T.

Press TOOL.

Select tool position.


Press the CYCLE START button.

1-104 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.11 Motor driven tools

Prepare the machine to run and take the motor driven tool to working

7.11.1 Jogging motor driven tools

Select MACHINE field.

Select MDA or JOG mode and direct a tool position to

working position.

The tool position is directed in working position.

or press . The controlled tool will start up.

The tool turns in the pre-selected direction.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-105

7.11.2 Directing motor driven tools to working position and starting up directly

Press the Select Menu button.


Press T, S, M.

Press TOOLS.

The tools list will appear.

Select the tool from the turret position list.


Select the “Spindle” parameters field.

Switch spindle.

Select the speed parameters field.

Enter values.

Press the INPUT button.

Select the next parameter.

Switch the direction of rotation.

Press the CYCLE START button.

The tool will be engaged and then start turning at the programmed speed
and direction.

1-106 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.11.3 Stopping driven tools directly

Press the CYCLE STOP button.

7.12 Tailstock

The workpiece must be supported (with a tailstock) when turning shafts.

Position the tailstock with the protective guard open and maximum
advancement speed of 2 m/min (with protective guard closed in rapid mode).

7.12.1 Adjusting the tailstock

Wizard page

Press the LOGO.



MANUAL F: Protective cap not closed and locked


Sleeve thrust press.

Headstock release press.

Current Z axis position (SCM)

Headstock locking position

Override feed


Z destin.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-107

Description of softkeys:

Lock onto headstock: to control headstock locking function (*)

Release headstock: to control headstock release function (*)
Lock destination Z: axis Z is taken automatically to headstock locking
position (*)

Press this button to recall the sleeve settings page.

Press this button to reposition axis Z and lock onto the

headstock without the axis position constraint (*).

N.B.: (*) function possible in manual mode only

1-108 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

Description of fields:

Current Z axis position (SCM): shows the current position of axis Z.

Headstock locking position: shows the position of axis Z required

for locking onto the headstock.

Override feed: shows the current percentage of the


Sleeve thrust pressure: shows sleeve ON/OFF state.

Headstock release pressure: shows headstock ON/OFF state.

MANUAL F: Protective cap not closed and locked


Sleeve back

Sleeve thrust press.

Current sleeve position

Back position
EPC Proximity Quick forw. Stroke posit.
EPZC Proximity
clamping error
clamp unloading time

Sleeve thrust pressure: shows sleeve on/off state.

Current sleeve position: shows the sleeve projection position
Back position: the value in this field determines the
basic back position of the sleeve.
Quick forw. posit.: the value in this field establishes the
quick stroke switching position.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-109

Clamped: the value in this field determines the
closed sleeve position (supported
Clamping error: the value in this field determines the
exceeded clamping path.
Clamp unloading time: this value determines tailstock
retraction and advancement for the
total time written in this field (pressure
release, option).

With spindle stationary and sleeve not thrusting, press this

button to reference zero.

Press this button to return to the initial Wizard page.

Press this button to access the fields for changes.

EPC proximity: shows the sleeve position signal state.

EPZC proximity: shows the sleeve zero position signal

1-110 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

7.12.2 Manually adjusting the sleeve stroke with pedals

Open the protective guard.

Use the pedal to go to “backward position”.

Enter the real value in the “backward position” field.

Press the INPUT button.

Use the pedal to go to “quick forward stroke position”.

Enter the real value in the “quick forward stroke position” field.

Press the INPUT button.

Use the pedal to go to “clamped position”.

Enter the real value in the “clamped position” field.

Press the INPUT button.

Use the pedal to go to “clamping error position”.

Enter the real value in the “clamping error position” field.

Press the INPUT button.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-111

7.12.3 Adjusting the sleeve position with vertical Teach-in buttons

Take tailstock to “back position”.


Take tailstock to “quick stroke position”.


Take tailstock to “clamped position”.


Take tailstock to “clamping error position”.


Sleeve position descriptions

Quick stroke position

Clamped stroke position

Clamped error position

Reference point or back position

1-112 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

S electing & running
a program 8
8.1 Table ............................................................................................................................................. 8-114
8.2 Program management................................................................................................................. 8-114
8.3 Selecting the program to be edited ........................................................................................... 8-114
8.4 Selecting the program to be edited ........................................................................................... 8-114
8.5 Working workpieces automatically............................................................................................ 8-115
8.6 Correcting tool wear.................................................................................................................... 8-115
8.7 Data import and data export ....................................................................................................... 8-117

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-113

8.1 Table

The SINUMERIK 840 D CNC programming procedure is illustrated in the programming


8.2 Program management

This chapter describes management of part programs.

Management includes the insertion, modification and deletion of program blocks and the
deletion, copying and renaming of a program.

8.3 Selecting the program to be edited

• The programs are stored under a workpiece name.
• Programs can be loaded to the NCK memory. The programs
are marked in this case.

8.4 Selecting the program to be edited


Select the directory with the cursor buttons.

Press INPUT or right cursor button.

Select the required program with the cursor buttons.

Press INPUT. The program will appear.

Enter data.

The changes will be immediately active after entry when the program is loaded.

1-114 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

8.5 Working workpieces automatically


Point the cursor to the first CNC record.


The machine is in automatic mode.

Press the CYCLE START button.

8.6 Correcting tool wear

The correction values can be entered in automatic mode.

Press the SELECT MENU button.



The tool wear table will appear on the display.

Point the cursor to the entry position.

Type in the correction value.

Press the INPUT button.

Correction is compensated and the result is shown.

The entered value will be transferred as current tool wear value if the INPUT button is
pressed after entering the correction value.

Press the SELECT MENU button.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-115


1-116 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

8.7 Data import and data export

The interface can be used to read data from an external device and export data to an external

“Standard” settings are used in this case.


Select the directory.

Press the INPUT button.

Select the program.

Use to select other programs, if required.

Select OTHER.

Press ENTER.

Press START.


Press ENTER.

Press START.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-117

Selecting the interface

Press the SELECT MENU button.


Press OTHER.

Press ENTER.


Press ENTER.

Press IMPORT RS232C.


Parameters Special functions


Start with XON

Wait for confirmation before
Baud rate overwriting
Entry: Final block with LF only
Data bit
Stop at end of transmission
Parity Interpret DSA signal

Stop bits Head and end

Punched tape
XON (Esa)
Time surveillance
XOFF (Esa)



Figure 9-2 V24_en

1-118 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

D escription of interfaces 9
9 Description of interfaces................................................................................................................. 9-120
9.1 Program transfer serial interface ............................................................................................... 9-121
9.1.1 Editing interface parameters ....................................................................................................... 9-122

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-119

9 Description of interfaces

1-120 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

9.1 Program transfer serial interface

A V24/V28 interface is provided for exchanging data between the CNC and
an external data device.

- V24/V28 interface (RS-232 C or DIN 66020)

The V24/V28 is a serial bit interface. The connection wire between the serial
interface socket and the external data device must less than 5 metres long.
- 20mA interface
The 20mA interface is a current serial bit interface.
The connection wire between the serial interface socket and the external
data device must less than 300 meters long.

Data format
The control default pre-settings are:

R5232C user parameters


Parameters Special functions


Start with XON

Wait for confirmation before
Baud rate overwriting
Entry: Final block with LF only
Data bit none
Stop at end of transmission
Parity Interpret DSA signal

Stop bits Head and end

Punched tape
XON (Esa)
Time surveillance
XOFF (Esa)



Figure 9-2 V24_en

LIYCY wires (shielded) are used.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-121

9.1.1 Editing interface parameters
The data format can be adapted to a certain extent to the external data device.

Press the SELECT MENU button.






Press SET V24.

Select parameter range.

Press SELECT to switch.


Press INSERT to select.

Press INPUT (only if selection mode using INSERT


After editing parameter data

Press OK.

The parameters are now set.

1-122 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

M aintenance & care 10
10.1 Fluid maintenance ..................................................................................................................... 10-124
10.2 Checks before starting.............................................................................................................. 10-126
10.3 End of work checks ................................................................................................................... 10-127
10.4 Maintenance schedule .............................................................................................................. 10-128
10.5 Maintenance works ................................................................................................................... 10-129
10.5.1 Replacing the electrical enclosure suction filters....................................................................... 10-137
10.5.2 Cleaning the pneumatic system filter ........................................................................................ 10-138
10.5.3 Changing chip conveyor oil-based lubricant.............................................................................. 10-139 Choosing the oil-based coolant .................................................................................. 10-140 Lubricating coolant products available on the market ................................................ 10-142
10.5.4 Changing oil in the hydraulic unit............................................................................................... 10-143 Lubricating products available on the market............................................................. 10-144
10.5.5 Replacing the hydraulic unit filter cartridge................................................................................ 10-145
10.6 Saving stored data..................................................................................................................... 10-146
10.7 Checking the CNC..................................................................................................................... 10-147
10.8 Protective sheet (guard) ............................................................................................................ 10-148
10.9 Replacing the battery ................................................................................................................ 10-149
10.9.1 Replacing the CNC battery........................................................................................................ 10-149
10.10 Removing the spindle flange ............................................................................................... 10-150
10.11 Resetting the machine .......................................................................................................... 10-151

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-123

10.1 Fluid maintenance

General notes

This chapter of the use and maintenance manual explains how to carry out general
maintenance of the fluids used in the machine (grease, coolants, oils, oil-based coolant).
Maintenance operations must be carried out according to the time scale indicated.

Machine warranty

The manufacturer shall not be liable and the warranty will

be void in the following cases:
• if the instructions for using, programming, transporting
and installing the machine are not followed;
• if the machine and supplementary equipment is not
controlled correctly;
• if the machine and supplementary equipment does not
undergo regular maintenance;
• if repairs are carried out by other than authorised
• if scheduled maintenance interventions are not
recorded in the log book provided with the machine;
• if safety devices are either not used or disabled;
• if technical or functional modifications of any type are
implemented without the manufacturer’s approval.

1-124 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1


The fluids and the markings on the lubricating points indicated in the manual comply with
DIN 51 502 standards.
The right kinds of fluid must be used to guarantee that the machine functions
safely and correctly throughout its working life.
The machine is usually supplied with the required fluids.
The fluids originally used to fill the machine (see sheet) should always be
used thereafter. If this is not possible, use other products indicated in the
attached table. It is a good idea to use the same brand for all fluids in order
to avoid obtaining an incompatible mixture.

Useful tips

The machine will only operate correctly if these kinds of fluid are used.
Fluid manufacturers provide a technical service, which gives information and
advice on the use of their products.

Suggestions for used fluids disposal

Fluids used for operating the machine are polluting elements and after
replacement they must not be dispersed in the environment. It is a good rule
to provide for their ecological disposal, e.g. by contacting a collection centre
before machine installation.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-125

10.2 Checks before starting

The hydraulic unit is found on the left-hand side of the machine.

Check the following before each work shift with the machine off.
Check for leakage.
Check oil-based coolant level.
The chip conveyor oil-based coolant level must reach the upper line.
Check the bar loading device (optional).
Check that the sliding guide protective sheet is not damaged.
Check that the covers and the scrapers in the working area are not
Check that the clamp is not damaged.
Check that the pedal boards and their wires are not damaged.
Check that the control console buttons are working correctly.

If you find anomalies or failures during these checks:

No not switch the machine on. Do not start the machine.

Call Technical Service.

After switching the machine on

Set a few additional lubrication pulses with the M49 function after
prolonged stops (longer than two days) before moving the axes.

1-126 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

10.3 End of work checks


• Open the protective guard.

• Switch off the master switch and remove the power fuses to
prevent accidental start-ups.

Jobs needed :

Clean the working area with suitable tools after each shift.

Clean the machine bulb.

Clean the protective sheet and sliding guard glass.

Never use compressed air.

(Respect all the safety precautions illustrated in chapter 1).

Empty the chip collection bin.

Switch the chip conveyor off.

Remove chips from the conveyor (do not remove with your hands).
Always arrange the chip conveyor under the conveyor outlet.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-127

10.4 Maintenance schedule

Time scales shown are inclusive. This means that if the 250-hour
maintenance check is to be carried out, the 50-hour check should be done as
This procedure should be followed for all time scales.

 See the specific Use and Maintenance manual for maintenance and
lubrication to be carried out on the tool holder turret, self-centring chuck and
other parts. All such handbooks are supplied with the machine.

2000 9 2 6 8  4
1000 2 6 7 4
500 8
250 912 7 5 4
50 12 3 78 5  5 4

1-128 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

10.5 Maintenance works

Frequency and maintenance may vary according to the environment in which

the machine is used and the kind of material being worked.
Intervention frequency is strictly related to the type of material used.

sheet (guard)
Clean with water and domestic detergents.
Do not use aggressive or abrasive products.
The guard sheets are subject to wear. Replace
them after seven years from date of production
or more frequently (see indication on the sheet).

Console Clean the outside of the control station.

Do not use aggressive detergents.
Do not use compressed air.

8 Working area Clean and apply oil to covers.

Do not use compressed air.

Do not use aggressive detergents.

2 Hydraulic unit Check oil level and top up if required.

Steady rest Check steady rest roller lubricant level and top up if
3 roller required (optional).

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-129

Chip conveyor Check oil-based coolant level and top up if

Chip conveyor Check and clean filtering plate.

4 Switch the chip conveyor off.
Check pH.

5 Electrical Check aspirator filter inserts, and replace if required.


Clamp Clean clamp and apply gear to jaws.


CNC Back-up data.

1-130 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

 2 Hydraulic unit Replace filter and oil (first time only).


Chip conveyor Top up oil-based coolant.


Chip conveyor Check and clean filtering plate.

4 Replace it if required.

Electrical Replace aspirator filter inserts.


Spindle Check that the spindle front flange drain holes are not
7 obstructed (check that air is let out).
When using material which create filament-like chips
 (e.g. Teflon) check that the chips do not wind around
the self-centring chuck and the flange obstructing the
output holes. If the holes are obstructed, remove the
front flange and clean the labyrinths and the flange.

Hydraulic Check that hydraulic cylinder drainage ducts are

9 cylinder clean.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-131

Console Check correct operation of the emergency stop
Check enable buttons and function buttons.

Pedal board Check correct operation of the pedal board:

Self-centring chuck opening/closing pedal board
Sleeve forward/back pedal board

Sliding guard Check correct operation of guard

(machine on and spindle running)

Sliding guide Check correct operation of guard

release button (machine off and not

1-132 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

 8 Guillotine
Check whether scrapers are damaged.
Replace if necessary.

8 Axis X Check whether scrapers are damaged.

scrapers Replace if necessary.

