Homo Sapiens1

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The author Yuval Noah Harari, in his book “Sapiens” explains briefly the human history beginning his
work to the foundation of the universe around 13,5 billion years ago. To begin with, he explains the
steps, historically accurate, that lead to our species, the homo sapiens, involving even the creation and
evolution of energy and matter. The book is genuinely prepared to dazzle the minds of it’s readers. From
the author perspective and with honorably skill he lifts our awareness of our human heritage.

A brief summary would be the book’s central thesis. The author takes a systematic step by step
historically accurate scenario, about our species and how we became in our evolutionary history. The
homo sapiens emerged as a dominant species on this planet by using imaginary thinking (for example,
language, ideas, writing, religion, government, politics). Also by synchronizing logic using strategy and
other means to achieve given goals, people started to cooperate on building a future for themselves and
for generations that follow. A good synchronization dating back to the foundation of civilization was
agriculture and also hunting. Civilizations and religions came and fell but in the end, it is all based on
ideals and imaginary thinking. As Einstein said, imagination is a sign of intelligence.

Comparing and contradicting

As I explore the human past by entering deep into the truth, this marvelous writing of the author is
captivating and yet not complicated. His personal opinions are illustrated as a bed story fashion and with
his rhetoric questions make you wander is he talking directly to you; shaping and moderating your
understanding about our legacy. The information presented in “Sapiens” is complementary in
knowledge to “The Moral Molecule: The source of love and Prosperity” – by Paul J. Zak. In his book Zak
brings to light the difference of people who are cold hearted and those that are warm, while some
people you can trust others cheat and steal. It all start to genes, molecules etc. For example a baby
monkey preferred a stuffed monkey, then a metal one even if the metal one had milk and radiator. It all
starts with the feeling of empathy and mind identification system. The idea behind is that the monkey
certainly considered that the stuffed monkey was closer to reality then one that is metallic. There for her
trust lingered towards the doll. Other historical books probably are made for those who want to
specialize in the given field, containing details that are surely meant for graduates in history. Therefor it
is clearly not meant for people that are rendered to my criteria. And I say it in light of my research along
the years that I devoted to understand the society.

According to shared and agreed scientific truth, around 70 thousand years ago our species ( homo
sapiens ) emerged. Due to 3 important revolutions (spanning in time our species evolution) that made
this reality possible are:

 Cognitive revolution dated around 70 thousand years ago.

 Agriculture revolution dated around 12 thousand years ago
 Scientific revolution dated 500 years ago
All of these major revolutions set the foundation of modern society. The author also states that 2.5
million years ago there where humanoid species alive but they were no more different than other
mammals or animals. Effectively doing the same that other organized species do. The advent of fire and
cooking opened the door to new possibilities for our species. This way we needed smaller intestines and
the brain became bigger and more advanced. This way it was a foundation brick for modern thinking .
Religion played a critical role in our society. Religion is the third major factor of unified doctrine of
humans, pillar of organization, culture even main guide for political decisions between kingdoms. The
other two unification factors are currency and kingdoms ( from a social pyramidal point of view ) . All
hierarchies and order in our society are based on imaginations and aspiration of our forefathers. There
go, they are a principle of how to live your life according to their rules. Harari claims this imaginary
society is real due to us, working and contributing to it, but nevertheless fragile at its core. Migration
played a critical role in our evolutionary gene. To move masses of people, was not something easy due
to logistics and necessities for survival, but in the end people needed something to believe in. Be it
religion ( the promised land ), be it political or military, top officials needed (the above 3 pillars
explained) to work for them towards their bidding. So they resorted to different ways to achieve their
goal. For example “Wheat domesticated humans as humans domesticated wheat.”, our ancestors did
not want to return to a nomad life, that’s why farming became a necessity. This was a luxurious
resource that allowed us to shape our life style.

Furthermore writing allowed us to share information from a generation to another. In time it became
increasingly popular among us, allowing us to keep track of financial transaction. Also widely used were
the shared beliefs using the information and knowledge of our forefathers, especially in religion and
government economics. As time passed reading and writing became a necessity, in the information age
we moved from memorizing knowledge or information to memorizing patterns on how to find it. The
necessity of information storage moved on from libraries to digital era where all the knowledge of the
world is accessible to us all. In this way we became complacent and more relaxed towards accessing it.
Writing and shared knowledge is a mind food that makes us smarter over time. Using our brain in our
era is a need as now we have other priorities compared to the long to medium range of our past.
Knowledge is a luxurious resource that offers us imaginary reality, ( stories, ideals, moral and social
construct, government systems, fictions, history, etc ) .

Additionally our race evolved enough to change and adapt to new truth ( shared myths and ideals ), and
we do not need a genetic change that can occur over time. Once we understand that the need of
change is apparent, we won’t hesitate to move on from a past system to a more updated one. These
way humans evolved generation by generation to extremely complex thinking that shapes our reality.

