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During my life I have caught something trying to steal from me in these areas.

Spiritual potential,business potential,emotional potentials,social potentials,fi

nancial potentials,health,wealth,success,vehicles ,girlfriends,wives,management,
leadership,houses,lands,and several/many others.The promise is that those God bl
esses will inherit the land and if the thief is caught he shall restore seven fo
ld and give all the substance of his house.Desiring to stay in an unwavering fai
th in each areas till al/every one of the promises are manifested..Skill in doin
g this.New vehicles ,new lands ,new attractive/intelligent girl friends ,etc.
I am marking the areas of my body that have been wounded over the years.I am stu
dying in Isaiah 1 about the wholehead sick and the whole heart faint.Believing f
or miracles beyond my ability to ask or to think according to the power that wor
ks within us.A tremendous immunity to the issues around us.Goshens for us.Miracl
es of no No trans gross ions in us or generations(annialated).Youthfullness inst
ead.New miracles of pure diligence in each areas.Safety of the Lord miracles.Fou
nd promises for our children and business and ministry,physical body and all oth
er and desiring maximum fold results miracles.
Freshness wisdom breakthroughs and miracles.
Choice wisdom and miracles.
Investment wisdom and miracles.
Gifts needed accordingly.

Studying a word (also doing a taping session),transgressions, which can be divid

ed into trans gress ions and has a progession ,trans(queer) gross(not normal) io
ns(what matter and molecules are made of).Wisdom and excellence breakthroughs an
d miracles for me and my children with this that seems to be a warning from God.
Psalms 81,greater sensitivity to those warnings and directives,etc.Accuracy(more
perfect understanding) ,the spiritual force in Luke.
Still dealing with novices being distracted by satan through a soda pop bottle.
They are trying to battle soda while satan is trying to establish his own vorizo
n network, through the foolish,behind the trees..Wisdom and miracles.Dealing wis
ely and finding good .
Reversing the curse of ignored dreams ,wasted opportunities,made bad choices,be
came jealous and opposive,pathetic stewardship,mental attitudes that did and do
not fit prosperity and success and promotion ,foolish assignments,by gardians an
d others.
Daily miracles/breakthroughs of identifying and laying aside any and every weigh
t that might hinder anything God has for us/me.A bad program,a wrong food item,a
weather practice,a work habit,a bad sleeping habit,communication issue,an unfor
giveness issue,an unknown..
Wisdom with children and grandchildren ,etc.Opposers the their health and prospe
rity/wellness.Escaping like birds out of the snare of the fowler miracles.
All of us passing through safely/in safety/in abundance/supreme wellness as the
wicked fall into theor own nets.

Miracles/wisdom with our feasts.Gardens.Promises.Opportunities.

Wisdom /miracles with all enticement.Second chances.
Miracles with seeing wrong paths.Feet guarded.Mind guarded ,etc.
Powerful Help with any persistant strongholds like the prince of Persia in Danie
Desired Insight for any as to what is hindering or could hinder their business,m
Peace for Jerusalems families and children ,etc. breakthroughs.
An inheritance joke continually reversed miracles.
Attempted robbery issues reversed even more miracles.

Wisdom AND MIRACLES in helping with lost freedom issues/legalities.

Wisdom with varying temperature issues.
Wisdom with working outside and in temperatures.
Wisdom /genius/miracles in daring to be different.
A stronghold of deception annialated miracles.
Wisdom and miracles where some individuals never benefit anything but a dope dea
ler or prostitute house,etc.Just take up space.

Miracles with getting fresh/same day fish ,beef and chuck,vegetables,berries,fru

its,etc.(entire circumspect)and melon flown in year around at discount prices.
Miracles in finding coupons and double coupon discounts ,etc for these fresh ite
ms .
For basement addition too my house.
For new multicar garage.
For new gardening areas.
For new greenhouse/winter growing areas.
Lighting and heating with solar and lights.
Trying to get the supervisor's attention on new bus,new building needs.Prison Re
lease mistakes.Isaiah 16.Phone mistakes..
Getting these mistakes successfully reversed/quenched/rendered harmless and unsu
ccessful as a satanic strategy these and replaced them with blessings.
Those who released them (or caused financial issues) on us or against us fallin
g into their own traps/nets as we escape like birds(whole man/completely) out of
the fowlers snare.Psalms 1 37 46 81 91 112 etc..Isaiah.Haggai.
Gods judgement ,that cannot be hid from, revealed to them as I/we judge ourselve
s wisely and are not judged.