8 Headstock Check whether scrapers are damaged.

scrapers Replace if necessary.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-133

 2 Hydraulic unit Check tightness of hydraulic pipe
fittings and unions.

Pneumatic Check for condensation residues in the

6 system pneumatic system filter and eliminate if required.

Chip conveyor Replace filtering plate.


Spindle Check that the spindle front flange drain

holes are not obstructed (check that air is
let out).

 If the holes are obstructed, remove the front

flange and clean the labyrinths and the

1-134 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

 2 Hydraulic unit Change the oil.

2000 Check the hydraulic fittings.

2 Hydraulic unit Replace the filter.

Chip conveyor Change oil-based coolant and clean


Axis X Check for dirt and chips. Clean if required.

Do not use compressed air.

Axis Z Check for dirt and chips. Clean if required.

Do not use compressed air.

8 Cross Check motor coupling and hydraulic pipes and

carriage fittings.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-135

Working area Remove sliding protections and check
8 guides, ball screws, lead nuts and shoes.

Pneumatic Check and eliminate residues of condensation

6 system in the pneumatic filter. Replace the internal
filtering cartridge, if required.

Head area Check fastening of all mechanical,

hydraulic and electrical components.

1-136 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

10.5.1 Replacing the electrical enclosure suction filters

The electrical enclosure suction filter replacement frequency depends on the

5 environment where the machine is installed.

Proceed as follows to replace the filter:

Remove the external clipped-on plastic protection grid (1).
Remove the filtering cloth (2).
Insert a new cloth.
Reposition the protective grid (1).

Never attempt to reuse the removed cloth by turning it round. The previously
filtered substance would be let into the electrical enclosure in this way.

Do not underestimate the importance of this simple maintenance procedure

to ensure correct operation of the cooling system.

1 2

Code Quantity Component Notes

4314099050 3 Filtering cloth

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-137

10.5.2 Cleaning the pneumatic system filter

To check and eliminate condensation residues in the pneumatic system filter:

6 • Open the right door on the back side of machine .
• Access the pneumatic panel (1) above the hydraulic system.
• Open the taps (2) under the filters and let out condensation into a
• Close the taps.

1-138 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

10.5.3 Changing chip conveyor oil-based lubricant

The frequency for cleaning the reservoir (1) and changing the oil-based
4 coolant can vary according to the type of work being carried out and the kind
of fluid used. The system therefore needs to be checked regularly.

 See time scale (scheduled maintenance).

The oil-based coolant must be changed if it smells bad.

Proceed as follows to change the oil-based coolant (A) and clean the
reservoir (1):
• Remove covers (2) from the reservoir.
• Completely drain the reservoir either by using the suction pump (3)
connected to the outlet (4) or through the drain plug.
• Remove the filtering grids and filtering plate (5). Clean them. Replace the
filtering plate, if required.
• Remove sludge formed by chips and sediment from the reservoir (1).
• Rinse out the reservoir (1) with a mixture of water and bicarbonate of
soda (2 kg in 50 litres of water). Do not use any additives such as anti-
bacteria, anti-rust, anti-foam additives, etc.
• Pour out the mixture and rinse the reservoir with clean water.
• Reposition the filtering grids (5) and the drain plug.
• Reconnect the pump (3) to the coolant delivery tube.

1 4 2

Dispose of used oil-based coolant properly. Collect the oil and take to a collection point.
The cleaning mixture must also be disposed of properly and taken to a collection point.

Code Quantity Component Notes

03952001 1 Filtering plate

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-139 Choosing the oil-based coolant

The following should be taken into account when choosing an oil-based coolant:

• The oil-based coolant used must be compatible with the oil used to
lubricate the slides.
• The anti-corrosive properties of the oil-based coolant must be effective
over a long period of time.
• Any acids used in the manufacture of the oil-based coolant must not be
harmful to the machine itself (e.g. paint, linings, etc.).

The oil-based coolant used should have the following properties:

• good emulsibility and durability, even when used with hard water
• lubricating properties
• high resistance to deterioration and bacteria.

If cutting fluid is used, note that the chip conveyor pumps can support oil with
a kinematic viscosity of up to 40 cSt.

It is extremely important that the oil-based coolant should not be toxic and
therefore harmful to personnel (make sure that any product used provides a
safety schedule showing toxic tests and precautions to be taken).

The oil-based coolant emulsion used must separate easily.

Checking the system

 Regular checks should be carried out on the oil-based coolant system as

shown below:
• Check the level.
• If it is too concentrated, dilute it with a very weak emulsion solution (never
use pure water only).
• Use acid test paper to measure the pH value.
• Nominal value: pH 8.3 - 9.0.

1-140 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

A pH value of 7.0 indicates a neutral solution, e.g. pure water.
Emulsions with a pH value lower than 7.0 are defined as “acid” solutions.
Higher pH values (max. 10.0) improve anti-rust properties.
A pH value of more than 9.4 cleans the machine’s moving parts too much
and may also be a risk to personnel as it causes skin damage.

Mixing the oil-based coolant

Proceed as follows to obtain the correct proportion of emulsion/water/oil-

based coolant:
• Pour the oil-based coolant slowly into clean water, stirring slowly.
• Never reverse the procedure.
• Never use softened water.
• Never store the emulsion in galvanised tanks.
• Never combine the prepared emulsion with other products.

The solution must be prepared at the following temperatures:

• minimum temperature of concentrated fluid: +10° C
• maximum temperature of water: + 30° C

A concentration of not less than 5% is recommended for the emulsion.

Pour the perfectly mixed emulsion into the reservoir.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-141 Lubricating coolant products available on the market

This TABLE lists some manufacturers that offer specifically studied

combinations of oil and oil-based coolants.
You should contact the oil-based coolant manufacturers for correct
comparisons and useful suggestions for product use.


ARAL Sarol 340 FIMITOL Avantin 550
Sarol 445 EP Avantin 700
Sarol 460 EP Avantin 800
AVIA Avilub Metacon UV 18 FINA Vulsol BST
Avilub Metacon 300 EP FUCHS Ratak Durant 20
Avilub Metacon Synt 100 MOBIL Mobilmet 151
Metacon BSB - F PENNZOIL Boorolie EC
CASTROL Alusol B ROCOL Ultracut 390 H
Syntilo R - HS Rotacut 80 EP
CINCINNATI Cimcool 603 Rotacut 90 EP
CMT Acquasol 5 - 58 SOLLNER Connexol WKS
TOTAL Lactuca LT 2
ELF Sarelf ACS Rectimol Soluble 6
Emulself FBB WELLCOR SR / 4
Elf Solfuria SU KB / S
Kutwell 40 WISURA WM 3052
VANGUARD Soloil 2911/B

1-142 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

10.5.4 Changing oil in the hydraulic unit

Proceed as follows to change the oil:

2 Access the hydraulic unit on the rear right-hand side of the machine.
Empty the reservoir (1) through the drain cap with hose (2).

Dispose of used oil properly. Collect the oil and take to a collection point.


Check that the drain cap (2) and all the connectors are properly tightened
before filling the reservoir (1).
Remove the plug (3) from the unit and fill with clean oil of the suitable type
(check on unit rating plate to the maximum level.
Check level (4) and top up after the machine has been turned on for the first
Check that the electric motor for the pump (5) is turning in the direction of the

See the tables to identify the type of oil to be used as an alternative to that
shown on the unit rating plate.

Before using the hydraulic control unit again after a maintenance check,
always make sure that the tubes and other components have not been
damaged in any way.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-143 Lubricating products available on the market


made available by S.T.A.N.I.M.U.C. UNI FEDERATED BODY (issue 1996).
These manufacturers offer specifically studied combinations of lubricants.
You should contact the manufacturer for correct comparison if you are using
products other than those used by GRAZIANO.
GRAZIANO disclaims any responsibility whatsoever with regard to the choice
and use of any of the products listed below.

Hydraulic oil Grease

Manufacturer Type
- -
Zeller + Gmelin

1-144 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

10.5.5 Replacing the hydraulic unit filter cartridge

Proceed as follows to replace the filter cartridge:

2 • Access the hydraulic unit on the rear right-hand side of the machine .
• Relieve pressure from the system with the tool (1).
• Loosen the filter (2).
• Replace the internal cartridge.
• Fasten the filter (2) again.
• Pressurise the system again with the tool (1).
• Switch the machine on and check the oil level in the unit.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-145

10.6 Saving stored data

The CNC is equipped with a memory and important data (e.g. programs, tool
tables, etc.) should be saved regularly via the serial port.
Saving will avoid loss of data in the case of hardware failures or
user errors.

Data should be saved at least once during the working week.

The machine software delivered by GRAZIANO has been checked

for viruses.
GRAZIANO is not liable for damage to the machine caused by computer
virus infections caught during connections to the network or from infected
diskettes. Always check for viruses using specific anti-virus programs.

1-146 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

10.7 Checking the CNC

The CNC hard drive will have reached the end of its average working life
after approximately five maintenance intervals (12000 working hours).
This does not mean that the hard drive will fail immediately: its reliability will
decrease and the risk of loosing data will gradually increase. The possibilily
of malfunctioning will also increase.
You are advised to have the hard drive replaced by the manufacturer’s
technical personnel when you reach this deadline to limit risks.
As any other technical device, the hard drive may fail before this deadline.

Back up data regularly as a general protection measure.

This information was provided by the hard drive supplier.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-147

10.8 Protective sheet (guard)

Guard protective sheets are subject to wear and must be replaced at

least once every seven years from date of manufacture (see indication
on the sheet). The sheets must be replaced to maintain a certain safety
value (also if visual deflects are not apparent).
The necessary withholding capacity of the sheet may decrease after this

Note the date of replacement of the protective sheet in the machine


Damaged sheets must be replaced immediately.

Damage includes cracking or perforation of inner glass and scratches on
the external polycarbonate sheet.

Do not run the machine without the protective sheet.

(Bayer MAKROLON mono dura clear 8099)

Code Quantity Component Notes

03409076 1 Tempered glass clear protection
03409075 1 “LEXAN MARGARD MR5E” clear protection
03409074 1 Glass seals 1075 x 700

1-148 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

10.9 Replacing the battery

10.9.1 Replacing the CNC battery

 See the CNC manual for instructions on how to replace the battery.

The CNC battery must be replaced when the controller is on to prevent loss of data.
The battery (1) is inside the CNC unit.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-149

10.10 Removing the spindle flange

Proceed as follows to remove the front spindle flange :

- Switch the master switch off and remove the fuses to prevent
accidental start-up.
- Remove the clamp (1) by removing the fastening screws (2).
- Remove the fastening screws (3) from the flange (4).
- Remove the flange (4) and clean the discharge holes.
- Clean the spindle labyrinths (5).
Make sure that the seals (6) are positioned correctly when refitting
the flange.

1-150 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

10.11 Resetting the machine

Particular situations and events (e.g. collisions) may occur during

the machine's life.
These situations require restoring operations to resume normal

Considering the wide range of possible events which cannot be

comprehensively dealt with in this manual, contact the GRAZIANO Technical
Service for the measures to take in each case.


Contact the Technical Service for other operations not described in this

 Refer to the documentation provided by the manufacturers for maintenance

operations on devices and equipment NOT made by GRAZIANO.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-151

P arameter Settings, M Functions, Standard
& PLC Error Messages
11.1 ALARMS - MESSAGES .............................................................................................................. 11-153
11.2 M functions................................................................................................................................. 11-176
11.3 Applying spindle brake using the Wizard page ...................................................................... 11-178
11.4 Stopping main spindle in the program.................................................................................... 11-179

1-152 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

510216 0 1 "Cycle turret in progress"
510217 0 1 "I enliven in opening jaws Chuck S4 "
510218 0 1 "I enliven in closing jaws Chuck S4 "
510221 0 1 "I stop back movement reader Tailstock"
510222 0 1 "I stop movement reader before Tailstock"
510223 0 1 "Bar change in process"
510224 0 1 "Handshake in process"
510225 0 1 "Block reader through movement steady rest arms"
510226 0 1 ""
510231 0 1 "Attended arrest Spindles"
700963 0 0 "Vers.1.0, Date 24.02.2004"
700000 0 0 "F: Channel 1 M function is not admissible"
700001 0 0 "F: Channel 1 M function > 999 is not admissible"
700002 0 0 "F: Channel 1 extended M function is not admissible"
700003 0 0 "F: Channel 1 M function is multiply programmed in block program"
700004 0 0 "F: Channel 2 M function is not admissible"
700005 0 0 "F: Channel 2 M function > 999 is not admissible"
700006 0 0 "F: Channel 2 extended M function is not admissible"
700007 0 0 "F: Channel 2 M function is multiply programmed in block program"
700008 0 0 "F: Channel 3 M function is not admissible"
700009 0 0 "F: Channel 3 M function > 999 is not admissible"
700010 0 0 "F: Channel 3 extended M function is not admissible"
700011 0 0 "F: Channel 3 M function is multiply programmed in block program"
700012 0 0 "F: No clamping pressure on spindle clamp 3"
700013 0 0 "F: Permissible clamping path for spindle clamp 3 exceeded"
700014 0 0 "F: Reserved for clamp"
700015 0 0 "F: Clamping pressure error at additional clamp on spindle 3"
700016 0 0 "F: Clamping path error at additional clamp on spindle 3"
700017 0 0 "F: Clamping path sensor defective at additional clamp 3"
700018 0 0 "F: Pressure fault -second pressure- clamp 3"
700019 0 0 "F: Clamping pressure fault clamp spindle 3"
700020 0 0 "F: 700020 DB2.DBX182.4, reserved for clamp"
700021 0 0 "F: 700021 DB2.DBX182.5, reserved for clamp"
700022 0 0 "F: No clamping pressure on spindle clamp 4"
700023 0 0 "F: Permissible clamping path spindle clamp 4 exceeded"
700024 0 0 "F: Max. time for releasing of the clamping device -Spindle 4"
700025 0 0 "F: Clamping pressure error at additional clamp on spindle 4"
700026 0 0 "F: Clamping path error at additional clamp on spindle 4"
700027 0 0 "F: Clamping path sensor defective at additional clamp 4"
700028 0 0 "F: Pressure fault -second pressure- clamp 4"
700029 0 0 "F: Clamping pressure fault clamp spindle 4"
700030 0 0 "F: 700030 DB2.DBX183.6, Reserved for clamp"
700031 0 0 "F: 700031 DB2.DBX183.7, Reserved for clamp"
700032 0 0 "W: Chip conveyor: Motor overload triggered (Stop at cycle end)"
700033 0 0 "M: Data exchange: Feeding lengths not uniform"
700034 0 0 "M: Bar loader: Data exchange via Profibus interrupted"
700035 0 0 "M: Coolant unit: Overfilled (return pump switches off)"
700036 0 0 "M: Coolant system clean water tank signals minimum level"
700037 0 0 "M: Coolant system clean water tank signals minimum level"
700038 0 0 "M: Coolant system mixed water tank signals minimum level"
700039 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: The right hand part feeding cover is open"
700040 0 0 "W: Cooling system is not ready"
700041 0 0 "M: SAFETY INTEGRATED: Please TRIGGER TEST STOP before next ‘Cycle start‘"
700042 0 0 "M: Handling system: EMERGENCY STOP"
700043 0 0 "M: External handling system: Circle conveyor not operational"
700044 0 0 "M: External handling system: Longitudinal conveyor not operational"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-153

