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Received: 11 June 2018 Revised: 17 December 2018 Accepted: 11 January 2019

DOI: 10.1002/sd.1935


Ensuring sustainable development by curbing consumerism: An

eco‐spiritual perspective

Prerna Jain1 | Pragati Jain2

Department of Economics, Jaipuria Institute
of Management, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Abstract
Department of Economics, Central The contemporary economic growth models have directed the economies on an unsus-
University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, Rajasthan,
tainable trajectory where the present generation seems disenchanted with the heap of
waste, debt, and insufficiency inherited from their forefathers. The present paper is
Prerna Jain, Department of Economics, an attempt to analyze the cause of consumerism and recommend an eco‐spiritual
Jaipuria Institute of Management, 1‐Bambala
Institutional Area, Pratap Nagar Sanganer,
policy perspective for ensuring sustainable development. The paper analyzes that
Jaipur, Rajasthan 302033, India. the United Nations recently announced Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
cannot lead the economies towards sustainable development. Ensuring sustainable
development will require curbing consumerism consciously through exploring the
unexplored spiritual dimension, which can inspire humanity to lead a life of simplicity,
moderation, and minimum desires for sustainable and all‐inclusive development. It
has been stressed that aspiration of breakthrough result requires moving away from
the external to the inward synthesis of the spiritual aspects, which believes in
co‐existence, acknowledging care, and concern for both human beings and the nature.
The paper argues for an eco‐spiritual perspective for furthering the goal of


consumerism, ecological footprint, eco‐spiritual, human development index, policy perspective,

sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N Interactive Dialogue 3 (2015) emphasizes developed countries to

exemplify the sustainable economic growth process by decoupling
“An empty stomach is one problem, but a full stomach a hundred economic growth from environmental degradation through resource
problems” (Sadhguru, 2016). This is the fate of the contemporary efficiency in consumption and production, reduction in waste genera-
growth models. Kenneth Galbraith (1958) states that production tion, and incentivizing activities that are environmentally sound.
reached the heights of absurdity when the argument gained Spreading awareness about the different lifestyles on the environment
momentum that it is a necessary condition for thriving economy and can induce individuals to behave in harmony with nature.
an insurance against economic depression, but he outlined a striking Research (Orecchia & Zoppoli, 2007; Guercio, 2015) has revealed
paradox that the practice of thrift can plunge an affluent society into that more stuff has snatched away the health (physical as well as men-
deep economic depression. Thus, present social, moral, and environ- tal) and happiness leaving economies in wilderness. Meadows,
mental scenario of the world can largely be attributed to the neoliberal Meadows, Randers, and Behrens (1972) pointed the excessive use of
economic growth models (Khan, 2015). Relentless economic planetary resources and the dire need for economies to live within
expansion based on consumerism has brought inequity and ecological ecological boundaries. Harangozo, Csutora, and Kocsis (2018) too
bankruptcy. The underdeveloped world needs growth, but the pointed the need to respect the planetary limits and argued that for
developed world requires degrowth for not merely sustenance but creating a sustainable economy, the present conventional growth
for reasons long sought by the human spirit. The United Nations model must be changed. Tamas (1999) emphasized that the present

Sustainable Development. 2019;1–7. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment 1