Miracles/breakthroughs/wisdom with all who are without wisdom.

Deuteronomy 7 28.1-14 as they choose cursing.
Miracles with an organized religion scandal,school franchise scandal,business sc
andal,ministry scandals,vehicle scandals,false cop scandals,abandonment scandals
Next steps for modeling,business,ministry,success,muscic ,hiring,bands,dealing w
ith hirelings.Those who still have a child killer/homicide Jeckle/Hyde nature.
Possible curses on some products due to slavery/robbing the poor issues.Reverse
Wisdom /miracles with ministers and others not being payed properly and divers w

Miracles with new recipees and mixing gardening produce and vegetables for a mor
e powerfull nutritious result.
Hearing Gods voice and not demons miracles/wisdom.Following God totally/wholly.M
an after Gods own heart wisdom/miracles.
Healing miracles for all parts of body,hands ,heart,lungs,feet,face,ears,eyes,no
se,teeth roots and growth organs ,changing my teeth into a woodchucks teeth func
tion(teeth cover while they are being repaired),that only shed to grow back ,fa
cial bones,hair,skin, and structure.Pressing in wisdom and miracles.
Frame strengthened.Inordinate frames/framing by individuals structures demolish
ed miracles.Their communications confused as at Babel,except where needed for ch
ild, business and ministry,legal,check, success.
Miracles of standing strong.Living long,finishing young and strong.

A start- your- own government/political party to get what you want curse reverse
Poverty and sickness bowing to Jesus name in every situation.
Miracle solutions like those in the fig Isaiah used in all our products,recipees
,meals,drinks ,etc.

My Sunday school and church, studies prayer and praise and worship, anointed/kep
t blessed.
My Childrens church also kept blessed/anointed
BE Attitude turned into be blessed attitudes..
New Psalms 1 23 37 46 81 91 107 112 121 miracles.
New Isaiah 1 16 28 40 41 42 54 58 65 child promises miracles.
Those opposive to tooth recovery/dental office falling for my sake.
Genesis 12 1 chronicles 16 deuteronomy 7 manifestation miracles.
Annaias and Saffira judgements for crooks.
Their businesses,children,parents, and attempts crushed as ours succeeds.
Isaiah promise for the looters.
Yoke shattered ,wickedness shattered,rod shattered.
Jigsaws hands removed/rendered powerless.
Bobby Mcgee/Tuscon Arizona/MPD scadals in the depths of the sea.
Miracles/wisdom/genius where others thought they were smarter but found out the
hard way they were not.
Goodness and mercy promises manifested more and more to us and to our children..
Any areas not surrendered to Christ wisdom/miracles/insight.
Also where food freshness has not been taught properly.Stronghold annialated.
Our Adversaries annialated miracles.

Environment for all things succeeding/healing perfectly..

No creep holes escapig my sight.
Also miracles/wisdom/genius with a cold air leak somewhere.
Thermal safe,thermal sure.Naturally cool in summer and warm in winter miracles/w
Mircles/wisdom/genius with hogs returned to vomit and wollerin .
Seeing the way of escape and going through the way of escape wisdom/genius/mirac
Found another equivilent disease that was hidden.A Carnality disguised as truth.
The counterfeit of none of his words fell to the ground.Wisdom/genius/miracles.
Also individuals trying to fill a void for a dead child and a destroyed business
apart from Christs wisdom/ways.
Miracles with a persistence in destroying ,as with Michael Myers.
Wisdom/genius/miracles with Jehovahs witnesses/others that knock on my door.

Prayers of Paul manifested daily.

Filled with the knowledge of His will.
Wisdom /genius/miracles in/of being in the right place at the right time.

All of us flourishing.Inheriting the blessing.

Sowing my seed in obedience to God.

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