700045 0 0 "M: External handling: Workpiece separating station is empty"
700046 0 0 "W: Unloader: Magazine full (pre-warning)"
700047 0 0 "M: Operating mode key inserted (stop at cycle end)"
700048 0 0 "M: Operating mode key switch defective"
700049 0 0 "M: Tool measuring not operational"
700050 0 0 "M: Danger of collision Z2 – Z3: Please move free !"
700051 0 0 "M: Robot not operational"
700052 0 0 "M: Robot has not released working space"
700053 0 0 "M: Start signal from robot pending"
700054 0 0 "M: 3. Tool magazine: Tool flap undefined"
700055 0 0 "M: 3. Tool magazine: Tool flap did not open"
700056 0 0 "M: 3. Tool magazine: Tool flap does not close"
700057 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve undefined"
700058 0 0 "M: Spindle C1/S1 clamping ON"
700059 0 0 "M: Spindle C2/S2 clamping ON"
700060 0 0 "M: Spindle C3/S3 clamping ON"
700061 0 0 "M: Spindle C4/S4 clamping ON"
700062 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve in defined retract position"
700063 0 0 "M: Turret: Not in defined position"
700100 0 0 "F: Tool holder 1: not locked"
700101 0 0 "F: Tool holder 1: not unlocked"
700102 0 0 "F: Tool holder 1: T value inadmissible"
700103 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 winding temperature: temperature sensor fault"
700104 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 Alarm winding temperature"
700105 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 Front bearing temperature: temperature sensor fault"
700106 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 Alarm front bearing temperature"
700107 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 Rear bearing temperature: temperature sensor fault"
700108 0 0 "F: Spindle S4 Alarm rear bearing temperature"
700109 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 winding temperature: temperature sensor fault"
700110 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 Alarm winding temperature"
700111 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 front bearing temperature: temperature sensor fault"
700112 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 Alarm front bearing temperature"
700113 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 Rear bearing temperature: temperature sensor fault"
700114 0 0 "F: Spindle S3 Alarm rear bearing temperature"
700115 0 0 "F: Cooling water temperature: temperature sensor fault"
700116 0 0 "F: Air temperature: temperature sensor fault"
700117 0 0 "F: Bar feed not operational"
700118 0 0 "F: Turret 1 overload coupling triggered"
700119 0 0 "F: Turret 1 Tool holder locked signal is faulty"
700120 0 0 "F: Turret 1 Tool holder unlocked signal is faulty"
700121 0 0 "F: Turret 1 SPL unlocked signal is faulty"
700122 0 0 "F: Turret 1 SPL locked signal is faulty"
700123 0 0 "F: Turret 1 tool not with fixed position coding"
700124 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 1"
700125 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 2"
700126 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 3"
700127 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 4"
700128 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 5"
700129 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 6"
700130 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 7"
700131 0 0 "F: Tool change: TIME OUT during phase 8"
700132 0 0 "M: Maintenance, lubrication of pick-off/gantry required"
700133 0 0 "M: Lock NC start, channels are not initialised"
700134 0 0 "M: ASUP POWERON.SPF / REFERENC.SPF not loaded / released"
700136 0 0 "M: Conveyor belt: No further parts on belt"
700137 0 0 "M: Shift end cut-out: Machine OFF in 5 seconds"
700138 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine tool position 1 position not defined"

1-154 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

700139 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: tool position 1 change position not reached"
700140 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Tool position 1 did not reach home position"
700141 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine tool position 2 position not defined"
700142 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Tool position 2 change position not reached"
700143 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Tool position 2 home position not reached"
700144 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine tool position 3, position not defined"
700145 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Tool position 3 change position not reached"
700146 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Tool position 3 home position not reached"
700147 0 0 "M: Compartment indexing belt: The material pusher has not reached the front position"
700148 0 0 "M: Compartment indexing belt: Material pusher has not reached its home position"
700149 0 0 "M: Special operating mode “Emery grinding” selected."
700150 0 0 "M: Conveyor belt: The belt is full"
700151 0 0 "M: Conveyor belt: Cover hood position not defined"
700152 0 0 "M: Closing the tool flap is not permitted"
700153 0 0 "M: 3. Magazine: Moving forward to change position is not permitted"
700154 0 0 "M: Conveyor belt: Opening of the cover hood is not permissible"
700155 0 0 "M: Chip conveyor Chip conveyor not existing / protection door is open / switch turned off"
700156 0 0 "M: Function: To Frame (Move tool free diagonally)"
700157 0 0 "M: Machine will be switched off within 10 minutes because of a pending malfunction (RESET)"
700158 0 0 "M: Coolant system: Coil-type suction filter has reached maximum (stop at cycle end)"
700159 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring 20 bar Rev_1"
700160 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring 20 bar Rev_2"
700161 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring 40/80 bar Rev_1"
700162 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring 40/80 bar Rev_2"
700163 0 0 "M: Pneumatic: No pressure on linear measuring system"
700200 0 0 "F: Fault in lubricant circuit 2"
700201 0 0 "F: Fault in lubricant circuit 1"
700202 0 0 "F: Rotational speed monitoring defective"
700203 0 0 "F: Rotational speed monitor has tripped"
700204 0 0 "F: Rotational speed monitoring spindle triggered"
700205 0 0 "F: Axes rotational speed monitoring triggered"
700206 0 0 "F: Pneumatic: no system pressure"
700207 0 0 "F: Loading flap 1 right does not open"
700208 0 0 "F: Loading flap 1 right does not close"
700209 0 0 "F: Loading flap 1 left does not open"
700210 0 0 "F: Loading flap 1 left does not close"
700211 0 0 "F: Auxiliary drive: general fault"
700212 0 0 "F: Mains contactor"
700213 0 0 "F: Protection hood not closed and locked"
700214 0 0 "F: Program running time monitoring exceeded"
700215 0 0 "F: Machine cannot be switched on"
700216 0 0 "F: Machine / Hydraulic has failed"
700217 0 0 "F: Motor overload triggered (Stop at cycle end)"
700218 0 0 "F: Motor overload triggered (immediate stop)"
700219 0 0 "F: Hydraulic filter blocked (stop at cycle end)"
700220 0 0 "F: NC data read/write fault"
700221 0 0 "F: FC21 read/write data fault from NC program"
700222 0 0 "F: Parameter data read/write fault from NC program"
700223 0 0 "F: Unloader not operational"
700224 0 0 "F: Unloader: Workpiece lost in machine"
700225 0 0 "F: Switch cabinet cooling unit: Max temperature exceeded"
700226 0 0 "F: Switch cabinet cooling unit: Filter is blocked"
700227 0 0 "F: Switch cabinet cooling unit is not operational"
700228 0 0 "F: Hydraulic: Minimum level reached (stop at cycle end)"
700229 0 0 "F: Conveyor belt: cover not open"
700230 0 0 "F: Conveyor belt: cover is open"
700231 0 0 "F: Conveyor belt: motor protection switch triggered"
700232 0 0 "M: Coolant level switch defective"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-155

700233 0 0 "M: Excessive coolant level"
700234 0 0 "M: Tool clamp spindle 2 not clamped"
700235 0 0 "M: Tool clamp spindle 2 no clamping pressure"
700236 0 0 "M: Tool clamp spindle 2 clamping pressure applied"
700237 0 0 "M: Tool clamp spindle 2 no release pressure"
700238 0 0 "M: Tool clamp spindle 2 release pressure applied"
700239 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1: not at position 1"
700240 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1: actual position unknown"
700241 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1: does not swivel (Override > 0 ?)"
700242 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1: no release"
700243 0 0 "M: Tool spindle 1 not positioned"
700244 0 0 "M: Machine: EMERGENCY STOP"
700245 0 0 "M: Machine not switched on"
700246 0 0 "M: Lack of grease / oil in the lubricants container"
700247 0 0 "M: Protection hood has not unlocked after 10s"
700248 0 0 "M: Protection hood is closed but not locked"
700249 0 0 "M: Protection hood is open"
700250 0 0 "M: Protection hood has not locked"
700251 0 0 "M: Protection hood is not closed"
700252 0 0 "M: Setting operation selected"
700253 0 0 "W: Motor protection triggered (stop at cycle end)"
700254 0 0 "M: Motor protection triggered"
700255 0 0 "W: Hydraulic filter blocked (stop at cycle end)"
700256 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: door hydraulic is open"
700257 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: cover clamp 3 is open"
700258 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: cover of clamp 4 is open"
700259 0 0 "M: Chip conveyor running control triggered"
700260 0 0 "M: Coolant filter band end"
700261 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitor triggered"
700262 0 0 "M: Unloading not possible"
700263 0 0 "W: Hydraulic: minimum level reached (stop at cycle end)"
700300 0 0 "F: Axis X1 motor temperature prewarning"
700301 0 0 "F: Axis X1 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700302 0 0 "F: Axis X1 detent coupling triggered"
700303 0 0 "F: Axis Y1 motor temperature prewarning"
700304 0 0 "F: Axis Y1 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700305 0 0 "F: Axis Y1 detent coupling triggered"
700306 0 0 "F: Axis Z1 motor temperature prewarning"
700307 0 0 "F: Axis Z1 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700308 0 0 "F: Axis Z1 detent coupling triggered"
700309 0 0 "F: Axis WT1 motor temperature prewarning"
700310 0 0 "F: Axis WT1 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700311 0 0 "F: Axis WT1 detent coupling triggered"
700312 0 0 "F: Axis X2 motor temperature prewarning"
700313 0 0 "F: Axis X2 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700314 0 0 "F: Axis X2 detent coupling triggered"
700315 0 0 "F: Axis Y2 motor temperature prewarning"
700316 0 0 "F: Axis Y2 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700317 0 0 "F: Axis Y2 detent coupling triggered"
700318 0 0 "F: Axis Z2 motor temperature prewarning"
700319 0 0 "F: Axis Z2 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700320 0 0 "F: Axis Z2 detent coupling triggered"
700321 0 0 "F: Axis B2 motor temperature prewarning"
700322 0 0 "F: Axis B2 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700323 0 0 "F: Axis B2 detent coupling triggered"
700324 0 0 "F: Axis Z3 motor temperature prewarning"
700325 0 0 "F: Axis Z3 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700326 0 0 "F: Axis Z3 detent coupling triggered"

1-156 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

700327 0 0 "F: Axis WM4 motor temperature prewarning"
700328 0 0 "F: Axis WM4 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700329 0 0 "F: Axis WM4 detent coupling triggered"
700330 0 0 "F: Axis WW4 motor temperature prewarning"
700331 0 0 "F: Axis WW4 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700332 0 0 "W: Spindle S4 prewarning winding temperature"
700333 0 0 "W: Spindle S4 prewarning front bearing temperature"
700334 0 0 "W: Spindle S4 prewarning rear bearing temperature"
700335 0 0 "W: Spindle S3 prewarning winding temperature"
700336 0 0 "W: Spindle S3 prewarning front bearing temperature"
700337 0 0 "W: Spindle S3 prewarning rear bearing temperature"
700338 0 0 "W: Warning air temperature too high"
700339 0 0 "M: Tool changer cross slide has no end position"
700340 0 0 "M: Tool changer cross slide does not run"
700341 0 0 "M: Tool changer cross slide switch is defective"
700342 0 0 "M: Tool changer swivel arm has no end position"
700343 0 0 "M: Tool changer swivel arm does not swivel"
700344 0 0 "M: Tool changer swivel arm switch is defective"
700345 0 0 "M: Tool flap has no end position"
700346 0 0 "M: Tool flap does not open / close"
700347 0 0 "M: Tool flap switch is defective"
700348 0 0 "M: Magazine change station cylinder has not returned"
700349 0 0 "M: Magazine change station cylinder is not moved forward"
700350 0 0 "M: Magazine change station cylinder switch is defective"
700351 0 0 "M: Magazine loading station cylinder has not returned"
700352 0 0 "M: Tool changer: gripper not empty"
700353 0 0 "M: Tool changer not in start position"
700354 0 0 "M: Tool changer inadmissible cross stroke"
700355 0 0 "M: Tool changer inadmissible swivelling"
700356 0 0 "M: Tool flap inadmissible closing"
700357 0 0 "M: Tool magazine does not position"
700358 0 0 "M: Tool magazine test position assigned"
700359 0 0 "M: Inadmissible tool in change position"
700360 0 0 "M: No tool in change position"
700361 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: counter-spindle cover open"
700362 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: bottom main spindle cover is open"
700363 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: top main spindle cover is open"
700400 0 0 "F: Axis WW4 detent coupling triggered"
700401 0 0 "F: Spindle S1/C1 motor temperature prewarning"
700402 0 0 "F: Spindle S1/C1 cooling body temperature prewarning"
700403 0 0 "F: Spindle S1/C1 pressure switch malfunction clamping ON"
700404 0 0 "F: Spindle S1/C1 pressure switch malfunction clamping OFF"
700405 0 0 "F: Spindle S1/C1 not synchronised"
700406 0 0 "F: Spindle S2/C2 motor temperature prewarning"
700407 0 0 "F: Spindle S2/C2 cooling body temperature prewarning"
700408 0 0 "F: Spindle S2/C2 pressure switch malfunction clamping ON"
700409 0 0 "F: Spindle S2/C2 pressure switch malfunction clamping OFF"
700410 0 0 "F: Spindle S2/C2 not synchronised"
700411 0 0 "F: Spindle S3/C3 motor temperature prewarning"
700412 0 0 "F: Spindle S3/C3 cooling body temperature prewarning"
700413 0 0 "F: Spindle S3/C3 pressure switch malfunction clamping ON"
700414 0 0 "F: Spindle S3/C3 pressure switch malfunction clamping OFF"
700415 0 0 "F: Spindle S3/C3 not synchronised"
700416 0 0 "F: Spindle S4/C4 motor temperature prewarning"
700417 0 0 "F: Spindle S4/C4 cooling body temperature prewarning"
700418 0 0 "F: Spindle S4/C4 pressure switch malfunction clamping ON"
700419 0 0 "F: Spindle S4/C4 pressure switch malfunction clamping OFF"
700420 0 0 "F: Spindle S4/C4 not synchronised"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-157

