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God, help me learn that even if I react, it won’t change anything, it won’t

make anyone suddenly love and respect me, it won’t magically change
their minds. Sometimes, it’s better to let things be, let people go, don’t
fight for closure, don’t ask for explanations, don’t chase answers and
don’t expect anyone to understand where I’m coming from. Help me
learn that life is better lived when I don’t center it on what’s going on
around me and center it on what’s happening inside me instead. Help me
work on myself and my inner peace.

Time to face facts…there’s no great reconciliation…. there’s no grand

moment of realization of we were still meant for happily ever after all
along. There’s no unbreaking little hearts or the big ones. There’s no
moment where all the damage disappears and suddenly all the broken and
scarred looks brand shiny and new. He’s always going to be happily
remarried and you will be A-FUCKING-LONE. Now that that’s clear,
let’s get another thing straight. There’s no knight in shining armor, no
sweeping you off your feet that’s 300 pounds for fucks sake. Are you
fucking kidding, there’s prettier, smarter, sexier, funnier, and YOUNGER
for LOVE. Stop your fucking daydreaming and wishing and wanting.
THERE’s no HOPING. Stop your fucking crying about it NO ONE
GIVES a FUCK that it’s not fair and everyone else got to but you. YOU
DON’T GET TO. PERIOD. Shut up suck it up and deal with it. How
bout you quit your god damn crying or you’re gonna die a lonely old
woman even LONGER!!!!

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