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1. Firstly 21 male & 13 female took part in our research.

2. From those male 2 of them are from secondary level, 2 are

from higher secondary level 16 are from under graduation level
& rest 1 person is a job holder.
3. From those 13 female only one is a job holder & the rests are
under graduate .
4. The 2 male from Secondary level, both income is below BDT
1999. They use facebook below 1 hour. They pay attention to
the smartphone advertisements & both of them bought their
current phone by doing personal research.
5. 2 male from Higher Secondary level. One of them use facebook
below 1 hour and he don’t pay attention to the smartphone
advertisements. He bought his current phone by doing his
personal research. On the other hand the rest one’s income is
between BDT 10000-20000. He uses facebook below 1 hour &
he doesn’t pay attention to the smartphone advertisement. He
also bought his current phone by doing personal research.
6. In our research there were 16 male from under graduate level.
3 of them income below BDT 1999, 7 of them income between
BDT 2000-4999, 3 of them income between BDT 5000-9999 and
the rest 3 male income between BDT 10000-20000.
7. From them 3 person use facebook below 1 hour, 7 person use
facebook between 1-3 hours and 6 person use facebook more
than 3 hours.
8. From them 8 person do not pay attention to the smartphone
advertisements where the rest 8 person pay attention to the
smartphone advertisements.
9. From them only 1 person bought his current phone by getting
influenced by a newspaper where 6 person got influenced by
facebook advertisements and rest 9 person do their personal
research to buy their current phone.
10. Now we have already mention that we had 13 female in our
research. From them only one female is a job holder and the
rests are from undergraduation level.
11. There are 12 female from under graduate level. 5 of them
income below BDT 1999. 4 of them income between BDT 2000-
4999. 2 of them income between BDT 5000-9999 and the rest
one person income more than BDT 20000.
12. From them 2 female use facebook below 1 hour. 2 female use
facebook between 1-3 hours and rest 8 female use facebook
more than 3 hours.
13. 7 of them pay attention to the smartphone advertisements and
5 of them don’t.
14. From those female, 5 person’s current phone is bought by
getting influences from the facebook advertisements and the
rest 7 person bought their current phone by doing personal
15. The female job holder incomes more than BDT 20000. She uses
facebook about 1-3 hours. She doesn’t pay attention to the
smartphone advertisements. She bought her current phone by
doing personal rersearch.

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