700421 0 0 "F: No operational from feeding/return unit"
700422 0 0 "F: No operational from monitoring module"
700423 0 0 "F: Feeding / return unit no mains protection ON"
700424 0 0 "F: Missing signal no start up"
700425 0 0 "F: Multi-input message I˛T or motor over-temperature"
700426 0 0 "F: Spindle clamping running time overrun"
700427 0 0 "F: Machine control panel not operational"
700428 0 0 "F: Axis release locked, brake “ON” or drive configuration"
700429 0 0 "F: Axis X1 fault, motor temperature"
700430 0 0 "F: Slide 1 X minus / Y plus blocked inadmissible area"
700431 0 0 "F: Slide 1 X plus / Y minus blocked inadmissible area"
700432 0 0 "W: Switch cabinet cooling unit: max temperature exceeded"
700433 0 0 "W: Switch cabinet cooling unit: filter is blocked"
700434 0 0 "W: Switch cabinet cooling unit is not operational"
700435 0 0 "W: Chip conveyor: Motor overload triggered"
700436 0 0 "M: Bar loader: No material present"
700437 0 0 "M: Conveyor belt: Waiting time exceeded"
700438 0 0 "M: Coolant - double shell filter: filter blocked"
700439 0 0 "M: Axis not run to reference point"
700440 0 0 "M: Reference point deleted"
700441 0 0 "M: Part counter elapsed"
700442 0 0 "M: Data transfer successfully ended"
700443 0 0 "M: Maintenance flap: tool changer cover is open"
700444 0 0 "M: Leukhardt system 1: negative test results"
700445 0 0 "M: Leukhardt system 2: negative test results"
700446 0 0 "M: System clock fault, faulty date or time"
700447 0 0 "M: Maintenance required at switch cabinet filter"
700448 0 0 "M: Maintenance of ISM filter required"
700449 0 0 "M: No empty place found for tool in gripper"
700450 0 0 "M: Turret 1 not in start position"
700451 0 0 "M: Tool administrator has not slaved location change magazine -> gripper "
700452 0 0 "M: Tool administrator has not slaved location change gripper -> magazine"
700453 0 0 "M: Tool administrator has not slaved location change gripper -> spindle"
700454 0 0 "M: Tool administrator has not slaved location change spindle -> gripper"
700455 0 0 "M: Now load tool in chain"
700456 0 0 "M: Now remove tool from chain"
700457 0 0 "M: Tool is in loading/unloading station"
700458 0 0 "M: Tool holder change station is not released"
700459 0 0 "M: Tool holder change station is not clamped"
700460 0 0 "M: Tool holder is not released"
700461 0 0 "M: Tool holder is not clamped"
700462 0 0 "M: Selected changer function inadmissible in current area"
700463 0 0 "M: Changer flap is not opened"
700500 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: no further H function received"
700501 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: not received for H4, H5, H6"
700502 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: Parameter for DB not 99/141/155"
700503 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: DB is shorter than DW address"
700504 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: write with FC21"
700505 0 0 "F: Fault parameter protection: not received for H1, H2, H3"
700506 0 0 "F: Leukhardt system 1: does not react or is faulty"
700507 0 0 "F: Leukhardt system 2: does not react or is faulty"
700508 0 0 "F: Leukhardt system 1: R parameter could not be written"
700509 0 0 "F: Leukhardt system 2: R parameter could not be written"
700510 0 0 "F: X3 Stroke not raised"
700511 0 0 "F: X3 Stroke not lowered"
700512 0 0 "F: Swivel unit not swung in"
700513 0 0 "F: Swivel unit not swung out"
700514 0 0 "F: Bed middle: temperature sensor fault"

1-158 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

700515 0 0 "F: Turret 1: temperature sensor fault"
700516 0 0 "F: Turret 2 or water: Temperature probe fault"
700517 0 0 "F: Bed rear: temperature sensor fault"
700518 0 0 "F: Turret 2 overload coupling triggered"
700519 0 0 "F: Turret 2 locked tool holder signal is faulty"
700520 0 0 "F: Turret 2 locked tool holder signal is faulty"
700521 0 0 "F: Turret 2 locked SPL signal is faulty"
700522 0 0 "F: Turret 2 locked SPL signal is faulty"
700523 0 0 "F: Turret 2 tool not with fixed position coding"
700524 0 0 "F: 700524 DB2.DBX223.0 Reserved for turret 2 nozzle"
700525 0 0 "F: Turret 2 invalid channel No. Chan_No, CYCLE TC/REV"
700526 0 0 "F: Turret 2 invalid actual position, CYCLE TC/REV"
700527 0 0 "F: Turret 2 not in spindle operation, CYCLE TC/REV"
700528 0 0 "F: Turret 2 invalid repos. position, CYCLE REV"
700529 0 0 "F: Turret 2 invalid SPL ASUB/order, CYCLE REV"
700530 0 0 "F: Turret 2 Reference signal not detected, CYCLE REV"
700531 0 0 "F: 700531 DB2.DBX223.7 Reserved for turret 2 nozzle"
700532 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1 lock NC start: not repositioned or no spindle operation"
700533 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1 loses referencing with reset confirmation"
700534 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1 manual movements locked, NC start / RESET"
700535 0 0 "M: Tool holder 1 Program REV.SPF not loaded / released"
700536 0 0 "M: 700536 DB2.DBX224.4"
700537 0 0 "M: 700537 DB2.DBX224.5"
700538 0 0 "M: 700538 DB2.DBX224.6"
700539 0 0 "M: 700539 DB2.DBX224.7"
700540 0 0 "M: 700540 DB2.DBX225.0"
700541 0 0 "M: 700541 DB2.DBX225.1"
700542 0 0 "M: 700542 DB2.DBX225.2"
700543 0 0 "M: 700543 DB2.DBX225.3"
700544 0 0 "M: 700544 DB2.DBX225.4"
700545 0 0 "M: 700545 DB2.DBX225.5"
700546 0 0 "M: 700546 DB2.DBX225.6"
700547 0 0 "M: 700547 DB2.DBX225.7"
700548 0 0 "M: Tool holder 2 lock NC start: not repositioned or no spindle operation"
700549 0 0 "M: Tool holder 2 loses referencing with reset confirmation"
700550 0 0 "M: Tool holder 2 manual movements locked, NC start / RESET"
700551 0 0 "M: Tool holder 2 Program REV.SPF not loaded / released"
700552 0 0 "M: 700552 DB2.DBX226.4"
700553 0 0 "M: 700553 DB2.DBX226.5"
700554 0 0 "M: 700554 DB2.DBX226.6"
700555 0 0 "M: 700555 DB2.DBX226.7"
700556 0 0 "M: 700556 DB2.DBX227.0"
700557 0 0 "M: 700557 DB2.DBX227.1"
700558 0 0 "M: 700558 DB2.DBX227.2"
700559 0 0 "M: 700559 DB2.DBX227.3"
700560 0 0 "M: 700560 DB2.DBX227.4"
700561 0 0 "M: 700561 DB2.DBX227.5"
700562 0 0 "M: 700562 DB2.DBX227.6"
700563 0 0 "M: 700563 DB2.DBX227.7"
700600 0 0 "F: Turret 1 gripper / steady rest: pressure fault when opening"
700601 0 0 "F: Turret 1 gripper / steady rest: pressure fault when closing"
700602 0 0 "F: Turret 2 gripper / steady rest: pressure fault when opening"
700603 0 0 "F: Turret 2 gripper / steady rest: pressure fault when closing"
700604 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Horizontal axis not in Z+"
700605 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Horizontal axis not in Z-"
700606 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Vertical not in +"
700607 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Vertical not in -"
700608 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Gripper not open"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-159

700609 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Gripper not closed"
700610 0 0 "F: Int. handling: Swivel unit not in chuck part pos."
700611 0 0 "F: Int. handling: Swivel unit not in shaft part pos."
700612 0 0 "F: Int. handling: Feed belt motor overload triggered"
700613 0 0 "F: Integrated handling: Reserve"
700614 0 0 "F: Workpiece measurement not operational"
700615 0 0 "F: Compartment indexing belt: fault when indexing"
700616 0 0 "F: Unloader: linear unit does not reach home pos."
700617 0 0 "F: Unloader: linear unit does not reach working pos."
700618 0 0 "F: Customer module waiting for acknowledgement"
700619 0 0 "F: Spindle 3: Air system control pressure was not built-up"
700620 0 0 "F: Spindle 4: Air system control pressure was not built-up"
700621 0 0 "F: Machine control SP3: R parameter could not be written"
700622 0 0 "F: Machine control SP4: R parameter could not be written"
700623 0 0 "F: Coolant belt filter unit: Belt end"
700624 0 0 "F: Coolant belt filter unit: Low level (lack of coolant)"
700625 0 0 "F: Coolant belt filter unit: Level at top (lift container)"
700626 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, Fault, not returned"
700627 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, Fault, not forward"
700628 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, swivel arm: Fault, not returned"
700629 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, swivel arm: Fault, not forward"
700630 0 0 "F: Collision of tool monitor 1"
700631 0 0 "F: Collision of tool monitor 2"
700632 0 0 "M: Integrated handling: No part in take up position"
700633 0 0 "M: Integrated handling: No reserve part on feed belt"
700634 0 0 "M: Integrated handling: Incorrect function code"
700635 0 0 "M: Integrated handling: Reserve 700635 DB2.DBX232.3"
700636 0 0 "M: Integrated handling: Reserve 700636 DB2.DBX232.4"
700637 0 0 "M: Clamp 3 undefined"
700638 0 0 "M: Clamp 4 undefined"
700639 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 1 does not react"
700640 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 1 signals break"
700641 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 1 signals wear"
700642 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 2 does not react"
700643 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 2 signals break"
700644 0 0 "M: Tool break monitoring: Unit 2 signals wear"
700645 0 0 "M: Workpiece measuring: change measuring sensor battery"
700646 0 0 "M: Compartment indexing belt: belt is full"
700647 0 0 "M: Unloader: no home position"
700648 0 0 "M: Unloader: no release"
700649 0 0 "M: Unloader: workpiece not collected"
700650 0 0 "M: Unloader: defective cylinder switch"
700651 0 0 "M: Unloader: gripper did not open or no pressure"
700652 0 0 "M: Unloader: gripper did not close or no pressure"
700653 0 0 "M: Tool monitor 1 not operational"
700654 0 0 "M: Idle cut by tool monitor 1"
700655 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number for tool monitor 1"
700656 0 0 "M: Tool monitor 2 not operational"
700657 0 0 "M: Idle cut by tool monitor 2"
700658 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number for tool monitor 2"
700659 0 0 "W: Coolant belt filter unit: Belt end"
700660 0 0 "W: Coolant belt filter unit: Low level (lack of coolant)"
700661 0 0 "W: Coolant belt filter unit: Level at top (lift container)"
700662 0 0 "M: Main drive gearing: Undefined position"
700663 0 0 "M: Chuck protection: not closed"
700700 0 0 "F: Main drive gearing: Faulty coupling process"
700701 0 0 "F: Catcher: Swivel stroke Front Position not reached"
700702 0 0 "F: Invalid signal data from post-machining interface active for too long"

1-160 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

700703 0 0 "F: R parameters could not be written"
700704 0 0 "F: Stop signal at cycle end triggered by post-machining interface"
700705 0 0 "F: Switch cabinet temperature: Temperature sensor fault"
700706 0 0 "F: Alarm, switch cabinet temperature"
700707 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, gripper: Fault, not open"
700708 0 0 "F: Pick-off unit, gripper: Fault, not closed"
700709 0 0 "F: Turret excess temperature"
700710 0 0 "F: Tailstock is not in forward tolerance window position"
700711 0 0 "F: Tailstock not retracted"
700712 0 0 "F: Tailstock max. front position reached"
700713 0 0 "F: 810D CPU not operational"
700714 0 0 "F: Ejection station: Lay-up position malfunction"
700715 0 0 "F: Ejection station: Removal position malfunction"
700716 0 0 "F: Turret %: Faulty data from tool administration"
700717 0 0 "F: Turret %: The swung-in position is not the set point position"
700718 0 0 "F: Turret %: Current position parity error"
700719 0 0 "F: Turret %: The tool drive has not disengaged"
700720 0 0 "F: The turret % does not swivel"
700721 0 0 "F: The turret % has swivelled beyond the set point position"
700722 0 0 "F: Turret % does not reach -in Position-"
700723 0 0 "F: Turret %: The tool administration acknowledgement FC7 is faulty"
700724 0 0 "F: Turret %: The tool administration acknowledgement through ASS is faulty"
700725 0 0 "F: The turret % is not locked"
700726 0 0 "F: The turret % is not -in Position- after switching-on"
700727 0 0 "F: Turret %: The tool drive has not engaged"
700728 0 0 "F: Turret %: The tool drive was not positioned (M264)"
700729 0 0 "F: Turret %: Tool drive does not position (FC18, Override > 0 ?)"
700730 0 0 "F: Turret %: The selected tool does not have a fixed position code"
700731 0 0 "F: Turret %: Fault during direct swivelling to a position with H function"
700732 0 0 "M: Tool changer is in manual operating mode"
700733 0 0 "M: Tool changer is in jog operating mode"
700734 0 0 "W: Stop at cycle end is triggered by the post-machining interface"
700735 0 0 "M: Third operating mode: Cycle operation, program end reached"
700736 0 0 "M: Main drive gearing: New gearing stage selected"
700737 0 0 "M: Turret % is not in start position"
700738 0 0 "M: Turret %: Fault, manual operation is required"
700739 0 0 "W: Switch cabinet temperature"
700740 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number for centre sleeve position K1"
700741 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number for centre sleeve position K2"
700742 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve: Pressure fault at front"
700743 0 0 "M: 700743 DB2.DBX241.3"
700744 0 0 "M: Workpiece measuring requested"
700745 0 0 "M: Coolant system: Coolant system leak"
700746 0 0 "M: Automatic door: Calibration run on left hand machine side"
700747 0 0 "M: Automatic door: Calibration run on right hand machine side"
700748 0 0 "M: Automatic door: Obstacle recognised on LH machine side"
700749 0 0 "M: Automatic door: Obstacle recognised on RH machine side"
700750 0 0 "M: Tool shuttle: No release"
700751 0 0 "M: Tool shuttle: Tool station not released"
700752 0 0 "M: Tool shuttle: Cross slide is not at the rear"
700753 0 0 "M: Protection hood not closed"
700754 0 0 "M: Maintenance door not closed"
700755 0 0 "M: Tool magazine door not closed"
700756 0 0 "M: Tool changer: not in home position"
700757 0 0 "M: Operating elements: Not in home position"
700758 0 0 "M: Tool measuring: Cover not closed"
700759 0 0 "M: Extraction unit: Malfunction (Stop at cycle end)"
700760 0 0 "M: 2. Conveyor belt: Belt full (Stop at cycle end)"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-161

