Caroline Arangio - Project Proposal - 2412358 1

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Independent Inquiry 

Project Proposal 
Name:  Caroline Arangio 
Working Title 
The Isolation Pandemic: A Look into the Effects of Covid-19 on High School Students 
Central Question 
How has Covid-19/ virtual learning affected High School students in the Bay Area? 
Project Description & Rationale 
I plan to study the effects of quarantine on the mental health of high school students through a 
research project. I will begin by creating a survey including a broad range of questions about the 
net impact quarantine/ at-home learning on high school students: from activities, to family life, to 
mental health. High schoolers, who I will find through social media, will complete this survey and 
I will look for any trends or important information. I will complete this process again at the end of 
the school year (whether school is in person or not).  
With the results that I gather from the two surveys, I would like to publish my results in a local or 
school newspaper and start my own advice podcast or column for high school students. I think it 
is really important for high school students to know that they are not alone, even in these 
unprecedented times due to Covid-19. Personally, I have had a tough time with online learning 
and have felt very isolated. Through my research project, I plan to show high schoolers that they 
are not alone and create a supportive community at Saint Francis High School. 
Holy Cross Foundations: “Hearts & Minds to Serve the World” 
My project connects to the Holy Cross BRIC value of celebrating family and the Saint Francis 
graduation outcome of being an engaged individual who demonstrates personal and social 
Independent Inquiry 

Through my project, I hope to promote a campus where no one feels 

alone in their struggles. I hope that my project will help people 
look at change as a good thing and help people to realize that it 
is ok to not have everything figured out. In a time where everyone is so disconnected from the 
real world, I want to bring that connection back. I want to let high schoolers know that their 
feelings are valued. Celebrating family is all about facing challenges together and I think that 
learning about many people’s experiences over quarantine will be a way to show people that they 
are not alone. 
My project also connects to the Saint Francis graduation outcome of being an engaged individual 
because I will be connecting with many people throughout the process of my project. I will 
promote social responsibility through my podcast for teens; a way to show teens that they are not 
alone and create community.  
Project Framework 
Identify the f​ramework​you will use to guide your work, and outline the steps you will take, including a 
description of what you plan to do for each step. 
The research process: 
1. Define the topic: research/ high school/ psychology 
2. Narrow the topic: mental health/ quarantine/ high school students 
3. Gather background information 
4. Create a research question: How has Covid-19 affected High School students in the Bay Area? 
5. Develop a working thesis: I am planning to create a thesis about  
6. Find and evaluate sources: I plan to reach out to friends and other high schoolers through social 
media and ask that they complete a survey. 
7. Cite sources: Sources will be high school students 
8. Write the paper: Analyze the results. 

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