development models focusing on the material aspects of life are equity, education, child and maternal health, environmental sustain-
fundamentally flawed as they have widened the gulf between rich ability, and global partnership, failed to meet its target. Hence, further
and poor, are responsible for environmental deterioration and social to meet the global challenges, the United Nations launched the largest
breakdown, and are incapable of addressing humanity's need. ever SDGs, 17 in number, which are the following: no poverty, zero
Of course, development is essential for humans to flourish and hunger, good health and well‐being, quality education, gender equal-
progress, but it is really worthwhile to ask how much and what kind ity, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent
of development is to be sought for the humans to really maintain the work and economic growth, industry innovation and infrastructure,
humanity. Friend (1992) highlighted two opposing views regarding reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible
sustainable development. One is that sustainable development is production and consumption, climate action, life below water, life on
unattainable due to the voracious appetite for materialism and high land, peace, justice and strong institutions, and partnerships for the
population growth, and another, an optimistic one, is that human goals for 2016–2030, respectively. These 17 goals are further divided
ingenuity can overcome this daunting task by introducing substitutes into 169 targets so that nations can move towards sustainable
for exhausted resources and energy efficient and waste‐reducing development.
technologies. All the economies at present are pleading for sustainabil- Sustainable development means development within ecological
ity, but the analysis in this paper suggests that even the recently limits enhancing human well‐being. For measuring human well‐being,
announced Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are directed Human Development Index (HDI) is considered, whereas ecological
towards unsustainability, which seems astonishing, but this is the footprint per person is considered to measure sustainability.
reality. The question that needs attention is: for how long are we going HDI is a composite measure of education, life expectancy and per
to live with blueprints that clearly have not delivered their promise? capita income. On a scale of 0 to 1, less than 0.550 is considered low
The paper argues that now is the time to evolve consciously and take human development, 0.550–0.699 for medium human development,
charge of the reality for the benefit of the humanity. 0.700–0.799 for high human development, and 0.800 or greater for
very high human development. The United Nations defines 0.7 as
the threshold for a high level of development.
2 | NEED FOR SUSTAINABLE Ecological footprints represent the demand human puts on
D E V E L O P M E NT nature. With the current population, per person availability of
biologically productive surface is 1.7 global hectares (gha).
The need for sustainable development has been echoed since 1987 Thus, sustainable development necessitates an average ecological
with the publication of Brundtland Report. Since then, the develop- footprint of not more than 1.7 gha and HDI of at least 0.7. (Global
ment models have been questioned (Assadourian, 2016; Barros, Footprint Network, 2017; Wackernagel, Hanscom, & Lin, 2017).
2012; FEEM, 2011; Hay, 2006) as they have made us go beyond limits
leaving a debt that seems unpayable. The present consumption
patterns cannot be met by a finite planet, and two planets shall be
required to meet the ever increasing consumption (Global Footprint 3 | A S S E S S I N G SD G I N D E X F O R
Network, 2017). Hediger (2006) urged for progressive transformation S U S T A I N A B LE D E V E L O P M E N T
of economies as the growth models have led the world towards
ecological bankruptcy, which has made us think about sustainable To track SDG achievements, Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sustainable
development. The works of Kapp (1961, 1970), Grinevald (2008), Development Solutions Network (2016) have published SDG Index
and Steffen et al. (2015) have emphasized on the need for sustainable which immensely under perform on sustainability. The countries
development as they find economies in the state of bewilderment ranked high on SDGs are also high on ecological footprint and vice
crossing the planetary boundaries. Guercio (2015) urged for a new versa, implying that SDGs that increase resource dependence out-
paradigm of growth where simplicity becomes the mantra. The facts weighs the goals that decrease resource dependence. Thus, SDGs
published in the United Nations Interactive Dialogue 3 about the shall further increase our demand for resources magnifying the eco-
natural resource extraction during the 20th century is distressing, as logical deficit (Table 1).
it has grown by a factor of 8; more specifically, extraction of construc- Table 2 reveals that the three countries that comes in the sustain-
tion materials grew by a factor of 34, ores and minerals by a factor of able development range do not have good ranking as regards SDGs,
27, and fossil fuels by a factor of 12. Thus, the major cause of which conveys that something has gone wrong in identifying SDGs.
environmental degradation and climate change is undoubtedly the An analysis of ecological footprints for countries reveals that 51
high resource consumption coupled with carbon intensive polluting countries out of 152 are within global limits of 1.7 gha, but 49
technologies and processes. These facts make us realize the need for countries have HDI below 0.7. These are the countries that can evolve
sustainable development. to develop their people using the ecological reserves. Eighty‐five
However, Luke (2005) remarked that sustainable development countries have high HDI value, but equally surprising is that 82
project is merely an ideological construct and is neither sustainable countries have ecological footprint far above the limit specified of
nor developmental. The depressing scene is that the various laudable 1.7 gha. These countries are responsible for the ecological bankruptcy
goals adopted by the United Nations like millennium development the world is facing. Hence, an urgent need for them is to curtail their
goals from 2000 to 2015, which were targeted towards poverty, ecological consumption for the betterment of the world.