700761 0 0 "M: Lubrication: Lack of grease / oil in the lubricants container (timed stop)"
700762 0 0 "M: Handling interface: Check part number"
700763 0 0 "M: Fire extinguisher: Not operational"
700800 0 0 "F: Tool changer: Malfunction during change cycle"
700801 0 0 "F: Tool holder was not released for a tool change"
700802 0 0 "F: Tool holder: Clamping path overflow"
700803 0 0 "F: Tool holder not clamped"
700804 0 0 "F: Turret: Pre-index has not returned"
700805 0 0 "F: Turret: Pre-index is not forward"
700806 0 0 "F: Turret: Is not in defined position"
700807 0 0 "F: Turret: No strobe signal"
700808 0 0 "F: Turret: Encoder signals deviation from actual position"
700809 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 1 not closed"
700810 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 1 not open"
700811 0 0 "F: Gantry gripper 1 clamping path fault"
700812 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 2 not closed"
700813 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 2 not open"
700814 0 0 "F: Gantry gripper 2 clamping path fault"
700815 0 0 "F: Chip conveyor: Motor overload triggered (Stop at cycle end)"
700816 0 0 "F: Chip conveyor: Overfilled (immediate stop)"
700817 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Lift-out cylinder not released"
700818 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Fault with lift-out height light barrier"
700819 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Lift-out cylinder not lowered"
700820 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Lift-out cylinder has not left its position"
700821 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Fault with positioning in forward run"
700822 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Fault with return run positioning"
700823 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Fault, lift-out cylinder not lowered"
700824 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Light barrier for lift-out height actuated"
700825 0 0 "F: Gantry: Pneumatic pressure too low"
700826 0 0 "F: Top flap opening does not open"
700827 0 0 "F: Top flap opening does not close"
700828 0 0 "F: Loading flap does not open"
700829 0 0 "F: Loading flap does not close"
700830 0 0 "F: Gantry: Motor protection switch triggered"
700831 0 0 "F: Extraction unit: Malfunction (stop at cycle end)"
700832 0 0 "M: Gantry: Protection fence door not closed"
700833 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: Protection door not closed"
700834 0 0 "M: Unknown tool in tool spindle"
700835 0 0 "M: No swivel release for tool changer"
700836 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: Workpiece - infeed protection actuated"
700837 0 0 "M: Auxiliary clamp 3 not defined"
700838 0 0 "M: Auxiliary clamp 4 not defined"
700839 0 0 "M: Ejection station: Ejection flap not opened."
700840 0 0 "M: Ejection station: Ejection flap not closed."
700841 0 0 "M: X3 stroke not raised"
700842 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve not retracted"
700843 0 0 "M: Tool shuttle not in home position"
700844 0 0 "M: Cross stroke, tool shuttle not returned"
700845 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve: Dimension system not referenced"
700846 0 0 "M: Tool administration did not withdraw change command"
700847 0 0 "M: Clamp 4: Actuation force limit active."
700848 0 0 "M: Clamp 3: Actuation force limit active"
700849 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve: Application force?? limit active"
700850 0 0 "M: Clamp 4: Pressure upper limit exceeded"
700851 0 0 "M: Clamp 3: Pressure upper limit exceeded"
700852 0 0 "M: Centre sleeve: Pressure upper limit exceeded"
700853 0 0 "M: Tool measuring: Measuring arm in undefined position"
700854 0 0 "M: Coolant system: Replenish with cooling agent"

1-162 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

700855 0 0 "M: Change-over of machining side or H10 swivel instructions with the tool active"
700856 0 0 "M: Handling system not operational"
700857 0 0 "M: Customer module waits for acknowledgement"
700858 0 0 "W: Hydraulic group: Minimum level reached"
700859 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number value for the minimum quantity lubricating system K1"
700860 0 0 "M: Incorrect H number value for the minimum quantity lubricating system K2"
700861 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring of slide 1 has been triggered"
700862 0 0 "M: Coolant flow monitoring of slide 2 has been triggered"
700863 0 0 "W: Hydraulic filter is blocked"
700900 0 0 "F: Axis B1 motor temperature prewarning"
700901 0 0 "F: Axis B1 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700902 0 0 "F: Axis B1 detent coupling triggered"
700903 0 0 "F: Axis X3 motor temperature prewarning"
700904 0 0 "F: Axis X3 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700905 0 0 "F: Axis X3 detent coupling triggered"
700906 0 0 "F: Axis Q1 motor temperature prewarning"
700907 0 0 "F: Axis Q1 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700908 0 0 "F: Axis Q1 detent coupling triggered"
700909 0 0 "F: Axis Q2 motor temperature prewarning"
700910 0 0 "F: Axis Q2 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700911 0 0 "F: Axis Q2 detent coupling triggered"
700912 0 0 "F: Axis Q3 motor temperature prewarning"
700913 0 0 "F: Axis Q3 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700914 0 0 "F: Axis Q3 detent coupling triggered"
700915 0 0 "F: Axis Q4 motor temperature prewarning"
700916 0 0 "F: Axis Q4 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700917 0 0 "F: Axis Q4 detent coupling triggered"
700918 0 0 "F: Axis Q5 motor temperature prewarning"
700919 0 0 "F: Axis Q5 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700920 0 0 "F: Axis Q5 detent coupling triggered"
700921 0 0 "F: Axis Q6 motor temperature prewarning"
700922 0 0 "F: Axis Q6 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700923 0 0 "F: Axis Q6 detent coupling triggered"
700924 0 0 "F: Axis Q7 motor temperature prewarning"
700925 0 0 "F: Axis Q7 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700926 0 0 "F: Axis Q7 detent coupling triggered"
700927 0 0 "F: Axis Q8 motor temperature prewarning"
700928 0 0 "F: Axis Q8 Cooling body temperature prewarning"
700929 0 0 "F: Axis Q8 detent coupling triggered"
700930 0 0 "F: 2. Conveyor belt: Belt full (Stop at cycle end)"
700931 0 0 "F: Lack of grease / oil in the lubricants container (at cycle end)"
700932 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: Indexing not released."
700933 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: No unmachined part status for infeeding pallet"
700934 0 0 "M: Palettising: Pallet removal occupied"
700935 0 0 "M: Low lubricant level in basic supply lubrication unit "
700936 0 0 "M: Axis clamping ON"
700937 0 0 "M: Bar loader: Bar feed empty. Please reload!"
700938 0 0 "M: Lack of grease / oil in the lubricants container 2"
700939 0 0 "M: Turret -1: Override is zero"
700940 0 0 "M: Minimum quantity lubricating system min. oil level, turret 1"
700941 0 0 "M: Minimum quantity lubricating system min. oil level, turret 2"
700942 0 0 "M: Tool loading magazine: Faulty loading"
700943 0 0 "M: 700943 DB2.DBX257.3"
700944 0 0 "M: 700943 DB2.DBX257.4"
700945 0 0 "M: 700945 DB2.DBX257.5"
700946 0 0 "M: 700946 DB2.DBX257.6"
700947 0 0 "M: 700947 DB2.DBX257.7"
700948 0 0 "M: Post-process measuring system: Part or random check NOK"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-163

700949 0 0 "M: Compartment indexing belt 2: Material pusher has not reached the front position"
700950 0 0 "M: Compartment indexing belt 2: The material pusher has not reached the home position"
700951 0 0 "M: Clamping device switch-over: Please switch the machine off!"
700952 0 0 "M: 700952 DB2.DBX258.4"
700953 0 0 "M: 700953 DB2.DBX258.5"
700954 0 0 "M: Chip conveyor 2 running control triggered"
700955 0 0 "M: 700955 DB2.DBX258.7"
700956 0 0 "M: Machine door release - delay is active"
700957 0 0 "M: 700957 DB2.DBX259.1"
700958 0 0 "M: 700958 DB2.DBX259.2"
700959 0 0 "M: 700959 DB2.DBX259.3"
700960 0 0 "M: 700960 DB2.DBX259.4"
700961 0 0 "M: 700961 DB2.DBX259.5"
700962 0 0 "M: 700962 DB2.DBX259.6"
701000 0 0 "F: Fault in lubrication circuit 1 slide 1"
701001 0 0 "F: Fault in lubrication circuit 1 slide 2"
701002 0 0 "F: VP module on spindle 4 has triggered"
701003 0 0 "F: Cooling system is not ready"
701004 0 0 "F: Turret %: M function not received for positioning"
701005 0 0 "F: Ewab indexing belt, not operational"
701006 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Pallet not released"
701007 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Pallet not locked"
701008 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Index not released"
701009 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Index not released"
701010 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Pallet feed has not returned"
701011 0 0 "F: Indexing belt: Pallet feed not forward"
701012 0 0 "F: External handling system: Cross pusher not at rear"
701013 0 0 "F: External handling system: Transfer pusher undefined"
701014 0 0 "F: External handling system: Gripper, separating station undefined"
701015 0 0 "F: External handling system: Turning unit undefined"
701016 0 0 "F: Gripper turning device not in 0 deg. position"
701017 0 0 "F: Gripper turning device not in 90 deg. position"
701018 0 0 "F: Gripper turning device not in 180 deg. position"
701019 0 0 "F: Swivel unit not swung up"
701020 0 0 "F: Empty test clamp 3: part recognised in chuck"
701021 0 0 "F: Empty test clamp 4: Part recognised in chuck"
701022 0 0 "F: Palletising: Pallet compartment does not move into position"
701023 0 0 "F: Palletising: Clamping not clamped"
701024 0 0 "F: Palletising: Clamping not released"
701025 0 0 "F: 701025 DB2.DBX263.1"
701026 0 0 "F: Finished part gripper empty test, part recognised in chuck"
701027 0 0 "F: Stop at cycle end by Microvu measuring instrument"
701028 0 0 "F: Stop at cycle end by central measuring system"
701029 0 0 "F: Rhonax robot not in automatic"
701030 0 0 "F: Unmachined part belt: No part available"
701031 0 0 "F: Slide 1 locked, inadmissible area"
701032 0 0 "M: Palletising: Max. raised position reached"
701033 0 0 "M: 701033 DB2.DBX264.1"
701034 0 0 "M: 701034 DB2.DBX264.2"
701035 0 0 "M: Microvu measuring instrument not in automatic"
701036 0 0 "M: Reject part has not reached container"
701037 0 0 "M: Rhonax robot in collision zone"
701038 0 0 "M: Microvu measuring instrument in collision zone"
701039 0 0 "M: Control panel not in park position"
701040 0 0 "M: Reject part in measuring gauge"
701041 0 0 "M: 701041 DB2.DBX265.1"
701042 0 0 "M: 701042 DB2.DBX265.2"
701043 0 0 "M: 701043 DB2.DBX265.3"

1-164 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

701044 0 0 "M: 701044 DB2.DBX265.4"
701045 0 0 "M: 701045 DB2.DBX265.5"
701046 0 0 "M: 701046 DB2.DBX265.6"
701047 0 0 "M: 701047 DB2.DBX265.7"
701048 0 0 "M: 701048 DB2.DBX266.0"
701049 0 0 "M: 701049 DB2.DBX266.1"
701050 0 0 "M: 701050 DB2.DBX266.2"
701051 0 0 "M: 701051 DB2.DBX266.3"
701052 0 0 "M: 701052 DB2.DBX266.4"
701053 0 0 "M: 701053 DB2.DBX266.5"
701054 0 0 "M: 701054 DB2.DBX266.6"
701055 0 0 "M: 701055 DB2.DBX266.7"
701056 0 0 "M: 701056 DB2.DBX267.0"
701057 0 0 "M: 701057 DB2.DBX267.1"
701058 0 0 "M: 701058 DB2.DBX267.2"
701059 0 0 "M: 701059 DB2.DBX267.3"
701060 0 0 "M: 701060 DB2.DBX267.4"
701061 0 0 "M: 701061 DB2.DBX267.5"
701062 0 0 "M: 701062 DB2.DBX267.6"
701063 0 0 "M: 701063 DB2.DBX267.7"
701100 0 0 "F: Slide Z3 headstock: Temperature sensor fault"
701101 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 3 not closed"
701102 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 3 not open"
701103 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 3 clamping path fault"
701104 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 4 not closed"
701105 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 4 not open"
701106 0 0 "F: Gantry: Gripper 4 clamping path fault"
701107 0 0 "F: Alignment station gripper: Fault when opening"
701108 0 0 "F: Alignment station gripper: Fault when closing"
701109 0 0 "F: Alignment station turning unit: Fault at 0 deg. position"
701110 0 0 "F: Alignment station turning unit: Fault at 180 deg. position"
701111 0 0 "F: Fire protection flap does not open"
701112 0 0 "F: Fire protection flap does not close"
701113 0 0 "F: Profibus subscriber fault"
701114 0 0 "F: Servo valve pressure regulator clamp 4"
701115 0 0 "F: No operational servo valve clamp 4"
701116 0 0 "F: Clamp 4 not open"
701117 0 0 "F: Clamping path overrun clamp 4"
701118 0 0 "F: Measuring probe flap does not open"
701119 0 0 "F: Measuring probe flap does not close"
701120 0 0 "F: Measuring probe flap is undefined"
701121 0 0 "F: Turning station: Gripper does not open"
701122 0 0 "F: Turning station: Gripper does not close"
701123 0 0 "F: Turning station: Undefined gripper stationary position"
701124 0 0 "F: Turning station: Stroke does not reach top end position"
701125 0 0 "F: Turning station: Stroke does not reach lower end position"
701126 0 0 "F: Turning station: stroke undefined"
701127 0 0 "F: Turning station: Turning system does not reach the 180° end position"
701128 0 0 "F: Turning station: Turning device does not reach the 0° end position"
701129 0 0 "F: Turning station: Undefined stationary position of the turning system"
701130 0 0 "F: Turning station: Function locked"
701131 0 0 "F: Turning station: Part present on pallet, stroke locked"
701132 0 0 "M: Turning station: Flap is opened"
701133 0 0 "M: Turning station: Stroke is not raised"
701134 0 0 "M: Turning station: Wait for pallet stroke belt 1 (left)"
701135 0 0 "M: Turning station: Wait for pallet stroke belt 2 (right)"
701136 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: Incorrect workpiece detected at manual loading stop"
701137 0 0 "M: Turning station: Door is opened"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-165

