Nokia Window Strategy

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Nokia’s Windows strategy could

loosen Symbian’s grip on India

PRIYANKA JOSHI bian OS core and the user interface.
Mumbai, 14 February
Nokia says it will continue to offer Sym-
2009-10 2010-11* bian Series 30 and Series 40 devices at
okia’s Symbian operating sys- the low end of its range. At the same time,

N tem (OS) is set to lose its hold

on India, where it has an esti-
mated 60 per cent marketshare. That’s the
the company is not excluding the possibility
of offering Windows Phone devices in
the lower price segment in future. Shiv-
likely fallout of the biggest handset mak- akumar reiterates that the company is
er in India announcing a collaboration with not entirely dumping the Symbian or MeeGo
Microsoft to launch Windows-based mo- (created by Nokia with Intel) OSes.
bile devices. “You will see the first MeeGo-based
Google’s mobile operating system, An- * Projected phone in 2011 and we will continue to
droid, is Symbian’s closest competitor. Ac- **Includes Windows, J2ME and proprietary OS build Symbian devices for the lower end
cording to technology market intelligence Source: Analyst estimates and industry figures of the market. But there’s nothing to stop
firm IDC, smartphones on the Android plat- us from using the Windows platform
form comprised 9 per cent of the Indian transition smartphones to the Windows for lower cost handsets, too” said
market in the third quarter of 2010, up from platform. D Shivakumar, Nokia’s coun- Shivakumar.
2.9 per cent a year earlier. try head, insists this should be seen as In India, IDC estimates Nokia’s share
Technology research firm Gartner ex- a positive move. “Windows Phone is a of the handset market has slid to 30 per cent
pects manufacturers like Samsung to launch good smartphone platform and we see it from about 70 per cent just 5 years ago.
a whole range of budget devices that will appropriate for premium devices priced “Markets like India will continue to em-
drive Android into mass market segments. at, say, $300 (around `13,500) and on- brace cheaper devices and, hence, pre-
Other players such as Sony Ericsson, LG wards,” said Shivakumar. mium-priced Windows handsets might not
and Motorola plan similar strategies. Nokia acquired Symbian in December show an uptick for Nokia in India as the
While Nokia expects to sell around 2008 and since then has become the biggest older Symbian-based devices,” says Naveen
150 million Symbian devices globally contributor to Symbian’s code, as it owns Mishra, an IDC analyst.
in the next two years, it will progressively the development resources for both the Sym- Turn to Page 16

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