TABLE 1 Top 10 countries in SDG Index and their ecological 4 | INCREASING CONSUMERISM AND ITS
SDG Index score Total ecological
S. no. Country (Rank; 2017) footprint (2016) “Consumerism is a situation when too much attention is given to
1 Sweden 85.61 (1) 4.98 buying and owning things which are not really necessary” as defined
2 Denmark 84.16 (2) 5.79 by Cambridge Dictionary. A society with higher levels of consumption
3 Finland 84.02 (3) 9.31 can thrive due to the simultaneous and unmindful production leading
4 Norway 83.94 (4) 5.28 to increased extraction of natural resources, thereby decaying the
5 Czech Republic 81.90 (5) 5.51 environment. Rothman (1998) has emphasized that consumption and
6 Germany 81.68 (6) 5.3 its pattern have the power to dictate production. Hence, if the
7 Austria 81.42 (7) 5.57 demand for goods and services decreases, the production shall
8 Switzerland 81.18 (8) 5.6 ultimately decline. Duchin (1998) regarded consumerism as an
9 Slovenia 80.54 (9) 7.97 appropriate tool to measure global environmental impact. It can
10 France 80.32 (10) 8.17 directly assess the impact through the amount of garbage creation
India 58.07 (113) 1.16 and car usage; indirectly, the impact can be assessed by accounting

Note. SDG: Sustainable Development Goal.

the production activities. Studies of authors like Stern, Common, and
Source:; Barbier (1996), Ekins (1997), Rothman (1998), and Suri and Chapman
network/ecological‐footprint/data (1998) also substantiate consumer‐based approach for measuring the
environmental impact.
Sustainable consumption plays a prominent role in sustainable

TABLE 2 Countries in the sustainable development range out of 152 well‐being of the society. (Caeiro, Ramos, & Huisingh, 2012). Oslo
countries Ministerial Roundtable (1994) covered the environmental, social, and
economic aspect in its definition of sustainable consumption and defined
SDG Index score HDI Total ecological
S. no. Country (Rank; 2017) (2016) footprint (2016) sustainable consumption as “using goods and resources for fulfilling basic
1 Georgia 68.58 (64) 0.75 1.58 needs which ensures a better quality of life while lowering the use of
2 Dominican 67.22 (68) 0.71 1.53 natural resources; emission of waste, pollutants and toxic materials so
Republic that it does not jeoparadise the needs of future generations.”
3 Sri Lanka 65.91 (78) 0.75 1.32 Increasing consumption by the households has adversely
India 58.07 (113) 0.6 1.16 impacted sustainability (Bartolj, Murovec, & Slabe‐Erker, 2018;
Note. HDI: Human Development Index; SDG: Sustainable Development Goal. Rockstrom et al., 2009). Even the environment‐friendly innovation in
Source:; products and technology has been undermined by the increasing
work/ecological‐footprint/data. volumes of goods consumed and discarded (Geyer & Zacarias, 2002).
The economic logic of growth dynamism and social logic of crave for
social status have boosted consumerism. Ritzer, 2004 the economic
Looking to individual countries' biocapacity, 109 countries have growth model based on the profit motive has fostered innovation. This
biocapacity deficit, and the remaining (152–109) 43 countries have innovation has led to production of refined and cheap products, and
biocapacity reserve. Although India is within the global measure of these products are demanded by the consumers who are in the midst
ecological footprint, but analyzing its situation with its total of social complexity.
biocapacity, it is presently running an ecological deficit of −0.71. India The emphasis on technical and economic efficiency has led to
needs to take it seriously (Table 3). more output with less inputs and cost minimization, respectively.
Emma Mawdsley (2004) has rightly remarked that Indian middle Joseph Schumpeter (1934) while analyzing the theory of economic
class is crazy to adopt western culture, and they are blindly following development emphasized that economic growth is driven through
the western lifestyles giving way to consumerism. One of the innovation and “creative destruction,” which refers to the demise of
foremost reasons for biocapacity deficit is increasing consumerism the old products and processes and its replacement by new ones
the world over. The question that needs attention is how to curtail due to innovation mechanism. Firms that fail to produce and market
the excessive consumption to attain sustainable development. newer and cheaper products risk their own survival. The cheaper
products have either increased its own demand or diverted the
savings to other products leading to a rebound effect. The rebound
effect and creative destruction have led to more products being
TABLE 3 Biocapacity deficit in India (2016) produced and consumed. Thus, achieving efficiency in production is
Total ecological Total Biocapacity not a guarantee for sustainability.
footprint biocapacity deficit Jackson (2009) while analyzing the social logic of consumerism
India 1.16 0.45 −0.71 has highlighted the symbolic expression, which goods carry for those