701138 0 0 "M: Linear motor- Cooling unit: Not operational"
701139 0 0 "M: Turn-over station: Stroke is not down (X axis locked)"
701140 0 0 "M: Turn-over station not swung out (Z axis locked)"
701141 0 0 "M: Indexing belt: Workpiece at manual loading stop is not an unmachined part"
701142 0 0 "M: Turning station Q2 stroke locked, X axis is in this area"
701143 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 1 (F1-06Y11) does not reach end position (F1-03S31)"
701144 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 1 (F1-06Y11) does not reach end position (F1-03S31)"
701145 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 2 (F1-06Y11) does not reach end position (F1-03S31)"
701146 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 2 (F1-06Y41) does not reach end position (F1-03S51)"
701147 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 1 (F1-06Y51) does not reach end position (F1-04S41)"
701148 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 3 (F1-43Y11) does not reach end position (F1-40S31)"
701149 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 3 (F1-43Y21) does not reach end position (F1-40S11)"
701150 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 4 (F1-43Y31) does not reach end position (F1-40S51)"
701151 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 4 (F1-43Y41) does not reach end position (F1-40S61)"
701152 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station pusher (F1-44Y11) does not reach end position (F1-41S51)"
701153 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station pusher (F1-44Y21) does not reach end position (F1-41S41)"
701154 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station pusher (F1-43Y51) does not reach end position (F1-41S81)"
701155 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station pusher (F1-43Y61) does not reach end position (F1-41S61)"
701156 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 5 (F1-44Y31) does not reach end position (F1-42S41)"
701157 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 5 (F1-44Y41) does not reach end position (F1-42S31)"
701158 0 1 "M: Cylinder griber 1 (F1-06Y61) nĺr ikke indstillet tryk (F1-04S51)"
701159 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 1 (F1-06Y11/21) undefined"
701160 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 2 (F1-06Y31/41) undefined"
701161 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 3 (F1-43Y11/21) undefined"
701162 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 4 (F1-43Y31/41) undefined"
701163 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station pusher (F1-44Y11/21) undefined"
701200 0 0 "F: B axis proximity switch/pressure switch axis jammed faulty"
701201 0 0 "F: B axis proximity switch/pressure switch axis released faulty"
701202 0 0 "F: Z3 axis proximity switch/pressure switch axis clamped faulty"
701203 0 0 "F: Z3 axis proximity switch/pressure switch axis released faulty"
701204 0 0 "F: DB2.DBX276.4"
701205 0 0 "F: 701205 DB2.DBX276.5"
701206 0 0 "F: 701206 DB2.DBX276.6"
701207 0 0 "F: 701207 DB2.DBX276.7"
701208 0 0 "F: 701208 DB2.DBX277.0"
701209 0 0 "F: 701209 DB2.DBX277.1"
701210 0 0 "F: 701210 DB2.DBX277.2"
701211 0 0 "F: 701211 DB2.DBX277.3"
701212 0 0 "F: 701212 DB2.DBX277.4"
701213 0 0 "F: 701213 DB2.DBX277.5"
701214 0 0 "F: 701214 DB2.DBX277.6"
701215 0 0 "F: 701215 DB2.DBX277.7"
701216 0 0 "F: Turning station not in home position"
701217 0 0 "F: Linking: Travel system does not reach front end position"
701218 0 0 "F: Linking: Travel system does not reach rear end position"
701219 0 0 "F: Linking: travel system not defined"
701220 0 0 "F: Pick-off: Linear stroke not defined"
701221 0 0 "F: Pick-off: Linear stroke intermediate position not engaged"
701222 0 0 "F: Pick-off: Linear stroke intermediate position not disengaged"
701223 0 0 "F: Catcher: Linear stroke of Top Position not reached"
701224 0 0 "F: Pick-off: Linear stroke middle position not reached"
701225 0 0 "F: Catcher: Linear stroke of Bottom Position not reached"
701226 0 0 "F: Linking not in home position"
701227 0 0 "F: B axis – turret 1: Position could not be written"
701228 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_1 not released"
701229 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_1 not clamped"
701230 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_2 not released"
701231 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_2 not clamped"

1-166 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

701232 0 0 "M: Cylinder of turning station (F1-43Y51/61) undefined"
701233 0 0 "M: Cylinder stopper 5 (F1-44Y31/41) undefined"
701234 0 0 "M: Fault at machine part infeed"
701235 0 0 "M: No home position of the separation during parts infeed"
701236 0 0 "M: Lack of parts during parts infeed"
701237 0 0 "M: The turning station sequence could not be performed"
701238 0 0 "M: The turning station has no home position"
701239 0 0 "M: MPI communication interrupted"
701240 0 0 "M: The pneumatic system at the turning station has no system pressure"
701241 0 0 "M: Chip cutter: EMERGENCY STOP was tripped"
701242 0 0 "M: Chip cutter: Not operational"
701243 0 0 "M: Chip cutter: Inspection door is open"
701244 0 0 "M: Spindle 3: Pressure compensation requested, and no spindle standstill, or chuck not
701245 0 0 "M: Spindle 4: Pressure compensation requested, and no spindle standstill, or chuck not
701246 0 1 "M: Profibus communication interrupted"
701247 0 1 "M: Pick-off device undefined"
701248 0 1 "M: Steady rest undefined"
701249 0 1 "M: Coolant cleaning system malfunction: filter system"
701250 0 1 "M: Coolant: Flow monitoring 8bar has actuated"
701251 0 1 "M: Coolant: Flow monitoring 24bar has actuated "
701252 0 1 "M: Coolant: Flow monitoring 80bar has actuated"
701253 0 1 "M: Spindle 3 is clamped"
701254 0 1 "M: Spindle 4 is clamped"
701255 0 1 "M: Spindle 1 is clamped"
701256 0 1 "M: Spindle 2 is clamped"
701257 0 1 "M: Raw parts supply: Motor protection has tripped"
701258 0 1 "M: Desina sensor:’ Coolant system, level control, max. level’ defective"
701259 0 1 "M: Desina sensor: ‘ Coolant system, level control, pre-warning, min. level’ defective"
701260 0 1 "M: Desina sensor: ‘ Coolant system, level control, min. level’ defective"
701261 0 1 "M: Coolant system, band-pass filter: ’Band end pre-warning’"
701262 0 1 "M: Coolant system, band-pass filter: ’Band end’ sensor defective"
701263 0 1 "M: Coolant system, band-pass filter: ’Band end pre-warning’ switch defective"
701300 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_3 not released"
701301 0 0 "F: Material readiness: Werkstückklemmung_3 not clamped"
701302 0 0 "F: Unmachined part conveyor: max. front position reached"
701303 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: Position is undefined"
701304 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: incorrect position was swivelled to"
701305 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: Fault pressure switch 90 degrees or feedback?? cylinder switch"
701306 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: Fault pressure switch 45 degrees or feedback?? cylinder switch"
701307 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: Clamp / release only possible in the 0 degrees position (M20)"
701308 0 0 "F: Swivel chuck: Swivelling is only possible at a max. spindle rotational speed of 400"
701309 0 0 "F: External handling: Gripper swivel unit not defined"
701310 0 0 "F: External handling: Horizontal / vertical swivel unit not defined"
701311 0 0 "F: Unmachined part belt: Max. part height reached"
701312 0 0 "F: Storage table: stroke does not reach bottom end position"
701313 0 0 "F: Storage table: Stroke does not reach top end position"
701314 0 0 "F: Storage table: Gripper does not close"
701315 0 0 "F: Storage table: Gripper does not open"
701316 0 0 "F: Storage table: End position not reached on the chuck side"
701317 0 0 "F: Storage table: End position not reached on the belt side"
701318 0 0 "F: Lack of lubricant at the minimum lubrication unit"
701319 0 0 "F: Unloading flap not closed"
701320 0 0 "F: Unloader flap: Not open"
701321 0 0 "F: Unloader flap: Position not defined"
701322 0 0 "F: Linear motor- cooling unit: Not operational"
701323 0 0 "F: Slide 1: Inadmissible area – DANGER of COLLISION – Please MOVE FREE"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-167

701324 0 0 "F: Slide 2: Inadmissible area – DANGER of COLLISION – Please MOVE FREE"
701325 0 0 "F: Slide 2: Inadmissible area – DANGER of COLLISION – Please MOVE FREE"
701326 0 0 "F: Storage table: Gripper not in home position"
701327 0 0 "F: Slide 1: Temperature sensor fault"
701328 0 0 "F: Coolant system: Leak at the coolant system"
701329 0 0 "F: Fire extinguishing device: Not operational"
701330 0 0 "F: H64=xxx channel assignment allocated twice to ARTIS"
701331 0 0 "F: PLC: Option released, however, not loaded"
701332 0 0 "M: Magazine table: Replenish with unmachined parts"
701333 0 0 "M: 701333 DB2.DBX288.1"
701334 0 0 "M: 701334 DB2.DBX288.2"
701335 0 0 "M: 701335 DB2.DBX288.3"
701336 0 0 "M: 701336 DB2.DBX288.4"
701337 0 0 "M: 701337 DB2.DBX288.5"
701338 0 0 "M: 701338 DB2.DBX288.6"
701339 0 0 "M: 701339 DB2.DBX288.7"
701340 0 0 "M: 701340 DB2.DBX289.0"
701341 0 0 "M: 701341 DB2.DBX289.1"
701342 0 0 "M: 701342 DB2.DBX289.2"
701343 0 0 "M: 701343 DB2.DBX289.3"
701344 0 0 "M: 701344 DB2.DBX289.4"
701345 0 0 "M: 701345 DB2.DBX289.5"
701346 0 0 "M: 701346 DB2.DBX289.6"
701347 0 0 "M: 701347 DB2.DBX289.7"
701348 0 0 "M: 701348 DB2.DBX290.0"
701349 0 0 "M: 701349 DB2.DBX290.1"
701350 0 0 "M: 701350 DB2.DBX290.2"
701351 0 0 "M: 701351 DB2.DBX290.3"
701352 0 0 "M: 701352 DB2.DBX290.4"
701353 0 0 "M: 701353 DB2.DBX290.5"
701354 0 0 "M: 701354 DB2.DBX290.6"
701355 0 0 "M: 701355 DB2.DBX290.7"
701356 0 0 "M: 701356 DB2.DBX291.0"
701357 0 0 "M: 701357 DB2.DBX291.1"
701358 0 0 "M: 701358 DB2.DBX291.2"
701359 0 0 "M: 701359 DB2.DBX291.3"
701360 0 0 "M: 701360 DB2.DBX291.4"
701361 0 0 "M: 701361 DB2.DBX291.5"
701362 0 0 "M: 701362 DB2.DBX291.6"
701363 0 0 "M: Coupling tailstock: Synchronous action not started"
701400 0 0 "F: Magazine table: Lifting cylinder has not reached its bottom end position"
701401 0 0 "F: Magazine table: Lifting cylinder has not reached its top end position "
701402 0 0 "F: Storage table: Pusher has not reached its final position on the belt side "
701403 0 0 "F: Storage table: Pusher has not reached its final position on the chuck side "
701404 0 0 "F: Storage table: Feed not in home position "
701405 0 0 "F: Tool measuring: Maximum time for arm movement exceeded"
701406 0 0 "F: Tool measuring: Arm position monitoring triggered"
701407 0 0 "F: Coupling tailstock: Not in coupling position"
701408 0 0 "F: Coupling tailstock: No coupling/decoupling validation"
701409 0 0 "F: Coupling tailstock: Not decoupled"
701410 0 0 "F: Coupling tailstock: Not coupled"
701411 0 0 "F: Lubrication: No pressure"
701412 0 0 "F: Lubrication: Permanent pressure"
701413 0 0 "F: Turning station: Swivel device does not swivel sideways"
701414 0 0 "F: Turning station: Swivel device does not swivel into the Pick-Up position"
701415 0 0 "F: Turning station: Swivel device stationary in undefined position"
701416 0 0 "F: 701416 DB2.DBX294.0"
701417 0 0 "F: Profibus DP/DP coupler error"

