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Corpus challenge

8 Tick the two sentences without mistakes.

Correct the mistakes in the other sentences.
1 The teacher asked for us to work together.
2 The trainer told us to play together.
3 If you will go, it will be more fun.
4 Fabio called me and said he is going out.
5 If you came here, you will like it.
6 She said she would meet me at school.
7 His old bike was broke.
8 I want to say you that I bought a new game.

9 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space.


Many teenagers 0 A of becoming
celebrities – do you?

If you have a 1 talent for acting, dancing or

singing, 2 not attend our two-week course
and develop all three! It 3 during the summer
holidays and there are ten six-hour classes altogether.

For the first three days, you will concentrate 4

the three areas – acting, dancing and singing – with
a full day for each 5 . Teaching is done in
small groups, to allow you to improve quickly.

The 7 of the course is about the challenges of

doing a live performance. On the final afternoon, you
will 8 part in an amazing show, in front of a real
, which is always great fun.

Book your 10 on the course now!

0 A dream B imagine C believe D intend

1 A traditional B usual C natural D final
2 A how B why C when D who
3 A stays B follows C gives D happens
4 A on B in C of D at
5 A point B skill C trick D range
6 A very B enough C so D too
7 A bit B part C lot D rest
8 A make B keep C take D hold
9 A public B team C audience D club
10 A seat B place C room D entry

and 17–20
tricks 119

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