Source:‐footprint/ who possess them. Apart from satiating the survival needs, consumer-
data. ism has fostered due to its affiliation to social identity. Media today

through messages and images seek to promote a totally materialistic the crowd), humility, tendency to ask “WHY”, ability to reframe,
way of life. Advertising seeks to make people want what they do positive use of adversity, and sense of vocation (feeling of serving
not need, creating new desires throughout their whole life. and giving back).
Gabor Harangozo et al. (2018) remarked that transition to a This model does not overlook the development needs in the less
sustainable growth model through curbing consumerism has been developed countries but aspires for degrowth of the developed world
due to lack of practical experience in enhancing subjective well‐being where increasing consumerism is leading them towards a garbage
through sustainable lifestyles. Policies and democratic response is the economy.
need of the hour, if we have to stay away from crisis. The eco‐spiritual model is outlined as

ES ¼ fðEF; HDI; SQÞ;


where ES represents eco‐spiritual model, EF is ecological footprint,
E C O ‐ S P I R I T U A L M O D E L O F S U S TA I N A B L E
HDI is Human Development Index, and SQ is spiritual quotient.
Various indices have been developed to measure sustainable
development, like Ecological Footprint Index, Greendex, Happy Planet
John Stuart Mill (1848) in the 19th century anticipated the increase in
Index, HDI, Sustainable Competitiveness Index, and so forth, each
conspicuous consumption and advocated that economies should
having its own strength and limitation. But an important component
aspire for the “stationary state” once it reaches to an optimum level
to measure sustainable development is the spiritual dimension. The
and aspire for more satisfying pursuits of life. Herman Daly (1996) in
spiritual dimension needs to be measured by developing the SQ Index
Beyond Growth remarks about the outcome of the ever increasing
of the countries.
consumption through an adage “When a boat is too full, obviously it
Data of ecological footprint and HDI are readily available of the
is more likely to sink.” He outlined the policy framework for sustain-
countries, but the SQ index of countries is not available, thus limiting
ability wherein he mentioned: “Consumption of natural capital should
the calculation of eco‐spiritual index of the countries. The study rec-
not be treated as income; taxes on resource extraction should be more
ommends that international organizations should look into developing
as compared to tax on income and labour; the philosophy of global
the SQ index of the countries as this shall be an important step in
economic integration (free trade and free mobility of capital) should
directing the accomplishment of SDGs.
be abandoned; in the short run there should be efforts to maximize
The paper proposes that countries ranking high on SQ shall
the productivity of natural capital and investment should be there to
definitely have people who are visionary, value laden, logical, and
enhance its supply in the long run.”
having a sense of serving and giving back. This shall foster in reducing
The inadequacy of economic theory and models to explain the
the ecological footprints and enabling high human development.
complex structures with its simplified assumptions and rationality of
The complexity of the modern economic life makes it impossible
human behavior forces us to move beyond economic theory to find
for governments to enforce all contracts. For a successful society, indi-
answers and solutions to the present‐day challenges. Economic
viduals need to abide to certain codes of behavior, which are harmoni-
analysis has largely been concerned with analyzing the positives such
ous and compassionate in nature. Self‐enforcement to certain moral
as the multiplier effect of investment overlooking the negative side
norms is the key to harmonious development (Kaushik Basu, 2018).
such as depleted resources and polluted environments undermining
Elgin and Mitchell (1977) and Schreurs (2010) stressed on voluntary
the social and environmental costs of production (Georgescu‐
simplicity to address increasing consumerism and increase subjective
Roegen, 1971). Tamas (1999) outlined that the governments of the
well‐being. Measuring sustainability of household consumption gives
world have shown keen interest in spiritual (which pertains to higher
individuals a feel that they can make a difference and thus encourage
endowments of the mind) development at various development fora,
the promotion of sustainable behavior (Bartolj et al., 2018; Hanss,
but the spiritual vision initiatives remain unexplored. Excluding the
Bohm, Doran, & Homburg, 2016).
spiritual element from the development process is like eliminating
Thus, countries having high SQ will tend to be logically negating
the vitality and making it a hollow, mechanistic husk. A profound
conspicuous consumption as these countries' individuals are aware,
reorientation to the development process can be brought through
value‐led, and have a sense of serving and giving back to society,
the spiritual dimension, and much needs to be accomplished in this
which shall automatically lead to low ecological footprint and high
HDI. Thus, high SQ and sustainable development are positively
Making human being rational and curbing consumerism shall
require transcending from economic growth to eco‐spiritual growth
model. The eco‐spiritual model for sustainable development focuses
to optimize development within ecological boundaries by attaining 6 | RELEVANCE OF SPIRITUALITY FOR
high spiritual quotient (SQ). S U S T A I N A B LE D E V E L O P M E N T
The term spiritual quotient was coined by Danah Zohar and
Ian Marshall (2000) in their pioneering work on SQ: Connecting Spirituality transcends the realms of science and religion. Scientific
with Our Spiritual Intelligence. They have outlined 12 principles: self‐ knowledge aims to explore the nature of reality in the physical realm.
awareness, spontaneity, being vision and value‐led, holism, compas- It has provided mankind power to have control over matter and forces
sion, celebration of diversity, field independence (standing against of nature to attain comfort and ease. No doubt science has explored