1-168 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

701418 0 0 "F: Tool measuring: Measuring probe compensation incorrectly terminated."
701419 0 0 "F: Tool measuring: Measuring process incorrectly terminated"
701420 0 0 "F: Measuring slide not in measuring position"
701421 0 0 "F: Measuring slide not in loading position"
701422 0 0 "F: Oil container level too high: Stop at cycle end"
701423 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Not in home position/ confirmation of pick-up position?"
701424 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Move to home position with the gripper holding a workpiece"
701425 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Swivel arm not in end position on the belt side"
701426 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Swivel arm not in end position on the chuck side"
701427 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Gipper stroke has not reached its bottom end position"
701428 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Gripper stroke has not reached its top end position"
701429 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Separating stroke has not reached its bottom end position"
701430 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Separating stroke has not reached its top end position"
701431 0 0 "F: Feeding system: No workpiece in gripper"
701432 0 0 "M: Feed: Load unmachined parts"
701433 0 0 "M: Feed: X axis blocked because gripper stroke not down"
701434 0 0 "M: Door, left-hand machine side: not closed"
701435 0 0 "M: 701435 DB2.DBX296.3"
701436 0 0 "M: 701436 DB2.DBX296.4"
701437 0 0 "M: 701437 DB2.DBX296.5"
701438 0 0 "M: 701438 DB2.DBX296.6"
701439 0 0 "M: 701439 DB2.DBX296.7"
701440 0 0 "M: 701440 DB2.DBX297.0"
701441 0 0 "M: 701441 DB2.DBX297.1"
701442 0 0 "M: 701442 DB2.DBX297.2"
701443 0 0 "M: 701443 DB2.DBX297.3"
701444 0 0 "M: 701444 DB2.DBX297.4"
701445 0 0 "M: 701445 DB2.DBX297.5"
701446 0 0 "M: 701446 DB2.DBX297.6"
701447 0 0 "M: 701447 DB2.DBX297.7"
701448 0 0 "M: 701448 DB2.DBX298.0"
701449 0 0 "M: 701449 DB2.DBX298.1"
701450 0 0 "M: 701450 DB2.DBX298.2"
701451 0 0 "M: 701451 DB2.DBX298.3"
701452 0 0 "M: 701452 DB2.DBX298.4"
701453 0 0 "M: 701453 DB2.DBX298.5"
701454 0 0 "M: 701454 DB2.DBX298.6"
701455 0 0 "M: 701455 DB2.DBX298.7"
701456 0 0 "M: 701456 DB2.DBX299.0"
701457 0 0 "M: 701457 DB2.DBX299.1"
701458 0 0 "M: 701458 DB2.DBX299.2"
701459 0 0 "M: 701459 DB2.DBX299.3"
701460 0 0 "M: 701460 DB2.DBX299.4"
701461 0 0 "M: 701461 DB2.DBX299.5"
701462 0 0 "M: 701462 DB2.DBX299.6"
701463 0 0 "M: Bar loader, steady rest: Lock, spindle 4 set"
701500 0 1 "F: Probe 1 not to rest,Position again"
701501 0 1 "F: Forbidden function with Probe 1 in position of job"
701502 0 1 "F: Probe 1 spoiled"
701503 0 1 "F: Proximity Sonda 1 breakdowns"
701504 0 0 "F: Feeding system: Lifting plate feeder not in bottom end position"
701505 0 1 "F: Spoiled proximity Part catcher"
701506 0 1 "F: Function Part catcher not allowed"
701507 0 0 "F: Bar loader: Steady rest, fault when opening"
701508 0 1 "F: Bar loader: Steady rest, fault when closing"
701509 0 1 "F: Bar loader: Steady rest hood not closed"
701510 0 1 "F: Part catcher in indefinite position or old maximum time"
701511 0 1 "F: Position Part catcher again unloaded piece"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-169

701512 0 1 "F: Type loader not selected"
701513 0 1 "F: Attention! the conditions for the zero Turret are not correct."
701514 0 0 "F: Minimum quantity lubricating system oil level empty, turret 1"
701515 0 0 "F: Minimum quantity lubricating system oil level empty, turret 2"
701516 0 0 "F: Moviment automatique guard max. time execeded"
701517 0 1 "F: Parameters Bar loader modified on the Wizard, but not saved"
701518 0 1 "F: Thermic switch released coolant "
701519 0 1 "F: Thermic switch released conveyor belt material"
701520 0 1 "F: Moviment automatique guard max. time execeded"
701521 0 1 "F: Robot, unmachined part - Gripper: Fault when closing"
701522 0 1 "F: Command not allowed with expeller forward"
701523 0 1 "F: Max. time movement piece exceeded"
701524 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Monitoring has responded"
701525 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Clamping pressure drop"
701526 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Execution time exceeded"
701527 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Command not permissible"
701528 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Front end position reached."
701529 0 0 "F: Centre sleeve: Parameter not plausible"
701530 0 1 "F: Centre sleeve: Counter-pressure drop"
701531 0 1 "F: Spindle S4: Alarm excess temperature Inductance L3"
701532 0 0 "M: Position Tailstock not defined. couple/release Tailstock"
701533 0 1 "M: ATTENTION!!!, JOG mode not selected"
701534 0 1 "M: Position steady rest not defined! lock/unlock steady rest"
701535 0 1 "M: Attention!!!, X-axis measure too low"
701536 0 1 "M: "
701537 0 1 "M: Max. time for setting in phase of the turret overcome"
701538 0 1 "M: Max. time paper advanced"
701539 0 1 "M: Paper not advanced control time overcome"
701540 0 1 "M: Thermic motor paper advanced, release"
701541 0 1 "M: Cooler damaged or thermic intervention"
701542 0 0 "M: 701542 DB2.DBX305.2"
701543 0 0 "M: 701543 DB2.DBX305.3"
701544 0 0 "M: 701544 DB2.DBX305.4"
701545 0 0 "M: 701545 DB2.DBX305.5"
701546 0 0 "M: 701546 DB2.DBX305.6"
701547 0 0 "M: 701547 DB2.DBX305.7"
701548 0 0 "M: 701548 DB2.DBX306.0"
701549 0 0 "M: 701549 DB2.DBX306.1"
701550 0 0 "M: 701550 DB2.DBX306.2"
701551 0 0 "M: 701551 DB2.DBX306.3"
701552 0 0 "M: 701552 DB2.DBX306.4"
701553 0 0 "M: 701553 DB2.DBX306.5"
701554 0 0 "M: 701554 DB2.DBX306.6"
701555 0 0 "M: 701555 DB2.DBX306.7"
701556 0 0 "M: 701556 DB2.DBX307.0"
701557 0 0 "M: 701557 DB2.DBX307.1"
701558 0 0 "M: 701558 DB2.DBX307.2"
701559 0 0 "M: 701559 DB2.DBX307.3"
701560 0 0 "M: 701560 DB2.DBX307.4"
701561 0 0 "M: 701561 DB2.DBX307.5"
701562 0 0 "M: Swivel chuck: Hydraulic group, pre-warning – lack of oil"
701563 0 0 "M: Coupling steady rest: Synchronising actions not started"
701600 0 0 "F: Coupling steady rest: Not in coupling position"
701601 0 0 "F: Coupling steady rest: No couple/decouple release"
701602 0 0 "F: Coupling steady rest: Not decoupled"
701603 0 0 "F: Coupling steady rest: Not coupled"
701604 0 1 "F: Lack of the signal of presence compressed air (SP6)"
701605 0 1 "F: Piece unclamped! Rotation spindle S3 not allowed"

1-170 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

701606 0 1 "F: "
701607 0 1 "F: Error on the device of block Chuck S3"
701608 0 1 "F: Old maximum number of turns Spindle "
701609 0 1 "F: Spindle brake inserted S3 ATT.ON"
701610 0 1 "F: Spindle brake inserted S3 ATT.OFF"
701611 0 1 "F: Spindle C3/S3 clamping ON not allowed"
701612 0 1 "F: Spindle brake inserted S4 ATT.ON"
701613 0 1 "F: Spindle brake inserted S4 ATT.ON"
701614 0 1 "F: Spindle C4/S4 clamping ON not allowed"
701615 0 1 "F: Open door! Rotation spindles not allowed"
701616 0 1 "F: Piece unclamped! Rotation spindle S4 not allowed"
701617 0 1 "F: Micro sliding door failures."
701618 0 1 "F: Lack compressed air on balancing axis X (SP44) "
701619 0 1 "F: Failure Pressure switch tailstock."
701620 0 1 "F: "
701621 0 1 "F: Parameters modified on pages Wizard, but not saved!"
701622 0 1 "F: "
701623 0 1 "F: Error on the device of clamping Chuck S4"
701624 0 1 "F: Max. time opening/closing Chuck S4 overcome"
701625 0 1 "F: Clamped piece! change clamping on S4 not allowed"
701626 0 1 "F: Type of wrong clamping on Chuck S4"
701627 0 1 "F: Parameter deactivated for opening Chuck from M433 with Spindle S4 in rotation"
701628 0 1 "F: Max. time opening/closing Chuck S3 overcome"
701629 0 1 "F: Clamped piece! change clamping on S3 not allowed"
701630 0 1 "F: Type of wrong clamping, on Chuck S3"
701631 0 1 "F: Parameter deactivated for opening Chuck from M333 with Spindle S3 in rotation"
701632 0 1 "M: Unclamped piece S4!!!, clamp it"
701633 0 1 "M: Open door! manual consent missing"
701634 0 1 "M: Start cycle not allowed! manual consent missing (open door)"
701635 0 1 "M: Unclamped piece S3!!!, clamp it"
701636 0 1 "M: Filter 1 Coolant obstructed"
701637 0 1 "M: Filter 2 Coolant obstructed"
701638 0 1 "M: Make sure the correct spindle is selected for probe (S3/s4)"
701639 0 1 "M: Lack of oil in the lubricants container steady rest"
701640 0 1 "M: 701640 DB2.DBX313.0 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701641 0 1 "M: 701641 DB2.DBX313.1 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701642 0 1 "M: 701642 DB2.DBX313.2 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701643 0 1 "M: 701643 DB2.DBX313.3 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701644 0 1 "M: 701644 DB2.DBX313.4 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701645 0 1 "M: 701645 DB2.DBX313.5 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701646 0 1 "M: 701646 DB2.DBX313.6 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701647 0 1 "M: 701647 DB2.DBX313.7 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701648 0 1 "M: Turret in not definite position, to effect zero search (S6/S7)"
701649 0 1 "M: Wrong position tailstock! To effect zero search tailstock"
701650 0 1 "M: Turret in not definite position, to effect zero search"
701651 0 1 "M: Piece unloading on second spindle active"
701652 0 1 "M: Cooling system X-axis not ready"
701653 0 1 "M: Turret in not definite position, to effect zero search (S4/S5)"
701654 0 1 "M: Movement steady rest arms"
701655 0 1 "M: Attention! when you switch the machine on, the door will open"
701656 0 1 "M: Attention!!!, movements in course"
701657 0 1 "M: Hold axes"
701658 0 1 "M: Movement steady rest arms through pedal not allowed"
701659 0 1 "M: Press START to continue"
701660 0 1 "M: Manual command not allowed"
701661 0 1 "M: Wait for activation tailstock thrust"
701662 0 1 "M: Micro collision steady rest/tailstock released"
701663 0 1 "M: Attention!!! resetting in phase of the turret active, locking/unlocking turret"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-171

701700 0 1 "F: Attention! Enclosure, open area"
701701 0 0 "F: Failure movements steady rest arms"
701702 0 0 "F: Failure pressure gauge steady rest arms closed"
701703 0 1 "F: Thermic switch 24V intervened"
701704 0 1 "F: Signal VPM intervened"
701705 0 0 "F: Thermic switch released or failure pressure gauge lubrication rollers steady rest"
701706 0 1 "F: Wrong position of tailstock coupling"
701707 0 1 "F: Tailstock coupling not allowed"
701708 0 1 "F: Steady rest arms in not defined position"
701709 0 1 "F: Quill forward, but not in thrust"
701710 0 1 "F: Condition of manual unlocking/locking steady rest, not allowed"
701711 0 1 "F: Tool change not allowed: Y-axis not in position"
701712 0 0 "F: Steady rest in not defined position"
701713 0 1 "F: Tailstock thrust!Zero point search not allowed"
701714 0 1 "F: Failure turret unit. (visualization code error on page turret)"
701715 0 1 "F: Thermic switch turret intervened"
701716 0 1 "F: Failure on tailstock coupling"
701717 0 1 "F: Lack of pressure gauge tailstock clamping"
701718 0 0 "F: Turret 1: Error in the command unit"
701719 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 1, defective power supply"
701720 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 2, overcurrent"
701721 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 3, error on servodrive"
701722 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 4, unlocking problem"
701723 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 5, locking problem"
701724 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 6, defective zero search"
701725 0 0 "F: Turret 1, Command unit alarm 7, general problem"
701726 0 0 "F: Turret 1: Max. orientation time overcome"
701727 0 1 "F: Turret 1: coupling position not reached"
701728 0 1 "F: Turret 1: tool change not admissible"
701729 0 1 "F: Function steady rest arms not allowed"
701730 0 1 "F: Rest at stroke end. Open rest arms."
701731 0 1 "F: Program M75 before moving Z3"
701732 0 1 "M: Tool change not allowed"
701733 0 1 "M: 701733 DB2.DBX320.1 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701734 0 1 "M: 701734 DB2.DBX320.2 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701735 0 1 "M: 701735 DB2.DBX320.3 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701736 0 1 "M: 701736 DB2.DBX320.4 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701737 0 1 "M: 701737 DB2.DBX320.5 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701738 0 1 "M: 701738 DB2.DBX320.6 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701739 0 1 "M: 701739 DB2.DBX320.7 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701740 0 1 "M: 701740 DB2.DBX321.0 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701741 0 1 "M: 701741 DB2.DBX321.1 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701742 0 1 "M: 701742 DB2.DBX321.2 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701743 0 1 "M: 701743 DB2.DBX321.3 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701744 0 1 "M: 701744 DB2.DBX321.4 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701745 0 1 "M: 701745 DB2.DBX321.5 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701746 0 1 "M: 701746 DB2.DBX321.6 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701747 0 1 "M: 701747 DB2.DBX321.7 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701748 0 1 "M: 701748 DB2.DBX322.0 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701749 0 1 "M: 701749 DB2.DBX322.1 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701750 0 1 "M: 701750 DB2.DBX322.2 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701751 0 1 "M: 701751 DB2.DBX322.3 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701752 0 1 "M: 701752 DB2.DBX322.4 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701753 0 1 "M: 701753 DB2.DBX322.5 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701754 0 1 "M: 701754 DB2.DBX322.6 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701755 0 1 "M: 701755 DB2.DBX322.7 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701756 0 1 "M: 701756 DB2.DBX323.0 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701757 0 1 "M: 701757 DB2.DBX323.1 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"