The shared beliefs are meant to constrain our thinking to a inside the box, whereas Harari breaks down
and explains why there is no bad in being sexually attracted to the same sex. It is biology and nature
that allows us to do what we consider normal. Christianity as an example indoctrinates us in such a way
to resent homosexuality and treat them as freaks of nature, as the creator of everything ask of us for
blind belief. In turn the bible and other holy books where created by our species and was given credit
that the information came from divine intervention. No more no less a illusion.

All people have different agendas and different ways to achieve it. We all tend to affirm ourselves in
others eyes and in ours by being meaningfully to society and those close to us. It gives us a purpose that
binds us, connects us, unite us, it is purpose and self-affirmation that helps us. The more we are seen as
a necessity the better we feel as we found a purpose in our life that is meaningful. This way we can
maintain a stable and satisfactory emotion ( interior and exterior happiness ).

“The scientist who says her life is meaningful because she increases the store of human knowledge, the
soldier who declares that his life is meaningful because he fights to defend his homeland, and the
entrepreneur who finds meaning in building a new company are no less delusional than their medieval
counterparts who found meaning in reading scriptures, going on a crusade or building a new cathedral.”

Application of knowledge

In this era intellectual capital and human resources are a key factor. We all work and strive together for
a given or shared dream. This way we collaborate and work in teams, as no one human was made to be
alone. We are a social species and together we build the present by contributing with our own deeds. A
shared belief across culture can do so much that it can move the pillars of society as a hole to a new
one. In my rendered ideal and as a future entrepreneur I must choose carefully my timing and my
people. Working together, with shared purpose and beliefs could do much. Internet is a key factor as it
gives access to find those interested to our services. It is imperative to find and use all utilities that this
era provides, to fulfill my ideal. Ideally would be to access known and unknown potential of targeted
consumer market. A well placed dialogue, a mind blowing idea and a brainstorming could do much in
capturing and holding enthusiasm for the market I will enter soon.

To apply the knowledge given by the book is to apply social, psychological, mental and resources in such
a way that will be decent yet elegant, smart yet easy, complex yet simple. To this degree and with the
knowledge in mind we can shape the people to become more aware of their actions, to move forward
with their lifes and not to stagnate in the past. As past is history, present becomes past and future
becomes present. I believe that in my defense I could say : “Think about the future in order to enjoy the
present”. This way future becomes present. Religion is a key factor of culture, myth, ideals and ethics. If
we can get to the bottom of the human desires we could find an incredible resource dedicated to fulfill
their long lasting wish. Steering and stirring the hearts of people towards a given story, belief, ideal can
move mountains. I think that by understanding this book is to understand the nature of our lives. If we
could apply it correctly we could usher a new era, an era that will shake the foundation of our dreams,
and create a utopia. Utopia would be a world without rigid thinking. Being more flexible to others
culture. Not blaming the rhetoric of a culture that is different than ours. Not blaming the people but the
misuse or errors of the past, that shaped us, bonded us and united us. We can break certain mental
walls and create bridges of enlightenment. Enlightenment would be to strike the source of the problem
and shape it to a more productive future. If we can bypass our necessities, as we see them now, as
luxurious and yet needs, I could awaken the consciousness of others especially in the field I am working
today. Today I am trying to put metaphorically a brick and a beacon of hope to future generation by
creating a perfect environment for people. By being the founder of “SelfUp” and working with a team, I
can bring a change. As change more often comes from within, I think that exploring these criteria could
bring an exterior change. As others say, brighten minds think alike, so too shared understanding could
do much for society. I am considering creating, exploiting and enjoying a wonderful yet hard project. If I
succeed, the network of people and the bonds I will create would certainly bring me new gates to open.
By finding ourselves and working to improve our skills and feats, working as one or in teams we can
make a domino movement.
Step by step with the necessity to reshape our understanding, my project comes forward as a need to
discover ourselves and our role in the goal in society. If people could put the past hatred into the past,
start anew, dream big, working towards it in teams, we can surely break mind resistant indoctrination.
Reeducating, polishing our ideas, skills, feats, by using diverse methods, like common history, religion,
culture, psychology I can improve intellectual capital and human resources by given them a example to

I think that if we come to grasp the full potential of interior peace ( by controlling our impulses and
emotion along with social satisfaction ), along with known knowledge,( leaving our most fatal mistake as
a species, that is ignorance ), and unifying serenity with passion ( to be always in search of
peacefulness), striving for harmony and a better place for tomorrow, I can usher a strategic move that
will replace contempt and complacent with the desire for a better future.

Your opinion
In my opinion I would like to state that this book is one of my favorites. Contains great and relevant
details, has visual support (photos). It is a must have and read book as it helps us to understand
ourselves and the society we live in.

Yuval Noah Harari and his book “Sapiens” strikes our mind like lighting, making us aware of every move
and evolution our species achieved throughout time. This way he lays another great foundation to
society. Readers around the globe will definitely see the world in a new light.

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