various fields such as genetics, microbiology, medicine, electronics, Hence, simplicity, minimization of desires, and consumption are
optics, and computer technology, but due to the lack of spiritual the fundamental principles of spirituality. A simple life is all about
wisdom, its results are shortsighted. The objective of scientific sticking to the basics and discarding the unnecessary. Spirituality
knowledge was to solve the riddle of life and the cosmos but has failed teaches one to cut down on extravagance and make room for greater
in both, and it has raised more questions than solved. It has pushed meaning and momentum in life. Consumerist lifestyle struggles with
the world from the age of arrows and sword to the age of atomic never‐ending desires; simple living finds pleasure in serving others.
bombs and star wars. Thus, simplicity is not poverty; in fact, it is the mark of royalty that
Religion aimed at explaining the mankind its true identity is anchored in contentment.
specified certain code of conduct to avoid suffering to him and to Spirituality teaches one to stand by values, even though when
others. It aimed at preaching noble goals for giving purpose to the life. everyone else is on the unethical path. It stresses not to emulate a
Even though religious beliefs have scientific logic, they do not have characterless person in life but develop the courage to follow the
universal appeal, and so in principle, very few follow them. Those spiritual principles through the practice of Rajyoga meditation by
who have religiously followed the noble ideals prescribed in their connecting with the Supreme as mentioned in Bhagwat Gita. Rajyoga
religion have definitely benefited. Today, religious intolerance has meditation helps one to move beyond ordinary consciousness and
resulted in violence and bloodshed. In essence, all the religions emerge the true self, which is filled with purity, bliss, love, and
together have failed to create a better world for the mankind. compassion. This awareness helps individuals to develop pure and
Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives, positive thoughts and bring out their relevance and impact on the
but in general, it means to have a deep and clear understanding of outer world. It makes one realize that the outer environment can be
the self and finding the “real meaning” and purpose of our life by changed with a profound shift in the mindset. Thus, the starting step
developing a strong connection with the Supreme Being. Spirituality towards sustainable development is when the subtle shift occurs in
dwells in soul consciousness. The realm of spirituality is to focus on the mindset, where people start valuing simplicity and economizing
the conscient being and not the physical being. The Bhagwat Gita, a resources. This soul empowerment regains the authority to direct its
book of spiritual wisdom, is called “Sarva Shastra Shiromani,” which mind and body to act as it desires, as against being compelled to act
means the supreme scripture and is acknowledged as a unique treatise by the pull of the body.
on the philosophy of life. It has a universal appeal, as it is one of the To increase the SQ for the betterment and welfare of the society,
most translated scriptures. It talks about Swadharma: religion of the appropriate signals need to be given to the society at large to develop