1-172 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

701758 0 1 "M: 701758 DB2.DBX323.2 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701759 0 1 "M: 701759 DB2.DBX323.3 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701760 0 1 "M: 701760 DB2.DBX323.4 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701761 0 1 "M: 701761 DB2.DBX323.5 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701762 0 1 "M: 701762 DB2.DBX323.6 RISERVATO GRAZIANO"
701763 0 1 "M: Attention!!! Safety device electrical cabinet deactivated."
701800 0 1 "F: 701800 DB2.DBX324.0"
701801 0 1 "F: 701801 DB2.DBX324.1"
701802 0 1 "F: 701802 DB2.DBX324.2"
701803 0 1 "F: 701803 DB2.DBX324.3"
701804 0 1 "F: 701804 DB2.DBX324.4"
701805 0 1 "F: 701805 DB2.DBX324.5"
701806 0 1 "F: 701806 DB2.DBX324.6"
701807 0 1 "F: 701807 DB2.DBX324.7"
701808 0 1 "F: 701808 DB2.DBX325.0"
701809 0 1 "F: 701809 DB2.DBX325.1"
701810 0 1 "F: 701810 DB2.DBX325.2"
701811 0 1 "F: 701811 DB2.DBX325.3"
701812 0 1 "F: 701812 DB2.DBX325.4"
701813 0 1 "F: 701813 DB2.DBX325.5"
701814 0 1 "F: 701814 DB2.DBX325.6"
701815 0 1 "F: 701815 DB2.DBX325.7"
701816 0 1 "F: 701816 DB2.DBX326.0"
701817 0 1 "F: 701817 DB2.DBX326.1"
701818 0 1 "F: 701818 DB2.DBX326.2"
701819 0 1 "F: 701819 DB2.DBX326.3"
701820 0 1 "F: 701820 DB2.DBX326.4"
701821 0 1 "F: 701821 DB2.DBX326.5"
701822 0 1 "F: 701822 DB2.DBX326.6"
701823 0 1 "F: 701823 DB2.DBX326.7"
701824 0 1 "F: 701824 DB2.DBX327.0"
701825 0 1 "F: 701825 DB2.DBX327.1"
701826 0 1 "F: 701826 DB2.DBX327.2"
701827 0 1 "F: 701827 DB2.DBX327.3"
701828 0 1 "F: 701828 DB2.DBX327.4"
701829 0 1 "F: 701829 DB2.DBX327.5"
701830 0 1 "F: 701830 DB2.DBX327.6"
701831 0 1 "F: 701831 DB2.DBX327.7"
701832 0 1 "M: 701832 DB2.DBX328.0"
701833 0 1 "M: 701833 DB2.DBX328.1"
701834 0 1 "M: 701834 DB2.DBX328.2"
701835 0 1 "M: 701835 DB2.DBX328.3"
701836 0 1 "M: 701836 DB2.DBX328.4"
701837 0 1 "M: 701837 DB2.DBX328.5"
701838 0 1 "M: 701838 DB2.DBX328.6"
701839 0 1 "M: 701839 DB2.DBX328.7"
701840 0 1 "M: 701840 DB2.DBX329.0"
701841 0 1 "M: 701841 DB2.DBX329.1"
701842 0 1 "M: 701842 DB2.DBX329.2"
701843 0 1 "M: 701843 DB2.DBX329.3"
701844 0 1 "M: 701844 DB2.DBX329.4"
701845 0 1 "M: 701845 DB2.DBX329.5"
701846 0 1 "M: 701846 DB2.DBX329.6"
701847 0 1 "M: 701847 DB2.DBX329.7"
701848 0 1 "M: 701848 DB2.DBX330.0"
701849 0 1 "M: 701849 DB2.DBX330.1"
701850 0 1 "M: 701850 DB2.DBX330.2"
701851 0 1 "M: 701851 DB2.DBX330.3"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-173

701852 0 1 "M: 701852 DB2.DBX330.4"
701853 0 1 "M: 701853 DB2.DBX330.5"
701854 0 1 "M: 701854 DB2.DBX330.6"
701855 0 1 "M: 701855 DB2.DBX330.7"
701856 0 1 "M: 701856 DB2.DBX331.0"
701857 0 1 "M: 701857 DB2.DBX331.1"
701858 0 1 "M: 701858 DB2.DBX331.2"
701859 0 1 "M: 701859 DB2.DBX331.3"
701860 0 1 "M: 701860 DB2.DBX331.4"
701861 0 1 "M: 701861 DB2.DBX331.5"
701862 0 1 "M: 701862 DB2.DBX331.6"
701863 0 1 "M: 701863 DB2.DBX331.7"
701900 0 1 "F: Tool drive unit: engaged/released switches are both active (SQ77+SQ78)"
701901 0 1 "F: Tool drive unit: tool engaged switch not active (SQ77)"
701902 0 1 "F: Tool drive unit: tool engaged switch still active (SQ77)"
701903 0 1 "F: Tool drive unit: tool released switch not active (SQ78)"
701904 0 1 "F: Tool drive unit: tool released switch still active (SQ78)"
701905 0 1 "F: 701905 DB2.DBX332.5"
701906 0 1 "F: 701906 DB2.DBX332.6"
701907 0 1 "F: 701907 DB2.DBX332.7"
701908 0 1 "F: 701908 DB2.DBX333.0"
701909 0 1 "F: 701909 DB2.DBX333.1"
701910 0 1 "F: 701910 DB2.DBX333.2"
701911 0 1 "F: 701911 DB2.DBX333.3"
701912 0 1 "F: 701912 DB2.DBX333.4"
701913 0 1 "F: 701913 DB2.DBX333.5"
701914 0 1 "F: 701914 DB2.DBX333.6"
701915 0 1 "F: 701915 DB2.DBX333.7"
701916 0 1 "F: 701916 DB2.DBX334.0"
701917 0 1 "F: 701917 DB2.DBX334.1"
701918 0 1 "F: 701918 DB2.DBX334.2"
701919 0 1 "F: 701919 DB2.DBX334.3"
701920 0 1 "F: 701920 DB2.DBX334.4"
701921 0 1 "F: 701921 DB2.DBX334.5"
701922 0 1 "F: 701922 DB2.DBX334.6"
701923 0 1 "F: 701923 DB2.DBX334.7"
701924 0 1 "F: FESTO: Error in the command unit"
701925 0 1 "F: FESTO: Function not allowed"
701926 0 1 "F: 701927 DB2.DBX335.2"
701927 0 1 "F: 701927 DB2.DBX335.3"
701928 0 1 "F: 701928 DB2.DBX335.4"
701929 0 1 "F: 701929 DB2.DBX335.5"
701930 0 1 "F: 701930 DB2.DBX335.6"
701931 0 1 "F: 701931 DB2.DBX335.7"
701932 0 1 "M: 701932 DB2.DBX336.0"
701933 0 1 "M: 701933 DB2.DBX336.1"
701934 0 1 "M: 701934 DB2.DBX336.2"
701935 0 1 "M: 701935 DB2.DBX336.3"
701936 0 1 "M: 701936 DB2.DBX336.4"
701937 0 1 "M: 701937 DB2.DBX336.5"
701938 0 1 "M: 701938 DB2.DBX336.6"
701939 0 1 "M: 701939 DB2.DBX336.7"
701940 0 1 "M: 701940 DB2.DBX337.0"
701941 0 1 "M: 701941 DB2.DBX337.1"
701942 0 1 "M: 701942 DB2.DBX337.2"
701943 0 1 "M: 701943 DB2.DBX337.3"
701944 0 1 "M: 701944 DB2.DBX337.4"
701945 0 1 "M: 701945 DB2.DBX337.5"

1-174 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

701946 0 1 "M: 701946 DB2.DBX337.6"
701947 0 1 "M: 701947 DB2.DBX337.7"
701948 0 1 "M: 701948 DB2.DBX338.0"
701949 0 1 "M: 701949 DB2.DBX338.1"
701950 0 1 "M: 701950 DB2.DBX338.2"
701951 0 1 "M: 701951 DB2.DBX338.3"
701952 0 1 "M: 701952 DB2.DBX338.4"
701953 0 1 "M: 701953 DB2.DBX338.5"
701954 0 1 "M: 701954 DB2.DBX338.6"
701955 0 1 "M: 701955 DB2.DBX338.7"
701956 0 1 "M: 701956 DB2.DBX339.0"
701957 0 1 "M: 701957 DB2.DBX339.1"
701958 0 1 "M: 701958 DB2.DBX339.2"
701959 0 1 "M: 701959 DB2.DBX339.3"
701960 0 1 "M: 701960 DB2.DBX339.4"
701961 0 1 "M: 701961 DB2.DBX339.5"
701962 0 1 "M: FESTO: Function not allowed"
701963 0 1 "M: FESTO: position undefined"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-175

11.2 M functions
M0 Stop program
M1 Stop optional program
M2 End program
M9 Shut down coolant
M17 End subprogram
M18 Increase workpiece counter on video (automatic mode only)
SPOS[4] Main spindle positioning
M1=3 Driven module clockwise direction of rotation.
M1=4 Driven module anticlockwise direction of rotation
M1=5 Stop driven module rotation
M4=3 Spindle clockwise rotation
M4=4 Spindle anticlockwise rotation
M4=5 Stop spindle
M30 End program (and rewind)
M49 Lubrication pulse
M52 Tailstock reclamping
M53 Tailstock return with main spindle in rotation
M54 Tailstock return
M55 Tailstock forward
M65 End of bar signal query
M66 Crop end unloading cycle handshake with bar loader
M67 Automatic sliding guard opening consent
M69 Enable bar loader push
M74 Release CTX620 tailstock
M75 Lock CTX620 tailstock
M80 Open steady rest arms
M81 Close steady rest arms
M84 Release steady rest
M85 Lock steady rest
M88 Retractable steady rest in home position (down)
M89 Retractable steady rest in working position (up)
M90 Machine off
M95 Stop conveyor immediately during cycle
M96 Run conveyor continuously during cycle
M103 Turn CW turret plate
M104 Turn CCW turret plate
M108 Coolant opening not conditioned by spindle rotation
M109 Shut down coolant (resets M108 only)
M117 Disable axes and spindle when no axes are moving
M154 Coolant high pressure on

1-176 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

M155 Coolant high pressure off
M407 Spindle line washing on
M409 Stop spindle line washing
M412 Apply spindle brake
M413 Release axis C brake
M424 Clamp self-centring chuck S4 release clamping
M426 Check clamp S4 empty
M428 Activate gripper or jaw S4 cleaning (option)
M429 Deactivate gripper or jaw S4 cleaning (option)
M433 Open self-centring chuck/gripper S4 with spindle rotating
M434 Chuck S4 low pressure off (pressure differential off)
M435 Chuck S4 low pressure on (pressure differential on)
M436 Open self-centring chuck/gripper
M437 Close self-centring chuck/gripper
M600 Open robot interface
M608 Start material conveyor belt movement
M636 Feed pusher with self-centring chuck closed for measuring
M637 Stop feed pusher with self-centring chuck closed for measuring
M661 Open top sliding door
M662 Close top sliding door
M761 Open left vertical door
M762 Close left vertical door
M680 Workpiece unloading arm in home position (low) (option)
M681 Workpiece unloading arm in working position (up) (option)
M684 Workpiece ejector on back spindle in home position
M685 Workpiece ejector on back spindle in working position
M695 Probe 1 in home position
M696 Probe 1 in working position
M697 Probe 2 in home position
M698 Probe 2 in working position
M814 Spindle S4 operative saddle (for cycle time)
M850 Set output 0
M851 Set output 1
M860 Reset output 0
M861 Reset output 1
M922 Enable sleeve thrust
M923 Discontinue sleeve thrust
M936 Piece release to robot
M937 Piece clamped to robot
M961 Enable spindle motor temperature reading
M962 Enable sleeve retraction with steady rest arm closed while spindle is

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-177

11.3 Applying spindle brake using the Wizard page

Open the protective guard.

Select JOG mode.

Press the SELECT MENU button.

Select MACHINE mode.

Press the logo.

Press User.


dive machine
funzioni functions
macchina dive

Spindle 4
stop status



Spindle 4 is either stopped or released.

Press repeatedly to exit this menu level.

1-178 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

11.4 Stopping main spindle in the program

The main spindle can be stopped by a hydraulic spindle brake.

Close the protective door.

Press the MACHINE button.

Select MDA mode.

Spindles can be stopped in a position defined using M controls:

Spindle 4 (main spindle)

Enter M437 (close main Clamp).

Press the INPUT button.

SPOS[4] = 90
= z.B. 90°
angle = Stop main spindle (S4) in defined position.

Press the INPUT button.

M 412 enter (stop ON)

Press the INPUT button.

M30 End of program

Press the CYCLE START button.

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-179

O ptions 12
12.1 Automatic guard (optional)....................................................................................................... 12-181
12.1.1 Automatic electrical guard (optional).................................................................................. 12-181
12.1.2 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 12-181
12.1.3 Description and purpose of the guard calibration stroke........................................................... 12-181
12.1.4 Possible controls ....................................................................................................................... 12-182
12.1.5 Setting configurations ................................................................................................................ 12-182

1-180 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

12.1 Automatic guard (optional)

12.1.1 Automatic electrical guard (optional)

12.1.2 Introduction
This is an integrated function safety device and monitors the maximum
closing force permitted on the door edges.
The device consists of a control system connected to the guard by means of
a belt drive system.
You will be asked to calibrate the guard stroke each time the machine is
switched on to store the guard opening and closing limit switch positions
(message 700746 Automatic door: calibration stroke left side of
machine will also appear).

12.1.3 Description and purpose of the guard calibration stroke

1. Hold the guard opening request button pressed until the maximum opening
position is reached (check that it is all open).
2. Hold the guard closing request button pressed until the maximum closed
position is reached (check that it is fully closed).
3. The message on the screen prompting to check the limit switches (stroke)
will disappear if the procedure is correct. Otherwise, repeat the procedure
from step 1.

The calibration stroke must not be interrupted or stopped.

Repeat the procedure starting from step 1 if the calibration procedure is

The direction of movement will be interrupted and the message “700748 Automatic
door: obstacle on left side of machine” will appear if the guard encounters an
obstacle while it is moving.
Remove the obstacle and repeat the calibration procedure
(as when the machine is switched on).

700746 Automatic door: calibration stroke left side of machine"
700748 Automatic door: obstacle on left side of machine"

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-181

12.1.4 Possible controls

Check the setting configuration described in the previous paragraph.

Open the protective guard:

Press the “open protective guard” button to open the guard if the LED in the
button is on.
The guard can be opened automatically by means of the M parameter or
function (M67).
Open protective guard by hand.

Close protective guard:

Press the “close protective guard” button to close and lock the guard.

The guard is closed and locked automatically in automatic mode by pressing

the “close protective guard” button. The program is then started (if a robot is
used, this function is run by the robot start signal).

12.1.5 Setting configurations

DB99.dbx670.2 = 1 Releases the guard automatically at end of cycle

DB99.dbx670.3 = 1 Press START button to close the automatic guard and
start the selected program.
DB99.dbx670.4 = 1 Press close automatic guard button to close the guard
and start the selected program.
DB99.dbx670.5 = 1 Release the automatic guard when the machine tool is
switched off.
Standard values:
DB99.dbx670.2 = 1
DB99.dbx670.3 = 0
DB99.dbx670.4 = 0
DB99.dbx670.5 = 0

1-182 CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1

CTX 510 eco_BA_EN_SI_v1.1 1-183

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