self (soul) that is purity, peace, love, happiness, power, and bliss. The them. The principles of Bhagwat Gita (practicing moderation in all
vices that are prevalent today such as lust, anger, greed, attachment, activities, respect for nature, avoidance of waste, keeping the social
and ego are all due to body consciousness. The Bhagwat Gita tells interests before self‐interest, freedom from greed, etc.) needs to be
us how we can win these inner battles and emerge as better human talked at various platforms especially where world leaders discuss
beings, free from all bondages. At the individual level, it is a valuable the issue of sustainability. Like SDGs were taken up with consensus
and inspiring handbook for self‐transformation, but at a larger level, of 193 member states and civil society, similarly, spirituality needs
it is blueprint for a new world order. attention of the world leaders to be practiced at the global level.
Curbing consumerism shall necessitate campaigning of spiritual
principles by media, government, and international organizations,
6.1 | Spirituality: A pathway to curb consumerism rewarding altruistic behaviors, taxing the conspicuous consumption,
monitoring innovation, and discouraging creative destruction of
Increasing consumerism draws our attention to the second law of products. Guercio (2015) insisted on the need of public policy
thermodynamics, which states that every time energy is transformed advocating new standard of social behavior where nature and human
from one state to another, there is loss in that form of energy, which values are given prominence than economic interests.
becomes available to perform work of some kind. This kind of loss or
wastage is termed as entropy. Thus, this law explains that the total
entropy of the word is constantly increasing. It is an irony that scien-
tists themselves have not given the seriousness to the implication of 7 | CO NC LUSIO N
the second law of thermodynamics but promoted high‐entropy
civilization. Relentless economic expansion based on consumerism has brought
One of the popular Indian adage says that “though man himself inequity and ecological bankruptcy. The underdeveloped world needs
grows physically old, his desires grow young and become more growth, but the developed world requires degrowth for not merely
compelling.” Spiritual wisdom enjoins on man to lead a life of sustenance but for reasons long sought by the human spirit. The
simplicity, moderation, and minimum desires. It urges one not to run analysis in this paper suggests that the recently announced SDGs are
for worldly luxuries and pleasures. A saint‐poet Bhatri Hari has rightly directed towards unsustainability, which is really a matter of great
remarked “The thrust of strength of our desires does not weaken; it is concern. Majority of the countries have become ecologically bankrupt,
we who weaken. It is not we who consume things but the things and the rest are in the process of becoming so. Friend (1992) has
consume us too. It is not the time that is moving or marching fast; it rightly remarked “The present scenario of environmental deterioration
is we who our moving towards our death.” and resource scarcity demands a new model and policy approach to

achieve an ecosystem integrity and a harmonious balance between Geyer, A. E., & Zacarias, F. A. (2002). Towards sustainable household
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